
Beary | Joined since 2016-03-06

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2017-09-29 20:23 | Report Abuse

Now the price rose from 5 and consolidating at 8 of course everybody very happy lah.

If for some reason the price goes back down to 5, 4 or 3 many people will change their tune then.

Just wait and see.

The Chinaman will eat you guys alive bones and all.

News & Blogs

2017-09-29 20:07 | Report Abuse

Hebei, I don't think I need to do that.

I believe you will gladly do that for me.


News & Blogs

2017-09-29 19:55 | Report Abuse

Jay, what OTB does is like organising a syndicate to manipulate stock price.

If he and a few of his friends gang up to do this I have no problem.

But he has a team a few hundred strong.

Its combined financial strength could run into hundreds of million RM.

This is serious stuff.

News & Blogs

2017-09-29 19:41 | Report Abuse

A few hundred thousands RM for 1 year.

How many years have you collected subscriptions my dear OTB?

My calculation tells me you have earn more than 1 million in subscription fees?

News & Blogs

2017-09-29 19:36 | Report Abuse

OTB is a coward and a conman.

Why go and delete your own comments?

Cannot own up to what u said?

Low life conman.

News & Blogs

2017-09-29 19:30 | Report Abuse

See, didn't I tell everybody this joker will come back again and again despite repeatedly saying stop here, last time blah blah blah.

This low life has no integrity.

He can break his promise in a few hours.

OTB, you mentioned that u hv a few hundred subscribers.

The subscription fees come up to hundreds of thousands RM.

Have you paid income tax on those fees?

News & Blogs

2017-09-29 17:36 | Report Abuse

Pay idiotbuster a few bucks he will bend over for you.

He will also say thank you after you are done.


News & Blogs

2017-09-29 17:19 | Report Abuse

The point is some people enjoy to be used and abused.

They will even say thank you afterwards.

If you try to advise them, they will even call you idiot.


News & Blogs

2017-09-29 17:08 | Report Abuse

This song so true.

Enjoy and reflect...hahahahaha

News & Blogs

2017-09-29 16:08 | Report Abuse

Our friend from Singapore Calvin promotes his stocks here like no tomorrow.

Did anyone ever see me criticise him?



Because he didn't collect subscription fee.

If he and his 'Johor Buddies' wanted to load up first before promoting them to us, well go ahead.

News & Blogs

2017-09-29 15:55 | Report Abuse

idiotbuster, you mom didn't teach you there is no free lunch in this world huh?

With people like you, no wonder BN is 60 and still going strong.

News & Blogs

2017-09-29 15:25 | Report Abuse

Mr. OTB,

I have no problem with you trying to earn a living.

The problem is, you have many people who subscribed to your stock picking service.

This being the case,obviously you and your subscribers would have loaded up on those stocks first before you recommend them to the public.

Isn't this a case of making a fool of the public and those small timers who cannot afford to pay the subscription fees?

If you are as sincere and as good hearted as you claimed you are then you should stop this practice immediately.

If you want to publicise your recommendations, great but you should cease accepting subscription fees.

If you want to continue accepting subscription fees, you should cease promoting your recommendations in public forums.

News & Blogs

2017-09-29 14:47 | Report Abuse

There he just came back.


What a joker.

News & Blogs

2017-09-29 14:45 | Report Abuse

Posted by idiotbuster > Sep 29, 2017 02:36 PM | Report Abuse

beary you sound like dotard trump.
believe me.
what is your track record as compare to OTB ?
believe me , you are just an idiot like dotard trump,

Dotard Trump?

You mean Donald Trump is it?

What a compliment.

He is the President of the most powerful country on earth.

I'm willing to die 10 years younger if I can be an idiot like him.

News & Blogs

2017-09-29 14:31 | Report Abuse

How many times have we heard that?

Stop here lah, last time lah blah blah blah.

Believe me.

Just like KYY, he will come back again and again.

Especially when his recommendations not doing well.

News & Blogs

2017-09-29 13:46 | Report Abuse

Posted by Aseng > Sep 29, 2017 01:19 PM | Report Abuse

If you disagree, prove the fact and data wrong

Why talk so much about the writer?

Are you a psychiatrist or a fortune teller ?

Wah....only psychiatrist and fortune teller can talk ah?

If you want to know, I can tell you that I am neither.

But unlike you, I have a brain and I know how to use it.

News & Blogs

2017-09-29 12:55 | Report Abuse

OTB, No doubt you didn't physically point a gun asking people to buy.

You did that by persuasion, influence and sweet talking.

You are exploiting the naturally greedy human behavior.

Does it makes any difference how you do it?

Your intention is to convince people to believe you and do as you say.

You have a choice of making your money quietly and respectfully if you are really that great.

Just buy quietly and wait lah.

It is obvious why you'd rather come out and face criticism and brick-bats time and time again.

You need people to chase the price higher and higher for you and your subscribers.

You are nothing more than a money game or a pyramid scheme organiser.

News & Blogs

2017-09-29 11:10 | Report Abuse

OTB says can chop off his head worrr...if you lose money....

So don't sialang 100% ok?

Leave enough to buy a parang if necessary.


News & Blogs

2017-09-29 10:34 | Report Abuse


OTB gives free lunch!!!!

OTB gives free lunch!!!!!

BUY!!! BUY!!! BUY!!!

Sure win sure win!!!!

Mortgage your house!!!

Sell your car!!!

Pawn your Rolex!!!

Max out your margin account!!!!

Sialang sialang sialang!!!!

Like Calvin says....this time kaya leow!!!!!


2017-09-28 11:33 | Report Abuse

To say nicely is super manipulator.

To say bluntly is super conman lah.

Get it?


So many sorchais kena kooned.

Like Charles T says, now cry mother cry father.


2017-09-28 11:25 | Report Abuse

Johor Sultan bought 6.7% of BAssets with a 14.7% discount to share price.

KYY pushed up Sendai share price by 250% to become a substantial shareholder.

Who is a super investor and who is a super manipulator?


2017-09-28 10:42 | Report Abuse

KYY already given you all tips that intelligent investors will sell.

U decide lah...KYY is intelligent or not intelligent.

U still believe he will buy some more?

Now u all buy or keep at your own peril.

No more blaming him later if u lose money.

News & Blogs

2017-09-27 20:52 | Report Abuse


Your master has been used by the O lang like a disposable napkin and thrown away lah.

If O lang listens to him, do u think he needs to bikin wayang and write that open letter to gain sympathy?


News & Blogs

2017-09-27 20:39 | Report Abuse



KC sifu is having the last laugh on u.

Got feel hot or not?

Got feel pain or not?

Sailang UMWOG from 1.00 to 0.30

Sailang JAKS from 1.80 to 1.30

Sailang Sendai from 1.40 to 0.80

U think u r a cat meh, got 9 lives?

U r a dog la......hahahaha

Now hiding in KYY kennel with tail between legs kah?

Looks like u will remain there for a long long time.



2017-09-27 17:09 | Report Abuse

Uh..oh....KYY angry already.

He'd rather let JAKS close in the red than buying me happy hours.



2017-09-27 16:18 | Report Abuse

KYY, u also said all INTELLIGENT investors will be selling because Sendai will be stuck at 0.90 for a long time.

Did u sell?

If u did, your herd will be screaming for your blood.

If u didn't, r u admitting that u r not that intelligent?

Talk about being between a rock and a hard place.



2017-09-27 16:05 | Report Abuse

Also.....KYY, don't forget to push up JAKS price for a nice closing ok?

My happy hours tonight depends on it.



2017-09-27 15:58 | Report Abuse

KYY why do u need to write open letter to 'o' lang?

U n him r buddies isn't it?

He said Sendai very good, u trusted him and bought and bought until price rose 250% from 0.40 to 1.40.

Wow 250% .... a super manipulator indeed.

I thought you would hv a direct line to him after the big favour u done for him?


Now become enemies already kah?

U are sore with him because he gives u a flying kick after using u?


Do u think u can absolve yourself by pushing all the blame to him for not listening to your advice?

Your herd of followers have been hounding you for days.

Why don't you just buy more to support the price if Sendai is so good?

Firstly it will surely make you become richer and richer.

Secondly your herd of followers will surely be very happy and heap praises on u.

Killing 2 birds with 1 stone woh.....don't want ah?

How to be super investor if u let go such good opportunity?



2017-09-26 16:07 | Report Abuse

You think KYY is god ah.....he is in deep shit already.....hahahahahah....more likely that he needs you to support him now instead of him giving you support.... hahahahahh...


2017-09-26 10:52 | Report Abuse double whammy for KYY.

JAKS also laosai.

Take care KYY.

Don't eat too much pineapple.


2017-09-26 10:26 | Report Abuse

"O" Lang kooned KYY to buy Sendai shares and pushed up the price from 0.40 to 1.40.

With the share price inflated, "O" lang managed to get a good price for the PP.

This PP is beneficial to "O" Lang but very detrimental to KYY's interest.

He tried to downplay the PP's effect initially and says that it is good for the company.

Then he made an abrupt "U" turn to say that the company should have made a Rights Issue instead.

KYY is now very angry at "O" lang for kooning him.

Hell hath no fury like a kooned KYY.

Chanting sialang sialang sialang (sial punya "O" lang) continuosly is not doing his health any good.

He is now weighing several options to exact revenge on this "O" lang for having the audacity to koon him.

The worst is yet to come for Sendai.


2017-09-19 15:13 | Report Abuse

Super manipulator ate too much pineapple. Laosai cirit birit non-stop.


2017-09-19 11:26 | Report Abuse

All the weak holders are selling like tomorrow is too late to sell.

Do you dare to buy more when everybody is selling?


Super Manipulator, are you buying or selling now???


Here is your chance to become even lah



2017-09-19 10:49 | Report Abuse

New song by KYY

I Have An "O"Lang I Have Pineapple.


2017-09-19 10:28 | Report Abuse

At Last...exams over....Yeeeha!

Now can come back to step on old man's toes.

Let me tell you all what "SIALANG" means.

'SIALANG" means Sial Punya "O" Lang.

KYY coined this word after been "KOONED" by an "O" Lang ( a black person).

All his life he has been kooning people and never get kooned himself.

So he damned doolan to get kooned on his twilight years by an "O" Lang.

Now, everyday he chants sialang, sialang, sialang while doing his morning and afternoon walk and while eating his pineapple.

He also sings I have an "O'Lang, I have a pineapple, uhh... "O"lang the tune of PPAP.

No price for guessing who that black person is.



2017-08-11 21:19 | Report Abuse

Fool or no fool, I just feel so happy stepping on an egomaniac's toes.


2017-08-11 18:23 | Report Abuse

No wonder he wrote so many articles to promote and promote and promote.

When people don't buy his bull shit.....

He changes tact and wrote article asking people not to sell pulak...

What a low class joker.


2017-08-11 17:48 | Report Abuse

KYY already sialang.

He really kena sial this time.


2017-08-11 17:24 | Report Abuse

Today Super Manipulator did not push up price right before closing time like he used to do.

Same with Sendai also.

No power already?

Margin accounts fully stretched?


2017-08-11 14:36 | Report Abuse

Super Manipulator says don't sell.

Let him diam diam sell first.

Super salesman Calvin says sell.

Sell before the Super Manipulator does.

I am confused.

Don't know who to follow.


2017-08-10 17:21 | Report Abuse

Many people make donations.

Most people do it anonymously.

Only one person after making donation so afraid that people don't know that he donated.

Must keep boasting and reminding people how much he donated where and when.

Posted by ahcheng12 > Aug 10, 2017 04:56 PM | Report Abuse

All businessman do charity donation, their money also from business market. So what's wrong with Mr. KYY do his charity donation from profit earning from Bursa right.

Also I agree those angry and keep condemn Mr. KYY was used to be his follower and these group people must also learn when to cut loss / take profit, don't blindly buy and close yours eyes for months. Even Warren Buffet also admit he invest wrong stocks sometimes right.....

Conclusion is don't blame others..this is open trading platform, others experts view is our points of further analyst before we jump in.


2017-08-10 16:48 | Report Abuse


If u can't stand the heat get out of the kitchen.


2017-08-10 16:13 | Report Abuse

Sultan i didn't knw u r a POORMAN TRADER also...

You admited yourself....hahahahaha

I was talking to PoormanTrader not u.


2017-08-10 15:26 | Report Abuse

I wonder why such a smart TRADER can remain a POORMAN.


Posted by PoormanTrader > Aug 10, 2017 02:39 PM | Report Abuse

Those who bad mouth KYY are actually also his followers but came in late evantually got stucked and whining now. So, next time get in earlier lol stop hating.


2017-08-09 14:48 | Report Abuse

KYY is not an investor.

He is a manipulator.

He pumps and dumps and in the end you'd be left holding the baby.

From his writings, you can easily deduce that he is an egoistic, arrogant, greedy and cunning old man.

His only goal in life is to make money.

Money is more important to him than his own siblings and relatives.

He is low class.

If you truly believe his "noble intention" crap to teach and help you make money then you are more stupid than you look.


2017-08-09 11:33 | Report Abuse

KYY, if they r as good as u say they r, why the need to keep writing article after article to promote?

Not enough with promotion, u r now begging ppl not to sell some more.

If that is not a sign of desperation and despair, I don't know what is.


If they r as good as u say they r, wouldn't u hope more ppl sells so that u could buy up even more?

Oh...maybe i know the answer.

U r stuck and not able to prop up the price at current level much longer.


Just a reminder, there are loads of more beautiful and lovable girls available in BSKL than the your fat Gujarati girl.....yukssss...


Posted by yewyin33 > Aug 5, 2017 05:48 AM | Report Abuse

A story to teach you to be a better investor
Koon yew yin 4 Aug 2017
An Arab falls in love with a Gujarati girl and decides to meet her father.
Arab: Your daughter is beautiful and I love her. If you let me marry her, I will give you gold equal to her weight.
Gujarati: I need time .
Arab: To think?
Gujarati: No, no --- -- to feed her more to increase her weight.
Share investment always give you a better return if you hold for longer term. For example- don’t sell Hengyuan, Eversendai and JAKS too early.
You must read my 3 articles on why I bought into Hengyuan, Eversendai and JAKS.


2017-08-08 12:06 | Report Abuse

KYY, your grandaughter already very fat still want to pump and fatten her some more?

So that you can sell her to the arab guy willing to pay her weight in gold?

Don't be so greedy lah old man.

Later she becomes super fat and ugly you will have to give her away together with a king size bed as present lah.



2017-08-08 11:28 | Report Abuse

If 1MDB defaults again and the arab guy doesn't play jibby's balls......habis lah hahahahahaha


2017-08-08 11:17 | Report Abuse

Wah, KYY sounds so desperate begging ppl not to that he can sell first......hahahahahaha

Posted by yewyin33 > Aug 5, 2017 05:46 AM | Report Abuse

A story to teach you to be a better investor
Koon yew yin 4 Aug 2017
An Arab falls in love with a Gujarati girl and decides to meet her father.
Arab: Your daughter is beautiful and I love her. If you let me marry her, I will give you gold equal to her weight.
Gujarati: I need time .
Arab: To think?
Gujarati: No, no --- -- to feed her more to increase her weight.
Share investment always give you a better return if you hold for longer term. For example- don’t sell Hengyuan, Eversendai and JAKS too early.
You must read my 3 articles on why I bought into Hengyuan, Eversendai and JAKS.


2017-08-03 11:04 | Report Abuse

Everyday bleeds a little.

Sikit-sikit lama-lama jadi habis oh.
