Justin Ngo
Publish date: Wed, 16 Jul 2014, 11:43 PM






现今我只是持有该公司83000units的股份,或是83粒。如果我们用公司每年有给一股1仙的股息来算(1仙=RM10)。83粒 x RM10 = RM830。一年的股息是RM830,这些股息再投入进去买股,三十年后这83粒就可以变成435粒或是435000units(大概算而已),而这只是靠股息在投资而已,如果每年再把存到的钱也投进去,就不止是435粒而已。要算得准确,非常复杂,本人只是大略的计算一下而已。

今天刚刚加码的。离我的靠股息过日子又靠近了一些。 也非常谢谢这位分享故事的大大,让我改变了想法。不要再为每天股价的上或下而烦恼担心,而是为了将来而买股。说不定60岁时还可以进入公司当个ceo。嘻嘻。。。是不是太天真了?




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5 people like this. Showing 33 of 33 comments



2014-07-17 00:12


good. Wish you dream comes true.

Do more home work on your stock picks ya.

2014-07-17 01:55



2014-07-17 07:15



2014-07-17 07:29

Steven Choong


2014-07-17 07:49

Justin Ngo


2014-07-17 07:54

Justin Ngo

STockoperator,ya. need to do some homeworks. this company suitable for my investment ability at the moment. will b switching if got another good 1 to invest which match my condition.

2014-07-17 07:58

Justin Ngo

bbb79, 谢谢您的提醒。在股灾来临的时候会先清货然后低价再进。也可以增加股份

2014-07-17 08:05

Justin Ngo


2014-07-17 08:08

Justin Ngo

stEVen choong, 也是有朋友说可以考虑买其他的公司。马克不是最佳选择。会再做做功课,再把资金转移。目前就暂时买这个在我能力范围的

2014-07-17 08:14



2014-07-17 08:25

Justin Ngo

tom, 我另个靠股息的股是hup seng。只是太难加码了。要千多才买到1粒

2014-07-17 08:39


@justin Ngo 我打算待会卖掉全部hupseng了,因为想了很久感觉还不是时候,再加上原因是。。。。这我不多说了

2014-07-17 08:50

JT Yeo

Justin just some feedback for you, i can be wrong.

1. If you want to invest for long term, why are you worry about the movement of share prices in your last few blog posts?

2. Did you throw all your savings into one company ? (83lots)

3. Why does being successful in investing (get rich) has to do with you becoming CEO at 60yo?

2014-07-17 09:40

Justin Ngo

sop, thanks for your advice for looking at under value company and thinking big. quality should b consent in stock picking

2014-07-17 10:13

Justin Ngo

jt yeo, for your 1st question.actually i feel boring n sometimes do speculate for fun. 2. not just 1 counter only. it is about 50% in this counter.3. retired, ntg to do. at least got something to do.managing a listed company, just dream. haha

2014-07-17 10:17

JT Yeo

oh alright, 50% on marco is heavy, i didnt study the co only know they sell watches so be careful. It really depends on your life goal, many ppl would prefer to be active in investment, but you can also always choose to be passive and invest in index fund, in the long term (30-50 years) index funds at least guarantee you 8-13% p.a. return depending on which fund, and not many investors can get that during that period

2014-07-17 10:27


good luck!

2014-07-17 11:06


Justin will b doing good in life. So honest.

Remember your stock picks ya. Surely there is lots of companies will be doing well until you retired and until you pass it down to your children.

2014-07-17 11:11


NO comment.SOP. It is embarrassing that i am always wrong.

2014-07-17 11:33


SOP I cannot predict the share prices. Well, i can Only understand a Bit of earning sustainability and visibility and Business Model.

And we have to decide on what price to Pay.

2014-07-17 11:37


if marco "chap lat" how ar ?
30 years investment go down to drain.

2014-07-17 11:40


And i am too stringent with my stock picks, i cannot comment on so many good things as well.

2014-07-17 11:40

Justin Ngo

smartly, if chap lat, b4 chap lat, price will go very high, that time can sell 1st.

2014-07-17 13:46

Justin Ngo

jt yeo, then when klci having correction, should buy related stock. thanks.

2014-07-17 13:48


For Distributor, Distributor Right is an important issue.

2014-07-17 14:24


HA! SOP why there is always two guys talking at LionFib for whole years?? Their wives not jealous ke?

2014-07-17 15:26


SOP, they finally find their match ya. Ha Ha

2014-07-17 15:32

JT Yeo

SOP i used to own Lionfib, it is a net-net category, but then i realized most assets are made up of receivables, which is more tricky compare to cash, so i only hold it for few months. You might want to consider Lion Industries? Got stakes in Lionfib and Parkson which combined is at least 1x larger than market cap of Lion Ind itself. However it can be a value trap tho, since steel industry is still in a slum.

2014-07-17 17:17


Agreed with JT Yeo. One of the most difficult and volatile industry to predict anything.

2014-07-17 17:21

JT Yeo

yea the key concern is the money owed by Lionfib's sister companies, one that owe the most is mega steel, which is in deep crap with many debts. And the receivables is not showing sign of reducing but keep on ballooning. The reason I prefer Lion Ind, altho I only bought a very small position to my portfolio size, is that Parkson is consider a somewhat stable business compare to steel, and based on an average earnings for past 6 years of Parkson at PE 10-12 (lower than current PE), conservatively Parkson's market cap will still worth 472-668mil (Lionind market cap is 494mil), and not including the 30% of Lionfib.

The steel industry will recover but just a problem of when, because now the steel supply is not reducing even though there's no more profit to be earn, is that a lot steel manufacturers in China borrowed a lot of money back in 2009-2010 to kick start the China economy following GFC. So now they are forced to keep the factory moving in order to pay back the debts and interest to the banks, even at a loss.

2014-07-18 08:14


My Dear Yeo and SOP, you are all too smart.

Well, to make money and to compound for next 30 years, you need Easy Business. Probably something like Ice Cream and Chocolate and Coffee.

2014-07-18 09:49

Justin Ngo

JT YEO, your Lionfib shoots to RM1.19 today

2014-07-24 15:50

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