Trending Line

Arbitrage From Short Selling

Jack Kong
Publish date: Thu, 31 May 2018, 02:21 AM

Have You Escaped?
大约从四月份开始就看空大盘指数,不断提醒注意风险,现金为上。但该发生的总会发生,这就是市场可爱之处;基本上在这几天除了放空指数FKLI 和买入FBMKLCI Put Warrant 能够有赚头之外,我猜想多数人在这时段进场的都亏损,尤其今天更可怕,直接跳空杀下去。

基于我早都看空市场,所以已经将绝大多数的股票清光,手中除了FKLI 的空单合约和HSI Put Warrant 之外,就是现金,等待的就是这一次财富转移的机会。

今天的FKLI 大跌让我乘机平掉所有的空单,从这个30 分钟FKLI 的走势 (六月份的合约),基本上已经要到达第二波段的跌幅了,虽然目标是大概1695(今天最低点也来到了大概1702),可是以防跌深反弹钆空单,我认为还是套利为上策,毕竟卖出也是一种学问。

恒生指数如我的预期今天开盘直接跳空下跌,这让所有的HSI Put Warrant 涨至少20%,而我也乘机卖出HSI Put Warrant 套利,毕竟Cash Is King。然而,我会等待下一次进场时机,那就是跌破支撑大概 29794,届时恒生的大头部就成形了。

其实不管FKLI 指数期货或Structure Warrant 都是一种高风险金融商品,所以买入前必须了解,进场前必须设停损。

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2018-05-31 05:03


I covered my short at 1710 yesterday (shorted since Election Day). I Long fkli June yesterday for quick reversal , spot month and cash market trading at huge discount is abnormal for me especially today is the last trading day. Any idea?

2018-05-31 07:37


of coz was right decision u covered ur short yesterday , leaving an open position would be very risky

2018-05-31 07:39


Anyway I think those who who bought FBMKLCI-Put made much better return in terms of percentage (of course they will lose more if they bet the wrong direction)

2018-05-31 08:26


index trading at near 52 weeks low. might have mild rebound. i hope.

2018-05-31 10:28

Jack Kong

@Patron, rebound is happen After serious drop on 30/5. Today open low and close high at 1748, But 1 hour before close got reversal signal, so, I think if wanna to play short, then can set cut lose at 1750.50.

2018-06-02 02:29

Jack Kong

@CharlesT, Just a little luck only... By the way, World Cup is at the corner... Maybe is a good time to buy Heineken to enjoy the matches. :-D

2018-06-02 02:30

Jack Kong

@hallandking, Ya. So I just decide to take profit and enjoy my weekend... haha

2018-06-02 02:31

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