Vince Sinclair

Anti_Barking_Dogs | Joined since 2017-08-28

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2017-12-27 23:58 | Report Abuse

Pakcik Santa = 3iii.

Get it right punk! You're not here to offer any opposing viewpoints. You're here to purposely create trouble & fear. Kau dtg sini sengaja nak buat kacau! For that, you deserve to be whacked to the fullest extent!

And no, i'm definitely not asking you "the similarities between bitcoin and HRC". Why would anyone ask a fool like you about anything?

Forumers should go back and check all the posts made by 3iii (end Aug) after HY reported its 2Q results. You will see how black-hearted and arrogant this person is.


2017-12-27 23:21 | Report Abuse

I think forumers need not bother about a person who can't even tell the difference between a cryptocurrency with no intrinsic value and a real business with real assets and cash flow generating ability.

Making a prophetic sounding statement that "end of next year it will be back to below RM10" only shows just how profoundly arrogant and stupid this person is. If he's really that prophetic he would have become the richest person on earth! He would have loaded up heavily on Bitcoin when it was just valued at a few US cents several years ago and sold at the peak. He won't have the time to come here to bark as he'll be too busy thinking about how to spend his massive wealth!

Same breed with 3iii, if not 3iii himself masking as another person!


2017-12-26 11:29 | Report Abuse

General Raider has done a fantastic job in supplying i3 forumers with lots of useful information. Probablity has also posted a lot of useful articles & info related to HY. I think both of them and other sifus in this forum deserve to be commended!


2017-12-26 00:12 | Report Abuse

I think Raider provided many good & comprehensive analyses on HY in many of his posts, therefore, I disagree that he is a low class analyst as opined by an individual, or some individuals.


2017-12-26 00:07 | Report Abuse

1) Apple only started paying dividend since 2012, yet its share price had been rising several years before that.

2) Berkshire Hathaway has never paid a single dividend, yet its class A share price closed at USD296,400.30 per share on 22/12/2017.

3) Just because HY does not pay dividend now, it doesn't mean it won't pay dividend forever. It may have better use of its capital now so that it will be able to generate more earnings in the future.

4) Cynics (and there are a lot on this forum) may argue that HY is neither Apple nor Berkshire Hathaway. Well, don't forget that Warren Buffett also bought a stake in PetroChina, a "Chinaman" company (typically seen with disdain by many in Msia due to their "Red Chip" status) by just reading its annual reports. He invested USD500 million and earned USD3.5 billion, one of his best investments of all time.

By arguing that HY share price should stay depressed because it does not pay a dividend now and it is a "Chinaman" company, one is just showing one's shallowness and prejudiced predisposition.

Warren Buffett is also reported to have said "Go to where the puck is going to be, not to where it is". Before Nestle became the company that it is today, it also went through the phase that HY is going through now. Yet it was the people who had the foresight to see the tremendous potential of Nestle that had made the most money from this company. The same condition applies to HY today.

News & Blogs

2017-12-25 12:19 | Report Abuse

Fully agree with HENGYUAN TP$24 (ilovehits). 9% return is not a bad achievement. If I'm not wrong, even a great sifu like Mr OTB has also said KC Chong is good in imparting FA knowledge.


2017-12-21 12:01 | Report Abuse

Probability thanks again for the reassurance.


2017-12-20 16:14 | Report Abuse

Yip2880, please follow the thread carefully and see to whom my comment was directed to. Please don't come in halfway and start being critical of others without first getting all your facts right.

News & Blogs

2017-12-20 15:59 | Report Abuse

Thanks for sharing your article.

News & Blogs

2017-12-20 12:12 | Report Abuse

Just hold it tightly until Feb 2018. After result announced, you can decide whether to continue holding or sell at a big profit.


2017-12-20 11:39 | Report Abuse

Let it free fall. i want to buy. But if it doesn't free fall after noon, we'll cut your cock and stuff it into your foul mouth!


2017-12-20 09:48 | Report Abuse

pang72 maybe Warren Buffett is also quietly monitoring this counter. Kikikikiki!


2017-12-20 09:44 | Report Abuse

Primelife I sure hope it's a fake rebound bcoz I wanna top up more & more & more ...... and more!!!


2017-12-20 09:37 | Report Abuse

Despite intense efforts by some barking street dogs to maximise fear, this baby just refuses to plunge! STS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


2017-12-20 09:13 | Report Abuse

My only complaint is it's so hard to get a piece of HY nowadays. Just when you think it's going down, it suddenly bounces back !


2017-12-20 09:09 | Report Abuse

Those who missed the boat earlier, now is your best chance to top up. So act fast !


2017-12-19 17:28 | Report Abuse

Pull back 70 sen from today's high.


2017-12-19 16:14 | Report Abuse

Depression is no joke. Can lead to suicide.


2017-12-19 16:00 | Report Abuse

Those who did not buy HY is taking a very high risk. And yes, you will lose all the profit that you could've earned. If HY goes up 99 sen you will be very cham. You may die alone.


2017-12-19 15:42 | Report Abuse

Bursa is so bearish today but HY is so bullish ! Maybe Warren Buffett is buying HY also since US stocks are so expensive and HY is so cheap !


2017-12-19 13:41 | Report Abuse

Tung Kwang Yii you made a smart move by buying back !


2017-12-19 11:41 | Report Abuse

Those who base their buy and sell decisions on what others would or would not do are destined to lose money and become sour grapes. We bought HY not because KYY is buying. We bought because we see value in this stock.


2017-12-18 15:00 | Report Abuse

HY powered by turbo engine before this. Now it's powered by rocket engine.


2017-12-16 13:09 | Report Abuse

Many thanks to Sifu OTB, Sifu Raider, Sifu Probability, and other Sifus who have shared info on HY !


2017-12-14 14:46 | Report Abuse

Probability, thanks for the clear explanation.


2017-12-13 12:27 | Report Abuse

Firmly gone past RM12. Now RM12.06.


2017-12-13 12:11 | Report Abuse

Annetan, thanks for the well-written piece on call warrants. Informative & educational.


2017-12-13 12:04 | Report Abuse

General Raider, thank you for your research report !


2017-12-11 16:52 | Report Abuse

No wonder our friend is in so much agonising pain ...


2017-12-11 16:27 | Report Abuse

SHC70, 这家伙很可能是从精神病院逃出来的!问他technical问题时,他都说没时间。但又有时间在这扮投资哲学家。这叫做暴疯语!


2017-12-11 11:48 | Report Abuse

Thank you General Raider, Probability, and definitely not forgetting Sifu OTB. Let's all HUAT into 2018 and beyond !!!


2017-12-10 12:38 | Report Abuse

Probability, thanks for the notes. You & stockraider have shared a lot of info on HY. Well done!


2017-12-09 11:12 | Report Abuse


2)他说朋友叫他别再 i3investor 这垃圾网站浪费时间,但他还是来了,还被人喷到一脸屁!果然犯贱。



5)他说 remisier 的boss在SC是过去式,那他自己在SC也是过去式呀!何必那么多事呢?他出来乱乱吠,难道是间接对SC保护投资大众的能力没信心?又或者他在炫耀自己对投资法律也有点认知,“识少少,扮代表”?Pergi mampuslah!!!

6)A"mountain of junks"? Hahaha! He must be the worst junk of it all!



2017-12-08 22:54 | Report Abuse

Mr OTB, there’s no point trying to talk sense with a person who doesn’t argue sensibly. He is clearly not bothered about your explanations. Whatever you say, he will continue to attack you because he just enjoys the sense of victory that comes whenever he successfully bullies or intimidates you. Let Existence or God judge you, not a self-proclaimed saint who thinks he’s on a holy crusade to educate or save the public. I support your decision to stop posting about HY. Attention is what energises this psycho to be more aggressive. This imbecile is always the one to attack people first (look at my post to him and see how nastily and arrogantly he replies me). There’s no point rationalising with this psycho. Just screw him to the maximum extent.


2017-12-08 14:08 | Report Abuse

1) in dire need OF money, ...dozens of listed companIES ARE being questioned..., openly CRITICISED, ...without ENGAGING ur brain, REMISIER, not remiser, HABIT, not habits. English pun belum lulus tapi nak berlagak mcm profesional. Memang sah bodoh, bangang, & bahlol.

2) You're not trying to educate anyone here. A world-class MORON like you is not qualified to educate anyone. How can you educate anyone when you are so kurang ajar? Your sole agenda is to attack people. This is the big picture. Macamlah org tak boleh nampak! Confirm bodoh, bangang & bahlol. This is what happens when a FOOL is trying to act smart. And fools like you are always trying to act smart.

Since you're showing the typical qualities of a person who was brought up in a whore house, and worse, since you've contracted "Penyakit Anjing Gila" of the worst stage, it's better to stay away from a mixed breed like you. Tau apa maksud mixed breed kah, BODOH?


2017-12-08 10:28 | Report Abuse

Come on alexyoong. It's Mr Koon's money we're talking about. If Mr OTB is doing a bad job as his remisier, I'm sure Mr Koon will know what to do. Other people really need not meddle in the dealings of these 2 gentlemen. Just give forumers a break.


2017-12-08 10:18 | Report Abuse

Sandra86 is just another good-for-nothing kacau daun trying to seek cheap publicity here by making stupid & boastful statement.


2017-12-05 13:54 | Report Abuse

Do you have proof that the selldown in the last few days was caused by OTB and his gang? If yes, please show it. If no, go bark elsewhere.


2017-12-05 09:46 | Report Abuse

Mr OTB used a brilliant strategy to silence an empty tin ...


2017-12-04 14:16 | Report Abuse

Price weakness now is a good time to buy. It's mind boggling that when there are discounts in supermarkets, people rush to buy. But when the same happens in the stock market, people either complain or are too scared to buy.

News & Blogs

2017-12-01 13:24 | Report Abuse

When HY reported its 2Q results which were seen as bad, this 3iii came out in a big way to spread fear. He must have enjoyed seeing the share price plunging and people panicking. Now that HY has reported superb 3Q results, he still comes out to bark non-stop. Maybe now he enjoys being ridiculed by people. He must have lost so much money in the stock market until sot already!


2017-11-30 16:12 | Report Abuse

The PR dept of this company really has a lot of damage control to do. People are starting to equate this company to a red chip company.


2017-11-30 16:05 | Report Abuse

2017 annual report shows that Coldeye held 1 mil shares of this shitty company. The volume today is 4 mil shares. Hard to tell whether Coldeye sold his shares. Likely some or many institutional investors dumped their shares after losing faith in Mgmt.


2017-11-30 15:27 | Report Abuse

RainT the core issue now is the highly questionable integrity of the management team. That's why people are punishing this company heavily by dumping their shares. What if mgmt lied again when they claim results will improve beginning FY2019? I agree with Edwardong53 that SC should investigate the mgmt.


2017-11-30 15:06 | Report Abuse

To those who had held on due to assurance given during the AGM that the bad first quarter results was just temporary, go to IQ Group website, and leave them a nasty message. They have defrauded their shareholders.


2017-11-30 10:19 | Report Abuse

"We see that the current conditions will remain throughout the remainder of this financial year, but going forward thereafter we anticipate positive performance as the various new products are rolled out into the market". Well, they also said during the AGM that the bad 1Q results were a one-off event, but see what happens in 2Q? Even worse. Management seems to be taking us for a ride!


2017-11-30 09:43 | Report Abuse

The management team has serious integrity issue. It's no wonder investors are punishing this company heavily by selling the stock en masse.


2017-11-28 17:21 | Report Abuse

My "get it right" comment is in response to your statement that a large number of people support OTB blindly. Read what I wrote carefully. Nobody gives a shit whose analysis you had based your buying decision on. You have really poor command of English. What a waste of time interacting with you.