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iCapital: questions regarding adjourned AGM and expenses - M.A. Wind

Tan KW
Publish date: Thu, 20 Nov 2014, 01:38 PM
Tan KW
0 451,343


Thursday, 20 November 2014 

iCapital's AGM was recently adjourned. That in it self is already quite unusual. AGMs cost money and time, surely there should be a good reason to ask for an adjournment.

According to an article in The Star (some snippets):

During the Oct 11 AGM, the resolution was not tabled, as shareowners holding a 11.39% stake had already indicated their intention to vote against it two days before the shareholders’ meeting.

“The real issue is whether the 11.39% should control icapital. If they can block the reappointment of one director with only an 11.39% share ownership, what is there to prevent them from abusing their power again?”

Did Tan Teng Boo really say "abusing"? If a shareholder (in this case most like a fund) votes in what it thinks is the best way, can that be labelled as "abuse"? Most likely they simply act in the best interest of their investors. Is there any rule that they breached?

"He said shareholders who opposed the resolution should issue a statement on their rationale for doing so, even though it was not required from a procedural and legislative perspective."

I can't recall ever any meeting being adjourned to ask one of the shareholders for the reason of its voting. And why should shareholders issue statements on their rationale? I am sorry to say, but this sounds beyond weird.

Another matter is that I always regarded Dr Tan as being "stingy", that is, "stingy" in a good way, like Warren Buffett being notoriously stingy in spending. Examples are the cost to list iCapital (which was probably a record low for any Bursa listed company), its year report (without any photo's or colours), etc.

To my surprise, things have rather changed, from the 2014 year report:

Advertisements shooting up from 21K to 708K, AGM expenses increasing from 99K to 452K (and most likely increasing again due to the extra AGM needed). Those are strange increases in expenses, atypical for Tan.

Total operational expenses are RM 8.6M, after deducting the 514K for impairment RM 8.1M. On a fund of RM 426M that means 1.9% expenses. That is still considered ok.

But when one realizes that a whopping RM 240M is simply held in cash (one doesn't need a degree in Rocket Science to manage that), then expenses seem to be on the high side.

I own a managed account where the fund manager only charges fees on the invested part (excluding the cash). If we use the same formula for iCapital then the expenses on the RM 186M investments suddenly are a whopping 4.4% per year, much too high for my liking.

These expenses would also explain (partially) the underperformance of the fund, about which I wrote before.

An interesting discussion on this stock at LowYat forum.


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Tan TB is probably the best cash manager in the world. He holds 50% in cash and says he has nothing to buy for years and years. I also can do the same thing... put my cash in FD and pretend that shares are overvalued....nothing to buy.

2014-11-20 14:53


Chyokh, you said this infront of him he gets annoyed and he will bombard you with all sorts of petty issues with the support of his loyal supporers.
In future, if any supporters yell at you while you questions him regarding cash conservation, please tell his supporters back "if treated TTB as god, must well make a "Patong of TTB" and bring back home to pray"

2014-11-20 15:16


Must organised the sharehoders to kick out this TTB and wind up his fund and make him faceless.

2014-11-20 15:17


All these happens is due to there are no independent third parties strong enough to monitor his management that he can easily abuse the shareholders money in ICAP.

2014-11-20 19:34


shareholders must safeguard their own interest by thinking independently. Don't be mislead end by TTB who owns a few shares yet drawing around $7m fees in total, $700,000 advertising fees, $91,000 accounts fee( fee pieces of contract notes).
All the above figures can be obtained from 2014 Annual report.
For advertising fees in 2013 Annual Report, it was merely $20,000

2014-11-20 20:38


For a fund house like icap, what sort of advertising required? Looking for employees?
No, he said he runs the firm himself and outsource the clerical work to others
What objective does he gain to spent such huge advertising fees?

2014-11-20 20:39


He likes to go all around Malaysia and Australia to have seminars in hotels to tell his supporters why the world's stock markets are overvalued and that's why he is doing absolutely nothing...he is not buying anything while the world's stock markets are rallying for the past few years. Somebody got to pay for all these hotels and food. I sold all my icap shares when I read this sentence in their annual report .."your fund did not buy any shares for the past financial year"...what?? we pay the fund manager millions to do nothing for one year. His must be the best job in the world.

2014-11-20 21:26


In that case, I guess the cost of his current tour to Malaysia with his staff to garnish support of his personal agenda in the coming adjourned Icap AGM also may partly financed by icap and hide in the advertising expense that will be appeared in 2015 Annual Report.

2014-11-20 21:36


Perhaps he should enlighten us in the coming adjourned AGM to clear our doubt.

2014-11-20 21:37


Biggest joke ever encounter in corporate world!
AGM man, this is AGM - once a year affair. Please treat it with utmost respect.
What the hell you dare say shareholder abusing their voting rights? If the Director not voted in, he is out!
If you think you can get sufficient vote, then table EGM.
Basic law also don't know. Not fit to be CEO !!

2014-11-20 23:59

Kevin Wong

The danger and folly of trying to time bearr...Concentrate on individual stocks instead of trying to outsmart the whole mart!

2014-11-21 15:06


If a fund manager's expertise is to collect cash from fundholders and keep them in the bank while waiting for next ecomonic crisi, what sort of expertise of fund mangement can he demonstrate?

2014-11-21 15:28

Kevin Wong

A investor job is to invest, while a speculator job is to - forecast mart's tops/bottoms!
I respect TTB, as his investment record...much-much better than mine!

2014-11-21 15:47


CEO earning gaji buta lah

2014-11-21 19:43


CEO not just get big Gaji Buta, but also abused the conduct of 2014 AGM. It ended shareholders have to pay extra-cost organizing Adjourned AGM 2014 for a minute resolution.

2014-11-21 21:00


CEO should focus on investing to increase the NAV of the fund to benefit shareholders instead of worrying about "ulterior motives" of the 11% of shareholders which is a waste of time and is of no benefit to the majority 89%. The CEO is paid to make investment decisions and not to initiate complex corporate manoeuvres. Just do what you are paid to do.

2014-11-22 10:36


Why he worry the ulterior motives others if he doesn't has one.

2014-11-22 17:50


CEO is not holding a single unit. This prove that he himself just want to get easy money from other people's money. Makan Gaji buta ma...

In that case, vote him out also won't hurt him at all. In fact it is extremely easy to ask him to get lost.

2014-11-22 22:40


The 1st step to strip his power is to vote against Tunku Abdul Aziz Tunku Ibrahim from being elected as director in this coming adjourned AGM at Wisma MCA on 30-11-2014. 9am.(this coming Sunday)
Let other directors not his choice to be elected in near future.

2014-11-23 07:43


The board of directors should lead the company, not the other way where fund manager leads the board of directors. Ultimately, who is going to accountable to shareowners?
Further, fund manager can be fired if sleep on his job or underperformed in certain given duration.

2014-11-23 07:48

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