save malaysia!

Covid-19: 25 deaths; 4,519 cases in Malaysia, 77pc in Selangor, KL, Sarawak, Kelantan, Penang

Publish date: Sat, 08 May 2021, 06:21 PM

KUALA LUMPUR, May 8 — Malaysia today recorded 25 new deaths as a result of Covid-19, with the number of daily cases recorded increasing to 4,519 today, up from the 4,498 new cases recorded yesterday.

Out of the 4,519 cases, 77 per cent of them are from four states and Kuala Lumpur alone.

The top five today in terms of new Covid-19 cases recorded are Selangor (1,722), Kuala Lumpur (557), Sarawak (479), Kelantan (373) and Penang (363).

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Most is slightly above 5k & not more than 6k range mah....vaccine are here lah!

2021-05-08 18:51


This will put pressure on recovery stocks.

2021-05-08 18:56


Very fast recovery will come loh!

It will definitely be passed mah!

It is at its peak already loh!

Vaccine & herd immunity will be here to save the world loh!

2021-05-08 19:01


Recovery stocks will have Raya sales next week. Buy if you have enough cash on hand.

2021-05-08 19:02


No raya sales loh!

MCO 3....almost all business open mah!

2021-05-08 19:04

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