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US halt of WHO funding unethical, says China's top epidemiologist

Tan KW
Publish date: Wed, 15 Apr 2020, 04:46 PM
Tan KW
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BEIJING : By halting funding to the World Health Organization (WHO), the United States is only trying to divert attention from its failure to handle its domestic coronavirus epidemic, China's top epidemiologist said on Wednesday (April 15), adding that the US decision is "unethical", Global Times reported.

In a speech at the White House, US President Donald Trump accused the WHO of "severely mismanaging and covering up the spread of the coronavirus".

Trump criticised the international health agency for making a "disastrous" decision to oppose travel restrictions from China.

"This is a very bad sign, but can the US defeat its domestic epidemic by halting funding to the WHO?" asked Dr Zeng Guang, chief epidemiologist at the Chinese Centre for Disease Control and Prevention.

Dr Zeng told the Global Times that the world is making efforts to fight the Covid-19 pandemic and now is the right time for the WHO to play its role, but the US is only trying to divert attention by halting funding to the organisation.

"The US has not responded to the epidemic properly and its accusations against the WHO go against the facts. This is unethical and will only make it more isolated in the world."

"It is no longer a world of unilateralism, but multilateralism," Dr Zeng said, noting that the US withdrawal of funds may not have a domino effect, as other countries may not follow the US lead.

According to the WHO, its programme funds come mainly from two sources - assessed contributions made by member states relative to their wealth and population, and also voluntary contributions.

The US is the biggest financial contributor to the WHO for 2020-2021, accounting for 22 per cent of the total assessed contributions from the organisation's member states, according to WHO data.

Dr Zeng said the US suspension of funds to the WHO won't impact the international health organisation in its sharing of information with the world, but may result in a shortage of funds for staff salaries and some projects.

As the US is yet to declare that it will withdraw from the WHO, US officials will continue to attend WHO meetings, which is quite disgraceful, Dr Zeng said.

The data issued by the WHO said China accounted for 12 per cent of total assessed contributions for the 2020-2021 period.

Assessed contributions have declined as an overall percentage of the programme budget and have accounted for less than one quarter of the organisation's financing for years. The balance is made up through voluntary contributions, the WHO said.

But assessed contributions by member states remain a key source of financing for the WHO, as it provides a level of predictability and helps to minimise dependence on a narrow donor base, allowing resources to be aligned to the programme budget, Global Times reported.

 - ANN


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Latuk Seri Rick Walker

WHO only work for China! Better China fund WHO! Useless organisation!

2020-04-15 16:50


why need doctors and hospitals? need bomohs will do.

2020-04-15 17:00


Haha UN and Word Bank only work for US interest! Better US fund UN and World Bank! Useless organisations!

2020-04-15 17:01


I can still remember IMF chief, Camdessus folding his arms waiting for Suharto to sign the documents for IMF aid.

2020-04-15 17:21


it's America Vs rest of the world..... interesting

2020-04-15 18:07


it's takes Trump plus virus to take down America

2020-04-15 18:08


Put politics aside,WHO didnt do a good job on covid till Jan 20.
really poor advisory

2020-04-15 18:32


play politics as the house burns..... let it burn la

2020-04-15 18:56


by Jan 20? even now people still learning about the virus

2020-04-15 18:58


new disease......there is no such thing as perfect hindsight..........

2020-04-15 19:37

Latuk Seri Rick Walker

Posted by BillyK > Apr 15, 2020 6:32 PM | Report Abuse

Put politics aside,WHO didnt do a good job on covid till Jan 20.
really poor advisory

Answer : If WHO has done it's job, Covid19 would have been contained! Instead WHO insist that other countries continue to allow infected travel all over the world! Only upgrade Covid19 to global pandemic end of March!

2020-04-15 19:40


"US halt of WHO funding unethical, says China's top epidemiologist"

Crushing people with military war tanks and silencing whistleblowers are ETHICAL, but stopping funding( read DONATION) to a dubious organisation is UNETHICAL.

Chinese Logic.

2020-04-15 19:48


Dear Latuk Seri,
The game of “democracy”, according to the philosopher Bertrand Russell, is the process by which people choose the man who will get the blame.

Democracy, in its best form, brings out a sense of responsibility from every individual. This sense of ownership of your own fate is what enabled individual to take on responsibility and help build a great democratic country

But when democracy becomes little more than a blame game, the system has broken down.

The world is now facing the greatest threat to humanity (Covid-19 pandemic) since the end of World War II. The last thing the world needs is a race to the bottom by politicians playing self-serving games by blaming a scapegoat
30 January 2020
The WHO Director-General reconvened the Emergency Committee (EC). This was earlier than the 10-day period and only two days after the first reports of limited human-to-human transmission were reported outside China. This time, the EC reached consensus and advised the Director-General that the outbreak constituted a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC). The Director-General accepted the recommendation and declared the novel coronavirus outbreak (2019-nCoV) a PHEIC. This is the 6th time WHO has declared a PHEIC since the International Health Regulations (IHR) came into force in 2005.

2020-04-15 20:17

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