Fam Jenny

Jennyfam | Joined since 2013-11-19

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2016-02-21 21:44 | Report Abuse

Sad to see these people want to be liars and loose in speech,very glad no such kind will exist in paradise earth.

News & Blogs

2016-02-21 14:15 | Report Abuse

More and more will opt for clean oil and given enough time and capital it can be a real threat to crude oil.


2016-02-21 07:37 | Report Abuse

Craptree,a sour grape,like to talk rubbish only because your mind is full of garbage.Pls rid it snd you will be a happy person.


2016-02-20 22:22 | Report Abuse

All shares came down but it remains the same.


2016-02-19 22:31 | Report Abuse

An economist says that world markets will only stablise if the oil price can stablise between usd35 to usd 40


2016-02-19 18:08 | Report Abuse

WY Chan and Craptree may be the same person and may be a female.


2016-02-19 18:06 | Report Abuse

I will produce a medical proof.


2016-02-19 18:00 | Report Abuse

Craptree,I challenge you to pay me rm20k if I am a real female if have no money to take up this challenge to pay me,pls disappear from here and stop your negative remarks.


2016-02-19 09:51 | Report Abuse

With more foreigners coming here then more social problems and outflow of funds resulting in weakening of our rinngit unless measures are taken to halt these future problems.


2016-02-19 09:46 | Report Abuse

It is bad to have too many foreign workers as this increase in supply will dampen the salaries of local workers who will shun their works resulting in the shortage of trained local workers in those works especially in construction and plantation in the future.It is high time for authorities to impose levies on the foreign workers so that the local workers will have reasonable salaries to stay on in their works.Also certain amount of levy/tax collected should be distributed back to local workers in the form of special allowances as incentives to encourage them to work locally.
Also mistakes in managing the country's economy cannot be used as excuses to collect more revenues from levies to substitute the deficit of revenues at the expense of the hardcore poor in reduced salaries due to increase of foreign labour.
For your information,Indonesia minimum salary is RM850/- which has increased at 200% over these two years and ours is decreasing since Tun Hussein's time if we take inflation into consideration.


2016-02-19 08:13 | Report Abuse

WY Chan,you lack creditability to give these bad remarks about Glotec,last time you slandered me by telling others I was a half,half and disappeared when I challėnged you to bet RM20k on my real sex.

News & Blogs

2016-02-18 10:53 | Report Abuse

Kindly check who is controlling the national fund in S'pore?And who are the super rich a nd elite class.As long as there is power,there will be greed,only the degree of greed is the issue,even in a communist community it exists so how much more in imprefect and corrupted humans with own ideologies and interpretation of what is right and wrong.
Accept the imprefecction of human governments and put your hope in God's government which will surely come one day but you must be spiritually qualified to be alive to see it.

News & Blogs

2016-02-18 09:37 | Report Abuse

Exercise faith in God and his plans for our real future,then everyone will be happy with our lives and even under LKY still many people are not satiisfied with their living.


2016-02-17 22:47 | Report Abuse

Jingchou,some of them keep changing I/d to influence you in different forums either to warn you the dangers or encourage you to buy or dispose.


2016-02-17 21:57 | Report Abuse

People here are actors playing many roles of different characters,just don't take them serious.


2016-02-17 20:48 | Report Abuse

Martin555,must be a drama writer with light speed in love episodes.


2016-02-17 14:48 | Report Abuse

I strongly believe there is something wrong somewhere with so much cash yet not able to pay dividends to themselves and chairman is paid only rm30k/month with such high turnover.

News & Blogs

2016-02-17 14:32 | Report Abuse

Proton cars are of high quality and will buy a proton car again if I change my car.Cheap and good.Just like my clothings,cheap,stylish and classy even bought from morning markets but imported from China.


2016-02-17 11:22 | Report Abuse

Coldrisk,why are you so nosy in people's business?Pls mind your own business to display some minimum respect for others.


2016-02-17 10:30 | Report Abuse

Martin555,pls don't disturb my peace hope you respect my choice.


2016-02-17 10:17 | Report Abuse

Martin555,there is no such thing as Amen ask you to chase me,sorry I am not interested in you.I have known Ayamtua many years so you are not his match to rival him.


2016-02-17 09:36 | Report Abuse

Martin555,sorry as I am still friendly to AyamTua who has expressed his love to me recently.


2016-02-17 09:24 | Report Abuse

Yes,I am a christian who believes in Jesus' ransom sacrifice for mankind to have everlasting life which Adam has lost it because of his sin.


2016-02-17 09:14 | Report Abuse

Martin555 I put down my own haughtiness and accept God's thinking for my direction as His thinking is far more superior than mine in wisdom and standards of righteousness.God doesn't demand obedience from animals as they are not made to feel and think like man and they are not promised of everlasting life.We are made with feelings and emotions so we need fine qualities to interact with other people in proper conduct so not to hurt them emotionally and make others happy.Therefore it is fair and just for God to set His standards so that humans can live happily with one another to have quality life.He has allowed mankind to rule by themselves for these six thousands years and see what are the results.Mankind fails miserably and reaps injustice,proverty for majority,exploitation,revelries,hatred,angers,cheating,wars,divisions,diseases,etc.So I will submit to God's standards rather than man's stipid ways.


2016-02-17 08:44 | Report Abuse

Martin555,I am unmarried as I fear to meet a man who will oppose my strong belief in God and put me in constant fights against my faith with unprincipled deeds.So I rather wait than risk my hope/ desire of everlasting life which I strongly value.I live a simple life but full life even without a life partner as I believe one day I will have him.
I am grateful to be borne with pleasant looks,complexion and shape which many do not possess but with today advancement in plastic surgery many can be more beautiful than I.One can be pleasant if she or he can incalculate fine qualities if she can conform to God's laws which have great virtues.
Throughout my life I work smart and save to invest in properties which help me to be financial stable.Yes most of family members are financially sound but sadly do not have the faith in true God.


2016-02-17 08:12 | Report Abuse

Martin555,we don't only have this 70 or 80 or 90 years only but can have everlasting life too only if we can conform ourselves to God's standards of laws to preserve orderly systems on earth so that mankind can make each other happy and in peace and security.God makes sure that wickedness is to be eliminated by destroying people with self ideologies which cause divisions,quarrels ,angers even wars which create havocs to the innocent ones.God loves life but He has no choice except to destroy the wicked to maintain righteousness for the meek ones to survive happily on the earth.He has the absolute rights because He is the maker and creator of lives and everything in the universe.
I look forward for this everlasting life because it will be wonderful to remain young and beautiful,intelligent to do what we like as we will not be worried about our livlihood anymore and you can virtualise what the futures lies ahead with prefect health and mild people around.Just move one step forward by seeking God's wisdom you will agree with me that there is a living God who cares about life and mild humans and it is easy to conform to God's standards if you are rational in thinking.May God bless you too.


2016-02-17 07:22 | Report Abuse

Maryin555,well explained about letting go of grudge,anger and hatred.The scriptures advised us to let go before sunset so that we can have good rest in the evening and start a refreshing day the next day.Yes, forgive and forget is the best solution to solve the problem if you encounter a proud and unreasonable person also minimize your communication or contact with him or her to avoid another bad experience.

News & Blogs

2016-02-16 08:51 | Report Abuse

Pavillion,I agree with you,current market is endangering your capital bcos it can be wiped off if you are not careful with the stocks you buy.So stay away is the best as creditability is an issue in all global markets bcos manipulators are in full control with propagandas to influence the movements of markets coupled with xome real unsolved issues.


2016-02-15 22:28 | Report Abuse

They were selling heavily at13c and I took few days to sell only 200lots,it was a falling knife.


2016-02-15 22:19 | Report Abuse

Correction:......,standards,lenient with yourselves but........


2016-02-15 21:54 | Report Abuse

Imprefect humans normally have double standards,lienent with yourselves but harsh on others.Judging other peoples mistakes like seeing rafters but own mistakes are minute and cannot be seen by ownselves.So the end results are quarrels and quarrels without ending,ha,ha,ha!All in the same boats.


2016-02-15 19:39 | Report Abuse

A flat chart probably under control already.


2016-02-15 19:38 | Report Abuse

A flat chart probably under control already.

News & Blogs

2016-02-15 13:33 | Report Abuse

It is only fair that help must be given to your poor relatives first because charity begins at home then only people at large.

News & Blogs

2016-02-14 23:20 | Report Abuse

During these holidays,the greatest joy I receive is being able to distribute some goodies to the needy ones such as oranges,vegetables,cookies,shower shampoo,hair shampoo and face foam.People today are not hardcore poor who need rice to fill their stomach but who do not have enough money to buy those abovementioned essential items.They are very happy to receive these goods as many never even have the chance to taste the delicious cookies and biscuits.In return I receive the joy of sharing some good things with others.I also must thank the supermarkets for selling the goods at great discount so that I can afford to give away freely and please do it more often so that I can help to distribute them too.
Let's continue to spare a little of our money to buy the goods for the less fortunate ones.


2016-02-12 17:34 | Report Abuse

Bruce5113,really dreaming in your dreams.


2016-02-12 11:08 | Report Abuse

So is with vested interest deal?I think glotec is far better as it is clean energy except with lousy board of directors.I think it is better to buy China stocks in China when there is a turnaround in world markets after the hardlanding.Now cash is banks or buried in the ground or in strong currency is still the best.


2016-02-12 10:32 | Report Abuse

But the purchase of the oil field is very expensive in view of the current price of oil and sumatec is too poor to buy it.

News & Blogs

2016-02-11 13:28 | Report Abuse

Yes,usd is weakening,yuan is getting stronger against usd,Russia borrows from China in yuan and it is turning to China for stronger currency.Thisd is the game of big nations.

News & Blogs

2016-02-11 12:05 | Report Abuse

Usa and Japan overstated its technologies,recently their anti missiles failed to detect and shoot down the north Korea missile which was successful launched and went into the outer space without their knowledge as their technology was unable to detect its movement.
With the big fall in oil price and commodities, China has saved blns in the cost of production for their industries and growth is still in its favour.


2016-02-11 10:40 | Report Abuse

For country that has negative interest rate to maintain their stock market will put their markets and economy in great danger unless they can solve their structural economic problems like affordability of consumption and property accessable to the majority of their population,stirring an economic demand,creation of more jobs and business opportunities,increase of competition ability and break through in technologies.


2016-02-10 20:19 | Report Abuse

Avoid as you don't know how they use the money.

News & Blogs

2016-02-10 09:12 | Report Abuse

Apollo,I am very sorry to hear that but still you have to make the best of what you have now in order for your innocent loved ones to be happy too.Try to go back to work to earn some money so that you could solve your daily needs and save some if you can,it is really too late to cry over spilt milk.
I lost a substantial sum of money too but I won't allow it to affect my outlook in life and affect my happiness.There are many people who have lost everything during the superstorm, Haiyat but after that they make the best out of it because during the 'last days' there will be a lot of calamities which we cannot avoid.


2016-02-09 00:22 | Report Abuse

If it is so good the directors will grab them first,I thought like you before but was deceived and lost so much money simply in believing in their a/cs.The price movement will reveal its worthiness or value.Just be cautious with something that is too good.

News & Blogs

2016-02-08 14:06 | Report Abuse

Make sure the price doesn't dip after the dividend but more often it does.

News & Blogs

2016-02-07 14:56 | Report Abuse

Under God's government mankind will learn to be peaceful,exercise justice,fairness,righteousness and experience perfect health and evetlasting life.What a great joy to be there.


2016-02-07 14:49 | Report Abuse

Happy Chinese New Year ,wish all will be healthy and more spiritual conscious.


2016-02-07 14:42 | Report Abuse

Could it like csl in its price movement?

News & Blogs

2016-02-07 00:48 | Report Abuse

With the holy spirit of God,Jesus life was transferred into the womb of Mary to be born as a human baby and to grow up as an Isrealite with a prefect body to fulfill his mission as a ransom sacrifice for the sin of Adam.According to the scriptures,he is the ruler of spiritual Isreal which is God kingdom.This kingdom will be God's government consisting of the 144,000 co rulers that are from various nationalities and not restricting to the Isrealites only.

News & Blogs

2016-02-06 00:54 | Report Abuse

By increasing the levy then the employers will be able to hire more locals if their cost of the foreign workers are more expensive than locals.