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Sarawakian activist wants Mas Ermieyati to appreciate ‘jolly’ Tiong for he’s able to do what Muslim ministers can’t

Publish date: Thu, 02 Nov 2023, 12:13 PM

SARAWAK’S most active activist Peter John Jaban has demanded an apology on behalf of Tourism, Arts and Culture Minister Datuk Tiong King Sing from Perikatan Nasional’s (PN) Masjid Tanah MP Datuk Wira Mas Ermieyati Samsudin for insinuating that the Bintulu MP had acted inappropriately in his official duties by over-indulging in drinking and dancing.

Jaban came to Tiong’s defence after the latter was recently slammed for “over-enjoying” himself during the Gawai festival which is intended to commemorate the start of a new harvest cycle as well as an occasion of thanksgiving and merrymaking for the Dayak community in Sarawak.

“Our Gawai festival is widely celebrated by all nationalities in Sarawak whereby our people believe in the drinking of tuak, dancing the ngajat and the Poco Poco on a wide scale. These traditions are adhered to appease the spirits, to thank them for a bountiful harvest and a better harvest in the coming year,” he pointed out in a media statement.

“Tiong was invited as a guest of honour recently and true to form, he partook in our celebration with gusto that was much admired by fellow Sarawakians but his behaviour was abhorred and criticised by certain MPs (in the Dewan Rakyat).”

Hitting out at the Bersatu women’s wing deputy chief, Jaban said Mas Ermieyati had failed to appreciate the fact that Tiong as a non-Muslim is in a position to do what a Muslim minister would not be able to do which is “to bond with and to serve both the locals and tourists well by dining and drinking alcoholic drinks or even consuming non-halal food”.

“Sarawak can easily attract tourist and become a rich state like Bali or even Singapore if it adopts a non-racial, secular and meritocratic and republican mode of governance,” envisages Jaban who is also the Global Human Rights Federation (GHRF) deputy president.

“If she (Mas Ermieyati) were the Tourism minister, she would not be able to draw the tourist dollars to our country with such a narrow mindset.”

As such, Jaban wondered if the former deputy law minister would be professional enough to issue an apology to Tiong for having tarnished his image by insinuating that he had done something inappropriate in his official duties by drinking and dancing with his fellow Sarawakians.

“Remember that she even asked for his resignation when in fact Tiong had done nothing wrong and was not even guilty of any misconduct while discharging his duties efficiently,” chided Jaban who is also the Sarawak Association for Peoples Aspiration (SAPA) publicity and information chief.

“She will most definitely need to do better to prove herself capable of contributing to the nation and be worthy of representing her constituents and her PN party before the next election.” - Nov 2, 2023

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2023-11-03 18:27


the more ppl play up religions and race issues, the more Sabah & Sarawak mau keluar malaysia!

2023-11-04 14:42


We Sarawakians very fed up with 100% nonperforming pseudoreformist ai who wouldn't open his mouth to tell off those deluded baddies

2023-11-04 14:53


east malaysia is the malaysia envision by everyone but west malaysia is the direction the country is heading towards.

2023-11-04 15:57


Cannot compare orange and apple. With MA1963, we set to be secular and will overtake u guys in penis-sular sooner or later in progress.

2023-11-04 16:45


penis-sular malaysia will go to the dogs better for you guys to get the fu ck away from us.

2023-11-04 23:11


I am not impressed with Palpatine's SG4. I have suggested 3S for so long. Singapore-Sarawak-Sabah. Singapore got world class cabinet, education and finance status, but no land as well as lacking in human capital and natural resources. We have land, ppl and natural resources - abundance. Win-win for sure

2023-11-05 07:24


for decades all the wealth from east taken to the west for it's development, leaving the east poor

2023-11-05 09:05


Betul. Penis-sular Ada Alibaba and 40 thieves.

2023-11-05 12:49


In a recent development, schools in Sabah and Sarawak have received word from their respective state governments that participation in the solidarity week program is now optional. Interestingly, the heads of mission schools have taken an even bolder stance by declaring their intent to disregard this directive. It's worth noting that the coalitions governing these two states are significant players in the overarching unity government.

On a separate note, Sarawak has boldly rejected a recent warning from Anwar, issued just last week, which stated that any communication with government departments in languages other than Malay would not be considered. This stands as a testament to the complex dynamics and diverse linguistic landscape in the region.

2023-11-05 12:49


Sarawak and Sabah are the last frontier to neutralise the green wave from SG4.

2023-11-05 13:08


I am not impressed with Palpatine's SG4. I have suggested 3S for so long. Singapore-Sarawak-Sabah. Singapore got world class cabinet, education and finance status, but no land as well as lacking in human capital and natural resources. We have land, ppl and natural resources - abundance. Win-win for sure

2023-11-05 13:13

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