KLSE TechWiz

Arank having Technical and Fundamental Bullish

Publish date: Mon, 23 May 2016, 12:01 PM
Analyse the KLSE market with a mixed of technical indicators, support and resistance as reference.

If you are an investor that can take calculated risk in your investment portfolio, this could be the right time that you can start to look into Arank.

I will show you here why Arank will be a good choice amidst all the volatility in the market from a technical point of view, backed with fundamental of growth in the company.

As you can see, Arank is trading within an up trend band that is outlined in the shown chart above. However, as of lately, Arank gained movement and volume, and had been seen trying out at the resistant line for 2 occasion.
I viewed this as a technical bullish with growing volume, and share price consolidating nearer at the upper trend line (resistant line). Putting a pattern analysis, you will easily see a cup and handle formation on Arank as well.
While technical looks great, the fundamental is a great support for the company to be liked by both technical and fundamental traders and investor.

Needless to say, 2 quarter cumulative EPS at 6 cents. A full financial year will probably see 12 cents to 15 cents because of increase demand in aluminum for industrial and automotive application.
Most market research had been bullish in aluminum outlook for the next 10 years due to light weighting exercise, seeing aluminum replacing the olden days practice of using ferrous metal, best example is automobile.
If you foresee the application of aluminum to increase, then you will foresee more aluminum billet is needed. Arank being the manufacturer for aluminum billet, then will definitely see growth in this 10 years.
Full year EPS 12 cents, that will value Arank RM 1.44 based on PER x12. PER x12 is used because to factor in the growth prospect in Arank.
These 2 outlook is a simply way to justify on Arank being a good share to be invested. Investing is made simpler with simple and direct analysis with facts. But it is made possible when you invest when it is low, unleash when it become a dragon.
Remember, Invest in Arank when it is sleeping, unleash when it become a dragon.
See you at RM 1.44
2 people like this. Showing 4 of 4 comments


Cup and Handle..
2nd half

2016-05-23 12:08


Frying pan soon

2016-05-23 12:18


Tp too optimistic

2016-06-04 13:20


1.44. Too optimistic

2016-06-04 13:27

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