James的股票投资James Share Investing

[转贴] [SERBA DINAMIK HOLDINGS BHD:获得Block 7 Investments L.L.C.授予的EPCC合同,在阿联酋阿布扎比从事创新中心,学术园区,相关设施和IT基础设施的工程,采购和建设] - James的股票投资James Share Investing

James Ng
Publish date: Sun, 24 May 2020, 10:55 AM

[SERBA DINAMIK HOLDINGS BHD:获得Block 7 Investments L.L.C.授予的EPCC合同,在阿联酋阿布扎比从事创新中心,学术园区,相关设施和IT基础设施的工程,采购和建设]

1Q20 vs 1Q19:
截至2020年3月31日的季度(“ Q1FY20”),由于O&M部门的强劲活动,集团录得的收入为12.787亿令吉,比去年同期(“ Q1FY19”)高29.9%。集团还录得税前盈利1.477亿令吉,比Q1FY19的1.245亿令吉高出18.6%。

O&M在20财年第一季度贡献了86.8%的收入,比19财年第一季度增加了2.509亿令吉或29.2%。增长的原因是他们在中东地区(例如阿联酋,卡塔尔和阿曼)和马来西亚的MRO活动增加。 IRM活动在19财年第一季度也显示出更高的增长。该部门录得2亿250万令吉的改善营业利润,毛利率为18.2%。

EPCC收入共录得1.407亿令吉,较19财年第1季增加2950万令吉,占集团总收入的11.0%。 EPCC部门的收入增加主要来自他们在坦桑尼亚的氯碱工厂以及与马来西亚的Petronas Carigali Sdn Bhd的业务往来。

1Q20 vs 4Q19:
整体营运盈利为2.287亿令吉,较19财年第四季减少2620万令吉或10.3%。 O&M收入的下降被阿联酋,印度尼西亚和阿曼等国家的收入增加所部分抵消。

就地域划分而言,马来西亚仍然是按国家划分的最大收入来源,在20财年第1季共录得3亿8260万令吉,占总收入的29.9%,较19财年第1季提高了24.7%。收入的增长主要归因于O&M和EPCC活动的更多call out工作。中东地区贡献了本季度总收入的62.0%,即7.924亿令吉,比19财年第一季度增加了2.111亿令吉。增长的主要原因是阿联酋和卡塔尔的call out活动增加。

国际货币基金组织在其最新报告中指出,预计全球增长将在2020年达到-3.0%,在2021年达到5.8%,与1月份的《世界经济展望》相比,分别将2020年和2021年分别下调6.3%和上调2.4%。 2020年的下调主要是由于Covid-19大流行在全球范围内造成了高昂的人力成本,而其他必要的保护措施也严重影响了经济活动,而2021年的上调则基于大流行在全球范围内2020年第二季度消退和遏制工作可以逐步取消的假设。

集团通过维护方面的实力减轻了国内和全球的动荡,由于资产的生产仍在继续,现有合同仍在履行,因此合同得以保留。将增值功能与人工智能(“ AI”)结合在一起,其预测性维护赢得了客户的更多尊重。集团的全球卓越中心增加了高端维修能力等集成解决方案,将有助于在本地和全球范围内获得更多新合同。


最近获得Block 7 Investments L.L.C.授予的EPCC合同,在阿联酋阿布扎比从事创新中心,学术园区,相关设施和IT基础设施的工程,采购和建设。这将展示集团在EPCC和ICT业务领域中的协同能力。该项目是Block 7计划的一部分,该计划旨在创建一个全球孵化器,以促进技术,房地产,金融和能源领域的发展,并将其定位为阿布扎比的新地标。这一发展将使集团成为帮助本地,区域和全球企业以及学术界采用工业革命4.0(“ IR 4.0”)技术的公司之一。

于2020年2月,世霸动力订立有条件的股份出售协议(“ SSA”),以250万令吉收购UNIMY的全部业务。此次收购将使集团能够利用UNIMY的教育产品组合,在本地和全球扩展其E&T业务部门,该产品组合的重点包括云计算,人工智能(AI)和大数据,网络安全,物联网(IoT),编码以及业务技术。此外,此次收购也是集团通过发展其能力,和为在IR 4.0时代服务的意愿而培养未来基于技能的领导者,特别是发展自身能力的举措的一部分。这对于集团前进的成功至关重要,这也将为集团的研发提供巨大优势。两项举措均有望改善集团的财务状况和盈利能力。总体而言,管理层对世霸动力的未来业绩和前景持乐观态度。
James Ng Stock Pick Performance:
Since Recommended Return:

a) FRONTKN (FRONTKEN CORP BHD), recommended on 12 Aug 18, initial price was RM0.715, rose to RM2.34 (dividend RM0.04) in 1 year 9 months 10 days, total return is 232.9%

b) KKB (KKB ENGINEERING BHD), recommended on 1 Jul 18, initial price was RM0.795, rose to RM1.71 (dividend RM0.04) in 1 year 10 months 19 days, total return is 120.1%

c) MI (MI TECHNOVATION BERHAD), recommended on 2 Jun 19, initial price was RM1.67, rose to RM3.57 (adjusted)(dividend RM0.055) in 11 months 18 days, total return is 117.1%

d) TOPGLOV (TOP GLOVE CORP BHD), recommended on 1 July 18, initial price was RM12.14, rose to RM23.64 (adjusted)(dividend RM0.32) in 1 Year 10 months 21 days, total return is 97.4%

e) JAKS (JAKS RESOURCES BHD), recommended on 20 Jan 19, initial price was RM0.575, rose to RM1.03 in 1 year 3 months 30 days, total return is 79.1%

f) PWROOT (POWER ROOT BHD), recommended on 7 Oct 18, initial price was RM1.59, rose to RM2.22 (dividend RM0.148) in 1 Year 7 months 14 days, total return is 48.9%

我希望将我的策略分享给读者,希望他们在阅读后能够表现出色。我正在使用基本面分析(Fundamental Analysis):

预计公司每年的增长率必须> 14%


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James Ng
[SERBA DINAMIK HOLDINGS BHD: EPCC contract award from Block 7 Investments L.L.C. (“Block 7”) to undertake amongst others, the engineering, procurement and construction of innovation hub, academic campus, related facilities and IT infrastructures in Abu Dhabi, UAE]

1Q20 vs 1Q19:
For the quarter ended 31 March 2020 (“Q1FY20”), the Group recorded revenue of RM1,278.7 million which was 29.9% higher than corresponding quarter of the preceding year (“Q1FY19”) due to strong activities from O&M segment. The Group also recorded profit before taxation of RM147.7 million, 18.6% higher as compared to profit before taxation of RM124.5 million in Q1FY19.

O&M contributed 86.8% of revenue in Q1FY20 with an increase of RM250.9 million or 29.2% against Q1FY19. The increase was due to higher activities from their MRO activity in middle east region such as UAE, Qatar & Oman, and Malaysia. IRM activity also showed higher growth against Q1FY19. The segment recorded an improved operating profit of RM202.5 million which represents a gross margin of 18.2%.

EPCC revenue recorded a total of RM140.7 million, increased by RM29.5 million against Q1FY19 and contributed 11.0% of the total revenue of the Group. Increased revenue from EPCC segment was mainly derived from their chlor-alkali plant in Tanzania and activity with Petronas Carigali Sdn Bhd in Malaysia.

1Q20 vs 4Q19:
Overall Operating profit stood at RM228.7 million, a decrease of RM26.2 million or 10.3% lower against Q4FY19. The decline in O&M revenue was partially offsetted by an increase in revenue from countries such as UAE, Indonesia and Oman.

On geographical segmentation, Malaysia remained as the biggest revenue contributor by country, recording a total of RM382.6 million for Q1FY20 or 29.9% of total revenue recording an improvement of 24.7% against Q1FY19. The improvement in revenue is mainly contributed by higher call out works for O&M and EPCC activity. Middle east contributed 62.0% of the overall revenue for the quarter or RM792.4 million, an increase of RM211.1 million against Q1FY19. The increase was mainly contributed by higher call out activity in UAE & Qatar.

IMF in their recent report stated that global growth is forecasted at -3.0% in 2020 and 5.8% in 2021, a downward revision of 6.3% and upward revision of 2.4% for 2020 and 2021 respectively compared to January’s World Economic Outlook. The downward revision for 2020 is mainly due to the Covid-19 pandemic inflicting high and rising human costs worldwide, and additional necessary protection measures are severely impacting economic activity while an upward revision for 2021, is based on the assumption that the pandemic fades in the 2Q2020 and containment efforts can be gradually unwound.

The Group mitigated volatility domestic and globally through its strength in maintenance in which existing contracts are still being honoured and drawdown since the asset’s production are still running. Incorporating the value-added features with Artificial Intelligence (“AI”), its predictive maintenance has gained better respect from customers. Added integrated solutions such as high-end repair capability in the Group’s global centre of excellence will help to secure more new contracts both locally and globally.

Additionally, through technology transfer from the Group’s associate company in Switzerland, Italy and Netherland, enabled further in upgrading of equipment at affordable local price while parts manufacturing has positioned the Group as more favourable option as compared to their competitors. Thus, sustainability in term of continuous utilisation of contracts have managed to be realised. The Group also activated its EPCC activity in non-oil and gas sector in Tanzania, Uzbekistan and Laos. This will give continuity to revenue of the Group.

With the recent EPCC contract award from Block 7 Investments L.L.C. (“Block 7”) to undertake amongst others, the engineering, procurement and construction of innovation hub, academic campus, related facilities and IT infrastructures in Abu Dhabi, UAE. This will showcase the Group’s capabilities to synergize its capabilities in both EPCC and ICT business segments. This project forms part of Block 7’s initiatives to create a global incubator for the advancement of technology, property, financial as well as energy sectors, and to be positioned as a new landmark for Abu Dhabi. The development will position the Group as one of the companies helping local, regional and global businesses as well as academia to adopt Industry Revolution 4.0 (“IR 4.0”) technologies.

On February 2020, the Group has entered into a conditional Share Sale Agreement (“SSA”) to acquire the entire business of UNIMY, worth RM2.5 million. This acquisition will enable the Group to widen its E&T business segment both locally and globally by leveraging on UNIMY’s education portfolio that focuses on amongst others, cloud computing, artificial intelligence (AI) & big data, cyber security, Internet of Things (IoT), coding as well as business technology. In addition, the acquisition is also part of the Group’s initiatives to develop future skilled based leaders particularly to grow its own workforce, by developing their capabilities, competencies and readiness to serve in the era of IR 4.0. This is vital to the success of the Group moving forward which will also provide tremendous edge in research and development for the Group. Both initiatives are expected to enhance the Group’s financial position as well as profitability. Overall, the management is positive about the future results and prospects of the Group.
I wish to share my strategy to readers, hope that they can perform well after reading this. I am using Fundamental Analysis:

the forecasted growth of a company must > 14% per year

I wish to convince readers to learn FA in order to make money from stock market.

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This sharing is purely a discussion and analysis of the sector, buying or selling at your own risk. Please Like and Share this post. Final decision is always yours, thank you.

James Ng

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