Beware of scam disguise as group discussion

Beware of scam disguise as group discussion

Publish date: Fri, 08 Aug 2014, 10:58 PM
Beware of scam disguise as group discussion

I have been following and monitoring various chat groups and one particularly stand out to be extremely disturbing and dangerous. The chat group is "Regain capital, Chocolate Ship passengers". Initially, it is just another entertainment venue where many dubious ID shared information and gossips. However, after some time, it slowly turn into sometime very sinister. Someone, or maybe a group of people, take advantage of it and turn it into a place to promote gambling of sort. Gambling is already bad but soon it created sort of a cult figure where one particular ID or person will give out so-called tips for shares to buy.

Incidentally, some of these tips were spot-on once awhile. Many dubious IDs will then join in to cheer on and praise how accurate this tips were. It happened again and again. From what i gathered, many innocent, clueless and silent forumers taken in by this. Ofcourse the perpetuator claimed nobody ask these innocent, clueless and silent forumers to follow. They claimed it is their own fault. I totally disagreed. I find this trend is getting disturbing and dangerous. This encourage false sense of investing and nurturing people into believing, especially the young one, that share market is all about gambling. Someone has to raise the alarm, i think i will be the first one.

The ID that i mentioned is NewMan. and a few dubious IDs that always around at the same time.

Beware of scam disguise as group discussion that use to prop up sentiment of the shares he/she/they promote(s).

7 people like this. Showing 40 of 40 comments


Do not blindly follow. Must do homework.

2014-08-09 08:21


Hahaha... Where is bro mike?

2014-08-09 08:26


As an investor one needs to be independent and read all sorts in the forum...dun accuse and dun blame.from what i see the forum chat is just pure fun among a group of traders.Why disturb them. You are free to read and free not to follow.remember the independent and sensible.

2014-08-09 08:47


This is just a blog started by a person who has personal grudges against Newman. Just look at his i3investor id: kukuman. Any sane person would never have chosen an ID like that...cos kuku in hokkien means penis so this person is a penis man.Can you trust someone calling himself penis man? Just to set the record straight, I have followed a lot of newman's tips and I have made money from most of them. I don't expect newman's tips to be 100% accurate but I would be happy if his tips are 70% accurate. Don't blindly your homework too. I am happy to say that overall I have made quite a bit of money following newman's tips. I am not newman's cheerleader...I just want to share my personal experience.

2014-08-09 08:53


I subscribed to paid investment tips that charged something like RM150 to RM200 where I received so many tips in a single day that I was just overwhelmed as to which tips to act on. And a lot of the tips were not accurate. After trying that service for one month, I gave up. Compared to newman's tips (which are FREE OF CHARGE!), I think the paid subscription was really not value for money at all. And I lost money in quite a number of the paid subscription tips that I acted on. So I think what newman is doing is really good. Free tips that often pan out well!

2014-08-09 09:04


You are right on, bukit. I actually subscribed to 3 paid services. I gave up on one but I am still subscribed to OTB and Skyhawk services. I find both OTB and Skyhawk quite good but you must be prepared to hold.

2014-08-09 09:20


good morning kukuman ... u have said your piece and expressed your displeasure loud n clear ! maybe we shud not underestimate the readers cum traders of this forum :) all shud have the intellect to discern good from evil ..... to not play the blame game ..... to not take action based on every call blindly ! thus why not just rest the case coz u have done more than enuf to sound your good intention .... perhaps a better way is to set up a blog of your own to educate the novice how they shud trade or invest :) what say u ? enuf of war going on around us already dont u think ? have a wonderful weekend kukuman !}

2014-08-09 11:53


Can see that you have a good heart. To guide newbies for safe investment look for KCChongNZ. My accountant son also taking lesson from him. Anyway with this hot market many are not happy with 20-30% return p.a. They are looking for exciting return of 5-10% return in a month! Last week correction will sobered up many of them. And next week if the bulls return, they will rush in again! Think it is human! As for Nm/ Mikekong, he goes for fast trade. That's what I observed. So everyone is different in their approach to the stock market. Let us do due diligence in the stocks we want to buy. Don't throw our hardearned money away. If you want to speculate make sure it is with the money you can afford to lose. Be prudent with your retirement fund, child education fund n your house fund.

2014-08-09 12:51


this Kukuman is equally evil. Everytime a stock start to move, he will make so much negative comments. You can check Benalec. When Benalec was only 0.90 cts, he attack other forumers there. Benalec eventually move to 1.20.

Newman make buy call on stocks already on 52 weeks high. Either it go higher or drop 30%. That is why so many innocent newbies are trapped by Newman irresponsible act. Example is Econbhd, Newman never make buy call when it was 073 cts. But when it hit highest of 0.80 cts only then he casually make buy calls and using multiple id to support his calls. All the other ids praising Newman is no other than himself.

2014-08-09 13:00


Post removed.Why?

2014-08-09 13:32


so kuku man think he is so good ar,give ppl one stock now and let's them see how it perform till dec 2014,talk so much wat for?

2014-08-09 13:39


I subscribed to paid investment tips that charged something like RM150 to RM200 where I received so many tips in a single day that I was just overwhelmed as to which tips to act on. And a lot of the tips were not accurate.....Why pay so much??? Just pay RM5 will do ....hehehe,,,,

2014-08-09 13:49


Kukuman don't know anything about stock. He just enjoy making noises and contribute nothing in return. Not a single stock he mention or dare to make buy calls. He is coward barking toothless. Useless

2014-08-09 13:57

Alpha Trader

Ayam Tua, how old are you? why you are so free to post everyday and every minutes? 9100 already, not bad

2014-08-09 14:12


lompat jangan tak lompat jatuh lubang timbus sendiri? dont blame others. kikkiii

2014-08-09 14:14


AT, i agree with you.
i don't trust them too because they want to utilize small fish power to help them to push up and run before small fishes did. Of course at beginning sure profit la. See who run first lo.

2014-08-09 14:24


Post removed.Why?

2014-08-09 14:30


there are devils there are angels. both cant interfere direct. but both can influence. choose own buy call wisely avoid blame game. even i hate some buy calls after i jumped into it but i dont condemn people. remember, hate the game not the players.

stock is not worship house to be adore as god of stock when accurate prediction made.
nor a loathe house when things not in favor.

final click to buy/sell all depends on us.
both devil and angels can only "inspires"

grow up lah. kikikikiki

2014-08-09 14:34


since this forum gaining traction: my buy call (but dont curse me ahhhh) esceram, tmclife and ahb ..... trade at your own risks. if rich? standard operating procedure? donate and help those unfortunate around you.


2014-08-09 14:36


Oh ya AT you are a great Robin hood

2014-08-09 14:54


hahaha....... ayam tua.. gotcha,,

2014-08-09 15:20


Kukuman,mike kong / newman also need cari makan. As old saying, Dont break the "periuk nasi" of others.. hope u stop messing with newman.

2014-08-09 16:25


mike kong/newman is only passing hot tips. why blame him when the tips dont work out? there r many factors why a tips dont work out.
if mike kong/newman can b so chun as to have 8/10 times correct. u think he has time for you people?

as for kukuman. have u contributed any tips? foresight?

2014-08-09 16:57


fools who believe shits like this in online forums deserve to lose thier money.

2014-08-09 17:18


"Fly You Fools!" Gandalf, Lords Of The Ring on MAS and AirAsia/AAX counters. kikikiki

2014-08-09 17:21


Follow Mr.koon tips better....if u follow him n go Holland,just make noise here n he may pay up back......

2014-08-09 17:21


mike kong only teach people to regain money, there is no way u can lose money from his tips. if u lose 10 bits x 50k unit =RM5000 and other 5 bit x 40k = RM2000 from his tips... the third buy he recommend u simply buy 300k and with 3 bit gain u easily gain RM9000 back with net gain RM2000.

therefore i believe mike is the guru reborn of us in regain ship.

2014-08-09 18:17


Let have these perspectives in minds.

1. kalau tak pandai manfaatkan ubat atau makan ubat, mau salahkan doctorkah?
2. kalau kereta kuda rosak, mau salahkan mekanik kah?
3. kalau pinggan sumbing, mau salahkan pemakan kah?
4. kalau bot koyak dan nak tenggelam, mau salahkan jerung kah?
5. kalau ayam tak bertelur, mau salahkan petani kah?
6. kalau pokok tak bergoyang ditiup angin, mau salahkan kipas kah?

fikir fikirkanlah - jangan salahkan ibu, kalau susu yg diminum itu expired.

wakakaka wahahahaha kakakkakaaa

2014-08-09 18:25


All senior ones here sure can recall 1993 time.....not online but at broking houses.....pomplek, ah pong, chiu pio, and kaipeng RM20 can go RM100 now zero. We just suka-suka talk only. Share tips from friends. Wrong? Come on, klse has always been like that. Newbies have to learn from experience. Nothing wrong with chat.

2014-08-09 19:07


So many here at this time of saturday ! Here since morning. All this because many get riled up by kukuman.. Even the great newman can find time for this since morning. Have a life, folks! It is either you all are childish or kukuman is master of manipulator !!

2014-08-09 19:30


Post removed.Why?

2014-08-09 21:23


Sarah, what's wrong with Newman's call to buy Econbhd? I made money from the counter. And ohkns is not another id for Newman. You shd analyse properly before coming out with such accusation and example.

2014-08-09 21:38


And don't give wrong ideas to Newbies on stocks on 52-week highs. They can go higher if undervalued and have good potential. Are you going to buy stocks at 52-week lows?? Can die loh!

2014-08-09 21:41

JT Yeo

@ itsart, that's a bit like saying let's go casino play blackjack, if you lose 1 mil first time and 2 mil second time, just double up your bets until you recoup all your loses. lol

2014-08-09 21:57

JT Yeo

Lets make this simple here, the one that listens to somebody's tips and invest will lose money in the long run, the one that spreads rumor to take advantage of their fools will lose money too in the long run

2014-08-09 22:03


There are 1,300 views on this post within 36 hours. Notably there are 6 people give a Like.
Yes. 1,300 views. Mean that there are as many a thousand silent readers. This is a big number!! Syndicates like this. This is the effect they wanted. Now you see why scam can be perpetuated by disguising as group discussions.

2014-08-10 16:01


Come,, i give tips for SUPREME TOTO 6/58 Next draw tonight.
6, 15, 24 , 33 , 36, 48

Potential earning = RM 25,007,086.16

2014-08-10 16:16


ah...actually now the potential reward is 25,284,000.00

2014-08-10 16:17


kukuman , how you see this 3 chat groups in i3 and the people there ?

itchy itchy kaki judi



2014-08-10 16:19


_redbull, the way u talk i know u r just playingful. No issue. If u want to know how scammer carry out their works, go back to read those posts at the height of bullish market two or three months ago in the chocolate ship forum. By the way, now they are playing innocent victims as can see in their recent comment posts after i wrote this blog post on friday. They sort of tone down their "action" and focus on playing innocent victim

2014-08-10 22:56

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