Koon Yew Yin's Blog

Hiap Teck price trend reversal - Koon Yew Yin

Koon Yew Yin
Publish date: Wed, 29 Dec 2021, 09:55 AM
Koon Yew Yin
0 1,428
An official blog in i3investor to publish sharing by Mr. Koon Yew Yin.

All materials published here are prepared by Mr. Koon Yew Yin

Hiap Teck price chart below shows that on 6 Dec its price was 44.5 sen and today it shot up 3 sen to close at 51.5 sen. It has increased 17 sen or 38% in 16 trading days.



It reported 4.11 EPS for quarter ending Oct and 4.26 EPS for previous quarter, totalling 8.37 sen for 2 quarters. These profits were achieved when there were MCO lockdown. Currently there is no more MCO lockdown and workers can go to work. As you can see, there are more construction activities in every town and city and the demand for steel will be increased definitely.

My target price:

Assuming the 2nd half year is the same as the 1st half year, its annual EPS will be 8.37 X 2 = 16.74 sen. Its last traded price was 51.5 sen. It is selling at PE 3. If you based on PE 5, it should be selling at 84 sen.   


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Just few days ago, you said you were dissatisfied with the performance of Hiap Tek and sold all 3.6million shares. Today you are singing another tune. Come on lah, old fox, don't use your dirty tricks and hoodwink investors who don't know your true colours. You really have lost all integrity. Money you might have but respect? All down the drain. By the way, the gain is 7 sen not 17

2021-12-29 13:35


Told you to buy when Grandpa Koon tells you to sell! He has been using this same old tactic for gazillion times! SC should have taken acton against him long time ago! SC just too action against that Boner fellow! Poor Boner, i heard he is now doing Grab for a living!

2021-12-29 13:38


Yeah, i also heard Boner lost his Lambo! He used to driving around KL with that extra loud sound Lambo!

2021-12-29 13:39


Uncle tell you to go to jump from the building will you follow ? Hahahaha
You are all adult la... when you reap profit from following Uncle advice do you all praise him & give up part of your gain for charity work under Uncle name ??

Uncle now ilke a old recorder playing old music...he is telling you all about price HISTORY... H..I,,,S..T...O...R...Y la....


2021-12-29 14:35


Just let him be what he is la.... Malaysia is still got freedom of speech eventhough it is limited. Malaysia is not run by CPC la... Hahahaha

2021-12-29 14:36


This is not freedom of speech rather abuse of freedom of speech! There's a difference! Just like those LBGT who impose their values on innocent bystanders! And now getting worst in US! Now, you cannot simply assume one is male or female! You need to address whoever your meet as 'they'!
This is the new america generation Z is promoting!
Example, a young gen Z lady goes up to the counter! Of course you would say 'Hello Miss, how can i help you?'! And the super sensitive american gen Z will get so offended! 'How dare you assume i am a lady'! 'I am 'they'!

2021-12-29 14:53



2021-12-29 15:00


Even though if you have se xually change to become MALE, I will still call you Miss Toddy because biologically you still a female to me.


2021-12-29 15:09


This is the truth

2021-12-29 15:09


Uncensored! Chill, dont' be so triggered! A young lady as yourself should learn to relax!

2021-12-29 15:11


Just like will you still address a person Dr Tobby if you knew that this person named Tobby is not a DR at all but he love to being addressed as DR Tobby

Will you ??

2021-12-29 15:12


Tobby I always like to have a civil conversation with a logical person.. Especially a lady...hehehehe

2021-12-29 15:13


Does this old piece of shit ever learn to be ashamed? He is like a licenced con man. Wonder one day he died how UP there will judge him

2021-12-29 19:42


The whole mkt oredi in trend reversal, not just Hiap Teck price, in UP trend mode.

2021-12-29 21:00


Very confused with KYY. His 20 Dec blog advised ppl to quit/exit HiapTek after he had sold his 3.5 mil shares; and commented that HiapTek coming Qtr results would be bad bcos of the flood. Now he is doing his U-turn again ........ When & how can we trust him ????

2021-12-29 21:08


Kns uncle. To you, company’s fundamentals can change within days

2021-12-30 08:38


Today sell you fundamental story ma....
if tomorrow drop to 0.495, sell you technical story loh.
If not how to buy and sell to "everybody" leh.....

U must understand that if u borrow money for a project but your work completed schedule not moving, you cannot submit a claim but u still pay daily interest oh.....interest is adding up every day.....more pressure and stress le....so, it is same concept loh.....un bo???

2021-12-30 09:34


Most counter on the uptrend, not only Hiapteck
But following this musang-king advice guarantees a one way trip to Holland.
New investors be advised.

2021-12-30 14:55


he still got ticket to unload la, so wanna con newbies to buy lo. same modus operandi as always

2021-12-30 15:06


Post removed.Why?

2021-12-30 15:31


No good comments above for this uncle. Now I know lah.

2021-12-30 17:04

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