

Publish date: Tue, 01 Jan 2019, 03:57 PM
0 148
"people want to invest, they want to be successful.......they need to have big dreams, and grit....and of course, knowledge and mind set."

1 Jan 2019




I subscribe to the theory that the world will be entering a period of recession by 2020 with no easy solution .


I know, I know many of you will protest and point to the 10 years cycle ( 1998-2007, 2008- 2017, 2018- ? ) and rapid recovery from financial crisis in the past.


Here are my points


1. From the financial crisis of 10 years ago, the world was essentially bailed out by China and by Central bankers. The situation is very different now and cannot look for the same solutions.


2. We used to have what is known as the Greenspan put option wherein the FED  can reliably be called upon to intervene on behalf of financial markets, now people not so sure anymore.


3. China’s circumstances, priorities and capacity to intervene  are different today compared to 10 years ago. What happens if China is the cause ( of financial distress) and not the solution?


4. What about the US-China tariffs? Anyone who follows current events knows this thing is less about trade than about Americans fear of China. Two things can happen at the end of the truce period by March:


a) Declaration of good news, victory, mission accomplished by Trump

b) Declaration of bad news by Trump ( this is not likely to happen)


Neither of the two events is likely to change anything fundamentally….ie...the fear the Americans have with regards to the rise of China. ….and this fear is being played and exploited by US politicians from both parties...very popular amongst politicians.


This is a Long Term problem. No quick political solution. We are interested in  its economic impact and not any lasting political solution.


5. State of the world economy. We have US, China….and then we also have Brexit to deal with shortly.


6. Oil prices. What is happening in oil prices in recent months is weird, very weird. With Venezuela production almost coming to a halt ( due to mismanagement) , sanctions on Iran, close co-operation between Russia and Opec that Brent  oil price can drop from above US$ 80 to slightly above US$ 50 in such a short space of time is highly unusual. < US shales must be pumping like mad>. This is just more evidence of uncertainties in the world. I am not optimistic for oil price to end of 2019.


7. Solutions.


Technology.  Any solution is not likely to come from the world of politicians but from technology, from innovations, from scientists and from businessmen. There is  plenty of scope for innovators to improve the situation…..for good news.


China. As long as China GDP can exceed 5%, the risk to the world is tolerable. People will monitor China closely.


8. Impact on Bursa


Here, opinions differ. There are those who think Bursa prices have discounted for negative news and those who think, it still has some ways to go. Whatever it is , risks on Wall Street appears higher than risks in Bursa so we may be able to de-link ourselves from Wall Street to a certain extend. My opinion is that we should be ok as long as we are cautious in our approach.


9. Risks


Financial markets over shoots. Between Jan 2000 and Oct 2002 Nasdaq dropped from 4000 to 1300 ( 70% drop)  and between Oct 2007 and Jan 2009 Nasdaq drop from 3000 to 1500 ( 50% drop). Crisis investing is not as easy as you think…..unless you got infinite patience. Reality is different from myths.


10 Stock selections for 12 months money


Considering that one can also be right and still lose money ( or wrong and still make money) , one cannot ever be sure one has determined the best outcome 12 months later. But I did notice one guy who has gone out of his way to produce what in my opinion is the best designed model portfolio 12 months money given the state of the world:




1. Ql -20%

2. TOPGLOV -20%

3. Yinson -20%

4. Hartalega -20%

5. AirAsia -20% - balance of value


One will be hard pressed to find a portfolio of 5 stocks which are better managed, better strategies in place and better business in place to benefit from growth and also from  being cautious. I like this a lot. This is a model portfolio that is logical…..whatever the outcome by end 2019.


My own


For 12 months money and designed to be safe and conservative while also benefiting from investing, my idea would be:


Reits….IGB and Sunway  50%

Maybank                          10%

Serba Dinamik               10%

Jaks                               10%

Air asia                           10%

Vitrox                              10%


Whatever happens,  IGB and Sunway Reits will continue to find tenants,  the 5 equities will participate in the economy and growth…..Jaks is extremely interesting because there is both clarity ( to me) and skepticism ( from investing public) and at forced selling price.

Serba. Misconception about Serba that it is an O&G company. Far from it, business for Serba are all land based from refineries from factories, IPP and from anyone using huge turbines. Serba is a service and maintenance company with very predictable revenue and expanding fast.

Air asia is transforimg itself very fast. ... and a very very good managment team.

Vitrox , to me, is the most innovative company with the best prospects for long term growth in Bursa.



Design of portfolio is about risk - reward, about risk profile of the reader, about risk tolerance.


Considering this is i3...full of retailers, full of remisiers, full of OTB types who are  just interested to corner stocks, wag up stocks, small cap stocks, low PE stocks easier to manipulate……….this write up is not for you. Don’t even bother to comment.


This write up is about 12 months money. This is not about next week or next month.  You will not know whether I write about is accurate or not, logical or not until enough time has passed. So, don't use this to trade the market next week....or blame me in anyway.




2 people like this. Showing 18 of 18 comments


Hide in the cave

2019-01-01 19:55


Post removed.Why?

2019-01-02 01:23


Post removed.Why?

2019-01-02 01:24


so...is stock market about chou ta fai, ho sai kai ? or is investing about participating in the growth of companies like long number guy?

in a way, this is a fundamental question about stock market and about Bursa......and the role of Bursa......

2019-01-02 01:26

zhen wei & JP

Why sun reit?

2019-01-02 03:41


Well written!

2019-01-02 06:26


Dont forget Vietnam and Indochina is coming up.

2019-01-02 06:37


thanks to mismanagement by PH, we are now entering a recession!

2019-01-02 07:34


wait and see... :-)

2019-01-02 17:59


the language of last few days (USED IN WORLD MEDIA) is the language used in this article....supposed to be 12 months view.....but all of a sudden, everyone in the world suddenly focus on 12 months view......

as for Malaysia.....Wall Street up, we down......wall street down we up seems to be working..........

2019-01-04 10:49


Financial Crisis is imminent...I had warned of 2018 melt down since end 2016 n 2017.
No position in any investment

2019-01-04 10:53


this is a very good write out!
yes certainly I am having a hard time to put my portfolio for this year together

2019-01-04 10:59


PH only been in the gov for less than a year..
while bn has robbed for centuries..
so do u want invite robbers back into your house?

2019-01-04 11:06


logic is on our side....

but the bulls point to the statistics that two consecutive bad years on bursa is not common......

markets drop fast and rise slowly......so more time is spend rising slowly and less time in dropping fast.......

2019-01-04 11:13


Hush77 > Jan 4, 2019 11:06 AM | Report Abuse

PH only been in the gov for less than a year..
while bn has robbed for centuries..
so do u want invite robbers back into your house?

PH is doing what they could...it is beyond our control......like Trump.

2019-01-04 11:14


lol exactly now is global economy slowdown, nowhere is safe

2019-01-04 14:47

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