Mahathir's priority is save the country's finances.......That means patience, long term, sacrifices, virtues and living a life of philosophy...surely not the success factors in a modern democracy....................
Dear amzarb44, IR SSLEE, actually korang ni TAMAK MAHU KUASA betul x? "...with great power there must also come -- great responsibility!"
UMNO: The main founding member of the Alliance/BN represents Malay interest and won independent from British colony power. The early UMNO founder’s spirit of service above self is now relegated into history shelf. Money politics, bribery, corruption, abuse of power, cronyism, nepotism, arrogance, thuggish, cheating, lying through their teeth and brutal disregard to rule of law has becomes an inseparable part of today’s UMNO culture. The current UMNO president looks like and sounds like everything except a respectful leader …. MALU APA BOSSKU!
PAS: An Islamist political party eager to run the country according to Islamic law rather than raising the peoples’ standard of living. Used to be a very clean political party under the late Tok Guru Nik Aziz, but not perceived so under the recent Tuan Guru Haji Hadi.
So may I ask, are the current BN and PAS leaders “TAMAK MAHU KUASA” Tapi bila dapat kuasa tak berkerja atau tak tahu berkerja untuk kemajuan Negara dan meningkatkan taraf hidup rakyat Malaysia? Korang tu cuma tahu tamak haloba, nafsu, kuasa dan kekayaan hingga jadi billionaire.Sedangkan rakyat B40 kais pagi makan pagi, kais petang makan petang.
“Chinese get SINGAPORE x ckop lg kami bagi? Sekarang mahu MALAYsia pula?” Singapore belongs to Singaporean. If you are interest to learn the history of Singapore below is the link:
If no right reforms to bad policies,bad economy will remain even it is controlled by genius so it is useless to debate as there won't be any solutions.Just save your breathe n prepare for the worst for your own family to survive soundly.
Dear amzarb44, Wawasan 2020 (Jawi: واوسن ٢٠٢٠) or Vision 2020 is a Malaysian ideal introduced by the fourth (now seventh) Prime Minister of Malaysia, Mahathir Mohamad during the tabling of the Sixth Malaysia Plan in 1991.[2] The vision calls for the nation to achieve a self-sufficient industrialised nation by the year 2020, encompasses all aspects of life, from economic prosperity, social well-being, educational worldclass, political stability, as well as psychological balance. To achieve Vision 2020, Mahathir lamented that the nation required an annual growth of 7% (in real terms) over the thirty-year period 1990–2020, so that the economy would be eightfold stronger than its 1990 GDP of RM115 billion. This would translate to a GDP of RM920 billion (in 1990 Ringgit terms) in 2020
Mahathir outlined nine strategic challenges that Malaysia must overcome to achieve Vision 2020. • Challenge 1: Establishing a united Malaysian nation made up of one Bangsa Malaysia (Malaysian Race). • Challenge 2: Creating a psychologically liberated, secure and developed Malaysian society. • Challenge 3: Fostering and developing a mature democratic society. • Challenge 4: Establishing a fully moral and ethical society. • Challenge 5: Establishing a matured liberal and tolerant society. • Challenge 6: Establishing a scientific and progressive society. • Challenge 7: Establishing a fully caring society. • Challenge 8: Ensuring an economically just society, in which there is a fair and equitable distribution of the wealth of the nation. • Challenge 9: Establishing a prosperous society with an economy that is fully competitive, dynamic, robust and resilient.
That is the development Malaysia should had achieved if only our BN leaders did not succumbed to corrupting tendencies of power and indulged in the politics of hatred, of racial and religious bigotry, as well as widespread corruption.
So tell me, if not for PH government today we will still be in the dark as of the scale of scandals/corruptions and problems swap under carpet and covered up by BN highly paid PR Guru.
Ir SSLEE, you said BN corrupt, but until now thw court has yet to proof it, the corruprion tainted on UMNO was only potrayed by the DAP, they hv their own agenda, MALAYSIAN MALAYSIA...... THEY WILL NOT SUCCEED!!!
History has been twisted....or else will write that they fail the nation as a nation....
.....the people as homo sapiens (wise thinking man......hence silliest question is to hear a grown up as another grown up whom he calls guru......what he should be thinking......what his stand should be on day-to-day bread-and-butter their lives will be in afterlife
Similarly, child marriage perpetuates health, psychosocial and poverty problems. Vertical transmission of misery, ignorance and social illnesses. Identify and deal with the root of the problem have to be the priority. Got stucked debating whether it should be acceptable or not?
Dear amzarb44, This is what Tun’s wrote about M01 aka Najib: Highlight: • Najib malu jika Perdana Menteri (PM) Malaysia terdiri dari orang tua berumur 90 tahun lebih. • Tetapi Najib tak berasa malu apabila Malaysia mempunyai PM yang dunia kenal sebagai kleptokrat, perasuah dan pencuri. • Negara malu mempunyai Perdana Menteri yang seluruh dunia percaya telah selewengkan berbillion Ringgit duit Kerajaan. Negara malu Malaysia diklasifikasi sebagai negara rasuah dan kleptokrasi. Demikianlah rakyat berasa malu sehingga tidak mengakui rakyat Malaysia apabila ditanya di luar negara. • Sesungguhnya amat pelik Perdana Menteri Malaysia ini. Apalah nasib rakyat Malaysia mendapat Perdana Menteri yang dipandang hina oleh dunia dan tak tahu malu. • Najib tak malu; tak malu apabila berjumpa dengan pemimpin negara lain dengan berlagak sebagai seorang yang boleh nasihat pemimpin negara lain.
This is what Tun’s vision 2020: • Challenge 1: Establishing a united Malaysian nation made up of one Bangsa Malaysia (Malaysian Race). So tell me what you understand about “one Bangsa Malaysia (Malaysian Race)” and “Malaysian Malaysia”?
Dun be stupid All Cabinet Ministers and all NGOs shut up immediately
Posted by EngineeringProfit > Nov 22, 2019 7:54 AM | Report Abuse Similarly, child marriage perpetuates health, psychosocial and poverty problems. Vertical transmission of misery, ignorance and social illnesses. Identify and deal with the root of the problem have to be the priority. Got stucked debating whether it should be acceptable or not?
Every race/kaum di Msia, tak kira APA bangsa sekalipun, hanya perlu Tanya hati nurani sendiri (self conscience) tentang soalan ini,
Soalan 1) Adakah APA yang dibuat oleh ahli politik di Msia selama ini, dibuat untuk kepentingan negara Msia, ataupun dibuat untuk kepentingan sendiri atau untuk kepentingan keluarga sendiri???
Ingat, kita semua hanya hidup sekali saja di dunia ini. Jadi semua kesalahan yang bertentangan dengan agama harus ditanggung oleh diri sendiri di Akhirat nanti.
Soalan 2) Soalnya Sekarang, sanggupkah kita tanggung dosa kita Sendiri yang perlu dibayar di Akhirat SELAMA-LAMANYA??? Akhirat adalah selama-lamanya, jangan main-main dengan nasib sendiri di Alam akhirat nanti.
Fikir-fikir lah, wahai semua insan di Msia. Sekian saja, terima kasih.
Dear amzarb44, “Ir SSLEE, najib wrongdoing masih dibicara di mahkamah, bagaimana anda bole buat kesimpulan najib bersalah berdasarkan blog chedet? Dumb??”
If police managed to seize USD 273m of goods from Najib’s properties can you imagine how much was kept outside Malaysia? Do you know how much is PM paid? So how Najib can accumulate so much wealth? Do you need a rocket scientist to do the calculation for you? And who are the dumb people still believing “MALU APA BOSSKU” is as innocent as a new born baby?
Anyhow let the court trial continues and let the world see for themselves, “ Najib tak berasa malu apabila Malaysia mempunyai PM MO1 yang dunia kenal sebagai kleptokrat, perasuah dan pencuri.
Dear all, I had written another article: Manny comments had turned ugly into a racial issue, so please learnt the lesson and let’s move past the Tanjung Piai by-election and it’s time to work together for Malaysia.
DAP and pH loss had nothing to do with this. All becuase one man hijacked rakyats' Msians' Msia agenda. And replaced with his dynasty agenda. What a disaster for dap!
Good PH lost massively at the by election. PH needs to buckle up its act and not turned itself into BN 2.0. it's controversial flying car project, khat , TARC { LGE} wothdrwaing grant . 3rd national car, PKR infighting all adds up to people disillusionment. The loss of votes { Malays and non malays is a final call } if they don't need the people voice. PH may ends up 1 term government of the day. Sad but equally true
"There are far too many national issues that need attention. Our nation has no place for recalcitrant politicians who do not provide good leadership in their respective portfolios, who are not proactive but rather react after a problem has arisen, and good only at playing politics."
With fake education, teaching of non21st century grade stuff and brain washing,
the current leadership had continued using the colonial narrative of the “myth of the lazy native” to suppress the Malay people while unethical leaders enriched themselves.
By learning obsolete stuff.....Msians fail to change in attitude, arguing that Malaysian society lacked “the knack of having a worldview”, and had a “myopic view of what progress is”.
Nothing about evidence-based policies....and up-to-date knowledge
This book is the result of the author's many years of experience and observation throughout his 26 years in the stockbroking industry. It was written for general public to learn to invest based on facts and not on fantasies or hearsay....
6,248 posts
Posted by ahbah > 2019-11-21 16:56 | Report Abuse
Mahathir's priority is save the country's finances.......That means patience, long term, sacrifices, virtues and living a life of philosophy...surely not the success factors in a modern democracy....................
Dr M got save our mkt here ?
I oredi kena banyak teruk from the mkt !