Ong Mali - Come, Let's Talk $Money$

RICH Slowly and Steady

Publish date: Sun, 01 Mar 2015, 10:59 AM
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Many investors hate the idea of getting rich slowly in the stock market. I know this to be true because it happened to me when I just started out investing seriously in 1990. Everyone I knew in the market wanted to get rich quickly so why should I be the fool and opt to get rich slowly? Back then, the stock market was booming and many millionaires were made every month.

Unfortunately, the good times did not last very long and the stock market broke in 1997. Stocks fell like a stone, the decline sharply accelerated by the financial storm that engulfed the country.

When I began to turn my financial life around, it dawned to me that trying to get rich quickly was NOT the right strategy to employ investing in the stock market. This was because the “get rich quickly” mentality caused me to do irrational things that would ultimately lead me to lose a lot of money in the stock market.

Important Reasons For Getting Rich Slowly In The Stock Market.

1) In The Long Term, Stocks Produce Good Returns

They may fluctuate in the short term, and make us emotional about investing, sometimes they may even decline by 30%-50% in a single year, but historically, they yield an average annual investment return of 10%.

2) Eliminating Emotions When Investing In The Stock Market

Emotions (greed and fear) can do a lot of damage to your portfolio if you are on the wrong side of the trade. It can cause you to hold on to a stock that is dropping much longer than you should and sell away a rising stock much earlier than you should.

In short, emotions can be a very destructive force when you attempt to get rich quickly in the stock market. But when you decide to get rich slowly, emotional investing lose much of its destructive power over you because you are looking at a 10 year, 20 year even 30 year horizon.

3) Treating Stock Investing Like A Business

When you decide to get rich slowly, you are treating stock investing like a business. Does a business owner aim to make millions overnight, a few weeks or a few months? Definitely not! Only a gambler has such ideas.

A business owner invest for the long-term; making money slowly and steadily. People who enjoy success in the stock market say that is how stock investing should be operated, much like a real business!

4) Less Market Risk

When you decide to get rich slowly rather than quickly, you tend to reduce your market risk. You also have more time to look for a stock, plan your trade and conduct proper analysis and evaluation. All this actions will help towards reducing your market risk – risk of picking a bad stock, risking of making a bad trade, etc. 

How To Get Rich Slowly In The Stock Market?

1) Keep To Investing, Not Trading

Keeping to investing, instead of trading, is one sure way to get rich slowly and steady in the stock market.

When I began to turn my financial life around, it occurred to me that trying to trade and time the market and hoping to get rich quickly was NOT the right strategy to apply in the stock market. The only sure way of winning is by investing long term and to get rich slowly.

2) Buy Fundamental Good Stocks, Keep For The Long-Term

Buy fundamental good stocks that you want to keep for 10 years, 20 years or even 30 years in horizon. If you cannot keep the stock for such a long period, forget about buying it. You will probably NOT benefit from holding the stock because however good the business, they will need a long time to grow and prosper.

3) Practice Dollar Cost Averaging Strategy

No one can predict where the market is going at any given time, so why even try? Putting ALL your money in an investment all at once – thinking it will only go up – can be a very risky idea.

By buying a fixed dollar amount on a regular schedule, your focus is on accumulating assets on a regular basis, instead of trying to time the market.

With dollar cost averaging, you take a lot of the emotions out of investing because where the market goes in the short-term is far less important to you, as long as you stick to a regular investment plan.


The get rich slowly investing strategy is a strategy that is ideal for investors with a lower risk tolerance and someone who has a long-term investment horizon. This strategy also makes the most sense when used over a long period time with investments that are volatile and unpredictable in nature, such as stocks, Exchange Traded Funds or mutual funds.



2 people like this. Showing 15 of 15 comments


Very good article. Strongly recommended for newbies.

If you make 10% return every year, for every 100k you put in, in 20 years, you will end up with 672k.

If you make 20% return every year, for every 100k you put in, in 20 years, you will end up with 3.8 million.

If you make 26% return every year, for every 100k you put in, in 20 years, you will end up with 10.1 million.

Congratulations!! You will become a millionaire if you are not greedy.

2015-03-01 11:18


right but but really true and practical in life

2015-03-01 11:29


right BUT not really true and practical in life

2015-03-01 11:30


Unless you the banker, and not the player, you wold not be able to make 10% from KLSE every day. Or unless the the retailers come back.

2015-03-01 11:32


yeah, dont be food to sharks, crocodiles ya

2015-03-01 11:58


Practically is not purely true. Report alway show an example of good stock at right timing. Can anyone can recommend now which stock can projected grow double or triple or more in five to ten year? Also when is the right timing? In 21 century felt that it is very difficult for long term. Anything may happen or change.

2015-03-01 12:04


ks55: I believe is very experience n knowledgeable in trading or investment in stock market. Can you recommend good REIT counters for me to monitor to keep for long term or even for children future which I think will fare better return compare to fd or unit trust. Is now the right time or wait 2016 to 2018 to maximise return? Thanks.

2015-03-01 12:19


Thanks ks55 for your kind sharing. Will find out more n monitor those recommended counter. Better able to purchase at lower price. Thanks.

2015-03-01 12:53


thanks ks55 . read n appreciate your sharing.

2015-03-01 14:30


i like this article but do feel need some ''refine' to tailor meet individual conditions and objective. thanks for sharing ..

2015-03-01 14:33

Kian Leong Lim

To the author: not necessary long term investment produces better results, this is my past experience, why is your statement about long term investment true or false? If it i true it has to has reasons for making it true or else it definitely is false. Cause and Effect. The effect is the result, I am sure long term investment is not just the only cause for becoming rich when talking about stocks. What do you think Mr. Author?
Everyone said fundamentals of a business---the cash flow, the low debts, the roe, the pe and etc. This is just theory because a lot of company does not have those qualities coming out from nothing. If it is so plain an simple, how come we don't see so many people so rich.
As for emotion control, the only way you are going to have emotion control is to buy only 1 stock for 10 years without looking at the stock market for 10 years. Mr. Author, you probably do not have emotional control yourself, could you please tell all of us, how often do you look at the stock market.
Your article is just so funny and amusing!
As for people who ask you to invest in REITs just because the prices are lower now. Did you ask yourself why the prices are lower now. Because less people are interested in reits now that is why prices are lower or other their other reasons making prices lower now? Why less people interested in something but some people still want to jump in? This puzzles me? The guy never tell people why reits are cheaper now! Are there going to be overbuilding in KL in the next few years and reits becoming less valuable when interest rate rises that are going to affect your reits in the future. Did this guy want you to hold your reits for 200 years? Know what you are doing before you do and see whether this is a good time to do something or not? Don't just do something because the price is cheap. Price cheap is not the fundamental of business investment?

2015-03-02 04:39

Kevin Wong

Could anyone predict, time and outsmart mkt correctly over years? Just ask those who have had made billions of $ from stock markets

2015-03-02 11:48


80% losers, 20% winners is the right statistics for stock market participants. Why? Most like to buy high when received good news.

2015-03-02 12:05

Kian Leong Lim

They didn't predict the market, they know what is good for them right now, and they do what they need to do now to promote what is good to people in the future that is how they do well in the future. They didn't predict the market in the future, they create the future they want for themselves and the market in the future for other people. They never look at what is good for them right now and promote it to other people, they are losers because they are followers of the leaders who sold them out eventually, that is why you have 80% losers and 20% winners. I am just bored by writing the forum please don't mind my broken English.

2015-03-03 09:02


no stress and worries slowly and steady

2016-05-06 21:50

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