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What is Genting without its casino when the touristic resort thrives on its gambling reputation

Publish date: Thu, 19 Sep 2024, 11:42 AM

CAN Genting Highlands which has operated peacefully since 1971 with clear restrictions that its casinos limit entry to non-Muslims (security personnel at entrances ensure visitors meet the entry requirements) stand on its own two feet as purely a touristic/recreational resort for family outing?

The latter seems to be the best outcome for the tourist destination which is instrumental in drawing 1.72 million domestic and international tourists in 1Q 2024 - a 15.17% increase from the same period of last year - if Genting Highlands is stripped off its casino/gambling element.

This comes about as Pahang PAS commissioner Rosli Abdul Jabar clarified that the Islamist opposition party has no intention to close down Genting Highlands but “merely to disallow its gambling activities through existing rules and laws”.

“We wish to emphasise that we never want to close down Genting as the Pahang DAP chairman claimed but merely to stop its gambling activities while enabling Genting to thrive as a tourist destination,” the Tanjung Lumpur state assemblyman pointed out in a Facebook post.

“Gambling is an activity that causes a lot of harm to the people and the harm is chained because gambling causes neglect of the household, divorce, domestic violence, theft, encouraging Ah Long (loan sharks) to offer unlicensed loans and many other social ills.

“Above all else, gambling is also a practice that kills the honour of the country, state, race and family.”

In this regard, Rosli took a jab at Pahang DAP chairman Lee Chin Chen who contended that the closure of gambling-related activities will affect the livelihood of Muslims working in Genting Highlands.

“This matter must be investigated by the enforcement unit of the Pahang Islamic Religion Department as to whether there are Muslims working in the casino or directly exposed in gambling activities,” insisted the Pahang PAS commissioner.

“What’s the problem if they work in Genting but are not involved in gambling activities? They can in fact continue to work there if Genting Highlands remains a tourism destination.”

Rosli further ticked off the Bilut state assemblyman for having gone to the extent of insulting Muslims or make them scapegoats.

“As a people representative, I’m very much against gambling because I have received so many complaints from people who’re victims or suffer bad effects from gambling activities,” he justified.

“As Muslims, we believe that our country, state and economy are better off without gambling. Muslims need to be aware that if they wish to close down gambling dens, they’ve to first unseat DAP.”

The bottom line is that the proposal to shut down Genting is merely a far-fetched dream for PAS to gain political mileage. In all likelihood, it would never materialise.

Recall that if PAS was serious about wiping out gambling, it would have done so during the 33 months the party was in power.

Instead, the Perikatan Nasional (PN) administration - and later the Barisan Nasional (BN)-led government- not only allowed gambling to thrive by permitting extra draws for number forecast operators (NFOs) but was at the forefront to milk tax revenues by the gambling operators. - Sept 19, 2024

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Genting Highlands without casino will be just like Frasers Hill or Bukit Tinggi. Go see how many ppl go Frasers or Tinggi

1 week ago


speakUp, you are right.

6 days ago


they will manage the country like talipan after finish non muslim agenda then they will go woman all woman cannot drive car . from thier speech and mindset how they threat GERAKAN we already know

6 days ago


should update them UAE DUBAI casino news dont macam katak di bawah tempurung

6 days ago


Ban Genting or Halal cert. issue purposely created to DISTRACT from real embarrassment on Global Ikhwan. hope get away with other petty matters.

5 days ago


taliban banyak panlai wayang kulit ma. try to protect own brothers ma.

5 days ago


Don't get distracted. This issue is to divert rakyat's attention to the failure of Jakimm jaissss series in their responsibilities causing irreparable suffering to the children

5 days ago


yes ...waste tax payee money pretend blind to GISB modus operandi. its IGP is doing right thing this time. don't want coverup for own brothers' evildoing. Add salt to injury with compulsory halal cert. to divert attention

5 days ago


they cant cover up anymore,that issue is getting too huge....too many children were traumatised

5 days ago


Correct. Guys, stay focus on getting rid of evil activities. All the children deserve basic human rights such as religion freedom etc etc

5 days ago


JAKIM JAIS should be abolished. Let the role return back to royalty. reliable protector of Muslim sanctity. billion spend on this contractor who buat boloh

5 days ago


The Sultan of Selangor Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah has issued a stern warning regarding the ongoing investigation into the criminal activities of Global Ikhwan Service and Business Holdings (GISBH), expressing deep concern over the lack of effective action from relevant authorities.

In a recent address, the ruler highlighted significant weaknesses in monitoring and enforcement by religious agencies over GISBH’s welfare homes and Islamic schools.

He added that the slow progress of the probe has allowed the issue to escalate to a serious and unmanageable level.

5 days ago


The rise of caliph will displace raja-based government

5 days ago


It's PAS, not ICERD - The main threat to raja-based ruling of states or country. Islanic governance, particularly, supports the caliphate over monarchy because it emphasizes leadership based on merit, accountability, and principles, rather than hereditary rule or dynastic privilege

5 days ago


so how ? who are you going to vote for in GE16 ? who you vote for also die, now you know you are just a sucker.

5 days ago


Third block led by Siti Kasim - vote her to be the next PM lah. Senang aje

5 days ago

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