Namoyaki Takarajima

100001914517300 | Joined since 2012-04-08

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2012-05-10 13:24 | Report Abuse

YTD: LOWEST = 4.59 YTD HIGHEST = 6.15, Today lowest = 4.36, Good counter to watch. Rumors & Speculation building up.


2012-05-10 13:24 | Report Abuse

YTD: LOWEST = 4.59 YTD HIGHEST = 6.15, Today lowest = 4.36, Good to watch. Rumors & Speculation building up.

News & Blogs

2012-05-10 06:55 | Report Abuse

Gajah & Eaglies! AGREED. 100%. Lets help each other and move towards a better life with a good and healthy lifestyle. Healthy lifestyle by all means; to support each other! (Think Positive!)


2012-05-09 21:08 | Report Abuse

haha, kalau dah nama Investor tu got money lah. ok macam ni, PCHEM now is 6.5+, kalau kita beli sikit-sikit 100, 200, 300, 500 takkan dia nak marah kot? Thats whats small time investor do bro. ;)

News & Blogs

2012-05-09 21:05 | Report Abuse

hahaha, lawak lah shuk ni, ada pro lagi lah bagus, tapi janagan pro in term of depa tu speculator and stimulator dah lah, bahaya.


2012-05-09 21:04 | Report Abuse

Betul. Setuju. Watch YTL & PCHEM bro.


2012-05-09 21:02 | Report Abuse

Hi there Benson911, will get back to this counter soon. will get some comments from Adam Ryan as well. Agreed, this is a good counter to watch.


2012-05-09 20:56 | Report Abuse

Thnks Nelson, we shall meet again and discuss on the MA of this counter. Drops us a msg in here when you are done with yr works. Take care man.


2012-05-09 20:47 | Report Abuse

benson911, the answer will be depend on: are you a trader or an investor result.


2012-05-09 20:45 | Report Abuse

alamak, kapal hubline i simpan sampai sekarang. Kapal MISC dah tutup semua line, kalau betul sekarang drop dari 8 ke 4, then nak lompat balik ke 8, kita buang kapal hubline yg kecik tu lompat ke kapal besar. haha


2012-05-09 20:40 | Report Abuse

amsharazzi, you may consider this counter if you are in a strong-cash holder position, lets study the details. we discus again tomorrow ya, and lets see wht it will be on Friday eve.


2012-05-09 20:36 | Report Abuse

hah! Hustle, speculator spin kata ada campur tangak kakak besar jugak? semua cargo dah clear kt b'worth port. sekarang kat tanggan empat, nanti empat nak lompat ke lapan. biar betul ni kapal ni?


2012-05-09 20:29 | Report Abuse

Good hit! I just look at this counter today amsharazzi, whats bring you here anyway?


2012-05-09 20:09 | Report Abuse

Bro, ini tabung besar bro.


2012-05-09 19:49 | Report Abuse

Bro Jester, Benjamin Franklin of Philadelphia, the American Patriot, The founding father of The United State of America selalu memperingatkan kepada anak-anaknya tentang: "Aim small missed small" semasa mengajar mereka menggunakan senapang.
Here we go, kita pun kena praktis perkara yg sama bro, "Aim Small missed small".


2012-05-09 19:37 | Report Abuse

Bro Hustle, if you are the Hustle i used to know, means you DEFINITELY knew something about MISC! Shoot it here bro, lets discuss.

News & Blogs

2012-05-09 19:35 | Report Abuse

eh ada lagi bro aku ni. Big Chap macam Dato' dato, kawan2 yg ada ber-Profile tinggi. aku sempat tangkap mereka dengan nick name mereka, cara mereka menulis, cara cakap dan 'behaviour' atau perwatakan mereka, hahahaha... baguslah tempat ni! seriously!


2012-05-09 19:29 | Report Abuse

Bro Nelson, click at Stock Chart and click at YTD. Tengok chart tu baik-baik, and think of your NEXT move. Ask yourself; What's NEXT?

News & Blogs

2012-05-09 19:26 | Report Abuse

bro shuk, see, i've new friend walaupun kau dah meninggalkan aku, huk huk, this is why i like here, we make new friends, we advise each other, i notice some of the Big Chap are here too, tak sangka. hahahahaha... bro jester, whutsup man?


2012-05-09 19:23 | Report Abuse

bro, remember: 'money never sleep', so why must we keep it as cash, make it works for us. If you are at Malaysia Stock Markets and you are in a strong-cash position (ref:#1), you may wants to consider to buy some of the strong GLC blue chips.

News & Blogs

2012-05-09 19:11 | Report Abuse

hahaha.. Money For Nothing- kata Dire Straits. Ada, now aku tengah Online dengan dia, hihihi

News & Blogs

2012-05-09 19:08 | Report Abuse

hahahaha... tengok, baca ler buku tu: awal2 lagi dah kena tembak!
"The way to get started is to stop talking and start doing. -Walt Disney yg kata. :)

News & Blogs

2012-05-09 19:04 | Report Abuse

haha, lagi 2 tahun aku ajak ko pegi Singapore jumpa Adam Ryan lepak kat Sentosa Island... baca buku ni syok la bro! stim giler hahaha... boleh baca kat sini jer, free:

News & Blogs

2012-05-09 18:57 | Report Abuse

uicks! tengah baca buku Real Estate bro, hihihi


2012-05-09 18:49 | Report Abuse

YTD: LOWEST = 1.70 HIGHEST = 1.90, Today lowest = 1.66 Trading Vol: 4.7


2012-05-09 18:44 | Report Abuse

jester, markets nowadays is uncertain, so it's kind of gila-gila here and there la.


2012-05-09 18:42 | Report Abuse

silom, depends, some may say this is a lousy counter but some may have different opinion.

News & Blogs

2012-05-09 18:37 | Report Abuse

Bro! Wah, nice to see you again my bro! Aku tengah seronok membaca ni. :)


2012-05-09 18:35 | Report Abuse

YTD: LOWEST = 1.98 HIGHEST = 2.38, Today lowest = 2.00 Trading Vol: 5.67M

News & Blogs

2012-05-09 18:20 | Report Abuse

AirAsia flying South to Lion City today. AirAsia, where North meets West; build castle at the center. Building aviation empire in the middle of East and West. SMART!

News & Blogs

2012-05-09 18:17 | Report Abuse

Congratulations Tan Sri Azman Hashim on your achievement. Tahniah! Please do visit us in here regularly now and do give us good TIPS. We know you always want to help us in your way. SALUTE!


2012-05-09 18:13 | Report Abuse

kongfeifan86, LOL, Gila Battle share.

News & Blogs

2012-05-09 18:12 | Report Abuse

Dear Mr.CP TEH,

Honestly, I like to read your blog because of the style of your writing and the style of the story line arrangement in your blog.

Indeed, you have put a soul into your blog by sincerely wrote how you feel about what happened today and it has become very personal to you. The moving average of your life indicator seem smooth with a good position where you currently enjoyed.

Holistically, a normal human being will feel free to expressed anything they like to speak but for being special, one need to be able to control lots of area in order to satisfy others. Tactically, that is what some of politicians do regardless from which party they are.

The balance of Arts & Science and the ability to combine both Left Brain & Right brain is not an easy task. Being holistic doesn't means being a holy person totally.

Being special means the ability to combine all aspect and able to control intellectual quotient, emotional quotient, spiritual quotient, humanity concerned, God and godhood, mathematically & financially strong, aware of empathy and sympathy and some others in order for us to accept our self and others, as well as to satisfy our self and to satisfy others.

Please keep on writing as like i like to read the hypothesis you made considering your son's statements to you, the behavior of your little Sherlyn and your boy Er er to you and for that matter; you trade safely to ensure the financial safety of your family.

You see, you are a writer and I am a reader, whatever you wrote I read. Fundamentally, being a trader or an investor we must be able to read lots of things, anything.

Read by all means, doesn't mean that we read and we react to what we read but read; for being able to read what is behind the writer's mind.

Blogger is a 'Beautiful Mind' reader. They read and later they write and they trade what they have read to their own interest. The 'Beautiful Mind' by all means is they wrote according to their own interest and yet they have audiences, followers, listeners and many other type of audiences and that is a total of 'The Arts of Influence'.

Please keeps on giving good advise to us, we like it and we say thank you in our way. Do take care of your health physically & emotionally, and of course the balance of The Yin & Yang will always kept you on Top!

Cheers! Salam hormat to you Mr.CP TEH.



2012-05-09 16:54 | Report Abuse

Hustle, Jupiter is a Research Center of their own. There is always a reason behind when the statements is made. We can take/make Jupiter as one of our Tools, a comparison of an Apple to Apple tools.


2012-05-09 16:48 | Report Abuse

AirAsia flying South to Lion City today. AirAsia, where North meets West; build castle at the center. Building aviation empire in the middle of East and West. SMART!

News & Blogs

2012-05-05 12:52 | Report Abuse

A band named Dire Straits wrote a song titled: 'Money for nothing', they value friendships more than money. The most valuable thing in life is 'friend' and 'time'. If you lost them, you can't get it back.


2012-05-05 12:42 | Report Abuse


Cycle effects of the impact of the, Bida Liang in the first quarter, net profit lower
Analysis of hot stocks 2012-05-04 19:03
(KUALA LUMPUR) Bida Liang (PRESBHD, 5204, the Main Board of Trade and service group) will be on the 28th of this month announced 2012 first quarter results, OSK Research expects the periodic effect in the first quarter net profit was down year-on-year, dielectric 800 million to 900 million ringgit, but is estimated to take off in the second half.
Show growth until the second half
OSK foresee the Bida Liang strong profit growth will become apparent to the National University Diploma in supply will be implemented in the second half, in addition, the company's management also seeks to reduce earnings volatility, better feedback at the same time explore the quarterly dividend in the form of small shareholders .
OSK said 75% of revenue from software license distribution business the Bida Liang in the 2011 training diploma in only 25%, but this year the contribution ratio of the expected rise to 60 pairs of 40 training diploma business core earnings contribution may be the first to go beyond software distribution, and rise to become the largest source of profit.
"This is because Bi Daliang provided training diploma is itself created, in general, self-development of the diploma need to consume two million ringgit R & D spending, but the successful creation of intellectual property rights, and related services to the highest net profit rate on the probe 70 percent."
The future, OSK believes that the company will try to draw on their own diploma and may enter the overseas market, while in the second half of this year to promote English in the Workplace and Green IT and other training programs, it is estimated to further promote the 2013 fiscal year earnings growth.
OSK also said that the Bida Liang's only 50 permanent employees, low working capital requirements, which directly increases the ability to pay dividends; 50% dividend payout ratio, OSK estimated that the company be distributed in fiscal year 2012 of 9.2 cents per share dividend, In the current share price, the dividend rate approaching 10%, very attractive.
It is worth mentioning is that the Taylor Education Pte Ltd in February this year, Yue Miao, through the open market to buy the Bida Liang 50 million shares of stock, OSK, though by no means related news broke, but does not rule out future commence more in-depth the possibility of cooperation.
Stock undervalued
OSK added, the Bida Liang share price since last September, has turned up twice as high, but the purpose of valuation, the stock is still undervalued, currently only 5.4 times in 2012 and 2013, 4.8 times earnings ratio trading, if the future came to the specific development or grab by the new contracts, the share price upside may be widening.
In view of this, OSK maintain the stock target price of one ringgit 48 cents, and reiterated its "buy" rating. (Sin Chew Jit Poh / Finance)
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2012-05-05 12:40 | Report Abuse


Benefit from the field overall outlook uncertain, Unisem (UNISEM, 5005, the main board technology) in the second half will be in the market patch inventory and smart phones and tablet PCs demand driven look pretty, it is given a buy rating.

Although the first quarter of poor performance, according to the report of the prospects offered by the company the worst should have been in the past.

The company pointed out that the customer has begun to fill the inventory, smart phones and tablet PCs to drive, chip, flip chip technology, QFN package services, the needs are bullish, the second quarter turnover of Quarterly by 8-10%.

U.S. customers will be transferred to the Chengdu plant production in the third quarter of the plant began production line will be more busy; local Ipoh plant utilization rates already as high as 90-95%.

The company noted that even the customers requested the company to expand Ipoh factory capacity; However, we believe that the beginning of fiscal year 2013, the Chengdu plant will be the highest contributor to turnover, when demand caused by the plant in Batam in Indonesia turn The loss for the surplus.

Promote the growth of the above factors, we expect the second half of the growth will be very strong, were raised in fiscal year 2012 and fiscal year 2013 growth forecast to 4.2% and 3.3%, target price increased from 1.60 ringgit to 1.70 ringgit.


2012-05-02 13:10 | Report Abuse

Brother Chong, missed yr msg at 11.26am just now. Split second.


2012-04-30 18:45 | Report Abuse

What do you guys think about DRB movement today? (Chart)


2012-04-30 18:44 | Report Abuse

Bro Chong, get m the latest e-mail please. Thanks in advance.

News & Blogs

2012-04-30 18:43 | Report Abuse

Dear Tan Kian Wei, We just watch & read this statement. We dislike dis-harmonies. Dis-harmonies is not healthy for Share Markets. We dislike confusion as well. Confusion is not healthy for Share Markets too. All of us in here are friends, some are brothers and sisters.


2012-04-20 13:13 | Report Abuse

lari dulu kalau boleh pun tak apa bro, GE kan, crushed soon isn't it?


2012-04-20 13:11 | Report Abuse

hahahaha... nanti Hollywood boleh buat cerita 'Behind The Counter', kalau ikut statement baramundi80.


2012-04-20 13:04 | Report Abuse

gary tan88. wise guy lah you! patut senyap jer tadi, tengah jaga jantung rupanya. anyways, can i have yr e-mail? ChartNexus helps a lot too. my email:


2012-04-20 09:29 | Report Abuse

millionaire-wannabe: is yr report official? has AFFIN confirmed this announcement?


2012-04-20 09:28 | Report Abuse

MohdShuk, sabaq sat kot? tu macam ada berita baik ja tu kt atas tu, kalau dia roundup RM0.20, jadi cerita lain tu.


2012-04-20 09:16 | Report Abuse

hai Loh Ganu, mentang2 malam Jumaat, panjat awai nampak

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