
Improving tactical skill (1)

Publish date: Sun, 18 Nov 2018, 01:32 PM
0 148
"people want to invest, they want to be successful.......they need to have big dreams, and grit....and of course, knowledge and mind set."

 by Kawkaw > Nov 17, 2018 11:48 AM Report Abuse 

qqq3..what are the creterias of buying smart.. 
Dont mind to share..


Highfive Bread > Nov 17, 2018 11:00 PM | Report Abuse 

qqq3,agree with you in buying at a low price,rather than chasing a share when it is going up. Down side risk is limited. 



Two related questions in the Supermax forum page 617 & 618.......


As for the second question...........


I wouldn't say downside is limited...in many instances, it is really no good to catch a falling knife....and that the sellers are right after all. 

what I will say is....buying some thing low and some thing with overwhelming negative forces, it does not take much to see it above your buying price....Its the risk you take. 

its the yin yang thing....maximum yin gives rise to the yang...what you want is to buy when it is near to max yin. what u want to buy is the pivotal moments.....u never can be 100%% sure.....its the price in risk u are willing to pay. 

lets say....look at overseas market, look at local market, look at your stock.....if all also bad....its increases the chances that that is the pivotal moment, the max yin.....time to enter , time for the yang to rise........that is one example.



As for the first question..............


kawkaw....its a decision.....a decision always involves risks....u just have to ask your self whether u want to pay the price in risk at that point..and do your home work and form an opinion....there is no fixed criteria.


the question is why did they sell down from $ 4.60 to $ 3.20 -$3.00..at that point is it catching a falling knife or buying smart? 

this case shows not all selling down is catching a falling knife...and not all selling down means the sellers are correct.


...I bought mine from $ 3.20 to $3.00....it fell to $ 2.80 on very bad market. 

my experience.....it is actually easier to make money buying low than buying and chasing high when everybody is chasing. 

Buying low, it does not take much for it to go above your buying price.


........ this company announced very good figures on 1 Nov...and this after the huge sell down...... 

so, in this case the people who did the sell down and scared everybody.....they were wrong....again shows....people who do big sell down can also be wrong..


I hope it helps. 


Improving tactical skillls is what trading all aboout.












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why I write it down? To frame it up......

2018-11-18 18:10


“Mild success can be explainable by skills and labor. Wild success is attributable to variance.”

2018-11-18 19:14

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