Fam Jenny

Jennyfam | Joined since 2013-11-19 10:31:26

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2020-03-01 22:17 | Report Abuse

The moulding of quality leaders are essential.

News & Blogs

2020-02-29 17:39 | Report Abuse

Makaysians are not so supid.

News & Blogs

2020-02-29 16:35 | Report Abuse

When Jesus's disciples were arguing for positions in heavens,Jesus said those willing to make sacrifice for others will be chosen for high positions.
Leaders who make sacrifices will be great statemen n be remembered forever in history.

News & Blogs

2020-02-29 16:24 | Report Abuse

In this crucial moment Anwar wants to save PH so he makes the right sacrifice n he will gain the respect if many people.

News & Blogs

2020-02-29 15:50 | Report Abuse

Anwar makes sacrifices for Ph by not insisting to be the next PM,respect must be endowed for him.

News & Blogs

2020-02-29 15:11 | Report Abuse

When they form the next stronger government,they can legally invite other quality MPs from other parties to join them.Then they leave the undesirable ones in the opposition without any threats of defections in the future.

News & Blogs

2020-02-28 11:51 | Report Abuse

Don't worry loh,malaysian politicians have the best brains to outwit each other so just watch theire witty skills.

News & Blogs

2020-02-28 11:38 | Report Abuse

To be fair to Tun Mahathir,Anwar's rebels broke away n Tun Mahathir's commades pulled out immediately even won't listen to Tun Mahathir 's call for the delay,thus causing Ph short of majority n its collapse.So don't blame him but those who plotted for its collapse
So now it is time to stand together to outwit their scheme by proper planning.


2020-02-27 10:31 | Report Abuse

Whoever jumps party for another must go for fresh election according to normal practice.So don't need to have fresh national election.Just comment on the rules of law n am neutral.

News & Blogs

2020-02-22 19:36 | Report Abuse

Put one tsp of tumeric powder n cinommon each in one glass of warm water n consume it for five days to strengthen your respiratory system n clear your plegm.This is a good preventive measure to avoid coronavirus infe tion.


2020-01-29 07:40 | Report Abuse

Each dosage is one teaspoon in the portion of 2:1 for tumeric n cinommon respectively in one glass of warm water.Take two times a day if you have flu,sinus or asthma problems for 3 days.
For strengthening your immune system take tumeric once a day,if you have diabetic take together with cinommon which is a sugar burner in your blood.


2020-01-28 22:13 | Report Abuse

Pls don't argue with me when my friends n me have cure our flu and sinus with it.


2020-01-28 21:40 | Report Abuse

For prevention it is wise to come tumeric drinks daily ax it has anti toxic properties instead of panic of contaminatoon.


2020-01-28 21:18 | Report Abuse

Also wear a mask when you talk to strangers or in public place to minimise exposure to risk of unhealthy air.I hole up in my apartment in the evenings n move around outside in the morning to get some exercise.


2020-01-28 21:11 | Report Abuse

To ease your sinus discomfort or flu when phlegm got struck in your nose or throat,the best medical cure is to mix two parts of pure tumeric(kuyit) powder and one portion of pure cinommon powder(kayu manis) in one glass of warm water.Consume it twice a day n the phlegm will be coughed out n cure your flu.I never visit a doctor n cure my flu or sinus with these spices for my illness.You can strenghen your immune n respiratory systems by this method.
Hope I can help with this traditional method.

News & Blogs

2020-01-02 23:43 | Report Abuse

Those people need help n mercy bcos they lose hope in themselves but not drug peddlars n addictsl

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2020-01-02 12:53 | Report Abuse

Correction:....God will deal with them.....

News & Blogs

2020-01-02 10:12 | Report Abuse

Whatever we do God is aware of so don't worry if the wicked does bad deeds bcos God will with them for their wicked works for he has said,'Vengeance is mine'.So they will reap retribution for their wickedness.To some it is 'Karma' n to me it is retribution from God who will render justice to the innocent ones.

News & Blogs

2020-01-01 23:11 | Report Abuse

God is loving to us bcos he sent his only beggotten son,Jesus to die for the sin of Adam so that his decendants gain gain the rights to live forever in the paradise earth.He appointed Jesus n 144,000 disciples to rule over the earth from heaves.He intends to restore the earth to paradise conditions where there is plentiful of food,exquisite delight in the abundance 8f peace n security.Rev 7:4,Rev5:10,'.......they are to rule as kings over the earth.'
In Isaiah 65:25,'The wolf n lamb will feed as one.......Psalm 37:9,10,11,'The evil doers will be cut off....' 'The meek ones will possess the earth....
So we suffer temporarily now at the hands of the wicked humans n devils but soon they will perish from the eath and leave the good ones alone,aren't you be consoled by God's plan for you?
In the future maybe our mode of exchange of goods will not be currency but gaining points from good works we perform to others. In such situations everyone will be motivated to do good works in the paradise which will be excellent for us to live.Let's cheer for the the day to come n repent now for our sins n acknowledge the true God n his rulership through Jesus n the 144k disciples.

News & Blogs

2020-01-01 22:35 | Report Abuse

God gave tbe ten commandments to Isrealites after they exited Eygpt through Moses at Mt Sinai n many of the common laws were derived from the mosiax laws.

News & Blogs

2020-01-01 07:21 | Report Abuse

Also this law of incest may protect weaker family members from sexual abuses by sex crazy family members n using marriages to cover up their criminal wrong doings such as rape n molest.
According to biblical records Eve was the first woman created by God who used Adam's ribs to create her.Then God witnessed their marriage n Adam said became one flesh figuratively meaning they are one in unity.Pls refer to Genesis 2:23 for accuracy n jw.org .

News & Blogs

2019-12-31 22:28 | Report Abuse

Yes,now we do not allow bcos christians must obey secular authorities if tne laws do not contradict God's laws n are prevented from giving birth to deformed children who will cause more hardship to their parents to care of them.It is for their benefits to obey such laws.

News & Blogs

2019-12-31 20:32 | Report Abuse

At the beginning marriages among siblings were allowed until the medical personnels discovered genetic defects were very high among new borne babies whose parents are siblings.Then laws were formulated to stop this type of marriage.
Abraham took his half sister,Sarah as wife n it wad legal then.

News & Blogs

2019-12-31 16:55 | Report Abuse

When God reveals himself during Armaggedon his power n starts to finish the unrighteous ones then only you can acknowledge Him as true God,isn't it.Then it is your choice but not mine.

News & Blogs

2019-12-31 13:13 | Report Abuse

If a god,A, needs to be created by creator(B),then who is the creator of B,the who is the creator of creator of B,then at the end who is the last creator of all creators.The final answer is the almighty God,Jehovah who created all things over infinite times.

News & Blogs

2019-12-31 11:25 | Report Abuse

In my life time I only see new things are created n nothing is evolved from nothing except bacteria being mututated from one organism to another stronger one but within bacteria family.

News & Blogs

2019-12-31 11:15 | Report Abuse

Who created God?This question will lead to a simple answer that the creator is almighty God himself who has no beginning n a person with great power n gracious feeling of great virtues namely love,kindness,mercy,perservance,humility n patience.Jesus n good angels imitate him in personalities to live harmoniously in heaven n remove the bad ones from heavens.So likewise God will soon destroy the wicked ones from the earth to achieve everlasting peace n security for the righteous ones who deserve everlasting life n the bad ones everlasting destruction.

News & Blogs

2019-12-30 22:23 | Report Abuse

Life is simply being created by God n the earth is for animals n humans to live.A well planned house is built by someone n can't be constructed by an animal.So two trucks of bricks banged together can't form a house n likewise the earth can't be created by a big bang of planets.In fact the big bang of anything will crush anything to pieces,two cars collide with each other will smash one another with strong momentum of forces n won't be in good conditions n proper shape.To obtain a good functioning car we need to build the engines to move it so the theory of big bang to create the earth is ridiculous n even a baby will not believe it n how much an adult with intelligence to believe such stories.
It is naive to assume things without any proofs because in my lifetime I have not seen anything being formed by banging but being smashed to pieces only.

News & Blogs

2019-12-30 00:48 | Report Abuse

The universe is so huge as it has many milky ways n each has its own stars,sun n planets which orbit around without clashing one anotherOur planet operates wonderfully like the oxygen,carbon,rain cycles for human survival.God reveals himself to mankind through men who wrote the bible about Him,Also through his Son,Jesus Christ who came to the earth to testify Him n through the angels.Whether we recognise Him as a God or not He still is the almighty God,you can't alter the real fact about his real position as Creator n God.His intelligence n power is far more superior than us,we are just a speck of dust when we compare with Him in knowledge n power by observing his universal creations,actually we are no match to him in any aspect of qualities of abilities be it of knowledge,wisdom,power,virtues,etc.Let's be be humble n truthful with ourselves by acknowleding Him as our God n gain his approval in order to gain evetlasting lfe for ourselves n family members.Goodnight.

News & Blogs

2019-12-29 23:34 | Report Abuse

When you look at the whole universe n its natural activities,you cwn't deny that there is a builder or creator or God.

News & Blogs

2019-12-04 11:52 | Report Abuse

Another prominent sign about the end of the wicked world,given by Jesus was 'This good news of kingdom will be preached to all inhabited earth for a witness and then the end will come.'Today the Jehovah's wittnesses worldwide amounting to 8.5 million and those who are studying the bible with us,are about 11 millions and from all parts of the world.Our organisation use 1005 languages to teach them n we currently use about 686 language translations in our webs to spread the good news so that they may receive the warning of God's day of anger on time to repent and to conform to God's laws.Jehovah will reward the obedient ones with everlasting life and the the disobedient ones with destruction.

News & Blogs

2019-12-02 21:15 | Report Abuse

When the wicked starts to attack God's people,God will strike them dead for he said anyone attacks my people is touching my eyeballs.The destruction of the wicked is from one end to the other end of the earth and their corpes will be manure for the land.So the land will be peaceful for the righteous one to dwell and new systems will be set up for the paradise earth.
Are you all not happy that God finally seize full control of the earth.Cheers!

News & Blogs

2019-12-01 09:14 | Report Abuse

Good morning everyone,many are still at the lost when the true worshippers are getting ready to enter the paradise earth under God's government which consists of Jesus n the 144,000 to rule over the earth from heavens.It will exercise justice,righteousness and fairness to everyone.Humans will restore prefect health,sicknesses will be no more, there will be no hunger and proverty,Also there will be no more wars,conflicts,revelries and have true peace and security.
To learn more please refer to jw.org for enlightment.

News & Blogs

2019-11-30 21:24 | Report Abuse

Continue:Also in Ezekiel 38:19-22,'....there will be a great earthquake... all humans on the surface of the earth will tremble and the mountains will be thrown down....22) I will bring my judgement against him...I will rain down a torrential downpour and hailstones and fire and sulphur on him.Also He may turn his enemies against one another and may use angels to slay the wicked.So whatever methods He uses his victory will be complete and all his enemies will be eliminated and all the righteous will be saved.Proverbs 3:25,26.'.......26)For Jehovah will prove to be your source of confidence,He will keep your foot from being caught.
Three events will occur before Armaggeddon,1)The united nation will declare 'Peace and security'
2) All false religionx will be destroyed by them.3)when they start to attack God's righteous people,God will protect His people and destroy them and the imprison the wicked demons for one thousand years at Armageddon.
Hope you grasp the meaning of Armageddon n repent in order for God to preserve your life 2ith mercy.

News & Blogs

2019-11-30 20:57 | Report Abuse

Good evening everyone,tonight I am going to reveal to you about the signs that lead us to know when is God's Day of Anger at'Armageddon'.
Many people have heard of the word,'Armaggeddon n relate to a nuclear war or an enviromental disaster.But the bible refers to the situation to which 'the kings of the entire inhabited earth' are gathered in opposition to Jehovah God.This is revealed in Rev 16:14,16 which read,14)'There are in fact expreesions inspired by demons and they perform signs and they go out to the kings of the entire inhabited earth to gather them together to the war of the Great Day of God Almighty.16) And they gathered them together to the place that is called in hebrew,Armageddon.
From these scriptures we know the word,'Armageddon' refers to a symbolic place n not a literal physical place because of three reasons:- 1) There is no literal mountain Meggiddo.2)The area around Meggiddo is far too small to hold the 'Kings of the entire inhabited earth and their armies and war machines.3)As we will understand later in this article the war of Armageddon will begin when the' world's kings will launch an attack on God's people who are scattered throughout the earth.
So at Armageddon God's enemies will perish while those who love God will be saved.They will not fight or even be armed.Their 'strengh will be keeping calm and showing trust' in Jehovah and his heavenly armies accirdinv to Rev 19:11-15,'I saw heaven open and look,a white horse.And the one seated on it is called 'faithful and True,and he judges and carries on war in righteousness....armies in heaven were following him....15) And out of mouth protrudes a sharp sword with which to strike the nations.....Moreover he treads the winepress of the fury of the wrath of God,the Almighty'.
In God's war He may use earthquake,hail lightning as stated in Job 38:22,23,'Have you entered the storehouses of the snow or have you seen the storehouse of the hails 23) which I have reserved for the time of distress.For the day of battle and war?'.

News & Blogs

2019-11-21 22:21 | Report Abuse

If no right reforms to bad policies,bad economy will remain even it is controlled by genius so it is useless to debate as there won't be any solutions.Just save your breathe n prepare for the worst for your own family to survive soundly.

News & Blogs

2019-11-02 23:14 | Report Abuse

Good evening everyone,tonight I would like to recommend our folks here to feel free to talk to our creator,Jehovah God through a prayer in Jesus'name.Jesus gave a guideline of how to communicate with this universal King.First we must address Him as our father n thank Him for all the food n blessing bestowed on us.2)We ask for forgiveness of our short coming or sin we have committed n promise Him that we will forgive those have sinned against us n not to harbour any hatred n let Him handle the matters as He has said,'Vengeance is mine'We also ask for strengh n protection so that we will not stumble or fall into temptation n commit sins against Him who will be unhappy with our continuous sinning without any repentance or respect his laws.
Many times when I pray for protection my prayers are answered.Recently i prayed to Him to protect me from harm n safeguard my belonging.True enough the next day as I was searching my hidden jewelry behind my big wardrobe,I accidently discovered an object which was a mini satelite there.Thix satelite could be used to monitor all my movements in my home through magnetic waves it generated n can be seen at a far distance away.What a relief to dismantle it before a robbery is launched against me.
Hence it is always worthy to trust God to protect you n your belongings if we ask for it in our prayers by ending in Jesus' name.

News & Blogs

2019-10-01 00:03 | Report Abuse

Good evening friends,tonight I am going to touch on three biblical persons who display loyal love to our God,Jehovah.They were Noah,Abraham n Jesus Christ.
Noah was commissioned by God to build a huge ark/ship which can accomodate animals,plants n humans,it took him nearly 40 yewrs to complete before the great flood which destroyed all mankind,plants n animals on earth except those in the ark which it savaged.When he was building the ark many mocked at him n thought he was not normal n didn't believe in his prediction of the coming great flood.But he persisted to complete the building of the ark n fully obeyed n believed in God that there was a coming floods.His obedience saved him n his whole family when the deluge occured n what a wise person he must be.
As for Abraham,he n his family left thier luxurious home n moved to an underveloped place under the instruction of God.Later he was tested by God of his faith n obedience when he was instructed by God to sacrifice his son,Isaac.But God miraculiously replaced him by a lamb for the sacrifice.This act foreshadowed God would sacrifice his son,Jesus to die for the sin of mankind.Abraham displayed great faith n obedience in God n was blessed with a great nation,Isreal.
Jesus showed great love for God n mankind by dying for the sin of Adam so that his desendants could gain everlasting life.
Don't you want to immitate their great sacrifices?Off course,you will if you are mild tempered,right!


2019-09-18 11:04 | Report Abuse

Demusang..we are talking business trading n not gambling in bursa,you can't grasp the basic dialogue,really with low iq.


2019-09-18 11:04 | Report Abuse

Demusang..we are talking business trading n not gambling in bursa,you can't grasp the basic dialogue,really with low iq.


2019-09-18 10:59 | Report Abuse

Demusang.. speak like mogul.


2019-09-18 10:33 | Report Abuse

Correction:...most advisable...


2019-09-18 10:31 | Report Abuse

Good morning everyone,Before you involve in any business it is most adviser to make a market survey about demand n calculate your rolling cash for business survival.


2019-09-17 22:52 | Report Abuse

Moore,you can go to shopping complex n watch business activity n talk to the salegirls or bosses for deep understanding of business for that kind of product.Also you can go morning or night markets to learn practical experience by observing what they are selling or buying.
Also you can attend seminars conducted by rich entreprneurs who became very rich through e-commence or digital internet businesses.Some can earn one rm million per month.You can buy from Alibaba n sell in Amazon by enrolling in their workshop but you must pay a few thousands ringgit for their assistance.Before you join them pls attend free classes conducted by them through 'Ace Academy' for some good basic knowledge.
Hope my article is beneficial for all.


2019-09-17 15:41 | Report Abuse

There are many different kinds of products to sell in various kinds of trading markets.Thet are the morning,night markets,shops,shopping complexes,internet trading,etc.


2019-09-16 21:18 | Report Abuse

There are kinds of products,some products have to be bought everyday eg food to be our stomach daily,some can last for a week or week eg eggs,sugarmdairy products.So we can have repeat customers very soon for
these kinds of goods.So there are other product which will last lifetime,and we can expect less regular customers n we need a larger market to sell our products.Hence we need to look for the right trading
platform for respective products to attract the right customers.


2019-09-16 20:52 | Report Abuse

It is to sell the right product to the right customer.This requires us to study the market demand before we start trading.


2019-09-16 20:38 | Report Abuse

Selling the right products to the right customersmhence need to study the market demand before you choose the products.