Above Expectation: 4MFY15 core PATAMI (excluding impairment charges w orth RM45.5m, RM183.3m provis ion for doubtful debts and reversal of provision of variation orders for Armada Installer w orth RM40m) came in at RM103.7m, bringing FY15 core net prof it to RM305.1m, above ours and street’s f orecast by 21% and 6%.
Mainly due to stronger than expected performance f rom T&I segment due to stronger 4Q activities in the Lukoil project.
Final cash dividend of 0.82sen s share is dec lared for the year opposed to our expectat ions of no dividends. Dividend v isibility remains unclear in view of w eak O&G environment and high gearing.
4QFY15 core PATAMI (excluding impairment charges and provision) fell by 66% YoY due to stronger performance f rom T&I division on the back of higher O&M activit ies and variat ion orders for Lukoil project and stronger FPSO revenue dereived f rom Kraken, Olembendo and Malta project. This is, how ever, being partially of fset by w eaker OSV div ision due to w eak OSV market environment.
On a full year basis, FY15 core net prof it w as marginally dow n by 8.6% YoY attributed to w eakness in both T&I and OSV segments due to slow dow n in O&G activ ities. This is being partially of fset by stronger FPSO revenue due to higher conversion revenue f rom several of its upcoming FPSO project.
While still being cash f low positive, OSV segment is expected to remain in red f rom P&L perspect ive due to low vessel utilisations (45-50% expected). This segment w ould only recover if the act ivities in the sector pick up substantially driven by higher oil prices.
FPSO business remains the core business w ith cash f low streams expected to remain resilient in the next few years. How ever, w e opine that counterparty risk for FPSO contracts have r isen recently due to further oil price plunge to USD30/bbl levels. A small group of clients might face dif f iculty making full payments as they may be barely breaking even on its production costs.
Nevertheless, ARMA DA’s counter party risks remain s mall f or the time being w ith majority of its clients being oil majors w ith relatively robust balance sheet. 2 of its main FPSO projects (Kraken & Olembendo) look set for sail-aw ay in June 2016 w ith high completion rate (80% & 70% respectively) and w ould be the main driver for FPSO earnings in 2017.
Increased competition as new players enters the market.
Execution risk, including oil spills and their clean-up costs.
Plunge in crude oil price.
FY16 earnings adjusted upw ards by 6% post full year housekeeping adjustment . FY17 core net prof it of RM591m is introduced assuming full year contribution f rom Kraken and Olembendo and losses f rom both T&I and OSV segment.
We believe the w eak out look of the sector is already ref lected in its share pr ice. Hence, w e maintain our BUY call w ith TP adjusted to RM1.17 (f rom RM1.15) post earnings adjustment based on SOP valuat ion method. Despite its headw inds, w e believe most of the negat ives on OSV and T&I bus iness have already been ref lected in the share price.
This book is the result of the author's many years of experience and observation throughout his 26 years in the stockbroking industry. It was written for general public to learn to invest based on facts and not on fantasies or hearsay....