
AngTayKor | Joined since 2020-11-24

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2023-06-05 20:06 | Report Abuse

"Buy liow immediately show trading profit" this skill you wont know want la. You bought liow losing money now hence promoting non-stop right? Hahaha...

Next time if got chance i show you again la. I showed you the records twice here already, still need to show you another time?


2023-06-05 18:18 | Report Abuse

Those 2 are billionaires in their own right im sure they have their own powerful money making skills. But professional stock traders in general dont regard these 2 as their stock trading sifus.


2023-06-05 17:23 | Report Abuse

Posted by MoneyMakers > 24 minutes ago | Report Abuse
Only AngTK dare claim more pro trader than Buffet/Icahn (billionaires with combined 100yrs stock market exp)

Dont put words into my mouth again.


2023-06-05 16:38 | Report Abuse

Posted by MoneyMakers > 2 hours ago | Report Abuse
AngTK Which FAMOUS investor do u consider ‘pro trader’ (buy then immediately profit)??
U said Warren Buffet not pro trader - how about Carl Icahn??

If you think they are professional stock traders that you can learn some trading skills from then its ok lor


2023-06-05 16:25 | Report Abuse

We are talking abt stock trading here. Why choose WB and CI? Im definitely not the best la there are many much better stock traders around. However, I do get "lucky" numerous times, making trading profits very quickly after I bought.


2023-06-05 15:46 | Report Abuse

Wa.... GenS drop big today despite dow up big. Maybe MadMonkey shd cut loss if there is any rebound tmr? Hahaha...


2023-06-05 13:43 | Report Abuse

Posted by MoneyMakers > 14 minutes ago | Report Abuse
AngTK if “buy then immediately profit” is common knowledge, then come specify which pro trader/book teach u this fantasy idea Should be easy to name since soo ‘common’ kikiki
AngTK Ur definition of pro trader (buy then immediately profit) is as terrible as ur definition of overbought (up 50% past few months) kikiki

The good traders dont like their trading P&L to show losses, hence all aspire to make our initial trade commitment show trading profit right from the start. The entire trade will show a profit right from the beginning and all the way to the end of trade, never in a loss position. And some good traders can really do this consistently with high probability. I have already shown you some of my such trades.

Amateurs like you will think its only a fantasy. If your trading strategy of ""Promoting a stock nonstop after you bought. Fear mongering the same stock nonstop after you sold (hoping to buy back cheaper)"" works for you, then you just continue to use this type of chao kuan cheap tactics la. You are too amateur la. How to educate you on stock trading? Hahaha...


2023-06-05 12:33 | Report Abuse

With such poor attitude, how is MadMonkey going to improve? I already told you how I learn from other professionals who are even better than me. Im always happy to meet such people, be humble and learn from them.

Posted by AngTayKor > 2 weeks ago | Report Abuse

.......................... I find online trolls very stooopid and lack the ability to further improve themselves. When ATK meet successful investors and stock traders, ATK pluck up courage be "thick-skin" and go chat up with them, be their friend. You will be surprised how friendly and helpful they usually are. Most of them are willing to share if they like you and find you trustworthy. I ask them questions and learn. What is their view? How did they do it? Whats in their mind when they are putting in big investments or when they are trading a large position? Just look around you Im sure you can find some trustworthy mentors you have met before and can learn from them. ATK is also a human. I have my own internal demons (greed and fear) when I trade stocks or invest in Taurx.


Posted by AngTayKor > 1 week ago | Report Abuse

ATK just had a long lunch discussion with a successful stock investor that invested in USA, HK and local markets. Eye opener on how he think and invest. He pointed out my mistakes and gave his views. He is correct. He reads plenty of expensive investment periodical subscriptions that fund managers/ hedge funds/etc are reading. Thereafter more self-research, then he form his own investment opinions and backed his views with his own real money. I asked him for links on which low price and good subscription periodicals to read to broaden my knowledge. Wow! I paid for the "Buddha Jump Over The Wall" lunch but the knowledge I gained today is priceless. Got to start gearing up as I expect to take back all my Taurx investment capital after China deal.

Learning to be successful means learning from the successful people how they think and how they translate thoughts into actions.



2023-06-05 12:18 | Report Abuse

Posted by AngTayKor > 2022-10-12 11:35 | Report Abuse

Posted by MoneyMakers > 2022-09-29 17:12 | Report Abuse
Walao AngTK everyday say alot seller/foreign seller/fed crash market blablabla
Suddenly today say enter 4.3 (after price up)..u think anyone believe meh
Really ridiculous story aiyoyo



MY26/09/22 28/09/22 391892/400/01 BUY GENTING, 3182 926,600 MYR 4.33576 4,017,515.22 4,025,963.33
Comm (SR) Other Fee (NS) Foreign Fee (NS) Ex. Rate
6,026.27 0.00 2,000.00 0.31370

MY29/09/22 03/10/22 458918/400/01 BUY GENTING, 3182 353,400 MYR 4.40396 1,556,359.46 1,560,324.33
Comm (SR) Other Fee (NS) Foreign Fee (NS) Ex. Rate
2,334.54 0.00 1,466.91 0.31330

MY04/10/22 06/10/22 580652/400/01 BUY GENTING, 3182 150,000 MYR 4.46667 670,000.50 672,276.86
Comm (SR) Other Fee (NS) Foreign Fee (NS) Ex. Rate
1,005.00 0.00 1,201.01 0.31000


MY26/09/22 28/09/22 392887/400/01 BUY GENTING, 3182 340,000 MYR 4.32765 1,471,401.00 1,475,204.03
Comm (SR) Other Fee (NS) Foreign Fee (NS) Ex. Rate
2,207.10 0.00 1,441.43 0.31370

MY27/09/22 29/09/22 428345/400/01 BUY GENTING, 3182 230,000 MYR 4.33348 996,700.40 999,599.12
Comm (SR) Other Fee (NS) Foreign Fee (NS) Ex. Rate
1,495.05 0.00 1,299.02 0.31350




2023-06-05 12:17 | Report Abuse

Posted by AngTayKor > 2022-05-08 11:40 | Report Abuse

Posted by MoneyMakers > | Report Abuse
Aiyoyo AngTK nobody cares/believes whether u make money or not..investors should only care about own portfolio
Here share useful info enough..If want brag about picking bottoms then show TA b4 price hits suddenly want brag about buying bottom 4.51 kikiki save those fairytale stories 4 grandchildren
ATK: You missed the 4.51 boat. I have already shown you I bought at least 600.000 shares at 4.51 zone. @Dream makers still trying hard to do fear mongering here hope to buy cheap.... sore loser eating sour grapes. Hahaha....

Posted by AngTayKor >2022-05-08 13:45 | Report Abuse
Posted by Income > | Report Abuse
Mr. ATK, you have shown your proofs. He (MoneyM) is diverting topic to other things. Haha.
Mr. ATK Sifu, you have shot MoneyM to pieces. Good. I believe in Sifu ATK. The first time Sifu ATK have shown his transactions.
ATK: I prefer to trade like a lone wolf hunting. I trade to win money. I dont like to expose my trades publicly especially when my positions are not closed hence I will delete the earlier post on my trading room GenB position.


2023-06-05 12:16 | Report Abuse

Posted by MoneyMakers > 1 hour ago | Report Abuse
AngTK Cannot even give 1 name meh - just keep spin round&round kikiki
Ur replies always amusing - like child lying who eat all the cookies (dog/postman/Santa eat)
Little fella think his ‘story’ makes sense - but parents know its BS kikiki

This is a common knowledge among professional traders. Good traders make money from their trade commitments showing profit right from the start. I wont waste my breath explaining to an amateur like MadMonkey who doesnt even bother to Google what is "Price Action", let alone be humble even to learn from the professionals by asking them how they manage to do this consistently.

MadMonkey has made such accusations abt ATK making up horse-back cannon fantasy stories to BS people. I have posted some of my real trades here which is "showing profits right from the start" and proved you wrong.


2023-06-05 10:11 | Report Abuse

All professional traders will tell you this same thing.

You are too amateur to believe this, let alone how professionals do it. Hahaha...


2023-06-05 09:46 | Report Abuse

WB not a stock trader. Experienced professional traders will tell you that good trades usually will show profit right from the start. Many people keep incl MadMonkey yourself have on many occasions accused ATK horse-back cannon. I have posted my real trades here before showing that after i bought, it will show a profit quickly. Its not fantasy nonsense. I have shown you proof before. But as usual even with proof, amateurs still wont believe.


2023-06-04 16:12 | Report Abuse

This type jump in n out max get small trading gain only. MadMonkey putting in so much effort to fear mongering here non-stop, then reverse n start promoting here non-stop after she bought. Doing all these rubbish just hoping to make some meagre profit. Amateur la. If suay suay can end up like now below water. Hahaha...

Professional traders will just keep quiet, buy already immediately will make profit. No need to fear monger, no need to promote also. Profit n money will still come in. That is the difference between professional and amateur traders.


2023-06-02 23:15 | Report Abuse

Wah... Dow up 500 pts tonight but wasted leh Bursa on holiday next Monday.


2023-06-02 19:01 | Report Abuse

GenB can go Thailand also. Become South East Asia's 金三角 casino king :)


2023-06-02 18:08 | Report Abuse

Posted by choysun > 56 seconds ago | Report Abuse
So reversal confirmed yet? Still a bit shooting star leh. But Futures up. Perhaps profit taking due to Monday holiday?

@Choysun, you can only trust your own judgement and not be mentally swayed by amateurs always doing roti-prata fear mongering / promoting a stock to suit their own trading needs. Once you formed your own judgement, backed it with real money and put in your trade. If your trade shows a profit, that means you are correct.


2023-06-02 17:56 | Report Abuse

Posted by MoneyMakers > 1 hour ago | Report Abuse
AngTK remember last week say “GenS OVERBOUGHT selloff b’coz up 50% past few months”
If ‘overbought’ = 50% up, then automatically ‘oversold’ = 50% down lo
Both opposite ma - give u simple TA lesson today
Posted by MoneyMakers > 1 minute ago | Report Abuse
Aiyaa AngTK no need argue long2
Easy solution - come give ur ‘oversold’ definition

I wont try to teach an amateur with a black heart that always has bad intentions. Up to you to find out the difference in impact if a blue chip stock goes up 50% VS the stock price goes down 50%. I have already used mathematics to prove your theory is flawed.

Your own theory is your own theory and belongs to you. Dont put your own theory into my mouth and say ATK said that. I didnt say that.


2023-06-02 17:39 | Report Abuse

Posted by MoneyMakers > 14 minutes ago | Report Abuse
Aiyaa AngTK no need argue long2
Easy solution - come give ur ‘oversold’ definition

Have you found out what is "Price Action"? Hahaha amateur.....


2023-06-02 17:37 | Report Abuse

Posted by MoneyMakers > 2 hours ago | Report Abuse
AngTK remember last week say “GenS OVERBOUGHT selloff b’coz up 50% past few months”
If ‘overbought’ = 50% up, then automatically ‘oversold’ = 50% down lo
Posted by MoneyMakers > 24 minutes ago | Report Abuse
Aiyoyo AngTK ‘overbought/oversold’ by definition = opposite leh
Got nothing to do with ur ‘math example’ - bcoz ur ‘overbought/oversold’ definition totally wrong kikiki

Hello you are omitting the 50% mark now. There is a difference in price going up 50% VS down 50%. .

I already have used mathematics facts to prove that your "mirror theory" is wrong. You are using your own mirror theory "up 50% overbought condition has same impact of down 50% oversold condition". Not everything just use mirror to see means your theory is correct liow. And dont put your false theory into my mouth. Geeez.


2023-06-02 17:18 | Report Abuse

Posted by MoneyMakers > 11 minutes ago | Report Abuse
AngTK laugh at buyers during Mar bank panic - then strong rebound

Pls la i have said here many times that i was warning justborn not to play the machoman n catch falling knives when he was buying nonstop at 5.0+ all the way down to 4.70+, 4,60+. Price eventually bottomed at 4.40+. My advice then was sound n correct.


2023-06-02 16:57 | Report Abuse

Posted by stkoay > 2 days ago | Report Abuse
I think only amateur believes that posting in forum will be able to move price in the market.

Some are trying to mislead the ikan bilis....but whatever it won't move the price much.

Well said TaoKay. We all know who that amateur is. Ha!


2023-06-02 16:47 | Report Abuse

Need ATK to buy n help you push up the share price or not? Hahaha...


2023-06-02 16:23 | Report Abuse

Posted by MoneyMakers > 1 hour ago | Report Abuse
Gamblers in Casino de Bursa dont survive long - invest responsibly in good fundamental biz
Have no doubt GenT shares recover by nxt QR/div

OMG this is totally opposite of what you have been fear mongering last week abt lousy QR n performance.

Roti prata flip now after kena stuck buying at higher price?


2023-06-02 16:15 | Report Abuse

Posted by MoneyMakers > 1 hour ago | Report Abuse
AngTK remember last week say “GenS OVERBOUGHT selloff b’coz up 50% past few months”
If ‘overbought’ = 50% up, then automatically ‘oversold’ = 50% down lo
Both opposite ma - give u simple TA lesson today

Cannot opposite like that. I give you simple math lesson la. Stock price can go up over 100% but can stock price go down by over 100%?

If stock price from $100 drop by 50% to $50, then go up by 50% is the price the same? Likewise if stock goes up 50% then price drop down by 50% is the price the same?
Dont put words into my mouth la. Aiyo go n learn how to read carefully n learn some primary school math principles of percentages.


2023-06-02 14:31 | Report Abuse

Posted by MoneyMakers > 1 hour ago | Report Abuse
According to AngTK - oversold means 50% drop past few months
So definitely not oversold / reversal kikiki

Can copy n paste my old posts when i said that? Why people always like to put words into my mouth?


2023-06-02 10:52 | Report Abuse

Posted by choysun > 1 hour ago | Report Abuse
Real reversal signal?

But people here kept insisting GenS, GenP, GenM, GenB quarterly result very bad + FF dumping leh. Then suddenly ownself bought and now underwater in trouble. I read i3 forum until affected my trading psychology also.

Choysun the most honest person here hence I always read his posts :p


2023-06-01 23:18 | Report Abuse

Very power! 111 bagger in 10 years! This skill is much more high level than stock trading.


2023-06-01 23:05 | Report Abuse

@TauRx 3h ago (Twitter)

Did you know the estimated annual worldwide cost of dementia is forecast to rise to US$2.8 trillion by 2030?

This puts a spotlight on companies like TauRx, committed to developing a safe, effective, accessible treatment

This USD2.8T cost is on per year basis. If can spend just 5% of this amount on HMTM drug treatment, the world can greatly reduce the economic cost of this dementia pandemic liow.


2023-06-01 13:40 | Report Abuse

There was a delusional cha cha aunty LoserSSP still talking abt potential M&A of GenB at high price when the professionals are already selling on 09/06/2022 and warning already given the night before on the imminent collapse in price. I will never forget how dumb that amateur was. Ha!


2023-06-01 13:28 | Report Abuse

They will usually report their insider trades a few days later to bursa so they can sell quietly without the public knowing immediately (like during June 2022 at 5.20 zone). Lucky the next day 09/06/2022 morning still got time to clear off my balance. Then afternoon session price start to go down strong. The next day 10/06/2022 massive collapse. Heng the stock market can be a little retxrded at times for the quick traders to react first



2023-06-01 12:46 | Report Abuse

Whatever AGM share buyback plan is for show only. When GenB ever bought back their own shares from open market? If LKT can stop dumping his shares very heng liow.


2023-05-31 12:47 | Report Abuse

Posted by MoneyMakers > 1 week ago | Report Abuse
Ready foreign fund huge selloff next week if QR loss
FF alrdy dump GenS (8% drop) after lousy QR

Now blame on politics? You were jeering the results were very bad. GenS, GenP, GenM, GenB result very bad right?


2023-05-31 12:37 | Report Abuse

Posted by MoneyMakers > 1 minute ago | Report Abuse
Everyone scared PN - turns out PH madani destroy our country (bursa/rm laosai)
Soo ironic kikiki

Change story now? I thought you have been insisting the selldown is because of bad GenS, GenP and GenB's QR?

QR bad right? Continue your fear mongering leh...


2023-05-31 12:34 | Report Abuse

This SG news is real. April's death is abt double of the entire Jan to March.


2023-05-30 23:15 | Report Abuse

Posted by i3lurker > 4 minutes ago | Report Abuse
excuse me !!!
the share price had moved from 5.00 to 4.19
and with China latest covid wave 65 million new covid cases in 1 week, guess which direction the Genting share is going?

Yes you are correct. Didnt expect covid situation to be so jialat at TiongLand now.


2023-05-30 22:43 | Report Abuse

Yes its not easy to be a good trader. I think only abt 10% can make it eventually in the long run. Hence on short term, many amateurs will resort to using evil/cheap tactics posting rubbish non-stop on online public forums hoping to skyrocket the naive to Holland.


2023-05-30 22:11 | Report Abuse

Posted by DestinyL > 8 hours ago | Report Abuse
MonkeyMakers change side already

My guess is that she has deleted all her recent fear mongering posts by now. Am I correct?


2023-05-30 22:01 | Report Abuse

Posted by stkoay > 32 minutes ago | Report Abuse
Wow....27 month low (since February 2021)

Thanks for the update Taokay. It shd be 27 month lowest in "closing price".

Amateurs usually like to trade at the opening bell. Professionals usually like to trade before the closing time.


2023-05-30 21:52 | Report Abuse

Posted by newbie2019 > 5 hours ago | Report Abuse
more discount at 4 may be wait ?
ATK Sifu collecting now?? wondering

ATK down with a bad flu. Last week went for a seminar there was a fat woman not wearing mask kept coughing behind me. Think she spread the flu and cough virus to me. KNN plenty of buay zi tong people around. Same for online, same in the real world.


2023-05-30 21:33 | Report Abuse

For the amateur who doesnt know what is "Price Action" / too lazy to find out what professional traders are talking about.

Tue, May 30, 2023 at 2:35 PM GMT+8
A 24-year-old stock trader who made over $8 million in 2 years shares the 4 indicators he uses as his guides to buy and sell


2023-05-23 17:05 | Report Abuse

Posted by MoneyMakers > 1 minute ago | Report Abuse
AngTKlown u always give those ‘general google answer’ but seems u have no idea what they mean / how to SPECIFICALLY use them as part of trading strategy

MadMonkey already a retiree from circus with plenty of free time to google for basic info.

When ATK talk to successful traders, I dont ask them "What is price action".

Dont waste my time.


2023-05-23 16:52 | Report Abuse

Posted by MoneyMakers > 4 minutes ago | Report Abuse
Aiyaa AngTKlown just answer question what u mean by ‘focus price action’

You go and google la. So lazy how to learn things?


2023-05-23 16:43 | Report Abuse

@MadMoney, if your trading strategy of ""Promoting a stock nonstop after you bought. Fear mongering the same stock nonstop after you sold (hoping to buy back cheaper)"" works for you, then you just continue to use this chao kuan cheap trick la.

Higher level of trading skills used by good traders, you wont understand la.


2023-05-23 16:38 | Report Abuse

Posted by MoneyMakers > 22 minutes ago | Report Abuse
Walao AngTKlown ur definition of ‘overbought’ = up 50% past few months
Very useless definition / trading guide
AngTKlown what does ‘focus price action’ specifically mean??
Watch price go up down issit

You too amateur la. How to educate you on stock trading? My arbitrage trades I describe until so clearly liow but you said its "covered short".


2023-05-23 16:01 | Report Abuse

Posted by AngTayKor > 1 hour ago | Report Abuse

At overbought conditions, high chance will selldown. At oversold conditions, high chance will rebound. Natural phenomenon. The immediate trend will move until it meets a stronger counter-trend force then a reversal happens. So simple you also dont understand meh?

Posted by MoneyMakers > 1 hour ago | Report Abuse
AngTKlown what exactly r those ‘overbought conditions’??
When GenS drop 8%, rsi only ‘50’
In ur circus rsi 50 consider ‘overbought’ issit - since u call GenS drop as ‘overbought selloff’

You English comprehension fail? GenS chart was extremely overbought after rallying up 50% in a few months. A major downtrend has already begun before result. GenS chart immediate trend was already DOWN. For skillful traders, we know that high chance this immediate downtrend will continue on for a while. You expect a trend reversal at RSI 50? Is RSI 50 considered extremely oversold? I never argue with the price action with my own reasoning and theories. I know these are fruitless endeavors that will not make me money in the stock market. The chart is always right and I just go along with it and profit from it.


2023-05-23 13:58 | Report Abuse

At overbought conditions, high chance will selldown. At oversold conditions, high chance will rebound. Natural phenomenon. The immediate trend will move until it meets a stronger counter-trend force then a reversal happens. So simple you also dont understand meh?

Aiya everyone here also know your chao kuan pattern la. Want to buy cheap just continue to do your fear mongering. After buy liow promote non-stop. Double-headed MadMonkey.


2023-05-22 15:32 | Report Abuse

ATK just had a long lunch discussion with a successful stock investor that invested in USA, HK and local markets. Eye opener on how he think and invest. He pointed out my mistakes and gave his views. He is correct. He reads plenty of expensive investment periodical subscriptions that fund managers/ hedge funds/etc are reading. Thereafter more self-research, then he form his own investment opinions and backed his views with his own real money. I asked him for links on which low price and good subscription periodicals to read to broaden my knowledge. Wow! I paid for the "Buddha Jump Over The Wall" lunch but the knowledge I gained today is priceless. Got to start gearing up as I expect to take back all my Taurx investment capital after China deal.

Learning to be successful means learning from the successful people how they think and how they translate thoughts into actions.


2023-05-21 18:33 | Report Abuse

The problem why you cannot understand what i have been saying is because you are trying to reason with T.A by using F.A. Just follow the chart. The chart is always right n trade along with it. Good news but price may selldown. Bad news but price may rally up. We have all seen these happening too many times liow. Really a stoopid MadMonkey. Ha!


2023-05-21 16:19 | Report Abuse

Good traders dont bother to know the reason behind the drop. Does it make any difference? We look at price action.

GenS goreng from 80ct to abt $1.20, already up 50% in a matter of a few months. Now imagine if GenB goreng up 50%, stock price to abt rm7.00 within a few months. Whatever recovery/china tourist story play already fully played out and over when the whales already exited. Whatever good news also no use. From extremely overbought condition and was on already going down. No need to study the reason too much, cannot make trading profit from it. Watch the price action.

Amateurs like you will try to understand what was going on and justify things. Professionals stock traders watch price action and react/ trade accordingly.