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[转帖] 冷眼最爱的ROE是什么?如何计算?- 谢仁勇

Tan KW
Publish date: Tue, 26 Mar 2013, 07:57 PM
Tan KW
0 460,898



冷眼在最近的讲座中提到了ROE(Return of equity)为他近几年最重要的选股指标,什么是ROE呢?ROE能代表什么?又如何计算ROE呢?这一篇文章我们较为详细的谈谈ROE。


  • 股本回报率
  • 股权收益率
  • 股本收益率
  • 股东回报率
  • 股东报酬率


ROE基本反映公司利用资产净值产生纯利的能力。计算方法是将稅后净利(Profit after Tax)扣除优先股股息(Preferred Share Divident)后的净收益除以股东权益(Shareholders Equity)。此比例计算出公司普通股股东的投资回报率,是上市公司盈利能力的重要指标。

关于Profit after Tax相信大家比较了解,算法就是公司的Revenue/Sales 扣除开销(Expenses)之后,在扣除一个固定的税务比例(Tax)得出的数额。

至于Preferred Share则是一个公司得固定派发股息的股票,和Ordinary Share不同,Preferred Share的股息是固定的,也没有投票权,因此看起来更像是债券(Bond)。Bursa上的股票基本都是Ordinary Share。

ROE = 净收益(Profit after Tax – Preferred Share Divident) / 股东权益(Shareholders Equity,没有包括Preferred Share)






3 people like this. Showing 6 of 6 comments

Jordan Ching

Thank you for sharing,I really like the articles that you always share^^

2013-03-27 01:02


make no mistake, shareholders equity is NOT equal to Assets - Liabilities! :)

2013-03-27 09:27


Posted by iafx > Mar 27, 2013 09:27 AM | Report Abuse
make no mistake, shareholders equity is NOT equal to Assets - Liabilities!

Somebody just Google and find the formula a bit different and declares everywhere about the above statement. He doesn't understand what is preferred shares, and hence why the difference of the formula. For heaven sake don't make a fool of yourself everywhere.

2013-03-27 10:22


hahahahahaaaaa... bro, quickly go and open a roti-canai shop!! since day 1 already warned that yr statement is FLAWED

google? hhahaa..., if want to embarrass u, could have put this info in yr "specially created for argument" thread

there r many similar flaws in yr many "undisputable posts", no worry, should these posts r "too much", will knock on yr head to wake u up


2013-03-27 10:37


Hey, don't make a fool of yourself everywhere. Go to that specially created website and we can discuss about a lot of useful finance and investment things. Why don't go there as you said you could have embarrassed me there? Don't ruin threads put up by others for sharing purpose. May be you could learn a bit about accounting and finance from that special thread created. Hey you really really need it you know.

Now you are really so stupid to embarrass your ownself everywhere.

2013-03-27 10:51


Hi ! Sifu what is the " DPS " mean !

2013-03-27 12:35

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