
Dolly_Chai2 | Joined since 2017-02-14

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2017-03-08 10:18 | Report Abuse

- manipulated info on evergreen debts (i have explained in detail)
- dun understand the definition of "short term" debt and claimed that Evergreen needs to settled all in Q4 2016.. and that cash will be gone.. end up latest Q result, total debt has reduced but cash has increased.. why? because cash flow from operation has improved...

idixt dun understand cash flow.. just look at "debt" alone...

tell me, what is free cash flow, what is free cash flow yield, kindergarten kid?

sxckperformer: dun use complicated accounting calculation / financial jargons..

wtf,,,, really a KYY supporter cum bxlls-licker


2017-03-08 10:16 | Report Abuse

loser is loser.. this is his characteristics..

- dunno something but dunwan to admit.. already know he is wrong, but still insist he is right and always want to win...


2017-03-08 10:15 | Report Abuse

dun understand much about accounting/financials.. but talk like expert... disgusting...

and accuse ppl of using "complicated" accounting ratios/calculation..

it is like a kindergarten kid accusing a university graduate of using calculus/advanced maths (which he does not understand)..


2017-03-08 10:14 | Report Abuse

good to see that more ppl come out now to scold this idixt sxckperformer who really sxcks...


2017-03-08 10:14 | Report Abuse

wtf... i did not comment yesterday and was classified as "hiding in the dark cave" or "using another ID to comment"...

this loser sxckperformer is indeed brainless...

In summary:
1) I said Evergreen is not considered as furniture stock for "CURRENT stage"... then he manipulated his words... see it? but in future, Evergreen may grow its RTA/furniture revenue... so I said it is not fair to compare CAPEX requirement for current furniture companies with current MDF company (requires advanced machineries)... u all can see it right? stupid fellow dun understand the meaning of "current / present"...

2) idixot keeps saying "massive" debt.. in fact, i have shown him the net debt/equity ratio.. it has now dropped to even lower in the latest Q. Long + short term debt = 205M.. cash = 160M.. net debt = only -45M... net debt/equity = -45/1151M = 0.039 only!!!! this is called "massive"... if dun understand acounting.. keep quiet pls.. dun bark

3) idixt very short-sighted.. talk like fundamental value investors but actually act like short-term "speculator".. he considers recent drop as "collapse"... idioxt.. i am really speechless... we should look at longer term... share price fluctuation is normal.. but in future, it will reflect actual price based on real fundamentals...


2017-03-08 09:54 | Report Abuse

just my 2 cents... u guys better do ur own homework... dun trust me 100%


2017-03-08 09:53 | Report Abuse

the recent share price hike may be due to some investors who blindly look at EPS (without understanding what this EPS has gone up - due to asset disposal mainly and some profit gain)...

but bear in mind.. in 2017, MYR weakens so much that will be bad for Hexza...
why? Hexza imported its raw materials that is mainly denominated in USD... while its sales/revenues are all from Malaysia which is denominated in MYR...


2017-03-08 09:53 | Report Abuse

Hexza so-called "growth" = disposal of asset + forex gain...

in fact, the core business revenue and profit has dropped...

pls do not mislead ppl...

and i do not see a chance for improvement/growth for core business (resin - too competitive, many MDF/particleboard/plywood manufacturers are making their own resin/glue now, no need buy from player like Hexza.. that is why they recently closed down on main subsidiary) (ethanol - maybe slightly better than resin business but i do not see any management plan to expand on this.. ASP is dropping too)...

sorry but no offense.. this is what i think... i may be wrong.. just that I have to disagree with what you said...

News & Blogs

2017-03-08 09:51 | Report Abuse

the recent share price hike may be due to some investors who blindly look at EPS (without understanding what this EPS has gone up - due to asset disposal mainly and some profit gain)...

but bear in mind.. in 2017, MYR weakens so much that will be bad for Hexza...
why? Hexza imported its raw materials that is mainly denominated in USD... while its sales/revenues are all from Malaysia which is denominated in MYR...

News & Blogs

2017-03-08 09:49 | Report Abuse

Hexza' growth = forex gain + disposal of asset...

in fact, the core business revenue and profit has dropped...

pls do not mislead ppl...

and i do not see a chance for improvement/growth for core business (resin - too competitive, many MDF/particleboard/plywood manufacturers are making their own resin/glue now, no need buy from player like Hexza.. that is why they recently closed down on main subsidiary) (ethanol - maybe slightly better than resin business but i do not see any management plan to expand on this.. ASP is dropping too)...

sorry but no offense.. this is what i think... i may be wrong.. just that I have to disagree with what you said...


2017-03-07 17:34 | Report Abuse

i am not selling a single share yet although i have made handsome paper profit.. hehe... wait till it fully realizes its value...


2017-03-07 17:34 | Report Abuse

yup... RM3.50 to RM4.00 is on the way...


2017-03-07 16:21 | Report Abuse



2017-03-07 09:42 | Report Abuse

i have sworn here.. since u have been saying that i am stuck with a loss... if you have balls.. take up the challenge... else dun bark like a sissy dxggie..


2017-03-07 09:41 | Report Abuse

my average price for Evergreen which i showed in the past:


2017-03-07 09:36 | Report Abuse

come on la sissy.. keep saying i am stuck...

before u comment more on your rubbish talk, pls just take up my challenge:

1) If I modified my average price for Evergreen and the % profit for Evergreen and other shares (not shown), I will die horribly today...

2) If I did not modify my average price for Evergreen and the % profit for Evergreen and other shares (not shown), you will die horribly today...

God will know and judge...

if u have balls, take up this challenge...

else get lost and dun ever talk cxck again...


2017-03-07 09:35 | Report Abuse

ylyer... good choice!


2017-03-07 09:30 | Report Abuse

so so hard-sell his Hevea...

guys, u all can see his motive here right?

-- purposely sabotage evergreen just because he thinks by doing this, others will choose to buy Hevea and help push the price up...

stupxd right?


2017-03-07 09:26 | Report Abuse

u can see how "shallow" this sxckperformer is...

he is so short-sighted to deem that the recent drop (which should be temporary only) is due to lack of fundamentals...

and claimed that ppl are selling bcoz the share is not good, bla bla bla..

looked at how the sharks manipulated AirAsia price last time? pushed down to 70sen and then shoot back up to RM3.30 in one year....

if share price is so direct, then investment is very easy...

yes, share price is a reflection of its fundamentals , but it is for long run/long term..

this idiot is so short-sighted and only talk about current share price...

stxpid ppl is really cureless...

aim for 1-2 years... u will see the difference in investing EVergreen.. dumbaxx...


2017-03-07 09:22 | Report Abuse

what TF Tan said is exactly right!


2017-03-07 09:21 | Report Abuse

haha... sxckperformer is indeed a joker here....

I am stuck with loss? i have shown him my average price which he then accused me of editing..
but hor.. when i challenged him to swear (i had sworn myself)... he chickened out like a sissy...

come on la.. no-bxlls then pls dont bark anymore...

dare to simply accuse ppl but dare not swear? where are ur bxlls? eaten by dog d?


2017-03-06 15:45 | Report Abuse

oooo, i see.. in this sxckperformer's definition:

He sells nasi lemak everyday.. one day he needs money and he sells butt (occasionally) to aunties...

so he is classified as "fulltime" gigolo... i see... this is his definition...


2017-03-06 15:43 | Report Abuse

haha.. kindergarten kid who does not even understand FCF and cash yield asked ppl to look at balance sheet? u know how to read balance sheet and cash flow? haha.. dun laugh die me la..

what fancy accounting formulas?

same like KYY blamed KCChong for using financial jargons when he could not understand it?

laugh die me la.. wtf


2017-03-06 15:41 | Report Abuse

i dunno what is his purpose / agenda (spending some much time to do such idixtic job here):

1) either got burnt with Evergreen before so hold some grudge now?
2) wanna try to pull down the share price so he can buy cheaply (blxxdy hxll.. who he thinks he is.. does he have such influence?)
3) try to promote Hevea (maybe he is heavily stuck there) and badmouth evergreen so that others may opt for Hevea instead of Evergreen.. that is totally brainless to me... as they are not in the same business models actually..


2017-03-06 15:38 | Report Abuse

TF.. we did not want to fight with this retard sxckperformer from the beginning..but he has been manipulating info and sabotaging evergreen at no base at all...

that is why we are so mad at him...


2017-03-06 15:37 | Report Abuse

are they not expanding and improving revenue/net profit this quarter compared to last quarter? and what wil be their revenue/profit by end of 2017/2018?


2017-03-06 15:36 | Report Abuse

is evergreen not making good profit?
answer me la retard,....


2017-03-06 15:35 | Report Abuse

my question to u:

Is the CURRENT state of evergreen (mainly on MDF now) considered the same as Hevea (mainly on RTA now)?

see, farked-up retard does not understand the meaning of "current"...

i already said mah.. when one day Evergreen is mainly on RTA (which is much less CAPEX intensive) then only it is fair to compare both....

why dun u compare Hevea with Airasia, dxmbaxx!!


2017-03-06 15:33 | Report Abuse

u just know how to manipulate info... without telling the bigger picture (which myself and jackng06 are doing now)... you think investors are so stupid to be influenced by you? you havent even answered to any of our questions yet.. where are your balls?


2017-03-06 15:31 | Report Abuse

farking barking dxggie sxckperformer... dun u know how u r not welcomed here and that most ppl here already know that you talk cxck all the time?


2017-03-06 15:29 | Report Abuse

fx off la sxckperformer...

if their revenue and net profit improves in 2017-18 (that is quite firm), they will have more money to pay back the debt (and it is NOT massive at all looking at their scale of business, idixt)...

and by that time, they no longer requires too much CAPEX (as this money had mostly been spent up front last year and end of 2015), their net cash flow improve and they will have more free cash flow... and they can use that to pay back some of the debt...

unlike what you mention here (trying to inject fear? wtf!!!), the only way is to announce right issues?

wtf... if u dunno, dun bark la.. so farking annoying...


2017-03-06 14:10 | Report Abuse

and again.. his best kingfu is ignore our facts... and keeps saying it is "massive" debt...

wtf, does he even understand the meaning of massive vs manageable vs super low net debt/equity?


2017-03-06 14:08 | Report Abuse

and this sxckperformer is indeed a farked-up idixt... whenever he sees a new ID, that must be either me or Raider.. haha.. I am so speechless.. if he really notice the way of writing.. he can already tell that this is a totally different person...

but he is just an idxot and does not possess such good sense... what to do???


2017-03-06 14:07 | Report Abuse

nvm la.. let this kind of loser cum joker sing on his own...

currently it is obvious that some operators/sharks are pushing the share price down to collect cheaply... join them or sell to them and regret later...


2017-03-06 14:06 | Report Abuse

jackng06, u r teaching a cow about cash flow etc financial stuff.. but do u expect such idixt to even understand that?

I have tried many times.. cow is still a cow.. i think we better save our gas...


2017-03-03 16:16 | Report Abuse

fxx off la sxckperformer.. where r ur bxlls? i havent seen them yet..
until today you have been avoiding my questions and not dare to answer any yet...

such a sissy coward... if i were u, i will just go to thailand and undergo transsexual surgery to become a real woman...


2017-03-03 12:49 | Report Abuse

tell me where ur mommy is.. i will get a bangla to service her asx...


2017-03-03 12:48 | Report Abuse

sltx, what is the prob with u now...

u r the biggest farker here...


2017-03-03 12:48 | Report Abuse

u should compare MDF company with MDF company... stupid sxckperformer...


2017-03-03 12:47 | Report Abuse

before he talks more cxck, he should just respond to my statements first....

he can't even answer this:

Is it fair comparison to compare Hevea (mainly furniture/RTA company) with Evergreen (mainly MDF company) at current stage? as it is known and proven (read Ricky's post) that MDF requires more CAPEX to run compared to furniture...

example: you need to fabricate MDF, u need a lot of processess and machineries.. that require capex.. so debt is slightly higher...

for doing RTA, it is much simpler process and require less machineries... same things happen to many furniture stock too (homeriz, latitude, Liihen etc...)

so he dares not to answer this.. and still categorize Evergreen as "furniture stock"...

this is really pure stupidity...

just like can u compare AirAsia business with other business?

Aviation business needs a lot more CAPEX.. but their cash flow is ok... debt is high, yes, but recently Cold Eye also invested in Airasia as he changed his views... he knows Airasia business is growing and he invested in it...


2017-03-03 12:42 | Report Abuse

joestosh... all this started with this idiot sxckperformer who is like a sissy.. who manipulated info...

and this coward does not even dare to respond to what I answered (to his stupid questions)...

u all can see it right?

did this coward even respond to any one of my explanations?

none.. he has not even responded to a single one....

and still live in his own world singing his old blxxdy song... funny right?

this is typical loser...


2017-03-03 12:37 | Report Abuse

good to see R40s sifu is back... yeap... now is a very opportunity to invest in Prlexus... they are indeed a growing company!!!


2017-03-02 16:12 | Report Abuse

kns lo this idixt... i have to search my previous posts to show him again...

he is either blxnd or has very short memory


2017-03-02 16:11 | Report Abuse

same thing for evergreen.. he classified evergreen as furniture stock (which does not require much machineries)


2017-03-02 16:10 | Report Abuse

here is a scenario:

sxckperformer sells nasi lemak at his stall everyday... but one day a gxy guy paid him RM1 and he sold his butt (jual punggung).. just one time ya..

even though his major business is selling nasi lemak, but he defines himself as full time butt-seller.. wah... his definition is really speechless to me...


2017-03-02 16:10 | Report Abuse

a very smart value investor ricky yeo compared the furniture stocks and tell why they do not require much capex.. this quarter-tin water acts like sifu and categories evergreen as furniture stock at "current stage", and compare the debt...

hi "smart" sxckperformer.. can u be a little sharper?

did Ricky mention evergreen as furniture stock in his post?


2017-03-02 16:10 | Report Abuse

pls la.. learn from Ricky Yeo and dun act like sifu.. EVERGREEN is never categorized as furniture stock at CURRENT STAGE... so it is unfair to compare its required capex and debt with furniture companies which are less capex-intensive...


2017-03-02 16:07 | Report Abuse

come on.. i replied how many times d.. nvm i repost..
stupxd fellow keeps comparing apple to orange... i said how many times d..
is it fair to compare furniture company like Hevea with MDF company like Evergreen who needs more capex for machineries?

this idixt is really misleading and comparing 2 different business....

and i explained to him many times.. he still pretends he did not see it...

pathetic idxit


2017-03-02 15:28 | Report Abuse

1) Debt of Evergreen (which is manageable and reasonable for the industry it is involved in) - he keeps saying that Hevea has zero debt but Evergreen has debt.. I have told him that Hevea is more like a furniture company as its 60% sales are from RTA (ready to assemble furniture) which are less capex intensive. Where as currently Evergreen manufactures 80% of raw MDF so it is more capex intensive in terms of the machineries and maintenance. They are not in the exact industries so you just can't compare directly.. he has not even answered my question on this one.. Yes, evergreen will target to build more RTA (current 5% of total revenue), but their main focus is still MDF at current stage. So, until one day when Evergreen has its RTA sales reach 50-60% of total revenue, then only it is fair to directly compare with Hevea on the debt/net cash...


2017-03-02 15:28 | Report Abuse

balance sheet:
1) Net debt/Equity = 75.435M/1,111.168M= 0.0679 or 6.79% net debt/equity. Is this not manageable? is this not healthy? Compare with 2015, net debt has actually reduced.

Based on average FCF of latest 3 years (2013-2015) - to reflect a more accurate average value
2) Free cash flow Yield (CY = FCF/MC)
Net cash generated from operation (2013)=52.053M
Net cash generated from operation (2014) = 84.906M
net cash generated from operation (2015) = 119.913M
- average net cash from operation = 85.624M

CAPEX (2013) = 40.907M
CAPEX (2014) = 21.595M
CAPEX (2015) = 93.278M
- average CAPEX = 51.927M

Average FCF = net cash from operation - CAPEX = 33.697M

market capitalization (MC) = RM0.97 * 820.607M shares = 795.99M

Free cash flow yield (CY) = FCF/MC = 0.0423 or 4.23% (>4% which is good)