dont worry uncle koon, our pm najib might just erase mahathir's pet project proton. first proton, then klcc. klcc will be torn down, replaced by klcc2, where lowyat 2 will move in as key tenant :-)
Mr Koon. Why did you imply that tax payers money will be used to bailout Proton? This is PM Najib government not your former crony Tun Mahathir. You wee responsible during IJM time paying kickback to help Tun Mahathir stay in power. And your Dap is now recruiting Tun Mahathir
so who worst? najib or mahathir? Mahathir created so many white elephants, end up rakyat paying for all his mistakes. Najib give br1m, UTC, tol free Pan Borneo highway, listed Felda, sign TPPA with USA and many more for benefit of rakyat. So who is better?
Proton was a good aspiration, something to be proud off at that time but along the way the managerial of the company was always an issue. Proton have the aspiration but does not have the way of doing things. Worth mentioning is that they should have established tools like TPM, Six sigma and stuff like that. This is a discipline that should have established which would be the blood vessel of Proton than keep it alive not merely copying the technology. If they have established the "way of doing things" it will reflect to the brand itself.
I know you are the same fella in your old nic that always praise Najib. You always say Najib is very dangerous and will attack from sideway. Is that you
Imagine what would have it been like if all the resources channeled into Proton was utilised to make malaysia the No#1 automotive assembling hub in ASEAN. Increasing jobs, cheaper cars, robust economy, higher FDI, etc
Desa 2020, if you have no idea what this guy is talking about you better do something about yourself or are you still in denial or shall I explain it to you in Malay/Mandarin/Tamil? Maybe Mr Koon's message to you is just like giving a rose to a monkey.
Proton is the greatest car for health and for luxury becoz, no need to wind down window and aircond is super cold. On the other hand it allows you to use Mitsubishi engine at cheaper price and OEM Honda accord for superb price and luxury. Hahahaha
Thailand has no national car and Rayon(near pattaya) is called the Detroit of South East Asia. The Thais don't have that inferiority complex which that Apanma has. The Thai don't have to prove to the world that "we Thais pun boleh". Our loss is Thailand's gain. Sad.
I can summarise Mr.Koon's comment into these few words. Singapore is blessed to have a LKY and Malaysia is cursed to have this Mahathir. I use Singapore for very obvious reason. We were once the same in so many ways, culture, language and education. One became the Switzwerland of SEA and the other became a circus. The only happy people in Malaysia now are the clowns while the rest of us suffer.
Exercise faith in God and his plans for our real future,then everyone will be happy with our lives and even under LKY still many people are not satiisfied with their living.
Fam I am not saying Singapore is Nirvana.I am comparing a twin neighbours taking different paths. One is planning ahead and the other is talking about pork-free and "Cross" issue and arguing over whether donation(is it?) is tax free not and minsters whose bother is involved with government project are not ashame to tell you so.
Kindly check who is controlling the national fund in S'pore?And who are the super rich a nd elite class.As long as there is power,there will be greed,only the degree of greed is the issue,even in a communist community it exists so how much more in imprefect and corrupted humans with own ideologies and interpretation of what is right and wrong. Accept the imprefecction of human governments and put your hope in God's government which will surely come one day but you must be spiritually qualified to be alive to see it.
@cheahsk Just because you don't understand simple English and economics, does not mean it gives you the stature to belittle others in a little comment box, hiding behind your cowardly buffer that is the internet. You are the prime example of: an actual monkey playing with his keyboard. I feel sorry for your acquaintances trying to comprehend anything you say, to be perfectly honest. Incoherence and cowardice at its finest.
This book is the result of the author's many years of experience and observation throughout his 26 years in the stockbroking industry. It was written for general public to learn to invest based on facts and not on fantasies or hearsay....
27,437 posts
Posted by speakup > 2016-02-17 15:14 | Report Abuse
dont worry uncle koon, our pm najib might just erase mahathir's pet project proton.
first proton, then klcc. klcc will be torn down, replaced by klcc2, where lowyat 2 will move in as key tenant :-)