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Raub durian farmers claim enforcers torched quarters

Publish date: Tue, 10 Sep 2024, 08:47 PM

RAUB: Musang King durian farmers who failed to gain access to their orchards here are crying foul, claiming that enforcers set quarters on fire yesterday.

The farmers claimed they caught the "inhumane" act on video. They questioned whether this was a case of abuse of power to intimidate the farmers.

Save Musang King Alliance (Samka) president Wilson Chang claimed the Pahang Enforcement Unit cordoned off the unlicensed durian farms in the past few months and set fire to several quarters yesterday.

"Farmers and workers saw several four-wheel drives enter unlicensed durian farms in Sungai Klau, Raub.

"Workers on higher ground saw the vehicles stop near the farmers' quarters, which are also used to accommodate workers and store tools.

"Later, some of the premises were covered in thick smoke. The quarters were completely burnt. Everything was destroyed.

"We demand an explanation from the enforcement unit. Why treat farmers this way? What have farmers done wrong?

"Why is the state government being so cruel? Are farmers terrorists?

"We are farmers who have been cultivating the land for generations. We are why Musang King is internationally famous," he said today.

Chang claimed enforcers had stolen durians during raids at the orchards in the past, causing huge losses for farmers.

He urged the state government to hold a dialogue with the farmers to seek a win-win solution that can further develop the Musang King industry.

"The farmers' assembly on Sept 7 in Sungai Klau that thousands attended is proof farmers can no longer tolerate the enforcement actions.

"Do not assume that extreme measures will force farmers into signing unfair contracts with Royal Pahang Durian (Royal Pahang Durian Group)."

He urged Pakatan Harapan leaders in the state government to fulfil their promise to grant leases to farmers who have been cultivating the unlicensed durian farms for many years.

"Are Pakatan Harapan leaders going to stand and watch? Many durian farmers supported Pakatan Harapan in the last election. Yet, this is how they (farmers) are being treated. Where should the farmers go from here?"

The New Straits Times has reached out to the Menteri Besar's Office for comment.

Samka comprises durian farmers without permits in Raub. They have refused to be part of a durian farming land legalisation agreement by Royal Pahang Durian Resources-PKPP Sdn Bhd.

The farmers claimed the deal would cause losses for small-scale farmers.

On April 24, the Kuantan High Court dismissed the farmers' judicial review application challenging the Pahang government's decision to evict them from farms in Raub.

On July 19, 131 Musang King farmers from Raub failed to gain access to their orchards to maintain the trees after the Court of Appeal dismissed their application.

Op Sekat, launched on April 30 and jointly conducted by the police, Forestry Department and Pahang Enforcement Unit, aims to curb illegal durian farming in Raub.

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