
Dolly_Chai2 | Joined since 2017-02-14

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2017-03-02 15:26 | Report Abuse

u kindergarten kids dun even understand cash flow... just look at debt alone?

do u know evergreen has free cash flow? u know what is free cash flow yield?



2017-03-02 15:23 | Report Abuse

hey idixt, pls help Tony Fernandes to count how many quarters or years he needs to fully settle his Airasia & Airasia X debts....

i have showed you net debt/equity ratio and that is very very very LOW!!!!!!!!!!

if u dun understand financials, pls just keep ur blxxdy mouth shut and get lost....

dun be a clown or joker here...


2017-03-02 15:16 | Report Abuse

i scold u bcoz u deserve to be scolded... idixt


2017-03-02 15:16 | Report Abuse

guys, this joker is indeed pathetic.. he wasted some effort just to edit an example and show to the world...

i classify him as "loser who always wants to win, despite knowing he is wrong"..

1) falsely accused ppl.. when challenged, keep quiet like a dxg
2) falsely said Evergreen's short term debt must be settled in one quarter.. (joker).. and its cash will deplete.. proven wrong in the latest balance sheet... but still dare not to accept his mistake and run away from facing this reality.. and continue to sing his blxxdy stupxd song...
3) and many more.. cannot list out one by one.. else until next year also cannot finish...


2017-03-02 15:12 | Report Abuse

I said it again.. God knows if i am making paper gain or paper loss...


2017-03-02 15:12 | Report Abuse

come on la.. where are your balls? dare not take up my "death" challenge?

i think u r a very pathetic idixt..
u purposely modified an example of portfolio just to prove to the world that it can be modifed...
yes, i know it can be modified.. but God knows whether i did it or not..
so i put up my swear.. and challenge u ..

but i dun see ur bxlls yet until today...

before u even talk more cxck, just be a man and take up my challenge (if you are sure i am stuck in evergreen, i am making paper loss)...

else, fx off la.. sissy coward...


2017-03-02 15:10 | Report Abuse

f off pls.. bcoz u r such a hypocrite who does not speak vulgar words here (but curse inside your heart)...

i was banned merely for the reason of "using vulgar words" (which i dont think they are vulgar actually)....

Dolly : "maybe" a bit vulgar but gives all real fact
Sxckperformer: hypocritical sissy/loser/no-bxlls idixt who gives all misleading and manipulated info...


2017-03-02 14:21 | Report Abuse

nope... i3 admin banned my previous ID becoz i cannot tahan and scolded some vulgar words at this idixt sxckperformer...

who can actually tahan his stupidity?


2017-03-02 11:10 | Report Abuse

haha.. idiot sings the same song everyday, despite the fact that i had proved him Evergreen's net debt/equity is so low and healthy...
nvmla.. this idiot selectively chooses things to see and reply.. and ignore facts that he can't fight back...

i let him live in his own blxxdy world... ppl like him must be very lonely coz he thinks he is right all the time and ignore real and sound facts.. feel sad for him...


2017-03-02 11:07 | Report Abuse

thanks for your good sharing noah, i think your assumption sounds quite valid...

yes, prlexus is a hidden gem and will only be uncovered after 2H 2017.... i also bought it due to this reason... good expansion ahead...


2017-03-02 10:10 | Report Abuse

ooo.. i just checked Hevea's price...

where got go up or?? haha... stil around RM1.50...

this fellow is really a joker...


2017-03-02 10:08 | Report Abuse

but i guess he is just a dxmb la.. wont notice that..
and is only good at 2 things:

- falsely accuse ppl
- manipulate info and mislead ppl


2017-03-02 10:07 | Report Abuse

sxckperformer... see... no matter how u sabotaged and misled ppl, no one will trust u..
they have their own wisdom to decide...

but this loser sxckperformer later may say i created new ID to support myself... haha.. typical loser..

but he is very dxmn stupxd lor...

if he check joetosh previous comments history and compare with mine.. he can already tell that we are looking at totally different shares except for evergreen...


2017-03-02 10:04 | Report Abuse

joetosh, congrats, u made the right decision...
i think u have your own wisdom to decide.. i just gave info and valuations only...


2017-03-02 10:03 | Report Abuse

sxckperformer does not really understand investment... if investment is so direct and easy and can use the same valuation/judgment each time, all accountants are super investors now...

in some cases, we opt for cash rich companies... these cash rich companies are stable but sometimes are more defensive/conservative to grow... i also invest in some of these companies too..

but in certain cases, we opt for companies that have good chances to grow their revenue and profit so that the share price will grow... and we know that most investors like to see EPS growth.. from our study, we can actually know (of course, not 100% sure, but with higher chance of success) how the management will grow the company and the earning, etc...

so we are investing in the future of these companies...

wake up la sxckperformer... dun act like sifu but u r just a kindergarten level short-term speculators.. shame on u...

why just compare Hevea and Evergreen's share price in short term?

And more importantly... where are your bxlls to answer to my questions and challenge?

dun run away, be like a man, not a kindergarten kid who hides here and there...

shame on u.. pui!!!!


2017-03-02 09:55 | Report Abuse

noah.. thanks for your sharing...
i am curious how did you know this drop is due to sales drop from Under Armour?
where did you get this info?

Are you / do you know someone who work for Prlexus?


2017-03-02 09:53 | Report Abuse

P/BV also low...


2017-03-02 09:53 | Report Abuse

if u wan to look at PE (i normally look at EV/EBIT), it is also undervalued...


2017-03-02 09:52 | Report Abuse

Prlexus also has very good EV/EBIT and ROIC, same like OKA... free cash flow yield also not bad..


2017-03-02 09:52 | Report Abuse

cpng, did you study Prlexus before?
I also bought Prlexus bcoz i found out their fundamentals are very strong too...

recent share price drop may give us good opportunity to collect more... what do you think?


2017-03-01 15:46 | Report Abuse

as i (and others) have said earlier on:

1) over-expectation on the growth and thus the share price has been fried up to exceed its intrinsic value of around 24sen (based on DCF valuation)...

2) the bosses are typical "conman" who give ownself a lot of ESOS and bonuses and high salaries.. but give very little dividend to minor shareholders...

based on the 2nd item, i already avoided this share (at first seems attractive to me.. but then i found out to be a conman counter)...

same like Vincent Tan's companies la... better avoid....

so many other much better shares, why choose this?

over-fried liao.. back to 0.24sen or below soon... trust me....


2017-03-01 14:12 | Report Abuse

joetosh... u dun need luck investing in evergreen... this is a sure win share, trust me... read all my comments from day one and analyze urself...


2017-03-01 14:12 | Report Abuse

Seek, r u kidding me?
you called that as "good analysis"?
Did you see what i provided earlier on? scroll up many many posts above and read carefully...

And sxckperformer is a kindergarten level speculator who does not even understand the word of BREAKEVEN...

Breakeven means no profit & no loss... he misleadingly tie this word to the total debts...

Evergreen is making good profit every quarter, not loss.. so you can't even say they need 12 quarters to breakeven.. stupid enough..

what we need to look at is.. is their net profit margin higher than the loan interest rate? the answer is yes.. their net profit margin is around 8% and this is generally higher than the business loan rate (around 3.5%-6%)...

and dun forget that their net profit margin will increase when their new expansion (new RTA line and particleboard line) get into full operation... and when they get more cash flow to pay out the debt, their cost of finance will drop.. so these 2 lines will go in the opposite way and the balance sheet will improve from time to time...

no need argue, just compare latest Q balance sheet.. totoal short term + long term debt have reduced (unlike what this joker said - will increase) and the total cash has increased (unlike what this joker said - will decrease)....

did u see it now?

that is why i said u need to have analytical skill to invest.... coupled with some financial valuations


2017-03-01 13:45 | Report Abuse

pharker, what you mentioned are valid, i agree...

but shouldn't we also look at their past record? check out at least their past 5 years of revenue & profit... what is the CAGR?

what i wanted to say is... we should not only look at a single quarterly result to conclude if this company is performing or not performing...
I believe the recent drop was partially due to the uncertainty of Trump's policy for exported goods to the US...

anyway, if u r a real value investor, u have to examine the SWOT of this company...

many others have mentioned earlier that it is highly unlikely that US will stop outsourcing the apparel business to countries that are more competitive in labor cost as if they do this, their overall cost (if using US labor) and final selling price will increase a lot.. thus causing the sales to drop...

if u were Trump, will you declare such war?
this is a lose-lose game... if you impose huge duty/levy on imported goods like this (which is consumer products), other countries will retaliate and do the same on the US...
Trump is s shrewd businessman and i dun think he will be that stupid to do so...

To me, it is oversold by speculators due to their fear of uncertainty...
but as a value investor, i am buying it more...


2017-03-01 11:21 | Report Abuse

see.. typical loser.. after knowing his statement is wrong... dare not face the reality..

little kindergarten kid who hides at one corner and pretend not seeing anything after ppl pointed out he is wrong...


2017-03-01 11:19 | Report Abuse

sissy sxckperformer... why ar.. u din see knylck's reply?

why dare not reply to him?

haha... where is ur previous statement of "all short-term loan must be settled in Q4 and thus net cash will be depleted all?"


2017-03-01 11:18 | Report Abuse

johnchong... no worry on EVergreen.. fundamentally sound inlike some stupxd fellow said...
debt is very manageable at Net debt/Equity = 75.435M/1,111.168M= 0.0679 or 6.79% net debt/equity... in fact, this number has reduced in latest Q report... (i am lazy to calculate again)


2017-03-01 11:14 | Report Abuse

come on la loser... take up my challenge first before u talk more rubbish...


2017-03-01 11:14 | Report Abuse

come on la... sxckperformer.. grow up like a man... and not just accuse ppl and give manipulated info...why i dare to make the swear? bcoz i DID NOT modify my portfolio return... that is an obvious difference between me and this loser...

if he is so sure i edited my portfolio, why he dared not to swear?

I write it out again so that he cannot say he missed it:
1) If I modified my average price for Evergreen and the % profit for Evergreen and other shares (not shown), I will die horribly today...

2) If I did not modify my average price for Evergreen and the % profit for Evergreen and other shares (not shown), you will die horribly today...

God will know and judge...

if u have balls, take up this challenge...

else get lost and dun ever talk cxck again...


2017-03-01 11:10 | Report Abuse

you are welcome CUTLOST... i am here just to clarify those misleading info provided by some joker aka sxckeperformer... if u read thru all our posts, you can easily tell who gave the correct info...

until today, this sissy cum coward has not responded to any of my questions/confronted statements yet.. not a single one.. he is such a coward and had chosen to ignore or pretend not seeing my replies.. and perhaps he forgot where he keeps his bxlls... and still keeps singing his stupxd song..

funny right?

i have explained (with solid proof, calulcation, valuation, etc) to every single idiotic/invalid questions he had raised (i think i am too kind to do so.. perhaps i should not entertain him at all)... but what had he done? nothing... dare not answer to my fought-back statements... and continue to put up a lot of stupxd accusations (such as I modified my portfolio return bla bla bla..)

But when i challenge him to make a swear.. he chickened out like a sissy... why? bcoz he knows he was simply accusing ppl... and ppl like this will create all sorts of manipulated info... can trust his words? i rather trust a bomoh...


2017-03-01 10:27 | Report Abuse

i believe you are also a value investor that is why you also added some more recently.. haha


2017-03-01 10:27 | Report Abuse

hi Jon Choivo, Prlexus did not specifically mention why the revenue dropped in last Q. they just mentioned:

The decrease in revenue is attributable to lower revenue from apparel division

But in their latest annual report, they mentioned this (under chairman's statement):

We are excited about the Group’s growth prospects as we
expect our core business to grow and we look forward to
pursue business opportunities in the interest of long-term
growth and value creation. As part of our commitment
to our customers, we will continue to deliver the highest
standards for our products and services which is a key
element of our success.

the management is expecting and working towards to expand more...

and they have proven record for at least the past 5 years that they are growing revenue and net profit. So my view is we should not only look at a single quarterly result to conclude that they are going down.. that is premature...

Prlexus has excellent fundamentals in terms of magic formula (EV/EBIT & ROIC)... they are also in net cash position now (after the Right Issues)... they also have free cash flow... just that dividend yield is not so attractive...

but overall, it is scoring around 9/10 to me...

so i am in.... aim for longer term investment.. that is value investing.. cheers...

now it gives us a much better opportunity to collect at lower price, why not???


2017-02-28 16:21 | Report Abuse

CUTLOST bro, look for longer term... we are not speculators, are you?

only sxckperformer here sounds like a short-term speculator...

why care so much if the price drops for short term?

as long as fundamentals remain strong and intact... just hold or add more...

i pledge my words here and lets see by end of this year/early 2018....


2017-02-28 10:29 | Report Abuse

sometimes i really doubt loser and joker like him will ever feel shameful of himself or not?

ppl proved him wrong many times d but he still can pretend he did not see it and sing his own stupid song again...


2017-02-28 10:28 | Report Abuse

later sure this loser will give more excuses to back his wrong statements again... let's wait and see how he tweak his words again to defend his words...

the whole world is laughing at him now for his joker/loser act...

he is so short-termed and short-sighted that recent drop of evergreen is deemed "end of day" to him...

come on.. share price fluctuates everyday but in long term, good shares like evergreen will go up...
just a matter of time.. let's see by end of 2017...


2017-02-28 10:26 | Report Abuse

haha... knylck: this sxckperformer is a joker mah...
again, he is proven to be half-tong water and always manipulate words..

he said evergreen needs to clear all short term debt by last Quarter and will use up all cash...
haha... u see how stupxd and senseless he is...


2017-02-28 09:11 | Report Abuse

the recent drop allows me a much better opportunity to collect at lower price.. thanks to the sellers.. ^^


2017-02-28 09:10 | Report Abuse

btw Evergreen5101.. i am not as ambitious as u.. haha.. my TP for Evergreen is only RM1.60-RM1.70...


2017-02-28 09:02 | Report Abuse

Jenas, Prlexus financial calendar is a bit different, their quarterlies are dated July, Oct, Jan & April...

so, next quarterly result is ended Jan 31st and will be announced by mid/end of March...

that is why you do not see the quarterly result yet in Feb


2017-02-27 16:23 | Report Abuse

and be a man (with bxlls).. answer to my explanations and questions... where are your bxlls? u have not even answered one... where as i answered all of your invalid and stupid questions..


2017-02-27 16:22 | Report Abuse

keeps manipulating "so-called" facts


2017-02-27 16:21 | Report Abuse

it is such a shame to have dirty ppl like u in this forum...


2017-02-27 16:21 | Report Abuse

so dun mislead ppl again...


2017-02-27 16:20 | Report Abuse

has Evergreen performance not improved compared to previous quarter (Q3 2016)? No, it has slightly improved and the earning is so stable and sustainable..


2017-02-27 16:19 | Report Abuse

which part of your so-called allegations are real and true... u r farking funny...


2017-02-27 16:18 | Report Abuse

that is why i said... this idixt only talks nonsense and talk cxck... see caught him red-handed again talking cxck...


2017-02-27 16:17 | Report Abuse

fx off and keep ur blxxdy mouth shut la... how do you know the crowds are leaving?
In share market, there must be willing buyers and willing sellers... those who do not wish to keep will sell to those who want to collect... there are still many investors who are collecting at such discounted share price....


2017-02-27 16:10 | Report Abuse

well said Evergreen5101 ad Raider...

we just ignore this joker/clown sxckperformer for his biased statements (regardless of how we proved to him that these debts are manageable and healthy and are actually good for business expansion)...

ppl like him only live in his own world and think he is right all the time... sometimes i pity him a lot...

nvmla.. let him sing his own idiotic song and we keep buying...


2017-02-27 15:40 | Report Abuse

a very long-winded prospect... haha..
but we can read from the lines that the group is looking into expansion (for new and existing customers).... good one...


2017-02-27 15:39 | Report Abuse

Prospects of the Group

The Management anticipates that the recent political and policy adjustments in major
economies of the world will result in greater uncertainties in the overall operating
environment of our business, including volatility in the foreign exchange rates.
However, the recent announcement and implementation of the Financial Market
Stabilisation Measures has resulted in more customer contracts being negotiated in
Ringgit terms. The immediate impact of this policy has yet to be seen, but we anticipate
that there would be much less volatility in the translation and conversion of foreign
exchange to the Ringgit moving forward and this will result in less foreign exchange gain
and/or loss.
Over the longer term, we foresee that there may be increased cost pressures to our
business, specifically imported wage-inflation and possibly increase in financing cost.
To this end, the Management continues to focus on business development activities and
is continuously trying to grow revenues from existing and new customers. The drive to
continually increase our capabilities and capacities across all subsidiaries in the group will
benefit the Group’s overall prospect and allow for the achievement of economies of scale.
Having acquired land and buildings in our subsidiaries in Ge-Shen Plastic Sdn Bhd in
Johor, Malaysia and Ge-Shen Vietnam Co. Ltd in Hai Phuong, Vietnam (which were both
completed in 4Q2016), the Management is also focusing on construction and/or renovation
of the said facilities and anticipate that upon completion of such facilities, selective CAPEX
into new manufacturing capacities will be implemented to generate revenues.

On top of increasing Revenues, the Group is working towards a culture of embracing
technology, including the implementation of better enterprise resource planning (ERP) and
manufacturing execution system (MES). This will improve data capture, allow for better
analytics and contribute to improve of overall efficiencies and productivity. Robotics and
automation continues to be on the agenda to ensure that wage-inflation is mitigated.
The Group is also set to allocating and rewarding its employees with the Employee Share
Option Scheme (“ESOS”) which is designed to ensure that performing and contributing
employees will be aligned and rewarded as the company continues to grow. While the
implementation of an ESOS will have a certain cost or expense to the Group and dilution
to existing shareholders, the Management and Board anticipates that with such alignment
and reward, the benefit shall outweigh the associated cost.