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Export won’t sting prices here

Publish date: Wed, 26 Jun 2024, 09:21 AM

Industry players assure there is abundant supply for all

PETALING JAYA: Industry players are reassuring the public that increased exports will not lead to price hikes for kampung durians.

Durian Manufacturer Association president Eric Chan said, “Malaysia’s durian production is self-sufficient, and we produce more than what local consumers can consume.”

He said it is crucial to balance export demands with local supply to ensure fair pricing for all consumers.

“When efforts to enhance durian production and explore new export opportunities are successful, more people will invest in durian planting.

“This could lead to increased fruit supply and potentially impact the local durian market.”

However, he noted it is essential to manage this growth responsibly to prevent price hikes that could hinder local consumers’ access to durians.

“Malaysian durians are attracting Chinese nationals who travel to Malaysia specifically for durian tourism.

“This highlights the importance of maintaining a balance between export demands and local consumption,” he said.

Malaysia Durian Exporters Association president Sam Tan said that looking ahead, any price hike would stabilise or decrease due to an expected oversupply from increased durian cultivation.

“As production grows, the market should adjust, leading to competitive pricing that will give farmers sustainable profits while also enhancing Malaysia’s position in the global durian market.

“Prices of kampung durian may increase in the future but it won’t be worrying.

“Over time, as durian planting increases and leads to an oversupply, prices are expected to stabilise, benefiting both producers and consumers,” he said.

Last year, in collaboration with the Federal Agricultural Marketing Authority, Tan said Malaysia exported about 1,000 tonnes of frozen kampung durian to China, receiving an overwhelming response.

“As export opportunities increase, prices for kampung durian might initially rise, benefiting local farmers.

“But not all Chinese consumers favour the kampung variety.

“This is where we need to have robust quality control and effective marketing to meet market expectations and expand reach,” he said.

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