James的股票投资James Share Investing

[转贴] [TOP GLOVE CORPORATION BHD,继续扩张] - James的股票投资James Share Investing

James Ng
Publish date: Mon, 19 Mar 2018, 05:17 PM


在1HFY18,销量提高了19%(比较起1HFY17)。这是因为天然胶手套的需求提高了。1HFY18比起1HFY17,需求提高是从新兴市场来的(保健意识和卫生水平不断提高),特别是亚洲(除日本)(60%销量提高)和东欧(40%销量提高)。机器使用率提高是因为:需求提高,售价提高,和在2017年6月收购了A1 Glove Sdn bhd带来的额外天然胶手套的生产能力。比起2QFY17,原材料价钱降低了(天然橡胶乳胶的平均价减了26.1%到RM4.40/kg,丁腈胶乳的平均价减了1.9%到USD1.06)。

顶级手套正建2个新厂,就是Factory 31(2018年6月运作)和Factory 32(2019年初运作),会增加新的78个产线和一年78亿个手套的产量。安全套的新厂也在准备着,预期2018年6月运作。

顶级手套已取得股东同意来收购Aspion Sdn bhd。预期2018年4月初完成。会对进入新市场和产品组合带来协同效应。收购会增加3个手套工厂(65个产线,一年46亿个手套的产量,和3000位员工)。2019初,预期会有40个工厂(34个手套工厂和6个支持工厂),693个产线和一年643亿个手套的产量。

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James Ng

For 1HFY18, sales volume improved by 19% vs 1HFY17. The significant growth was mainly attributed to an increase in demand for natural rubber gloves. Demand growth for natural rubber gloves stemmed from emerging markets, where healthcare awareness and hygiene standards are rising steadily, particularly Asia (ex Japan) and Eastern Europe which respectively saw a 60% and 40% boost in sales volume for 1HFY18 compared with 1HFY17. The utilisation rate was higher from stronger demand, an upward revision of the average selling price and additional natural rubber glove capacity from a factory which was acquired from A1 Glove Sdn bhd in June 2017. Raw material prices were lower compared with 2QFY17, with average natural rubber latex and nitrile latex prices decreasing by 26.1% to RM4.40/kg and 1.9% to USD1.06 respectively.

The Group is in the process of constructing 2 new manufacturing facilities namely, Factory 31 (operational by June 2018) and Factory 32 (operational by early 2019), which will boost the total number of production lines by an additional 78 lines and production capacity by 7.8b gloves per annum. Preparations for condom manufacturing facility have commenced and it is expected to be operational by June 2018.

The Group obtained approval to proceed with its proposed acquisition of Aspion Sdn bhd. It is targeted for completion by early April 2018. The acquisition provides synergistic effects in terms of access to new markets and product mix. It will add another 3 glove factories with 65 production lines and a capacity of 4.6b gloves, and 3000 employees. By early 2019, the Group is projected to have 40 factories consisting of 34 glove factories and 6 other supporting factories, 693 glove production lines and a glove production capacity of 64.3b gloves per annum.

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James Ng

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