
The situation in the Middle East raised concerns oil prices pull liter

Reported that Saudi Arabia sent military aircraft raid guerrilla bases in Yemen, tense geopolitical situation in the Middle East atmosphere, concerns over crude oil supply, oil prices on Monday made good peripheral. 

NEW YORK, June Minimum oil as $ 67.14, closed up 24 cents, or 0.4 percent, to $ 68.64 a barrel. Brent oil for June low as $ 73.13, closed up 65 cents, or 0.9 percent, to $ 74.71 a barrel. 

Earlier, the Middle East media reported that Saudi air strikes led to guerrilla leader killed in Yemen. 

Sevens Report co-editor Tyler Richey pointed out that the conflict between the Saudi and Yemeni guerrillas, has become one of the main driving force of the rise in oil prices the past two weeks, as traders worried about Middle East oil supplies will suffer. Price Futures senior analyst Phil Flynn also believe that the situation in the Middle East concerns likely to continue for some time, pushing prices upwards. 

However, FXTM Hussein Sayed, chief strategist believes that rising oil prices to the current level, could trigger a global economic slowdown and rising inflation concerns last week, US President Trump criticized remarks OPEC prop up oil prices, it is expected to make oil further up difficult. 

In addition, SG believes that the Iranian nuclear issue Trump set a deadline for the May 12, the closer the time, market concerns about the issue will heat up. At present, the possibility of the United States is expected to re-impose sanctions on Iran is 70%. If at that time really sanctions, oil prices will likely pull liter.



今日 03:53 國際財經

中東局勢引發關注 油價扳升




Sevens Report共同編輯Tyler Richey指出,沙地與也門游擊隊之間的衝突,成為油價過去兩周上升的主要動力之一,因為交易商擔心中東原油供應將受到困擾。Price期貨高級分析員Phil Flynn也相信,中東局勢的憂慮可能持續一段日子,推動油價向上。

不過,FXTM首席策略師Hussein Sayed認為,油價上升至現水平,可能引發全球經濟增長放緩與通脹升溫的關注,上周美國總統特朗普抨擊石油出口國組織托高油價的言論,預期令到油價難以進一步向上。




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