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[转帖] 诡异星期五-暴起暴跌之CBIP - gwj23

Tan KW
Publish date: Fri, 21 Jun 2013, 10:05 PM
Tan KW
0 513,688



昨晚美股大跌, 原本以为马股也凶多吉少, 哪知道我们还真争气, 除了一开始跌20多点之后, 就慢慢的止跌回升了, 到收市的时候只是跌很少而已...不过今天还真恐怖, 我早上9点开始看市, 看到下班4点多回家, 原本以为没戏看了..哪知道刚刚看市, 看到我父母的CBIP竟然暴跌82SEN! 差不多触及BURSA的30%限制!

看了看记录, 原来有人在最后10分钟排队的时候丢了几万LOT在1.93! 导致股价一下就下了82SEN! 看来是有人故意玩野! 我没现金也没注意看市, 不然我一看到下到1.93立刻ALL IN进去扫货...不过大家还是很聪明的, 看了记录可以看到那几万LOT1.93才几分钟内就全部被人给扫光了! 毕竟DURIAN RUNTUH不是常有的啊! 1.93的CBIP是几年前的价格了! 但是可怜了我的父母, 最后10分钟内退休金蒸发了RM19680! 不过我现在1.93绝不是他现在的价值, 星期一开市会回到2.7的水平吧...

HSPLANT, BKAWAN, TDM也差不多一样情况, 最后10分钟给人家几万LOT的给丢下来....看来这些全部都是属于棕油股.....难道有什么阴谋????

不止暴跌, 也有暴涨的...

JCY和STAR就暴涨了30%左右, 也是一样的情况, 突然最后10分钟有人吃了几万LOT的货上去...

今天还真是恐怖, 如果有玩MARGIN的人就快收到MARGIN CALL 了吧....

PS: 其实JCY和STAR我都有留意过, STAR在2.4的水平想买进, 但是最终由于对他业务没前景就没买.JCY也是一样的情况...


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moronic ooi otb guessing also never use brain. wakakakakakaaaaa.
anybody still want to listen to him? or follow him to Holland.?

2013-06-22 17:02


moronic ooi, pls don't delete your postings, bcos that would make me laugh till die. btw I have kept a copy of wht you have written. incase u deleted. wakakakakakaaaaaa.

2013-06-22 17:08


Tony, as I mentioned, Dali gave a very good account of what possibly could have happened in his blog. Carry trades are different from off market deals and mostly done by the big boys.

2013-06-22 17:16


I did a google search on Married deals & here are my findings:


Off-Market Deal is also known as ‘Married Deals’.


Off-Market Deal is also known as ‘Direct Business Trade’ (“DBT“). In the stockbroking industry, there are 2 types of DBT known as ‘Married Deal’ and ‘Direct Deal’.

There is a difference between Married Deal and Direct Deal. A Married Deal referred to the Purchase and Sales that is done between clients of the SAME Broker whereas Direct Deal is between clients of different Brokers.


Married Deals - A Direct Business transaction in securities where a Participating Organization acts on behalf of both the buying and selling clients.


My conclusion: Ooi explaination of married deals was wrong & Sohhai67 was right! Married deals are Off-market deals & hence not in Open Market transactions!

2013-06-22 17:17


haha i like Dali explanation, like a bug hiding inside the system, maybe now they debugging like mad.. before they review the matching algorithm.. let try luck next week !!

2013-06-22 17:23

Ooi Teik Bee


I will not delete it. I am at least brave to admit mistake and I am honest enough to say I do not know. Unlike some one who has no ball to say "sorry" even he is wrong.

If I am not mistaken, you are Alex.

You do not need to listen to me, I just give my opinion. You are very personal and bias. Likewise, your good friend Fat Cat.

Thank you.

2013-06-22 17:24


By the way there were several other counters which also behaved "abnormally" in the last 15 minutes though the impact was nowhere near the limit down scenario. These are Ta Ann, QL, MBSB, IJM Land.

2013-06-22 17:26


married deals are off market. I have done it thousands of time.
wakakakakaka. they never appear in the screen for public trading.
moronic ooi do u want to say sorry to me?

2013-06-22 17:38


maybe Dali already clear our doubts, maybe there is no hanky panky, just that the system not smart enuf to override only :)

2013-06-22 17:41


moronic ooi otb
2 big arguments
1) married deal.
2) hit down the counter limit down to bring down klci.
both are a big jokes.

moronic ooi, it doesn't matter if I m alex, tarzan or whoever. the fact that u r a big joke remains.


2013-06-22 17:41


dali is also wrong la, he has not in a single day of his life executing a trade directly with bursa. all he does is talking as if he is a sif. I also know dali more than a decade la.

2013-06-22 17:43


moron ooi otb, I don't even know fatcat, nor jpleow. so anyone who agree to disagree with u must be my friends? looks like I would have more new friends soon.

2013-06-22 17:48


let me clarify It once n for all. married deals or direct deals, are never appear in the public screen for public trading. the public don't even see it. how can his argument that marriage deal trading to cause public panic and sell together valid??? what a crap.

moron ooi otb is 100% wrong.

2013-06-22 17:51


moronic , I estimate by Monday evening u would apologies to me for your blunder. wakakakakaakakaaaa.

2013-06-22 17:54

Ooi Teik Bee

Post removed.Why?

2013-06-22 17:56


Yes married and off market deals do not appear in public screens. If you have access to screens which you should since you hv done hundreds of them, care to give some opinions as the phenomenon shown on Friday trades in the "public screens". This is more so since you also discounted Dalis carry trades.

Better if you declare here who you are, if you chooses to.

2013-06-22 18:00



I hv done 2 small off market deals in my life, as a middle man not as share broker.

Not my cup of tea.

2013-06-22 18:03


tony. if I tell u I m najib. or Stephen chow, which one do u believe?
does it matter who I m?
what happened in Friday I would only tell to those whom I knw personally in real life. I m here to point out the big flaws of moronic ooi logic. that's all.

2013-06-22 18:07



2013-06-22 18:40



I would believe you (no reasons not to believe save for your language) but whether I act on it, is a different story. I believe the saying goes with the majority here.

I still feel in public (sharing) forums we should be as public as possible esp where moneys are concerned.

In any case, I respect your choice.

Its been one anniversary I am here. Many use multiple nicks to post. I am still amazed by these characters. Any these many belongs to one race. Beats me.

2013-06-22 18:43


Sohhai, the only praise u got, u got from An OPPORTUNIST Tony Lim.
This one is a buffet maniac who grab all and pay mincely.

Jumbo rate him like a floor carpet.....wipe wipe.....!

2013-06-22 19:57


Dali's guess of carry trade unwinding might explains the surge down well, but what about the surge up of JCY & STAR?

2013-06-22 20:07


I was told the forced selling was done by foreign brokers, and those affected counters were being pledged as collateral for gold trading, and due to recent down fall of gold price that initiated a margin-call, and the client was unable to top-up, and yesterday was the last day, however the limit-up of STAR at the same moment has invalid this claim.

2013-06-22 20:09


Whatever the cause, it has again highlight the problem in the Bursa trading platform. That is why Bursa is currently working on the new trading platform (BTS2), which is expected to be live in Dec this year. The new trading platform will have a feature called dynamic limit (+-5%), which will prevent such incidents from happening.

2013-06-22 20:47

Ooi Teik Bee

Post removed.Why?

2013-06-22 20:59


ahh back from my dinner.

the mandore of i3 or trash of i3 now appear for a fight. quite predictable. One who is scared of his own shadow or hantu following him.
si beh song.

Jumbo, my late mother once said (in hokkien) if you dont open your mouth, nobody would know that you are deaf and dumb.

Tell me what have you contributed to i3 before you command others except for the words Pantat in 3 postings in Pantech thread.

2013-06-22 21:05


OTB, no I dont agree with you. During the second board bull run in 1996, prices are manipulated or rigged much to detriment of retail players.

2013-06-22 21:09


Tonylim, ur late mother is right (as u have quoted is right) Is that why u always take ppls information and run without any contribution?

"A thief will always be a thieve " quoted by Anonymous

2013-06-22 21:16

Ooi Teik Bee

Dear Tonylim,

Buy and sell after 4.50 pm is always difficult for "not liquid" stock. There is no buyer at current last done price, you cannot throw to next bidder which is one bid below. Likewise, for seller one bid above current last done price.

Every remisier is complaining on this not flexible feature.

Thank you.

2013-06-22 21:33


That's why Tony Sohhai Lim needs to understand TOP price. He doesn't understand.

2013-06-22 21:38


Tony lim = soh hai....that why you praise him right?

2013-06-22 21:39


So Tony SH lim, don't use other nics ur self to whack ppl a good boy as what u were taught by .....

2013-06-22 21:52


Tony lim u think this one boxing ring arrr?

U damn right Sohhai Tony Lim, I tak Boleh Tahan you Butor Kiasu attitude. Makan Saja, take all free and walk away. Were u taught like that?

Now some more learn to hentam ppl when u have not proven ur self. Butor arrr !


2013-06-22 22:05


Based on this article, Bank of New York Mellon could be the one dumping... anyone have a list of their Malaysian stocks ?

2013-06-22 22:50


Can check here

Blog: Bursa: Trades ‘valid and genuine’

2013-06-23 00:50


1. Doesn't matter Off/on market deal.Deals are valid and genuine.

2. Shares dumped by bigboys

3. Why?

Am I sure?? I don't know.. But if related all these together....
Investment + Borrowing + Policy compliance + Political factors..
you think cannot be mai? Nothing is impossible!

BTW what is the real purpose/reason to dumped cheap? Can be wish to manipulate and gain big $$$$. who know. Just let see the coming week.

2013-06-23 02:49


Add something here.
To conclude.. monday market will be back to normal...Unless.
1. This bigboy (Fund Manager) continue to throw their holding due to whatever the reasons.
2. We ppl other than bigboy panic selling
Remember sifu/expert words. Buy on fear...
Happy trading!
Let me guess, this fund manager..what xxxxxmellon must be in trouble , someone good in google may try to do search

2013-06-23 12:16


sifu Ooi teik bee, still bullish or not?? i bot many stocks based on your advise that market is still bullish, how now?

2013-06-24 11:32


Posted by Ooi Teik Bee > Jun 21, 2013 11:18 PM | Report Abuse

Dear Shirley1,

I believe you are lucky, you should make money from this deal.

To me, KLSE is still bullish and strong. Actually, KLSE performs very well today compared with other markets. I do not listen to others, I do my homework and research, I am still bullish on KLSE as long as KLCI 1,743 is not broken.

Thank you.

2013-06-24 11:33


mr Ooi, you said on saturday.....

KLSE is still bullish and strong. Actually, KLSE performs very well today compared with other markets. I do not listen to others, I do my homework and research, I am still bullish on KLSE

2013-06-24 11:34



2013-06-24 11:35


mr Ooi where r u hiding now? pls come out!!!

2013-06-24 11:40

Ooi Teik Bee

Dear Alex,

I agree that KLSE is bearish now.

Hopefully, 1,743 is not broken. Once 1,743 is broken, the "gap up" on 6/5/2013 will be sealed, the market will drop further.

I admit you are good and you are my sifu.

Thank you for reminding me.

Best regards always,

2013-06-24 11:58



I bot lots based on your analysis Ooi, now you say bearish... what am I to do????

2013-06-24 12:05


Aiya, cheebai & gray, don't be too hard on Ooi la, he needs to cari makan one, if say market bearish where got business? :D

2013-06-24 12:44


how now??

2013-06-24 14:08

Buy & Sell Sell & Buy

Don't buy based on someone recommendation. If u buy based on OTB advice, then it is Your own fault when yon lose money. l dont blame other when l buy base on someone suggestion. Buying decision came from ourself only. 0TB did not buy for you for your share account right. Wise up man. 0TB did not ask You to buy base on his advice.

2013-06-24 16:38


jackpot session started, any luck today? ;D

2013-06-24 16:42


then wats the use of sifu? stock mkt expert? for what?

2013-06-24 16:43

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