
BC475654 | Joined since 2012-11-09

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2013-02-08 17:32 | Report Abuse

AMENDED Bursa Announcement .Dato 5Mil shares disposed not open market but off market.I email to Public Relation Bursa this morning to seek clarificaton.No reply from them.Terima Kasih pun tak da.Like this mana ada public relation?


2013-02-08 17:19 | Report Abuse

Mc.PlS refer to the "Latest Headlines"column on Gapurna deal dated 26/11.


2013-02-08 16:10 | Report Abuse

Tai kor on buying spree at 0.065.


2013-02-08 15:49 | Report Abuse

No wonder this explain the sharp drop of 30sen within a month to push this share in exchange for land deal to fulfill Gapurna min.request for 20% stake in MRCB in exchange for 60 acres of prime land at the back of PJ Hilton.If based on 1.60 a month ago price Gapurna's stake work out to slightly above 18%,


2013-02-08 11:53 | Report Abuse

Esegaban.Good luck to us.Actually I already sau kong;disposed all my stock last Mon.Despite the Dato dato news,my palm also itcy.People say Strong signal that luck is on the way.If cant sell intra day,keep Tiger to welcome the snake.Happy New Year."Gong Xi Fa Cai".


2013-02-08 11:05 | Report Abuse

razmry.When I spoke to him last,he sound cool and steady.I hope he know what is he in to.He said he will fight till the drama end.I am surprised that he got a deep pocket(hopefully) to fight this type of battle!


2013-02-08 10:36 | Report Abuse

I email to Public Relation-Bursa this morning on the 45c announcement and seek clarification.Awaiting for their reply.i Q buy .275/0270/0265..So far.275 matched.Now Q to Sell.305.


2013-02-08 10:02 | Report Abuse

Earlier,I did advised him to run.Now I dont know what advise to gave when the present situation so fluid.Can go either way.A wrong move can be fatal.I think it's better that I put myself on standby mode and be ready to bail him out of this situation if the need arises than to gave him advise when I have no clue what is going to happen next.He has more than 10 years experinece in this trade.(Old bird).Me,coming to 7 mths by end Feb.So.its better stay sideline.


2013-02-08 08:28 | Report Abuse

A SAD STORY.A good friend of mine bought 1 mil shares last Mon.The same afternoon immeadiately after I sold my balance 50%,I phoned him to run.He said wait and see how it goes.2 days ago his paper lost stood at 50++k.He phoned me yesterday evening.He double-up this stake to 2 mil over two days(yesterday n the day before)to average down his price.Paper lost reduced to 30++k.The 1st Mil shares paid up,the 2nd Mil due after CNY holiday.It pain me to see him landed in this situation.I SINCERELY wish him best of luck.


2013-02-07 21:20 | Report Abuse

Agreed with Alexlulu.No one can predict at what price it will go down.How low is low ?Hold for how long?Either you hold what you have now without adding more(can be long term suffering)or sell now( one time pain).


2013-02-07 21:04 | Report Abuse

Dato said he and his Hong Kong partner are going to shake thing up in Patimas as early as this week.Yes,indeed he shaked Patimas price up.But he didnt shake it long enough.Price waterfall from .165 to.075.Caught alot of punters with their pant down.If you wear underwear,at least you are partially covered.To those who don't wear underwear-total exposure!


2013-02-07 20:43 | Report Abuse

I think an error somewhere.At.45 it has to be a DBT.His partner,Dato Mohd Nazmi acquired 5mil DBT last week at same price.


2013-02-07 20:26 | Report Abuse

My guess is may be Dato is playing "Chor Tai T"(iger) with Tiger and poker game with Patimas.


2013-02-07 17:51 | Report Abuse

Dato disposed 5mil shares in the open market today.Cash out from Tiger and focus on Patimas?

News & Blogs

2013-02-07 11:51 | Report Abuse

Oleli 3 days no trade.Very Sian.Hunting from north to south,combing east to west, still cant find any counter to buy,no more shares to sell. Finally,I found 3 counters which I have not bought b4. Damacai,Magnum n Toto. Entry: RM 50 on each counter Cut loss:RM 50 also
Target:Nobody know:same like KLCI now what..

News & Blogs

2013-02-06 12:38 | Report Abuse

So unlucky for those guys who read the false news (the content is as good as a buy call) and bought in on Monday say at 0.265 and now LP @ 0.18;Down 8.5 sen!Tomorrow T+3.This type of reporting is lethal!!!

News & Blogs

2013-02-06 11:11 | Report Abuse

PASUKGB has announced via Bursa that China Press (3rd Feb) and Business Times (4th Feb)News on the 300mil water contract is not true.PASUKGB advised that they did not tender for the said contract.

News & Blogs

2013-02-06 10:33 | Report Abuse

I off load ALL last Monday except 5 Lot Patimas which I miss out due to oversight.Cos: 500 if sell now loss 125 and on top of that have pay min.brokage fees 56 + others.Look foolish to sell.So I park it under a new portfolio :"My Treasurey Shares"Cash is King.Sit back,relax and enjoying my favourite Gin Tonic.Sau Kong FOR CNY.Wishing all i3 kaki Gong Hi Fatt Choy and a Prosperous Snake Year.


2013-02-05 11:29 | Report Abuse

down 5 sen to 1.30.cheap,can buy n keep


2013-02-05 00:42 | Report Abuse

Lucky escape for me.Sold all my bal 50% stock at .14.1st 50% filled at .155.Thought clear all my stock and can "sau kong"Now accidentally tertinggal 5 lot. Aiseh!Have to pay min.charge.Also a good excuse to q buy again. Otherwise,have wait for the price to up RM 1 to avoid min.charge.To buy in again?Too risky at the moment.To wait for the price to touch RM1.When?How long to go?Sigh...so simple problem to solve and yet so hard to make decision.I think I keep it and n park it under a new portfolio "My treasurey share".

News & Blogs

2013-02-04 21:20 | Report Abuse

"300mil water contract in Indonesia."China Press 3/Feb.B.Times 4/Feb.The Board advised that PasukGB has not been awarded such contract nor paticipated in any tender for such contract.Waah!False news! This kind of news can send you to Holland man.Many thanks to my lucky star.I FOCUS 100% this morning to Q sell my Tiger n Patimas which was rewarding. Otherwise I will be Holland selling chicken!


2013-02-04 14:31 | Report Abuse

BBT,I rejected it myself from the Q since price move up.Also Q @.13 without success.Decided not to Q as of now as it is above my cost on the bal stock in hand.Guess I dont have the greed evil luck.Just have to be happy with the bal.stock that I have.


2013-02-04 12:42 | Report Abuse

Wooa!lUCKY U BBT.match at .125.My q 125 rejected,130 no taker.Have to wait 2/2.30pm to see the buy/sell q pattern b4 making the next move.The consolation is I sold 50% of my holding @ .155.Bal wait for 2nd wave.Which ever way it move is ok with me.


2013-02-04 11:38 | Report Abuse

Patimas Q sell @.155 filled.Bal 50% wait and see.CNY angpow already in the pocket.So no rush.Tiger sold all at .35.So far so good for 1st day trade in Feb.


2013-02-04 11:19 | Report Abuse

Hold,Wait and watch closely.Too many penny counters in action this morning.Situation may change in the afternoon session.


2013-02-04 11:11 | Report Abuse

Keen to know who bought the big lots at .32/.325 on 31th and .32/.35 this morning.


2013-02-04 10:56 | Report Abuse

Dato Nadzmi bought 12.5mil @.46 D.B.T.on 31st Jan in addition to the 5mil on 23rd Jan.


2013-02-04 09:40 | Report Abuse

Sold my bal.holding .35.See how it goes next.


2013-02-04 09:22 | Report Abuse

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO U Kytan.Certaainly a very lucky and fatt choy day for u.


2013-02-04 09:15 | Report Abuse

SHOW TIME start 10am.Sit tight and be ready for take off.


2013-02-04 09:05 | Report Abuse

Pending announcement.EGM.


2013-02-04 08:53 | Report Abuse

Breaking News.Requesting EGM.Bursa Announcement moment ago.


2013-02-04 08:40 | Report Abuse

Q 50K at 0.130. 100k In hand.

News & Blogs

2013-02-04 08:28 | Report Abuse

PasukGB in the lead to secure a 300mil water contract in Indonesia.B.Times Today.


2013-02-03 09:07 | Report Abuse

What to do.Aiming for two meals only.One leg already in.Bought at 0.30 n sold half at .0325 last Thurs.If next week drop,clear the bal and sau kong for CNY.


2013-02-02 19:18 | Report Abuse

CPE has advised Bursa on the 30th Jan on the the 43mil shares purchased on 29th Jan.


2013-02-02 11:29 | Report Abuse

Positive News."White knights to Patimas rescue" B.Times Sat.2nd Feb.


2013-02-02 11:13 | Report Abuse

esegaban.Waalou!200k x 2sen gain=40k untung!Boleh KONG HI FATT CHOY kau kau loh!Wish all good luck and good fortune.

News & Blogs

2013-02-01 10:29 | Report Abuse

Gaining rich experience by learning it the tough and hard way.Well done.keep it up and good luck.


2013-02-01 09:59 | Report Abuse

The beauty is he is in action on two counters at the same time.I guess he may play a large part in influencing CPE to invest in Patimas.He also hinted more "goodies" in the coming weeks.He can't make any direct announcement on the exercise.Must via Bursa.


2013-02-01 09:29 | Report Abuse

Anyone of u have met his wife in person?This PM/WH=ATM got good taste and style man!In KLSE term ,we call it Bullish or at the least Poweroot.


2013-02-01 09:16 | Report Abuse

Apart from the 5Mil DBT on the 23rd.I am refering to the big vol purchased at 0.32/0.352 yesterday afternoon.Have to wait for Mon/Tues Bursa announcemnent if indeed either of these two parties is buying from open market.


2013-01-31 23:28 | Report Abuse

Someone bought up most of 0.30 n 0.325 bet 3.03pm and 4.50pm today.The current directors or the 2 datuk?The two parties are trying hard to increase their shareholding b4 the upcoming EGM (to announce actual date in due course).Should be interesting in the coming weeks.


2013-01-31 19:36 | Report Abuse

Datuk should buy from us.Good for Tiger,good for Dato,good for us as shareholders.Sama-sama untung!5mil shares less 10% CNY discount pun ok lah.


2013-01-31 15:40 | Report Abuse

unanimously carried at egm


2013-01-31 07:31 | Report Abuse

Dato tak lari.Showtime!Refer B.Times report today.


2013-01-30 08:15 | Report Abuse



2013-01-29 21:07 | Report Abuse

Financial Results out on next Thurs 7th Feb.


2013-01-29 20:06 | Report Abuse

B.TIMES KYM news was last Fri Dated 25th Jan.


2013-01-28 10:57 | Report Abuse

B.Times Today-Board of Directors has declared an interim dividend of 5 sen/share for Q3.But no announcement from Bursa.Is it proposed or declared?