
Investment lecture....Open letter to KYY

Publish date: Sat, 02 Jun 2018, 01:26 PM
0 148
"people want to invest, they want to be successful.......they need to have big dreams, and grit....and of course, knowledge and mind set."

If the government's borrowing are double the official figures and now reach $ 1trillion......wouldn't you say the country's GDP is driven by hidden borrowings ?  and once the borrowings stop growing, the GDP growth will contract to sustainable levels.......that is to say, instead of 5 -6% growth, the GDP growth will slow down to say 2-3% once the strategy is reversed. 

If enough foreign fund managers think this way, the blue chips and KLCI stocks will fall until father and mother also cannot recognise. 
That being the case.....the only safe stocks are those
1.....not heavily held by foreigners
2.....not heavily exposed to Malaysian economy
3.....preferably only buy stocks that depend on foreign earnings and earns foreign currencies.
In other words......I recommend Jaks and Sendai as being stocks suitable for coming years.......and current  environment.
You tell the participants, you reach your current status because you are very careful with your stock selections and do not buy any Tom Dick and Harry stock.
You only buy stocks you can sleep soundly with and buy lots and lots of it and have been lucky enough not to have  made too many mistakes .
From expansion phase to contraction phase, you need appropriate strategy to ride out the storm.


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What you are saying is GDP is driven solely by public sector.Pls be reminded there is also a private sector bogged down by govt red tapes n under table money frm BN govt.This sector is waiting to roar under the appropriate policies frm PH eg incentives,tax holidays,business friendly govt etc.

2018-06-02 13:51


yes, you got a point too......

and so....the net net is for the future to unfold.

2018-06-02 13:58


after all the filth that was concealed frm the public has been uncovered by PH,and after the ff had responded to that filth,i believe bursa will head to unchartered territories,cos now the ppl are with the govt,n not against it.

2018-06-02 13:59


well.....if GDP slows to 2-3 % in each of the following 5 years, the new opposition will have plenty of talking points in 5 years time.

2018-06-02 14:11


haha what is so proud to have growth frm unservicable debt?
Jim rogers used to say "Give a sucker a few bil dollars and he can show you a good time,for a while"

2018-06-02 14:17


Best thing for the remnants of BN to do is go up the mountains and talk to the monkeys while having a real hard look at themselves in the mirror.

2018-06-02 14:19


Post removed.Why?

2018-06-02 14:24


everything is timing lah

2018-06-02 14:25


in stk mkt,gold can turn to shit eg.myeg n g kent....and shit into gold eg opcom.

2018-06-02 14:27


qqq3,i observed you have good trading techniques,keep it up.
and hentam ppl less,u will be fine.

2018-06-02 14:32


How did Najib get away with so much borrowings without affecting the Budget?

the invention of bullet repayment Islamic bonds is a very convenient tool. In the 10 years under Najib, Malaysia grew to be the biggest issuers of Islamic Bonds in the world. For some one like Najib, this is heaven send......for anyone who has no intention to repay the principal sums and for irresponsible borrowers, this is heaven send.

For some Islamic bonds, even interest also no need to pay because interest have been capitalised and either deducted up fronted or to be paid at the end of the tenure.....

And the borrowings are parked in Off Budget Agencies and GLCs and does not affect the annual Budgets until bullet repayments are due .

2018-06-02 14:48


Posted by rchi > Jun 2, 2018 02:32 PM | Report Abuse

qqq3,i observed you have good trading techniques,keep it up.
and hentam ppl less,u will be fine.

hantam is the best way to illustrate a point ......cannot tolerate hantam, don't post in public.

2018-06-02 14:50


Wah....suda pandal jllat sama KYY ya?

2018-06-02 14:57


Kakijilat > Jun 2, 2018 02:57 PM | Report Abuse

Wah....suda pandal jllat sama KYY ya?

when logic is on my side, scared of what?

2018-06-02 16:23

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