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2015-03-13 19:01 | Report Abuse

Yesterday simu said no eye see keep in freezer till 2018. Huh

Yesterday coconut looiks hip hop till next Q results unless it breaks 0.25. He did say that About the 0.25C breach.haha

Anyone called HS bluff today and shorted got zapped. He he

Those who holding since last year still crying with paper loss

Those who cut and never bought back crying

Those who bought recently crying because didn't buy enough

Those who bought and sold recently or today crying because anxious it might shoot up next week

Those who average down crying because bought too early or not enough still suffering paper loss

The best laid plans often go awry.

One suggestion?

Instead of chasing and punting hold and keep what you have/afford subscribe to the RI at 20C with free w

You minimizer risk of correction ,a short run up, a scam , opportunity loss with too much funds tied up, holding cost.

You don't know the game plan and HS ain't gonna let you make quick profit at his expense.

But in conclusion it's prudent to be holding some Suma shares than not. Hehe


2015-03-13 16:25 | Report Abuse

up up and away..

where the sinseh coconut Looiks just yesterday he was clueless

just two days ago he was clueless


2015-03-06 17:17 | Report Abuse

and btw do you not know that he was the folk SUMA 'hero' SK LOON in disguise. that is how hardcore he is with his misleading insights and all for the attention personal gain and power and influence that he enjoyed i guess it's cuz he can't get any attention at home in his retirement old age and can't get it up either.


2015-03-06 17:14 | Report Abuse

if not for that b*stard sinseh coconut looiks we would take this in our stride as any other stock investment but because of his hardcore systematic programmed deliberate misled investors and destroyed so much hope and trust by using HS's name that now everyone just spit on it, this b*stard will be hounded every time he comes to to give his bullsh*t.

unless he just disappear we forget him but as long as he comes in and gloat about his great his single ID is and rain or shine and your money your decision big boys buy in hop in hop out keep in freezer if undecided he will be hounded like a doog that he is. you can betcha on that.


2015-03-05 16:54 | Report Abuse


after lu bayar itu brokerage fee not even enough to buy a rotten egg to throw at SUMA HERO COCONUT LOOIKS ai yo yo


2015-03-05 16:40 | Report Abuse

if HS reads this forum he probably hates you for damaging his name for your personal gains. do you see any other forum where investors throw stones at the main promoter or the owner when counter drop like shit? No right only SUMA because of what you did as far back at Sept 2014.

you really used his name to gain so much trust in HS and SUMA and dashed everybody's hope and financial hardship and you still come in and gloat.

i wish you rot in hell and your descendants will have a hard life tripe cursed you on this chap goh mei


2015-03-05 16:33 | Report Abuse

15C 'queue' at 205C how to hope in hope out even if you buy at 21C you have difficulty getting out to breakeven lah old man be reasonable don't talk cock here


2015-03-05 16:32 | Report Abuse

Looiks it's hard to trust you after you took so many to the cleaners with your hard core buy in hold till death do us part HS will reward loyal pax doubly hard.

you seriously damaged many investors confidence over this counter.

how to hop in hop out at a range of 005 - 01C be reasonable lah old man


2015-03-05 14:15 | Report Abuse

sinseh coconut looiks

new modus operandi

now the passive cautious insights

he he


2015-03-05 08:52 | Report Abuse

you must know when to pick the good fight and not be seen to be some one who will keep silent and or take sides say if your good friend or neighbor has been robbing another neighbor or 'rape' the daughter and you maintain your silence ar nei kuan lor


2015-03-05 08:49 | Report Abuse

ai yo yo dragonslayer

jangan be condescending lah or i will turn nasty and then you will have to keep coming in to jab at me and waste your time and effort over petty ego like i said . you want to be the second diva queen in this forum ka? ha ha


2015-03-05 08:43 | Report Abuse

strategisst ozzie dragonslayer good morning

first must raise the perception trust and confidence then investors will come flocking back now it's zilch.

there's no secrets in BURSA usually the counter will go up some or down depending on anticipation of announcement. so far with SUMA and PDZ it has been red or side ways so it's either perception it's a scam and stay away or the control is so powerful anytime the owners might just do a mighty push and catch you unaware.

so you're right strategisst it's better to hold some then none at all. ha ha


2015-03-04 17:35 | Report Abuse

agreed. for a listed company it is quite unacceptable and BURSA just allow the amendment without any reprimand or an explanation from the management. The accounting firm ought to be strike off the list or pay a penalty or the management have to be reprimanded if there is negligence or foul play. this is quite a serious offence but sad to say nothing shall be done about it. so life goes on..

good evening to you, ozzie


2015-03-04 17:18 | Report Abuse

bro strategisst

did you manage to sell your nova and priva?

teruk nya priva no corporate governance macam mana bolih announce amended qtr report days later ha ha


2015-03-04 14:38 | Report Abuse


are you caught off guard with Priva?

why every time you seemed to be able to cash out just before a big sell?

You sure or not? why not be a good samaritan and warn others too to sell not just ask people to join you to play la


2015-03-03 11:00 | Report Abuse

its either dgsb or priva chasing to be the next ifca hihihi


2015-03-03 10:40 | Report Abuse

possibly close 14C today kikiki


2015-03-03 10:25 | Report Abuse

priva the next ifca?


2015-03-02 23:09 | Report Abuse

This is an online public stocked specific forum nia dude don't waste your time fighting with a ' cartoon' character just to satisfy your petty ego. Don't matter what nick I use or who I am or if I'm same with other characters.. I hv no issue with SUMATEC we only come in when certain clowns come in. today tomorrow next week next mth next year no problem the night is still young the days are long ha ha.. look at what queen douche has become a hated ridiculed laughing stock here. He he..


2015-03-02 22:49 | Report Abuse

You know what will happen to you now dragonslayer? Your ego will prevent you from staying away you will have this frustrating urge to keep coming back to post a comment to jab at moi and you will start getting abusive and ganging up with the Queen of douche . In the end you will sound just like an irrelevant petty old lady trying to always hv the last word.

Stop and smell the roses salvage your dignity dude or end up being another ego clown here. Ai yo yo ...


2015-03-02 22:18 | Report Abuse

Me thinks dragonslayer got the hots for nenek simu noraini. . Tks Tks. .hari hari tung guys simu masuk hoping she'll say hellooo to him.. haha.


2015-03-02 16:47 | Report Abuse

psst dream

it's okay to own up to your miserable failings buy calls on Asiabio and all your chanting of up up and away and nothing is happening for how long already dude?

tsk tsk.. own up to your mistakes have the balls to some times admit you are a douche he he

it's okay dude you are nothing but such own it ha ha


2015-03-02 15:34 | Report Abuse


basically you saying Looiks took people to Holland all the way since sept 2014 haha


2015-03-02 15:32 | Report Abuse

ok ok not fooled la

conned la

he he


2015-03-02 15:12 | Report Abuse

he he


I fooled so many for so long and it made me feel so powerful and i loved the attention

and I want to fool this forum again

he he


2015-03-02 13:08 | Report Abuse

the old man Looiks is just trying to make himself sound 'current' ha ha


2015-03-02 10:53 | Report Abuse

dragonslayer.. zip it ha ha
lu in love with nenek simu noraini
don't take it out on me chill dude


2015-03-02 10:51 | Report Abuse

ai yo yo itu observation anyone also can give lor simu Noraini.

Shortist swing queen Noraini only comes in when she wants to short, trade or cash out. She has position in KNM THHEAVY and all those listed and wants out or when it's going red.


2015-03-01 09:26 | Report Abuse

BTW some people here should stop being condescending and look down on "kampung folks' by always saying ai yo yo I dari kampung tak ada belajar lah blah blah' are you implying kampung folks are uneducated and coarse???? Some not all kampung folks are the most honest and hard working people here and on earth they are self sustaining and live hard but simple life and when you find yourself stranded in need of water or a jamban to poop ha ha they will graciously offer their hospitality. The rich will probably shut their auto gate on you and call out the guards and dobermans


2015-03-01 09:18 | Report Abuse

jom I pergi mamak eat roti canai minum teh susu liam liam dulu. happy trading monday
ariba ariba


2015-03-01 09:14 | Report Abuse

lu punya Asiabio W buy call was a really bad call dude. It has never recovered . You cut loss liao lah? ai yo yo don't simply swing to hope for quick money when you don't have capital and chant silly songs here about perseverance and long term patience . what a hypocrite .


2015-02-27 14:02 | Report Abuse

having a same single ID and being here a long time serves nothing but to fan your own ego to tell forum that 'ill old timer here ' or someone recognised your ID as being an old timer ha ha


2015-02-27 13:56 | Report Abuse

generally speaking I'll say about you are as good as your last buy sell call but I will add that sinseh coconut Looiks has created a lot of mistrust and disgust with this counter if you look back at the insights he gave from Sept 2014 at the most crucial time during the dump and dump and it kept dropping but he kept misleading his followers and forumers . you don't build a reputation and be proud of your single same ID at the expense of others' misery and you don't scoff at someone misfortune and called them stupid and ignorant and say must pay tuition fee lah ai yo yo.


2015-02-27 13:46 | Report Abuse

YC_Ma why be careful some one is always selling at some price. if you are not punting playing contra or shorting just observe la


2015-02-27 13:43 | Report Abuse

aiyoyo talk about legacy and reputation here. we are ants lah this is an online stock specific forum millions and millions of characters come in and go multiples IDs in a day in a single forum lah ai yo yo.. you are only as good as your last buy or sell call or if some one make money by following your 'tip' thats it ha ha


2015-02-27 09:54 | Report Abuse

i tell no lies.


2015-02-27 09:49 | Report Abuse

actually the only person I consider professional and impartial these 1-2 yrs I have observed un-wavingly despite his position on Sumatec is Nomanland. his attitude is quite different unlike those who sit on fence and those who don't give shit come what may only care about their own position.


2015-02-27 09:48 | Report Abuse

ok ok apologies i assumed just off the cuff


2015-02-27 09:42 | Report Abuse

ok lah let's just get back to discussing and sharing and ranting about Sumatec ho bor ha ha


2015-02-27 09:41 | Report Abuse

respect has to be earned not demanded more over ego bombastic attitude no matter how skilful or experienced or how rich you are it mean squat if you are not a humble kind conscientious person but who the hell know who is behind all these funny characters lah everyone can create any thing here aiyoyo


2015-02-27 09:40 | Report Abuse

dragonslayer online public forum tak kan need to be personal lah aiyoyo leave ego emotions aside say anything but once off line close shop online talk cock ha ha


2015-02-27 09:33 | Report Abuse

maybe not today lor


2015-02-27 09:32 | Report Abuse

dragonslayer why you suddenly hang around her daily ah? you bought in on boxing day ka? aiyo yo ha ha


2015-02-27 09:26 | Report Abuse

distribution trend?