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K-One Technology Berhad. Company’s Prospect Updates

TIG Edwin
Publish date: Mon, 07 Sep 2020, 05:58 PM
Daily Update from our analyst

By Stella Goh


K-One Technology gets nod from Medical Device Authority to supply nasal swabs

K-One has received an approval from the Medical Device Authority, an agency under Ministry of Health, to supply nasal swabs in Malaysia. The company plans to sell the nasal swabs on its own way or sell it bundle with vials, depending on the requirements of the end users such as hospitals and laboratories.

K-One also mentioned they will continue to reach their target overseas market that have potential high demand for nasal swabs due to escalating Covid-19 infections or second wave of infections. The nasal swab is an important medical device used to collect fluid specimen from the back of nasal cavity for COVID-19 testing. It also can used to test for other illness such as influenza. So nasal swab is expected to be a long-term business beyond Covid-19.


K-One awarded license to manufacture low-cost ventilators for use in Covid-19

K-One Technology Berhad secures a license to manufacture and distribute low-cost breathing ventilators developed by NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory (NASA JPL) for use by Covid-19 patients. The ventilator is dubbed VITAL (Ventilator Intervention Technology Accessible Locally) ventilator, which is low-cost and fewer parts. And, it was approved to be use in US by the Food & Drug Administration. The license agreement will be lasts up to 1 October 2024 or until the World Health Organisation lifts the public health emergency status.

The license is royalty-free, in other word, K-One is free to use, share, distribute, and make available to others, copy, modify and build upon the technology for the purpose during the license term. While in April 2020, K-One said it had obtained the open source design files of the conventional model made by a multinational company and had targeted the prototype to be completed in 3Q2020. But the ventilator is not related to prototype.

K-One sets up Singaporean Cloud Computing Unit

K-One Technology Berhad’s 60% owned subsidiary, G-Asia Pacific Sdn Bhd is setting up a company in Singapore to provide cloud computing services, including infrastructure as a services (IAAS), platform as a service (PAAS), cloud consultancy and design, software and mobile application development and cloud management related services.

G-Asia Singapore and G-Asia Malaysia are in good position to take advantage of new business opportunities presented by COVID-19 pandemic and the acceptance of the new normal whereby employees and employers alike adjust to home-based working, which is likely to be adopted to some extent moving forward.


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