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Look the difference between BN & PR State Govs. PLZ share it!

Tan KW
Publish date: Fri, 12 Apr 2013, 03:53 PM
Tan KW
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Look the difference between BN & PR State Govs. PLZ share it!




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Frank Leong

I can't believe it! BN must be eradicated

2013-04-12 16:17

Buy & Sell Sell & Buy

Wow, is it true? Malaysia has bright future if it is governed as well as these. Share it please.

2013-04-12 16:36


Interesting. What I don't understand is how come with that kind of efficiency in generating income, the PKR-DAP-PAS could not manage to handle 2 simple task: rubbish pick up and roads that look like patches of old clothes currently?

2013-04-12 16:40

Ram Cheong

that is the advantage of two govt system , they will check and compare their performance and management . ......... it will then benefit the country and the rakyat .

2013-04-12 16:54


never jump into conclusion without first checkout the integrity of the info

2013-04-12 16:56


Posted by Sacide82 > Apr 12, 2013 04:40 PM | Report Abuse

Interesting. What I don't understand is how come with that kind of efficiency in generating income, the PKR-DAP-PAS could not manage to handle 2 simple task: rubbish pick up and roads that look like patches of old clothes currently?

Sacide82, u are absolutely right...the PAKATAN yells and shouts here, there, everywhere...but can't even manage simple tasks such as rubbish pick-up and road maintenance. You'd find lots of potholes on roads in PR-controlled states. Selangor used to have good roads but alas, since PR took over the state govt, can't even manage road maintenance and rubbish pick-up.

Now they are so ambitious as to take over Putrajaya. Can't even handle simple jobs, now want to run the country? Haywire lah like that...

2013-04-12 16:58


Posted by Frank Leong > Apr 12, 2013 04:17 PM | Report Abuse

I can't believe it! BN must be eradicated

Frank Leong, it's you that has to be eliminated, NOT BN.

2013-04-12 16:59


Hmmm....Kedah make so much money but cant pay Kuin's staff salary and also issue bounced cheque....where the money goes or integrity of the info?????
Kelantan too...make so much but rakyat cannot get clean water...what about the uncompleted highway....hmmm...mana duit pergi?????

2013-04-12 17:17


Masuk kocek lor

2013-04-12 17:21


Are u from kelantan or kedah or staff kuin???? where u got info?? from UMNO or BN??? if u dont know, better diam laa... cakap tak serupa bikin... tak baik dengar cakap2 org... see u on 5/5/2013 night...

2013-04-12 17:23


Time for a change. We have been fooled by BN for too long. When they built the highway some 25 years ago they told they will cease toll collection ofter collecting the cost. They have collected the cost many times over but still they are collecting toll and they may increase in future. Where is the caring goverment we are looking for?

2013-04-12 20:38


Dear iafx,

BN Talks caring, Act different.

BN said No Corruption, only Buy expensive.

No need to audit the numbers, we are not blind to understand it is achievable without the extreme corruption.

2013-04-13 11:54

Najib Zamry

If a government only favours cronies and their own gang although they shout like nobody "rakyat didahulukan", do you still want to vote them in for another 5 years?

2013-04-13 12:08


Sacide82 , Ranger ,

Again ,

BN =
1) Coruption with buy Expensive
2) Fake Sex Scander & Video
3) 2x standard on Education System against different races
4) Lembu staying Condo
5) Submarine which floating above sea + [FOC] Mongolian hole
6) 2x big big size Fighting Air-Carf Engine stolen by only [3x] man - 1 importer company , 1 lorry driver + 1 army

Pls raise these issue above , during u berdoa on every 5day , if u think this is the right thing of BN treading our $.

I would believe , any religen and spiritial god , shd leading us to good hamble & sincere path and not blind lies.

2013-04-13 13:19

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