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2015-03-15 18:27 | Report Abuse


thanks for your reply

@dream @ozzie75 @ykjohn11 nice talking to you

good evening sleep tight sweet dreams dudes


2015-03-15 18:17 | Report Abuse

Tanya itu sinseh coconut with his flying carpet and far sighted binoculars

Desirees remember always this adage your money your decision buy only if you got deep pockets don't teka teka like Sundarjie he he


2015-03-15 18:15 | Report Abuse

Dream you never know when people are making a joke being sarcastic or serious huh?

you are funny some times like an innocent kid


2015-03-15 18:11 | Report Abuse

if i had no hope dream i won't be wasting my time here and remain invested

you never read nor pay attention hor

i always maintained a stand that i am here to trash and call out the sinseh coconut looiks

and when sumatec was and could still be languishing i will maintain that stand too. ha ha


2015-03-15 17:57 | Report Abuse

"To succeed in life, you need three things: a wishbone, a backbone and a funny bone."

It has been said that we need just three things in life: Something to do, Something to look forward to And someone to love.


2015-03-15 17:53 | Report Abuse

tomorrow down also okay what

at least we know it's awesome power if HS wants it to happen

and we know the game plan is afoot even if it takes another few months

at least we know there is hope


2015-03-15 17:52 | Report Abuse

tonight cannot sleep no mood for s-e-x also too excited for tomorrow


2015-03-15 17:44 | Report Abuse

heart pounding so fast as if it was going to explode outta your chest?ha ha
better than se*x? ha ha


2015-03-15 17:42 | Report Abuse

eyes watching the green lights blinking left right from 20C to 25C in a flash? ha ha


2015-03-15 17:42 | Report Abuse

fingers on freeze framed can't tekan the key pad or key in to buy sell? ha ha


2015-03-15 17:41 | Report Abuse

everyone was looking at it with mouth agape?? ha ha


2015-03-15 17:27 | Report Abuse

Sumatec has cracked many nuts even stonenuts ha ha


2015-03-15 17:17 | Report Abuse

for those holding at high looks like subscribe to RI at 20C is the option to consider if you have the means and the preservation. the less than favourable condition does not warrant a sky high goreng price unless it's pure play.


2015-03-15 17:07 | Report Abuse

Bro Strategisst..

on a different subject matter

what say you about Nova and Priva?


2015-03-15 17:04 | Report Abuse


how to limit up when everyone is ready to dump at first chance

RI is 6:5 at 20C in such an uncertain market condition and oil debacle. so it can't be just goreng up for successful implementation. he needs to make it work. even 30C many will still sell if in profit position.

so how?

how to limit up?


2015-03-15 17:00 | Report Abuse

202 mil vol on Friday so can't be a knee jerk market reaction to the news.

what say you coconut looiks? it got our attention for sure


2015-03-15 16:58 | Report Abuse

he bought 40 mil shares to increase his take to 23%. just before the announcement in the afternoon on Friday the share and WB took a dive to low of 20C and 135C. a couple of hours after the announcement towards the last 30 -45 mins it shot up like fireworks


2015-03-15 16:54 | Report Abuse

coconut looiks said few days ago if it doesn't breach 25C it's just a short term play hip hop and sleep till next qtr results.

what say you coconut looiks?


2015-03-15 16:46 | Report Abuse

HS is the single largest shareholder he would ensure that whatever corporate maneuver whatever game plan whatever price he decides he will ensure he is taken care of first why put himself at a disadvantage huh? and that includes the rights proposal terms


2015-03-15 16:40 | Report Abuse

aiyo with such mind set how to drive up the price ? everyone is just on trading mode unless HS is want to goreng and make another 100 millions and let Suma rot


2015-03-15 16:34 | Report Abuse

i think noraini is very accurate to say that it does not appear to be a need or to his advantage to drive up the price knowing investors are just going to cash out it defeats the purpose of the successful implementation of the RI which is to get as many investors to subscribe as possible. so possibly 30C is it and ding dong until RI. in the mean time we may get trigger of announcements geared towards the ex date and etc


2015-03-15 16:17 | Report Abuse

with these positive news coming looks like 205 - 25C could be a historical thing even if the price ding dong it would be at least 25 - 30C


2015-03-15 16:11 | Report Abuse

tomorrow it will go up straight to 30C then people say too high wait profit taking at 10.30 then up 34 aiyo why not drop limit up ha ha
second session up some more 42 wait sure profit taking wait 4pm still no drop limit up ha ha


2015-03-15 16:05 | Report Abuse

even with this surge it's still the new investors and punters who can make the long term investors who are holding big and holding at high price still have to wait!

you hear that HS! Be fair to your loyalists they were holding your baby throughout the debacle ha ha


2015-03-15 15:50 | Report Abuse

if you note the way Looiks misled the forum over a long period and consistently on a daily basis it is quite different from anyone. If there is another similar modus operandi i have not noticed it yet cuz no interest to go around other forums ha ha


2015-03-15 15:45 | Report Abuse

wouldn't it be historical event if Looiks is first forumer to be haul up for suspect insider trading and fraud and he is made an example and set a precedent ha ha


2015-03-15 15:41 | Report Abuse

unless we are conscientiously and purposefully misled in making a decision then the other is responsible to a degree


2015-03-15 15:38 | Report Abuse

dream change subject

people come in read this forum and will be scratching their head 'what the heck is this' haha

yesterday i took profit on some WB which I might regret. so power to you dude


2015-03-15 15:36 | Report Abuse

tell it to 'them' not me lah

anyway dream i doubt you understand the implication because unless you read Looiks tread you would not and i doubt you read so you are the 'lucky' ones even though i know you are also caught since you didn't sell you WB at 55C because you are really long term investor or maybe you were also misled to held on to it so we are all in same boat in a manner of speaking.


2015-03-15 15:27 | Report Abuse

@ozzie75 anyway dream did you see the way the price shot up Friday it was so awesome like fireworks my heart nearly boomed out of my chest haha


2015-03-15 15:25 | Report Abuse

anyway dream since you were not one of those who suffered hardship because of your trust in Looiks you will not understand nor you will care but you have no idea many many people really trusted that coconut and bought and held on to it based on trust and faith and for that he will always be condemned to hell and his descendants too. there is a private forum where people are in same boat and will call him out one day ha!


2015-03-15 15:22 | Report Abuse

6868 only talk down Looiks and Dream if you 'misbehave' anyway silly to think we can talk price up down we can only misled people who happen to read our comment and make a decision based on it some way or it pushed them to do so.

the difference is that you talk positive and irrelevant stuff ha ha

Looiks misled with 'insights' that is a huge difference where I am concern


2015-03-15 15:15 | Report Abuse

Looiks is the exception he appeared to have a systematic programmed map to deceive manipulate and misled forumers built on a trusted single ID and he has gotten away with it and still getting away with it . Hundreds of characters come and go and we hardly remember the so called promoters and naysayers and we also have the long term reputable principal forumers in many forums but Looiks really took all his followers to the cleaners and that is the reason I trashed him. either he get loss or repent and make good to all those so suffered under him.


2015-03-15 15:00 | Report Abuse


with the bad rap and reputation of HS/Sumatec and the oil debacle which is still unsettled it seems like everyone is either geared to make quick profit or cash out so I hope HS has a plan how to manage this so that those who has remained vested at high prices are the ones who feel vindicated including myself haha


2015-03-15 14:52 | Report Abuse


My grievance here for the past 1 -2 years have always been towards sinseh coconut Looiks who has principally caused must financial difficulties for many of his followers who trusted him and the gall is that he build a trustable single ID and yet betrayed forumers if you recall his hard core buy in and hold position of double rewards to long term investors at the expense of the name and reputation of HS so much so that many felt so disgusted. the fact that Strategisst revealed his mistake of lost opportunities in million its an indirect acknowledgement of this fact.

Coconut Looiks' always say 'good you can read my riddles??!!' but does anyone read and understand his riddles and is it not a fact everyone who read his riddles went on a train crash???

in your case I trashed you because for reasons i have spelled out more than long enough. haha

and also all the 'dikheads' are not the same people behind the facade haha.


2015-03-15 14:42 | Report Abuse

wouldn't that be great ozzie75? if HS can do that...


2015-03-15 14:41 | Report Abuse

in conclusion it's good to be holding some sumatec shares. maybe it will limit up three times to reward the long term pax who have suffered so long at high prices and let punters /disbelievers buy at above 60C ha ha


2015-03-15 14:35 | Report Abuse

Client/construction company/HS/operators could push price up for the impending Qtr results which could be negative and thereafter announce ex dates etc for the RI. so those holding might be 'forced' to subscribe to average for cut loss and let other investors buy at lower . there are so many scenarios .

or price is now being pushed up for the next announcement which could be the fixing of ex date and etc for the RI


2015-03-15 14:22 | Report Abuse


I hold some in case it flies the way the power shown last Friday it is quite awesome but have unload some on Friday including WB. so up or down can make money.

Friday it caught many by surprise i think even the announcement many did not pay much attention since so many announcements beforehand nothing happened . maybe many sold at 23-245 too thinking it's a hip hop. it caught everyone by shocked too stunt to take action haha. which is what we have always anticipated yet still in disbelieve.

if HS is controlling the counter and not 'independent operators/sharks' he will need to control the wave so that investors are encouraged to subscribe to the RI not just quick gain at his expense so must bear that in mind.


2015-03-15 14:03 | Report Abuse



so how?

one day show?

the real mccoy?

up to 31?



Buy in?

take profit?



2015-03-15 13:51 | Report Abuse

Many old timers have been stuck with the share at very high price since forever many because of coconut Looiks so Monday will be a very speculative very erratic very challenging play so if you intend to take part please go toilet first before 9am


2015-03-15 13:49 | Report Abuse


Also if you subscribe to the RI at 0.20C you get free warrant which will be probably be called WC. haha


2015-03-15 13:47 | Report Abuse


Macam mana bolih main saham if you don't even understand about warrants??

To subscribe to the RI you must first exercise the WB at 0.175. But at closing price of 0.175 on Friday you might as well buy the mother share at 0.25 which is still cheaper than 0.175+0.175 = 0.35. At this rate the WB is pure speculation play since it's way out of money.

Usually existing warrants will also be adjusted in quantum and exercise price with any new rights proposals.


2015-03-14 09:04 | Report Abuse

Ha! maybe some of these long term loyal pax characters are just caricatures of LOOIKS just as he created SK LOON .


2015-03-14 08:56 | Report Abuse

Strategisst' strategy is smart , make profit , run. be happy, not happy, go another round, or hold just a small portion as insurance 'just in case' ha ha


2015-03-14 08:54 | Report Abuse

I mean at current oil debacle still no resolution in sight who would want to buy the share between 40 to 60C with impending RI plus the fact that SUmatec has such a bad rap in BURSA and among investors.


2015-03-14 08:52 | Report Abuse

could be just a one day show.

why would HS goreng up the price to above 40C in order for those long suffering long term loyal pax deceived by coconut Looiks to cash out?

Don't let emotions and egos get in the way of rational thinking. Think of HS haha

He might just push up 'high enough' but not so high to 'force' those stuck with this share at between 40 to 60C to subscribe to RI to 'average down' at20C. Why let you loyal sumaterians run away? ha ha


2015-03-14 00:14 | Report Abuse


Engaged = goreng

Ha ha


2015-03-14 00:12 | Report Abuse

What's wrong with being a chameleon? I think many forumers here are chameleon. Even long term forumers like Strategisst will give warning or recommend buy in when circumstances warrant such calls.

Unlike sinseh coconut Looiks who has continues to dish out clueless directionless misleading 'insights' and this evening he came in gigging as if he was the one who got engaged up the stock and expect forum to kowtow to him pui!

Just this week he said keep freezer go sleep only hip hop until next qtr results. Anyone who actually followed the coconut would have do nothing or sell everything first or run with 1C . Insteadhe had no clue of the announcement or the play up today. What a st*pid old farT.