Blog Posts
2 days ago | Report Abuse
For our missing friend @MC. A great Wall Street movie for @MC... "Margin Call":
2 days ago | Report Abuse
Posted by mushimushi > 2 hours ago | Report Abuse
That was emergency reply from AngayKlown, Genting hit 3.61 earlier, AngayKlown so scared if Genting suddenly shoot up, they will lose until their mom cannot recognise him.
Trader took a coffee break due to super heavy snowing and very bad visibility. Now back in hotel room to f.ark back at this chao ah gua and his BS shameless lies. Really a useless SORE LOSER.
No skill dont punt the stock market la you will die poor.
2 days ago | Report Abuse
Posted by AngTayKor > 1 month ago | Report Abuse
Posted by MoneyMakers > | Report Abuse
“4 weeks ago
KLCI issues already widely reported in media since Jul 2024. This GenM market speculation is nothing new, nothing surprising if it did happen in Dec. Impact to share price will be very minimal or next to no impact at all as the market already anticipating and expecting it for several months liow. Those fearful investors who want to sell GenM because of this KLCI component factor would have sold off months ago, no need to wait until Dec then sell”
AngTKlown BS know longtime alrdy
His latest BS claim GB drop bcoz kickout klci (‘supposed’ D Day)
Aiya MM ah. your nonstop slandering has been replied by ATK numerous times already you still doing nonstop slandering recycling the same old subject not sian ah? Can use your brain to do new slandering? See the posted dates and articles carefully la. 4 weeks ago post was based on old articles like this one below which mentioned only GenM, no mention on GenB:
Latest new articles all talking abt both GenM + GenB kicked out of KLCI:
<........they will replace the two lowest-ranked component stocks, which are currently Genting Malaysia and Genting.>
2 days ago | Report Abuse
Posted by neohts > 3 minutes ago | Report Abuse
Let's forget about the past 5.20, 4.80 or 4.60. no point wasting time taking all over again.
Let's discuss about the future and current closing price 3.59.
It's worth to invest at this time at this price. Provide more updates on TauRX if you have.
Precious gem advice neohts. Jeepon clown didnt take it and now blaming skillful trader. In fact, he been doing bad karma deeds here conning naive newbies to buy at sky high prices. Chao ah gua scared lose more money kept telling the naive to buy at sky high price resistance zones.
2 days ago | Report Abuse
Posted by mushimushi > 1 hour ago | Report Abuse
That was emergency reply from AngayKlown, Genting hit 3.61 earlier, AngayKlown so scared if Genting suddenly shoot up, they will lose until their mom cannot recognise him.
Aiya skillful shorties shorted at 5.20, 4.80+, 4.50 zones (maximum profit). Trader have also been preaching Sell At Rebound for months. Why Jeepon Clown so kok didnt sell earlier??? Im not a shorties. Im just a trader who have been been reading Mr Market correctly all along. Jealous Jeepon clown go and learn proper FA+TA skills instead of skyrocketing the naive newbies to HOLLAND and barking at the wrong tree.
2 days ago | Report Abuse
Eh Jeepon Clown, lets not talk abt those you bought and stuck at penthouse price m8.00 zone years ago. See for yourself your own track record in recent months. You buay pai say ah?
Can see the skill difference? Shameless LOSER
2 days ago | Report Abuse
Posted by mushimushi > 2024-08-14 18:41 | Report Abuse
Tomorrow confirm gap up!!
Tomorrow 4.8
Posted by mushimushi > 3 weeks ago | Report Abuse
No chance to buy low tomorrow. Opening at least RM 4 tomorrow.
Frankly, I think CNY 2025, we might see RM 5.50. if Taurx approved RM 8 easy.
2 days ago | Report Abuse
Lets revisit 15/08/2024, the exact day price peaked at 4.50 zone:
Posted by AngTayKor > 2024-08-15 11:42 | Report Abuse
ATK a ghost or not you decide lor. Hope some traders / trader cum investors here have read and exited promptly near the 5.20 top.
Then buy again at around 4.50 zone, exit at around 4.8+ zone.
Then buy again at around 4.50 zone, exit at around 4.8+ zone.
<Then buy again at around 4.20 zone, exit at around 4.50 zone.>
Its not difficult to trade this stock. I started buying when price was 2.97. When I stopped trading this stock long time ago, i think its equivalent to profit of selling the stock at over 8.00.
Posted by AngTayKor > 2024-08-16 15:45 | Report Abuse
Posted by mushimushi > | Report Abuse
Wondering if i3 can provide IP address of Koutouan (bitcoin investment scammer), see if same with any of the shorties here like Balian and ATK. I3 can help investigate?
ATK: I have never shorted a single GenB stock. Better watch the stock's price action, the market is already whispering something now....
Posted by AngTayKor > 2024-08-17 15:40 | Report Abuse
Trader has already given his views if you have read his posts carefully over the past couple of days.
2 days ago | Report Abuse
Posted by AngTayKor > 2024-07-10 14:34 | Report Abuse
**(price peaked at 4.87 on 19/07/2024)
Please la @Michael, which stock market guru taught you to buy high sell low??? If Im trading this stock recently, I would have sold at 4.80+. Some months ago there were people here talking abt selling at 5.20, 5.50, 5.80 etc. I knew most of the time the crowd will get it wrong and my chart is telling me around 4.90 is the conviction sell zone.
2 days ago | Report Abuse
Lets revisit 11/03/2024, the exact day price peaked at 5.20 zone:
Posted by AngTayKor > 2024-03-11 16:18 | Report Abuse
Reminder: Regulatory approvals not so soon yet. Still got hurdles to cross especially the corrupted FDA.
Posted by AngTayKor > 2024-03-11 18:36 | Report Abuse
Please remember history lesson becareful of 5.20 zone LKT waiting to dump. Price action of afternoon session dont look good.
Posted by Michael_chan2022 > 2024-03-12 11:34 | Report Abuse
Be careful. Another short squeeze in the afternoon
Posted by AngTayKor > 2024-03-12 11:46 | Report Abuse
Posted by keyman > 2024-03-12 12:19 | Report Abuse
Sifu @Balian @micheal @ATK@neoths All say downward is unlikely. How am I catch the boat now? Sold 4.85 then buy back 4.97 loss 10 cents leh...
Posted by AngTayKor > 2024-03-12 14:09 | Report Abuse
Read clearly. I said whales exited yesterday
Posted by Michael_chan2022 > 2024-03-12 12:11 | Report Abuse
Real sifu is here,
GenB strong support at RM4.98
2 days ago | Report Abuse
Chao ah gua jeepon clown no skill keep quiet. Skillful trader already shown you his skill via prompt exit warnings at 5.20, 4.80+, 4.50 zones. Why you so kok didn't exit then??? Dumbo loser
2 days ago | Report Abuse
Pathetic jeepon clown always barking at wrong tree bought high stuck high blaming skillful trader who gave you 5.20, 4.80+, 4.50 prompt exit warnings. Have some gratitude la ya, trader didn't short any bursa stocks so dont blame your investment misfortune on skillful trader ya. Why you so kok 5.20, 4.80+, 4.50 didn't exit??? Free 98 sen "dividend" in just 4 months!!!
2 days ago | Report Abuse
Aiyo got such deluded useless fella here. Ownself screwed up but keep blaming price drop on trader + nonstop slandering. Siow lang. Must be a chao ah gua dont dare to admit his own investment mistakes. Trader did my part liow. 5.20, 4.80+, 4.50 was indeed sell zones for 2024. Who was the kept barking buy at high prices skyrocket naive readers to HOLLAND? Really shameless chao ah gua jeepon clown.
3 days ago | Report Abuse
Aiya trader finished ski + onsen + dinner. Pathetic jeepon clown always barking at wrong tree bought high stuck high blaming skillful trader who gave you 5.20, 4.80+, 4.50 prompt exit warnings. Have some gratitude la ya, trader didn't short any bursa stocks so dont blame your investment misfortune on skillful trader ya. Why you so kok 5.20, 4.80+, 4.50 didn't exit??? Free 97 sen "dividend" in just 4 months!!!
5 days ago | Report Abuse
LKT resign, stock price immediately gap up 1.00. Unwind ER RPT, stock price immediately gap up 1.50. Please remind LKT to bath flower water everyday + eat vegetarian + cannot touch girls.
5 days ago | Report Abuse
The problem is many already both showhand long ago at sky high prices. Some even bet n bet kena Margin Call disappeared liow
5 days ago | Report Abuse
Skillful trader can trade long or short no problem. Bit no access to bursa shorting account. Uni direction trading can be so boring
5 days ago | Report Abuse
Skillful trade gave prompt exit warnings at5.20, 4.80+, 4.50 this year. Very well documented here chao ah gua jeepon clown spinning BS. Got real skill or no skill people will know la ya
5 days ago | Report Abuse
But got people bought at penthouse price for years still lost a lot of money. Jeepon Clown + MC are responsible for egging people here to keep buying at high prices 4.50 to 5.20 zones. Dont deny your incompetence.
5 days ago | Report Abuse
Going up the freezing mountains soon hp reception going to be bad. Now reception still good so come here n poke chao ah gua jeepon clown first.
5 days ago | Report Abuse
Aiya smart shortie shorted when trader gave prompt exit warning at 4.50 zone 4 months ago covered back liow lo... siow lang keep blaming everyone else for his own investment misfortune 🤣🤣🤣
1 week ago | Report Abuse
Aiya chao ah gua jeepon clown organising cry part gere ah? No use la.... Dont blame your investment misfortune on trader. Why you didn't prompt exit at 5.20, 4.80+, 4.50 zones??? 🤣🤣🤣
Taurx uk approval 5.20. LKT resign 6.20. Unwind E.R RPT 7.70. These are more realistic la ya.
Freaking cold at ski mountain hp reception weak.
1 week ago | Report Abuse
A lot of siow lang in forum lose money liow keep blaming everyone else. Japan ski mountain area hp reception no good, hard for trader to monitor or trade the stock market. Also a good break from posting here. A lot of delusional losers here with zero gratitude instead of "thank you trader i managed to get out near 5.20, 4.80+, 4.50 tops", ungrateful losers gave back nonstop slanders + BS.
1 week ago | Report Abuse
Why bother to predict were stock price going? Just follow the trend. Trader gave so many valuable advice here. Chao ah gua Jeepon Clown just like to blame others except himself for his stock market misfortune. Why didnt exit promptly at 5.20, 4.80+, 4.50 zones? You have only yourself to blame.
1 week ago | Report Abuse
Trader gave prompt exit warnings 5.20, 4.80+, 4.50 zones + Sell At Rebound 4.20, 3.95 etc = bad for humanity? Jeepon Clown + MC nonstop cheering luring ikan bilis to buy at resistance zones 5.20, 4.80+, 4.50 kena stuck high its good for humanity? Aiya no need jealous other's trading skills la plenty of beginner level trading books you can start reading.
1 week ago | Report Abuse
Trader very busy la, flying to Japan holiday tmr (sponsored by Genting). Jeepon Clown eat full no shxt to fart dont blame trader again if price drop. Nobody here is keen to buy Jeepong Clown's meagre quantities of stuck shares la. You can keep them in freezer if you like. Trader can swing a few million GenB shares at a go but prefer a firm uptrend before making commitments.
1 week ago | Report Abuse
Posted by mushimushi > 4 hours ago | Report Abuse
Genm 2.11 can't get enough tickets, AngayKlown and Balian, do you have more to sell?
Siow lang Jeepon Clown. Trader only post here in GenB, nothing to do with GenM. Im not shortie, already declared here numerous times liow. Lose money dont blame skillful trader. Im your benefactor, the one that gave you prompt exit warnings at 5.20, 4.80+, 4.50 zones months ago + recent "Sell At Rebound" advice at 4.20, 3.95 n 3.90 zones. Why Jeepon Clown so kok and stubborn refuse to sell earlier??? Sell on downtrend, buy on uptrend. So soooo simple basic knowledge you still cannot get it. You lose money not my problem lo. Of course the easiest way to save face is to put the blame on others... except yourself. Once you always blame others for your own investment / trading misfortune, you will never learn from your mistakes
1 week ago | Report Abuse
Trader no power to move stock price la. Trader react to stock price movements, trade the trend. Jeepon Clown received trader's skillful prompt advice to exit at 5.20, 4.80+, 4.50 zones but too slow to react. Why you didnt exit at 5.20, 4.80+, 4.50??? Im your benefactor, not your enemy. JC doing shadow boxing in the air against his imaginary enemy to vent his anger for bad investment / trades into GenB. Siow lang 🤣🤣🤣
1 week ago | Report Abuse
Posted by mushimushi > 53 minutes ago | Report Abuse
Buy some, can't go any lower. By CNY, Genting should be around RM 5-6 even if Taurx announcement delayed till CNY.
Jeepon Clown scared ah? At 5.20 zone @MC scared price drop below 5.00 kept posting bullish cheerings. Same again when price at 4.80+ zone. At 4.50 zone Jeepon Clown scared drop to 4.00 lose even more money so keep posting delusional bullish cheerings. It find these 2 clowns very silly scared price drop more lose more money hence always like to encourage naive newbies to buy buy buy hoping price dont drop again. It doesnt this way work la.
1 week ago | Report Abuse
Eh Jeepon Clown, lets not talk abt those you bought and stuck at penthouse price m8.00 zone years ago. Always crying wolf BUY BUY BUY for many months here, nobody believe you la already skyrocket many naive newbies ikan bilis to HOLLAND stuck at high price. See for yourself your own track record:
Posted by mushimushi > 2024-08-14 18:41 | Report Abuse
Tomorrow confirm gap up!!
Tomorrow 4.8
Posted by mushimushi > 2 weeks ago | Report Abuse
No chance to buy low tomorrow. Opening at least RM 4 tomorrow.
Frankly, I think CNY 2025, we might see RM 5.50. if Taurx approved RM 8 easy.
We heard such delusions from you too many times liow. It obviously didnt turn out well. Your skill level is on par with MC's 旧战国 vs 新战国 delusional theories 🤣🤣🤣. Your reputation here is so bad people just skip your posts.
1 week ago | Report Abuse
Nobody cares if Jeepon Clown buy more or sell, stay or go away. Trader gave you prompt exit warning precisely on 15/08/2024 at 4.50 zone but you didnt take that gem advice. You know what is GRATITUDE??? Dont hate or blame me for being a skillful trader. Im not your delusional enemy that is responsible for your investment / trading follies la. Delusional chao ah gua Jeepon Clown, I have never shorted a single GenB share. Lose money on stock market its ok very common la, but dont lose your mind OK?
1 week ago | Report Abuse
From 4 months ago RWLV money laundering case, then GenS + GenB bad Q2 result, followed by RW Bimini USD600m court case, followed by KLCI kena selldown, then GenS + GenB bad Q3 result, then kena kickout of KLCI, etc. We just dont know when the next shoe going to drop again.
Can clearly see LKT kena bad karma, anytime another bad news again. This LKT sibei suay now. After CNY hopefully his luck can change.
1 week ago | Report Abuse
Aiya bad karma MM immediately bought 4.03 immediately lose. Karma is real, you better believe it. Definitely not BS la MM sorry for rubbing your wound hope you enjoying your bad karma ride to abyss. Next time dont do evil roti prata tactics
1 week ago | Report Abuse
Posted by MoneyMakers > 3 hours ago | Report Abuse
AngTKlown/Junkit same - use own BS imagination then claim as ‘fact’
Need learn definition of ‘fact’
Aiya used to bad karma MM's BS. Lose money on stock market its ok la. Immediately Bought Immediately Lose very common bad karma MM.
1 week ago | Report Abuse
MM ah, you still holding on to your shares at steep losses? Or vomit until cannot take it liow exited already? Trader already warned MM abt D-Day 5/12 GenB kickout why MM stubborn didnt cutloss earlier at 3.95 n 3.90?
1 week ago | Report Abuse
Real facts leh. Before MM buy, he will do nonstop fear mongering first hoping to buy cheaper. After MM bought liow, will do mjor U-turn nonstop cheerleading. MM kena bad karma again immediately bought immediately lose. These are already well documented here. Such evil tactics wont work la real stock trading skills not so simple. Evil tactics will only attract bad karma to yourself. Karma is real.
1 week ago | Report Abuse
Posted by MoneyMakers > 37 minutes ago | Report Abuse
Junkit Ur like AngTKlown - when proven BS then claim others stuck high blablabla
How u even know people buy/sell - ridiculous
Aiya see which side MM roti prata flip, then will know MM's trade position. Happened many times liow la.
MM ah, how is your bad karma ride to abyss so far? Vomited how many times liow? Do stay on for the dessert + drinks. Better dont do evil bad karma roti prata tactics la, else more bad karma coming after you. Karma is real.
1 week ago | Report Abuse
(On 23/10/2024, 2 days after trader sold at 4.07, MM bought at 4.03)
Posted by MoneyMakers > 1 month ago | Report Abuse
Hope everyone alrdy load up - we’re going up
Nice morning rally - 4.0 super strong support. Lets see how high can close today
Dont soo pessimistic leh - 4.0 alrdy super cheap
Little green day - 4.0 super strong support
Lets see if bigger green tomorrow
MM ah you perfect analysis ah? 🤣🤣🤣 Aiya after MM bought liow, will do a major U-turn non-stop bullish cheering hoping to lure in fresh buyers so MM can quickly sell at higher price. Same old evil Roti prata bad karma tactics.
1 week ago | Report Abuse
Who has been the most bearish fear monger here ah? Wah MM ah, you so bearish on GenB ah?
Posted by MoneyMakers > Report Abuse
No wonder soo cheap
US regulator sue RWLV (money laundering violation) + GenS QR terrible
Dont bother with TauRx - got hundreds other alzheimer med under Phase 2/3 clinical trials
Current share price values TauRx at 0 - so TauRx failure only minimal affect share price
Stuck even when bursa up 1650 pts
Feel people wait sell expecting bad QR soon
2 more days margin call b4 bad QR (expected Thur) - lets see how low can go
Late selloff continue ystrdy red
Seems people want exit b4 bad QR (GenS bad) out
Crazy evening selloff - wait&see how bad QR later
Woww big revenue drop + profit cut half..bad econ people no money travel??
Ystrdy Dollar General shares drop 30% after bad QR (weak consumer)
Economy soo bad..GB Q2 revenue alrdy drop 1st time - disaster if nxt QR more revenue drop
2023 still ‘covid recovery’ so shouldnt compare y-o-y
Q2 suppose seasonally strong (raya holiday etc) but QR soo bad - Q3 later even worse??
Everywhere weak economy - GenS/GenM alrdy affected Inflation destroy wealth
Ding3 4.01 closing new low unlocked
Will get uglier tomorrow after IB analysis - definitely something fishy
(“Resorts World Bimini’s 2022 financials showed that the company was effectively insolvent - with $191 Mil in assets dwarfed by $885 Mil in liabilities”)
GenM kickout klci yr end - soon not bluechip anymore
U happy buy 4.0 - big fund happy dump 4.0
Relax EngineerLoss be happy u collect big fund dump
Last hr - lets see if big fund big dump like ystrdy
Walao 1st time closing under 4.0 (3.97)
16Mil volume vs ystrdy 13Mil - big fund big dump in progress
If tomorrow budget got sin tax - downgrade PE 9 become 3.60
Closing under 4.0 again (3.99) - huge late dump
Tomorrow budget (sin tax) lets see if another big dump
Dont trust GB longterm with such terrible QR
Strong MYR not good for SG/US biz..rate cut savings also wont see in coming Q3 QR
1 week ago | Report Abuse
Die Die must secure the NYC full casino licence la. Already spent billions over the past 13 years on money losing NY casinos to curry favour district policitians + lobbying groups. If didnt secure NYC casino full licence, how to do USA IPO?
1 week ago | Report Abuse
Jeepon Clown's rocket launch today went Gostan again 😀😀
Kena stuck at penthouse price everyday JC will keep shouting take off, rocket, fountain, etc hoping price will not drop further. Duno how many naive newbies kena lured in and buried dead near 5.00 zone, thanks to JC + MC + previous empty vessels
1 week ago | Report Abuse
I also duno why LKT wanted to buy Mashpee red-indian land n lost over a billion.
1 week ago | Report Abuse
Waves push out pull in. There are small, medium, big waves. Think of trends as waves. From shareholders POV, Genting's branding under LGT was very good, but not under LKT he brought shareholders to HOLLAND with bad investments + always taking care of his own pockets first
1 week ago | Report Abuse
Posted by mushimushi > 31 minutes ago | Report Abuse
All in lah, so cheap now, no need to be scared of the 2 gay clowns. Tomorrow will bodied them both. Rocket launching tomorrow.
Wah you sure rocket launch tmr ah? On 15/8 at rm4.50, trader told you that rocket launching downwards you didn't believe then n kena hammered. Not my problem lo...
Aiya this Jeepon clown ownself lose money liow will always blame others except himself for his own investment / stock trading misfortune. Dont be a chao ah gua la have some courage to admit your own mistakes. Nobody is responsible for your own trading losses. Jeepon clown + @MC duno skyrocket how many naive newbies to buy at penthouse prices lo...
1 week ago | Report Abuse
Something to learn from the legend Peter Lynch 😀😀
1 week ago | Report Abuse
Posted by mushimushi > 1 hour ago | Report Abuse
AngayKlown and Balian already hop on their gay cruise? Why so quiet?
Aiya chao ah gua Jeepon clown's axx kena gang-banged so many rounds by shorties until bxckside tear liow. Im not one of those gang-bang shorting syndicates la. Jeepon clown's smelly bxckside only your chao ah gua kakis are keen la 🤣🤣🤣
1 week ago | Report Abuse
Posted by MoneyMakers > 1 hour ago | Report Abuse
Thats the sound of AngTKlown shorts burn kikiki
MM ah how is your ride to abyss so far? MM vomited how many times liow? 🤣🤣🤣
Aiya MM jealous that trader made the right calls already told MM earlier to cutloss 3.95, Sell At Rebound 3.90 + numerous Sell At Rebound come-back boats. MM too slow to take trader's advice not my problem lo.....
1 week ago | Report Abuse
Posted by stkoay > 1 hour ago | Report Abuse
After covid, during when the price recovered to about 5, during that time if you were to predict that price will drop back to pandemic level of about 3.60....people will say you "seow" (gila) 😀...
...but now, one has to admit...never say never in stock market.
If now sifu ATK predict 2.50, we also cannot say he "seow"
Taokay, dont be bad la 2.50 🤣🤣🤣
Stocks go up or down no problem for traders. Traders just follow the trend.
1 week ago | Report Abuse
Your money your decision not my problem. Nobody cares if chao ah gua jeepon clown BS abt his trades, makes money or losses.
2 days ago | Report Abuse
Posted by Michaelchan2024 > 2024-08-21 10:25 | Report Abuse
Haha, everyone can be a hindsight expert. He sold at 4.50...let’s see if he can actually buy back at ....4.40?? 😂🤣 and show his strategy in action. Making a 30-cent profit sounds good in theory, but we willl see if he can really achieve it!!!
==> Broke below 4.00 key support to 3.52. It can be done. Trader was giving you 98 sen "profit". You didnt believe in trader's skill and prompt exit warning calls for year 2024, else could have easily exited at 5.20, 4.80+, 4.50 zones.
Primary down trends can go much much longer and lower than you expect or you remaining solvent. Many people who went totally broke, in debt / bankrupt punting the stock market. It is real