
CaoCao | Joined since 2013-11-25

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2014-03-05 14:33 | Report Abuse

more pressure for kali 2 unveil the mou detail... then we'll know what the 2b is for & are fed gov legally binding to use the section 114 of the wsia. I personally think that kali would like 2 wait until after 10/3 (the takeover decision) b4 unveil it. But i'm confident that the water company is not stupid either & might even have some clue to it.


2014-03-04 20:05 | Report Abuse

u see gamuda latest announcement... EPF & KWSP sell 1,064,100 share whereas Skim Amanah Saham Bumiputera buy 1,250,000 share. Gamuda also involved in this water takeover. So what can u say?


2014-03-04 19:55 | Report Abuse

Epf always kacau one... i notice them always sell suddenly. Even with the good fundamental stock. I guess their strategy is when got any profit then sell it. On the other hand, the epf selling might explain why the share drop in the last few days.


2014-02-27 16:41 | Report Abuse

another possibility the share up is it might have won the tender job for the langat 2 ..... my guess only lah.


2014-02-27 15:40 | Report Abuse

i think tomorrow might got a clearer picture here .


2014-02-27 15:25 | Report Abuse

Icon8888 , u see, we all here are facing the same problem... whether to sell now or not. Since the share price hav up despite the offer still looks like the same b4 so is't the big fish know something that we have miss?


2014-02-27 15:16 | Report Abuse

no, no i know all the things that your know already... just to raise it here since i haven't have a clue!!!!!!!


2014-02-27 15:13 | Report Abuse

if the amount net of debt is 1.555b then divided by 533 m share = rm 2.917 per share + 0.30 sen from the warrant & sukuk = rm 3.217 per share..... not to mention the arbitration result & o&g business. But the missing link is the receivable & the syabas tariff compensation... is the court case will still proceed?


2014-02-27 15:11 | Report Abuse

if it said all the outstanding debt include......... then puncak should be paid for its receivable lah since it's a debt.... not to many detail/breakdown here.


2014-02-27 14:50 | Report Abuse

did the liabilities to be assumed included the receivable own to puncak..... needs more detail....


2014-02-27 12:50 | Report Abuse

The langat 2 is already been approved so the MB is left with no "chips" anymore other than the support of the Fed Gov to proceed with the restructuring of the water. This indeed put some pressure to the MB especially since the kajang by-election is around the corner. Theoretically it should be more than 9.65b to get the deal done since the last offer is already been rejected and the Fed Gov already indicated that it will injected more funds to facilitated the takeover deal but with Kali anything could happen so don't discount the possibility of a prolong process in the form of (i suspect) offer being made and counter offer by the water players and so on so on.


2014-02-26 15:30 | Report Abuse

if... i say if the full total amount of receivable and tariff compensation together with interest of syabas(70% for puncak) and puncak is being paid then it might even be more than rm8 per share even after deduct the loan.But only if... we all know the mb one....


2014-02-26 10:42 | Report Abuse

share price drop mainly due to the water drought that might continue until the end of march as it will effect the revenue of the water company.... no water no money.


2014-02-25 09:54 | Report Abuse

who do you all think is a real culprit in Sel water woes? syabas high nrw or delay in langat 2? or others...


2014-02-22 14:05 | Report Abuse

Nothing to worry about... all the answer/outcome will be known in 1 or 2 weeks times.


2014-02-19 12:31 | Report Abuse

walao, looks good....(especially sons)


2014-02-18 16:18 | Report Abuse

i think the share price will go up as everybody expecting the outcome in 2 weeks (except if it's a bad offer & the insider ready to throw) but where's the willing buyer willing seller concept? really confusing issue here & if they maintain the rm9.6 b offer then i expect the offer will be rejected again and the wsia being implement by the fed gov because the water company might get a better deal in wsia than the state gov offer!


2014-02-09 18:45 | Report Abuse

For me the "wasia" will happen. Both side already say that it will implement it, with the state already says its offer price 4 takeover is final. If they really invoke the "wasia" then the receivable, the debt & etc will be a issue/problem. Also some people says that the invoke of "wasia" is only 4 the management. If that so than it's a bad news 4 the water company as it's like you own the whole business but it's not run by you & run by someone that's "not your friend" ( if the management is given to the state). Does it included the rental of the water assets? Some compensation is expected but does it enough 2 cover the loss of its main business & income. Also do they distribute the $ as dividend to the shareholders after this? For the positive side, if the total asking amount can be received, then it will be a very fat cash cow company + it also increased it involvement in the gas & oil business & with some connection, might get some good business. For me the better bet is to place the bet in the mother, son and gamuda equally. However this all ( including the comment above) is my thinking only lah & the choice is yours, ok.... & happy CNY to your all ok.


2014-01-24 16:34 | Report Abuse

yes, you're right bro jowong7 but i also think bro hng33 give a good info here ....


2014-01-24 16:22 | Report Abuse

Bro jowong7, i thinks your idea is quite good..... let's the price down bottom first b4 buy some to balance your buy in price......... so focus is the key.


2014-01-24 16:09 | Report Abuse

either also not better .. one is for u to slow die, one is for u to fast die... haha...


2014-01-24 15:11 | Report Abuse

recent down turn is suspicious.... there seems to be push down rather than panic sell.....


2014-01-24 15:08 | Report Abuse

hcb price of usd 40 m = rm 133.2 m if follow latest rate.... also should sealed b4 9th feb if no delay.


2014-01-22 19:25 | Report Abuse

rm1.3 bil & will pay around rm2.4 dividend if i'm not mistaken.......not bad-- $$$$$$$$$


2014-01-22 17:45 | Report Abuse

pls note that hdbs bhd only owns 53% in hwang IM so if i'm not mistaken around rm1.28 bil lah agak agak


2014-01-21 18:33 | Report Abuse

lai liao...... judgement day.....


2014-01-15 14:43 | Report Abuse

This stock have a potential 2 bcome either a dark horse or a donkey.The takeover is not so attractive to me. There will be around 1b left that translate to around rm2.0 to rm2.5 per share according to the latest offer. The 2 things i most focus is 1= the due tariff compensation from Sel. Gov.( can refer to my old comment) and 2= special div.. This whole thing will be unmeaning if the money received didn't pay back to shareholder (unless if the deal is plus the due tariff compensation which will make it full of cash hence make the special dividend "very attractive" ) but with this stock firmly active, i think any capital received will be used to other business. Remember the water business account for around 80% of the com revenue so after the takeover they be left in their limited( so far) O&G business only.

As i write b4 in old my comment, will the Fed Gov paid on behalf of Sel. Gov regarding the tariff compensation??..Pls don't forget that Sel. Gov hav a quiet amount of share in some of the water company so they be entitle to some of the money. And they could still control the water management. And they be free from the tariff compensation lawsuit that still in process. And they can fulfill their promise during the election. And they can stop one of the so call cronies of the BN. And they be free from the langat2 tussle. So do u think the Fed Gov don't realize this???

The reason i think Khalid cancel the license is to make way to invoke the Section 114 of the WISA and to to invoke it one have to have a justification and the urgency to do it. What do u think will happen if the water treatment don't hav enough water to treat & distribute? And it'll push the Fed Gov to co- operate with it. Clever move by Khalid and let see what will happen next. The takeover might happen as the Fed is already say it will invoke the Section 114 but in what form or price is everyone guess. Anything can happen in this moment. L or R. Horse or donkey. Prince Charming or Shrek. Heaven OR Hell... it's better than action movie. And don't discount the water issue might prolong . And i hope u all do your own judgement & not others b4 invest, ok...
Above statement is my personal view only. Thanks.


2014-01-14 18:14 | Report Abuse

this really is in the t junction now.... either L or R... heaven or hell..........


2014-01-13 16:44 | Report Abuse

not looking good.....


2014-01-09 11:42 | Report Abuse

sorry bro... i sell all already..... good luck.


2014-01-03 12:12 | Report Abuse

avoid this stock for now..... i suspect foreign will exit...


2013-12-19 15:46 | Report Abuse

according to gamuda report, the water issue reached deadlock...... anyway mother represent better value, son more risky


2013-12-09 15:40 | Report Abuse

now it's up for the fed gov to restart the deal. what i think the mb said is if the fed can assume some/all the debt include the payment demanded by puncak then the state might renegotiate the 15% roe that the water com demanded. then they might hav some agreement b4 end of this year. my guess onlylah. but is the fed willing to pay the debt that supposedly pay by the state? let's see what the fed got to say..


2013-12-06 00:27 | Report Abuse

my thinking is, to hav any mutual agreement it might take more than 7 days to happen so better buy as low as u can....we still have time don't we... maybe should eyeing any reaction from the state and the market before buying, and prepare for any possibility..... but if things not go it's way, in long term, this is still a very good stock.


2013-12-05 17:52 | Report Abuse

big thanks skng 74, but looks better than the state offer but still lack of info about debt & water tariff & receivable and syabas still is the key.... look something like "i give u all 10.7b for your water business but other thing like debt,payment,lump sum, kiri-kara is not my business.


2013-12-05 17:10 | Report Abuse

looks like gamuda try do pressure the state... like saying "put up or shut up" to them. Great move but not easy. anyway what the state/mb hav to say in these few day will indicating what direction he gonna go. btw who have/can find the detail of the gamuda offer???


2013-12-05 16:49 | Report Abuse

looks like salt fish staying alive....


2013-12-05 16:44 | Report Abuse

gamuda offer to takeover b4.. which year i don't remember oledi but got rejected.


2013-12-05 11:13 | Report Abuse

For me the details of the deal is really confusing & not complete especially the debt portion.


2013-12-05 10:30 | Report Abuse

according to rhb report 3 main condition to settle the deal=
1)15% pa roe= remember the state is prepared to pay it if the arbitration is rule on it, so now is up to state to consider.
2)paab= with paab not confirm to the detail of the deal (not willing to assume the surplus debt that the state says the paab will) it's now up to the discussion between the state & fed gov to put politic aside for the good of the people.
3)due diligence= this should be not a problem since the mutual agreement to this takeover deal should be the basic value will maintain upon value upside due to examination of the expert from the parties involved. This is b'coz the value is already less than 1xp/bv & the debt is already assume by paab.