Posted by Jason Zweig on Nov 25, 2014 

Image credit: Shane Frederick (mug), Jason Zweig (photo)


By Jason Zweig

Nov. 25, 2014


I first met Danny Kahneman at a conference on behavioral finance at Harvard University in 1996. I wasn’t struck by his ideas; I was stricken with them. They took me over like an infection; for months, I could think of little else, and for years I pursued more of their implications in the financial world than I could possibly count. In 2001, I wrote a long magazine article about him; in early 2007, we began working on the book that ultimately became Thinking, Fast and Slow. Throughout two years of research, writing, and editing, I tried to keep up with one of the quickest minds, and certainly the most incisive, I’ve ever encountered; it was among the greatest learning experiences of my life. Never before or since has anyone sent me so many worried emails in the middle of the night. No one taught me to question every word I wrote more closely. Nobody ever showed me more profoundly how you can doubt every belief you had passively held about your world.

Here’s some of what I’ve written about Danny. The color PDFs are large files and may take a while to load; you might need to right-click, Ctrl+click, or hold down your cursor.



