
ChaseBros | Joined since 2020-04-24

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2020-11-27 17:15 | Report Abuse

*** Invest2U *** Yeah 3rd phase clinical trial is coming to Malaysia. Need 3,000 brave souls (not lab rat). Hope you will be the first in the queue.

PM already said only 6.4 million may be inoculate next year. 20% of population.


2020-11-27 17:07 | Report Abuse

So healthy people like us will have to wait till 2022 and beyond (or maybe never) in view the priority will be given to elderly and high risk group. No wonder Harta boss says glove would be short of supply at least for coming 3 years.


2020-11-27 17:06 | Report Abuse

So healthy people like us will have to wait till 2022 and beyond (or maybe never) in view the priority will be given to elderly and high risk group. No wonder Harta boss says glove would be short of supply at least for coming 3 years.


2020-11-27 16:56 | Report Abuse

What does it mean? It will take more than a year, maybe 2 or 3 years to inoculate the nation?


2020-11-27 16:56 | Report Abuse

What does it mean? It will take more than a year, maybe 2 or 3 years to inoculate the nation?


2020-11-25 14:42 | Report Abuse

No glove is needed to handle vaccination? Here are my two-cent worth.

First, it is only clinical trial and not proven. If were to translate to my manufacturing field, it is only pilot run with limited quantity and more problems will surface when enter into mass production to the extend some products had to be recalled or stopped ultimately.

Second, there may be indication that it may prevent severe illness but has not been proven to prevent transmission neither the degradation rate or how long the protection last is known at this juncture. Please bear in mind the effectiveness in actual may be far less than shown in preliminary study that has yet to be published and subject to peer review, thus there are still chances of contracting Covid after vaccination.

Third, we do not know if first dose will be able to induce adequate antibody thus transmission or probability of contracting Covid is still there. There may be one month before the next dose or some may not even come back for second dose after experiencing severe side effects which render the vaccination futile, otherwise the lapse between first dose and second dose may be too far apart.

So there are risk involved if the vaccination program is not handled appropriately and may create vaccine clusters. As we speak, Top Glove cluster is a living monument, about 40% of the cluster tested positive while majority are asymptomatic.

So whether PPE incl. gloves will be used for Covid vaccination? If I were the MOH, I would not take the chance and rather overdo it. Be safe than sorry. I'm no medical practitioner neither that I determine the SOP but then again, just my two-cent worth. Further, the vaccination program may take several months to a year or even longer. If everything goes as planned and no hiccup along the way, probably myself and majority of the professionals would have no job neither problem solving skills are required.

Let's not jump the gun (as though we know it all) and keep a close eye on the vaccine development esp. after Pfizer and Moderna approved for emergency use and then we'll see the issues that come around in coming 4 to 6 months after the emergency use is approved. Prior to that, it would be sad to say record breaking no of cases and deaths, and bankruptcies would be overwhelming.

P/S : Which vaccine are respective country(ies) getting? The distribution program is not known. All countries are scramble to get a hold of the vaccine(s) ASAP to reopen the economy, and at least 70% inoculation may be required to achieve herd immunity (and again that is only theory), which will take probably a year or so.


2020-11-24 09:27 | Report Abuse

*** Kossan *** Can you share the Reuters link please?


2020-11-23 17:32 | Report Abuse

If going by sea way, by the time, it reaches the destination, any virus also die lah. Bacteria or contamination is the common challenge.


2020-11-23 16:04 | Report Abuse
AstraZeneca's Covid-19 vaccine can be 90% effective, results show
AstraZeneca says its coronavirus vaccine candidate is 70% effective on average

Different standard in reporting. In any case, people are starting to get numb with these vaccine news.


2020-11-23 16:04 | Report Abuse
AstraZeneca's Covid-19 vaccine can be 90% effective, results show
AstraZeneca says its coronavirus vaccine candidate is 70% effective on average

Different standard in reporting. In any case, people are starting to get numb with these vaccine news.


2020-11-20 16:49 | Report Abuse

Pfizer did not receive funding from Operation Warp Speed but the deal with Pfizer is for the purchase of the company’s vaccine, once it is authorized by the FDA at least for emergency use. It's still under Operation Warp Speed but different deal. Nevertheless, they can only apply for emergency use for now till they have completed the minimum 6 months study. By then, we shall see........... As usual, the US and westerners are full of drama and noises.


2020-11-20 15:48 | Report Abuse

The truth about Covid vaccines news that’s generating so much ‘excitement’

1) Results reported by both Pfizer and Moderna are after only 2 months of Phase 3 trials. This is allowed under Project “warp speed” initiated by Donald Trump.

2) Under standard practice, Phase 3 trials are supposed to last at least 6 months. This is to ensure vaccine protection can last at least 6 months after injection. It will also allow observations of side effects and safety over a longer period of time.

3) To justify the shorter observation period under ‘warp speed’, approval will be given only for ‘emergency use’ which may be in December 2020 or early 2021.

4) That’s why Chinese vaccines neither Oxford-Astra Zeneca have nothing to report so far despite having head start in phase 3 trials. They don’t come under scope of Project ‘Warp Speed’. Their 6-months trial will end in December this year.

In any case, mass vaccination if proceeding smoothly (which is quite unlikely, like the latest stimulus package), may be well towards 2Q 2021 or more realistically 2H 2021.

For now, it is difficult to believe the efficacy and effectiveness of these Covid vaccines would be higher than measles/mumps/tetanus vaccines. This is just typical American or westerner trying to trump each other like the ads you see when you reside in these countries. One minute, they will claim Advil (painkiller) will last you for more than 12 hours, the next minute comes Tylenol that will tide you over 14 hours, next would be Anacin offering 16 hours of comfort and then Tylenol comes back again with 24 hours extra strength, etc, etc........... Do you see similar pattern here?


2020-11-19 16:06 | Report Abuse

Worst is over for BJTOTO. Back to pre-MCO. Recession proof. Good to park some money here than putting it in FD. If continuing paying 4 cents that is about 8% dividend.


2020-11-18 14:30 | Report Abuse

Choleric personality, just like Trump. Hope you have a good life as how you paint yourself. Hope to see your books or big picture in the news one day. Meanwhile, your family needs your time and that is the most expensive commodity. Signing-off. Just happen this is one of those days, I have couple hours to spare.


2020-11-18 14:20 | Report Abuse

So the real face had been revealed. No wonder hiding behind internet. If there is any good quality of you, it can't be seen here, much of less self proclaim, self bragging. Go and make your money and stick your nose to the 1 minute or 5 minutes chart. For the sake of my parents, I will keep my posture to reflect their excellent upbringing. No point talking, action speaks louder.

I'm not only rich in material, (not overly rich but in top 3%), but also in spirit and emotion. Someone is just so poor, begging for attention and recognition from the virtual world.


2020-11-18 14:08 | Report Abuse

Someone is not so smart? If you can get better return on your stock investment, why would you buy a landed house? Delusional and bragging. Haiz!


2020-11-18 14:03 | Report Abuse

What is there to wake up too? I'm long term investor not speculator. I'll buy when undervalue and hold for years, not weeks or even months. If you are good, go show your face, share your trading strategy, recruit those who will follow your strategy, etc. But in actual, only hiding your face and talk "cock". I have never seen or heard a good people being so delusional. Pathetic!


2020-11-18 13:57 | Report Abuse

The truth is that you can't make any impact in real life, neither here or there, thereby living a delusional, self proclaim savior, but in fact having invested self interest to mislead others. Pathetic!


2020-11-18 13:55 | Report Abuse

Bear in mind what price EPF bought in, go through the record in the past weeks. Go through the records, how many big lots being bought in. We are nobody but can only tag along the big fund managers. Nothing to prove here except there are a lot of delusional, haters, bragging over the internet and refuse to live a real life.


2020-11-18 13:36 | Report Abuse

Everyone is entitle to their own view. They are many different type of investors or speculators and there is no one technique suits all because of greed and fear. You are just a haters and unfortunately, you are delusional too, and ain't going to save any soul. If you are good, get on with your life, spend time and recruit real students to show how good you are. Just keyboard warriors. Pity, pity, pity.


2020-11-18 13:29 | Report Abuse

Why people come in here trying to show how good they are? As far as I know, good people don't show-off. Billionaires spend their time doing the right thing instead of telling people they are right. In fact, Warren Buffet admit openly he made a mistakes every now and then including selling his stakes in the airlines at loss, and for several years in Berkshire history, they are performing worse than S&P500. What a great man! Kudos.

If you are good, pen down your prediction for the next 30 days, come back after 30 days, and see if you right, rather than blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Disgusting!


2020-11-18 13:09 | Report Abuse

So many math and chartist expert talking about facts or is it bull-shitting? Future? How many months or years? Are you a short term or long term investor? Are you short sighted or long sighted?

Basing on your logic, does it mean, the oil stock will never go up because it can never go beyond US$80/barrel in future or palm oil stock shall never go up because it can never exceed RM3,500/ton? Cyclical commodity stock is different? Again, what is the definition of future? You are fooling people with your definition of "future".

When Covid will be over? Will it be back to good old time? Fear just subside like that? What is the annual increase in glove demand post Covid? Pluck in your variables in your Math equation and go apply for Nobel prize better lah, then you can gain your recognition for being right.

Presumably all chartist and math experts are billionaire now?, or still trying to prove him/her right, at least for once?


2020-11-18 12:21 | Report Abuse

Candlestick chartist expert - the Technical Analysis can tell you so and so. And, so are the so-called expert or analysis "working" with the big fund managers. If they are so good, the business news won't be quoting different economist, experts, etc, everytime. There are thousands and thousands of such people, and all they need to find is one out of those thousands who was right at that given point in time but next time it would be another person because the so-claimed "I'm right" person fail to consistently make the right prediction. They are only good in telling you the obvious right now.

Bear in the mind, the greatest investor in the world do not read chart, neither having a computer.


2020-11-18 12:11 | Report Abuse

Those who say glove mania is over must be self-deluded and ignorant of financial market/system and really believing vaccine is the silver bullet and everyone will be back to good-old-time (and in fact there wasn't a good old time to begin with even prior to Covid). Look at who are buying in lately and how many big blocks "kena sapu". Quite likely neither me nor you has that much of capital, otherwise you wouldn't be here.

What are the big funds going to do, in order to show a healthy earning by year end? Can they buy into loss making or declining earning companies? Do you understand what is the guideline that they need to abide?

Just look around you if the businesses are flourishing? How many file for bankruptcy everyday? How many companies set aside big budget for next year? How many people will be infected? How many are going to die? EPF is expecting significant drop in contribution next year? People are scraping off future savings as well as EPF to tide over this difficult moment and there is no foresight when this could be ended. Frontliners (esp. in the West) are worn out already. World leaders are clueless and only banking on vaccine "optimism" to keep the people spirit alive but none will save life for now or very near future, though hopefully in due time they can really provide sufficient protection to all age group, gender, ethnic as well as providing long lasting effect, otherwise it is not practical to inoculate such a big population frequently.

The economy will take a long while to recover just like recovery from major illness. Don't expect that you can jump off the bed and do full marathon immediately.

Glove demand will grow 10% - 15% annually even before Covid. Post Covid, gloves are still in great demand and new SOP will be in place at least for some years, just like airport security was tightened after 9/11. Fear will stay..... and as the saying goes "better be safe than sorry" because a resurgence will cause the economy dearly.


2020-11-17 14:19 | Report Abuse

Too many choleric people here trying to prove he/she is right just like Trump always saying he knows this and that. If you are right, people would have called you Warren and you'll won't be here for whatsover reason. Hopefully, you'll find something else to fuel your ego.

By the way, those are very preliminary vaccine result and very small pool of infected symptomatic people. And, those are sales-pitch, not firm conclusion from the med society. If you are so smart, wouldn't you be able to recognize that? Another Trump in the forum.....


2020-11-17 11:59 | Report Abuse

The vaccine is not silver bullet. Realistically, it may help to control or reduce the Covid cases but Covid is here to stay. There are still many unanswered questions as to whether how many asymptomatic cases detected in the test group, (and the danger is that Covid can spread quietly unlike SARS, H1N1, etc), whether it induce protection on different ethnic group, gender, age (as in many cases it is harder to induce immune response in older people which are at highest risk), what is the degradation rate of the vaccine efficacy (and for your info, flu vaccine efficacy is merely 40% to 60% and it normally lasted around 4 months which is good enough for winter or flu season but Covid linger throughout the year).

Vaccine bad news will soon come after detail study and peer review because many questions cannot be addressed in such a such time without deliberate long term study. And, realistically, maybe average 50% world population will take vaccine, and no more than that.

To-date, what you are being fed are sales-pitch by the big pharma, like a miracle drug in the market which everyone is hoping for but only to be disappointed again and again. Just accept that Covid is here to stay and impose more realistic measure to control the widespread. Vaccine alone is not the answer. It is just human nature believing that there is a miracle discovery that can resolve their problem just like that.


2020-11-17 09:59 | Report Abuse

Yummilicious. Cheap sale today. Hopefully, Oxford Zeneca, Sinopharm will release the news soon, so can touch bottom and then I'll collect all the way to the bottom. Can't believe can make another round of 50% to 100% easy money. Just wait till year end when all big funds need to jackup the portfolio to show good return.


2020-11-14 17:34 | Report Abuse


Moderna’s success margin is for 13 or less of those 53 to develop symptoms compared to 40 or more in their control group. For Johnson & Johnson, their interim analysis includes 77 vaccine recipients, with a success margin of 18 or less developing symptoms compared to 59 in the control group. For AstraZeneca, their interim analysis includes 50 vaccine recipients, with a success margin of 12 or less developing symptoms compared to 19 in the 25 person control group. Pfizer is even smaller in its success requirements. Their initial group includes 32 vaccine recipients, with a success margin of 7 or less developing symptoms compared to 25 in the control group.

One of the more immediate questions a trial needs to answer is whether a vaccine prevents infection. If someone takes this vaccine, are they far less likely to become infected with the virus? These trials all clearly focus on eliminating symptoms of Covid-19, and not infections themselves. Asymptomatic infection is listed as a secondary objective in these trials when they should be of critical importance.

It appears that all the pharmaceutical companies assume that the vaccine will never prevent infection. Their criteria for approval is the difference in symptoms between an infected control group and an infected vaccine group. They do not measure the difference between infection and noninfection as a primary motivation.


2020-11-14 17:33 | Report Abuse


Moderna’s success margin is for 13 or less of those 53 to develop symptoms compared to 40 or more in their control group. For Johnson & Johnson, their interim analysis includes 77 vaccine recipients, with a success margin of 18 or less developing symptoms compared to 59 in the control group. For AstraZeneca, their interim analysis includes 50 vaccine recipients, with a success margin of 12 or less developing symptoms compared to 19 in the 25 person control group. Pfizer is even smaller in its success requirements. Their initial group includes 32 vaccine recipients, with a success margin of 7 or less developing symptoms compared to 25 in the control group.

One of the more immediate questions a trial needs to answer is whether a vaccine prevents infection. If someone takes this vaccine, are they far less likely to become infected with the virus? These trials all clearly focus on eliminating symptoms of Covid-19, and not infections themselves. Asymptomatic infection is listed as a secondary objective in these trials when they should be of critical importance.

It appears that all the pharmaceutical companies assume that the vaccine will never prevent infection. Their criteria for approval is the difference in symptoms between an infected control group and an infected vaccine group. They do not measure the difference between infection and noninfection as a primary motivation.


2020-11-13 11:23 | Report Abuse

>>>>> The public doesn’t understand all about vaccines … including that this disease may, even with vaccines, become endemic <<<<<

Vaccine is not the solution but the best we can do with the hope to bring in down to acceptable level. That is the reality. There is no magic bullet.


2020-11-13 10:59 | Report Abuse

>>>>> The public doesn’t understand all about vaccines … including that this disease may, even with vaccines, become endemic <<<<<


2020-11-13 09:51 | Report Abuse

>>>>> The public doesn’t understand all about vaccines … including that this disease may, even with vaccines, become endemic <<<<<

Vaccine is not the solution but the best we can do with the hope to bring in down to acceptable level. That is the reality. There is no magic bullet.


2020-11-13 09:51 | Report Abuse

>>>>> The public doesn’t understand all about vaccines … including that this disease may, even with vaccines, become endemic <<<<<

Vaccine is not the solution but the best we can do with the hope to bring in down to acceptable level. That is the reality. There is no magic bullet.


2020-11-12 23:18 | Report Abuse

**** Interesting to know that FLU VACCINE normally lasted about 4 MONTHS. **** Pfizer vaccine (even if able to achieve 90% efficacy though doubtful) is not a global solution. Even Oxford, Moderna, Sinopharm vaccines are proved to be effective, they will not solve the Covid pandemic for now, only lessen (hopefully). There wouldn't be sufficient vaccines going around if the efficacy wear down as fast as flu vaccine, and it is not practical to re-inoculate in less than a year.

Vaccine is our best hope for now but will not end the Covid pandemic. Hopefully will help to lessen the impact esp. during cold season.

Covid seemed to have been around for a long time but in fact only about a year or less. There are still many things that scientist do not understand. Whatever that we could out with in such a short time is already a miracle with the hope to bring the Covid under control to acceptable level but will not end it. Heighten hygiene SOP will be place for a long long time just like heighten airport security after the 9/11 incident.


2020-11-12 17:01 | Report Abuse

**** Interesting to know that FLU VACCINE normally lasted about 4 MONTHS. **** Pfizer vaccine (even if able to achieve 90% efficacy) is not a global solution. Even Oxford, Moderna vaccine are proved to be effective will not solve the Covid pandemic for now, only lessen (hopefully).

Covid seemed to have been around for a long time but in fact only about a year or less. There are still many things that scientist do not understand. Whatever that we could out with in such a short time is already a miracle with the hope to bring the Covid under control to acceptable level but will not end it. Heighten hygiene SOP will be place for a long long time just like heighten airport security after the 9/11 incident.


2020-11-12 16:57 | Report Abuse

**** Interesting to know that FLU VACCINE normally lasted about 4 MONTHS. **** Pfizer vaccine (even if able to achieve 90% efficacy) is not a global solution. Even Oxford, Moderna vaccine are proved to be effective will not solve the Covid pandemic for now, only lessen (hopefully).

Covid seemed to have been around for a long time but in fact only about a year or less. There are still many things that scientist do not understand. Whatever that we could out with in such a short time is already a miracle with the hope to bring the Covid under control to acceptable level but will not end it. Heighten hygiene SOP will be place for a long long time just like heighten airport security after the 9/11 incident.


2020-11-12 16:55 | Report Abuse

Interesting to know that FLU VACCINE normally lasted about 4 MONTHS. Pfizer vaccine (even if able to achieve 90% efficacy) is not a global solution. Even Oxford, Moderna vaccine are proved to be effective will not solve the Covid pandemic for now, only lessen (hopefully).

Covid seemed to have been around for a long time but in fact only about a year or less. There are still many things that scientist do not understand. Whatever that we could out with in such a short time is already a miracle with the hope to bring the Covid under control to acceptable level but will not end it. Heighten hygiene SOP will be place for a long long time just like heighten airport security after the 9/11 incident.


2020-11-12 09:32 | Report Abuse

US cases r escalating and may reach 200k/day, or 1M in 5 days. It would be a brutal winter and bitter Christmas. Probably a nationwide lockdown would be a blessing. At present rate, everyone in US will know or some infected with Covid by the end of winter season (which could exceed 10% of population), be it himself/herself, immediate family, relative, friend, etc.

Everyone has to come to term with the reality.


2020-11-12 09:31 | Report Abuse

US cases r escalating and may reach 200k/day, or 1M in 5 days. It would be a brutal winter and bitter Christmas. Probably a nationwide lockdown would be a blessing. At present rate, everyone in US will know or some infected with Covid by the end of winter season (which could exceed 10% of population), be it himself/herself, immediate family, relative, friend, etc.


2020-11-12 09:26 | Report Abuse

Biden Covid advisor says U.S. lockdown of 4 to 6 weeks could control pandemic and revive economy


2020-11-12 09:26 | Report Abuse

Biden Covid advisor says U.S. lockdown of 4 to 6 weeks could control pandemic and revive economy


2020-11-12 08:52 | Report Abuse

Judging from the history of Moderna, the executives are selling shares when they hit the headline and also they'll not spare from giving out very optimistic statement from time to time, but was very quiet lately. Your guess is as good as mine.


2020-11-12 08:45 | Report Abuse

Judging from the history of Moderna, the executives are selling shares when they hit the headline and also they'll not spare from giving out very optimistic statement from time to time, but was very quiet lately. Your guess is as good as mine.


2020-11-10 14:16 | Report Abuse

Biden wants to see masks mandated in all 50 states. These are the ones that don't require them


2020-10-24 17:55 | Report Abuse

This is different from the State of Emergency during Communist era or infamous "May 13" 1969.


2020-10-24 17:54 | Report Abuse

Aiyah Thailand also declare state of emergency to combat Covid while Jakarta/Bali, etc also declare state of emergency and yet to be lifted. Business as usual......


2020-10-21 09:19 | Report Abuse

This is the ugly truth and we just have to face the reality that Covid will not be eradicated by vaccine and SOP shall remain. It may be like the flu season seen in Western country, except this time round it would be global.


2020-10-21 09:19 | Report Abuse

This is the ugly truth and we just have to face the reality that Covid will not be eradicated by vaccine and SOP shall remain. It may be like the flu season seen in Western country, except this time round it would be global.


2020-10-21 09:17 | Report Abuse

This is the ugly truth and we just have to face the reality that Covid will not be eradicated by vaccine and SOP shall remain. It may be like the flu season seen in Western country, except this time round it would be global.