
DreamConqueror | Joined since 2014-07-19

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2014-10-17 20:32 | Report Abuse

Biasa la tu. Budak-budak lagi kan. Dia tau apa, tau nak seronok bikin shhitt bikin kacau juga.


2014-10-17 20:28 | Report Abuse

DreamShitter ni shhitting aja besar. Orang admire beautiful lady pun dia dengki gila sampai tak boleh tahan. Dia nak suruh orang pay attention kat dia aja.

Ada Attention Requiring & Seeking Syndrome (ARSE) atau Attention Seeking Syndrome (ASS) punya orang itu macam la. Dia nak orang pay attention kat dia aja manjang, tak habis-habis.


2014-10-17 20:21 |

Post removed.Why?


2014-10-17 20:18 | Report Abuse

Like I said that day, no need to get your pants all in a twist, just becoz the market ain't dancing in your favour. A pro investor still stays as cool as ice in even the wildest, most ferocious market storm.

No sell, no loss. Stuff all those nutty short term speculators. A long term investor makes his judgements by long term fundamentals and what the company is really planning and doing.

What do those experience-challenged, budak-baru-belajar, novice newbie perasan-pandai kids know. Nothing much above nothing. All copy-pasted, recycled, re-parroted crrap and nothing else.


2014-10-17 20:09 | Report Abuse

So, ada betul ka itu kiddy terrorists gang punya prediction semalam ah? Itu Doraemon , itu HappyTradingz. ItuDreamShhitter, itu TruthSeeker, it DickyMe, itu MusangFoxKing.

Semua pun tak da betul kan?

Kan? Kan? Kan?

Tapi dah orang mula caya kaw kaw kat dia orang pulak tu. Dia tak tau, itu DickyMe tahun lepas nak masuk Suma pun takut gila, sikit pun dia tak yakin, tapi kejap-kejap mari masuk, kejap-kejap mari masuk, bikin shhitt bikin kacau juga itu jam. Sudah berapa lama bikin shhitt bikin kacau-kacau, baru dia berani, baru dia convinced Suma boleh main.

Sekarang dia tukar-tukar juga. Sekejap support, sekejap condemn. Tak ada principle punya orang. Chameleon investor ini macam punya style la. Boleh kaya kaw kaw ah main ini macam punya main?

Naaaahhh, gilamour lebih juga la. That's right, gilamour juga lebih. Profit-nya tak seberapa. Thrill aja lebih. Mana la boleh lawan gua punya record, 350k profit in 10 months from 200k capital.

Main tak da glamour punya style, but simple and deadly effective. Buy when low and tak laku to others, then sell when TP achieved.


2014-10-14 23:20 | Report Abuse

I asked my brother, who is also a PETRONAS geologist, if he knows someone name HHakim. He says he does not, personally, but says that he has heard of a HHakim somewhere in PETRONAS.

They're in different departments then I guess. I can't reveal what the 'H' initial stands for, though.


2014-10-14 23:14 | Report Abuse

He is a geologist with PETRONAS. Veteran oilman. A bit like CD, you know. He's holding, I don't know, probably a few thousand big lots of Suma, at least, with his ginormous PETRONAS salary.

He comes in here, but very infrequently. But when he does, he's all facts and figures. No crap, no bull.


2014-10-14 23:01 | Report Abuse

Now, where is that HHakim dude. We need to hear more of that broken record of his now. Big time.

HHakiiiiiimmmmmm ... woooooo hooooooo ... where are youuuuu ...


2014-10-14 22:50 | Report Abuse

Now, there is simply no solid, fundamental justification for Suma to keep crashing. It has zero debt currently. All its past debts hv been paid up. It's all a matter of market sentiment and perception now.

Raku Shechnoye O&G concession is owned by Markmore Energy, not Suma. So whatever happens in Kazakhstan regarding Raku Shechnoye, Suma won't lose anything. Suma's arrangement with Markmore is as a contract operator, no buying and selling acitivities, so payments are iron clad.

Even if oil price keeps stagnating, Suma's agreements with Markmore to build and operate their gas supply system still holds, and profits from those operations of minimum US15 mil per year are already guaranteed.


2014-10-14 22:35 | Report Abuse

BigMac, since you're already sounding so worried, I just had to share something.

if HS had really, really, seriously wanted to steal my money, he would hv done so many months ago, just after the last RI in late October 2013. But he did not. He instead gave me nearly 70k, including some free WB warrants, just from that one exercise.

The he upped my nett gains to 350k+, from just 200k capital, in mid August this year.

Now, think seriously. Really, really seriously. Did he hv to go through all that to steal my 200k? Come on.

Moral of story: HS is an honest, generous businessman. All those badmouthing and condemning by some uncrupulous, characterless, gratitudeless kiddy jerks notwithstanding.

I have only one question. If they all really, really think that HS is such a bad guy, then why are they still here in this room, messin about with his stock?

Yes, he's asking for one's money to grow his business. But he will reward one generously as his partner. If one can't believe in that, then there's no point flirting around with Lady Suma and remaining as a partner with HS, CD, CMY & Co.


2014-10-14 22:13 | Report Abuse

I mean, before I go off for supper.


2014-10-14 22:12 | Report Abuse

Sorry dude. Just messin about for a bit. Before I go off supper.


2014-10-14 22:11 | Report Abuse

NoManLand, I still remember that one post you wrote that day. You said watching one's stock from morn till dusk is a 'NO NO NO'. But now you yourself is doing even more than that. You know, you're like the mother crab telling her kids to walk straight.

Hu hu hu hu. Ho ho ho ho. He he he he. Ha ha ha ha. Hix hix hix hix. Haka haka haka haka.


2014-10-14 21:56 |

Post removed.Why?


2014-10-13 20:36 | Report Abuse

Posted by lonkeyloh > Oct 13, 2014 08:15 PM | Report Abuse

dreamcon, u still alive?????????

Go on. Have some fun. Play a guessing game.


2014-10-13 20:35 |

Post removed.Why?


2014-10-13 20:14 | Report Abuse

Dudes, you know what HS, CD, CMY & Co. are doing now? They're just letting the market pull Suma's price down. They don't even need to fight the market forces. They'll just exploit the downtrend to their own advantage.

And who is the Suma market? Dudes like you and me. Hundreds of thousands of them.

This is the way of the astute general. Use the terrain, use the weather, use anything, to your own army's advantage.

Then, when it has reached a certain level, and when the timing is just perfect, they'll come in with all the ammo they've got, news flows and all, and bring it up again sky high. Catching all those dudes who had bought high and sold low - purportedly to 'CUT LOSSES' - flatfooted big time.

You wanna bet against this? Okay, bet all you've got.


2014-10-13 05:28 |

Post removed.Why?


2014-10-13 05:19 |

Post removed.Why?


2014-10-13 05:16 |

Post removed.Why?


2014-10-13 05:00 | Report Abuse

Posted by Ring > Oct 12, 2014 11:17 PM | Report Abuse

On oil

Mobius says the impact of shale gas discovery will change the dynamics of the global economy as well as oil prices, without a doubt.

“However, it should be noted that in addition to the US, emerging markets such as Poland, Romania, Mexico, Argentina and China also have shale gas reserves. Thus, shale gas production could benefit a number of economies globally,” he says.

With the US becoming a net oil exporter over the next few years, Mobius, however, does not foresee any major impact on oil prices, as he feels that the reduced demand from the US will be offset by growing energy demand from countries globally.

“Also the current exploitation of shale gas globally is not huge enough to offset the global demand for oil,” he says.

There is just one irony about all this brouhaha about shale oil being the death knell for normally drilled oil. It just can't be, simply becoz of its high production cost.

It might just bring down the price of global oil for a while, and to some degree. But once price has hit a certain level, shale oil ceases to be economic, simply because of its uncompetitive high cost - double to triple - compared to normally drilled oil. When that happens, the shale oil producers will just turn off their spigots, and voila, oil price goes up again.


2014-10-13 04:27 |

Post removed.Why?


2014-10-12 03:02 | Report Abuse

Posted by musang_foxking > Oct 12, 2014 02:32 AM | Report Abuse

Baik puinya cover...kahkah....merapu saja le nobita dreamhunter ni.... dinbramboi suits u ... lol ...haha... bye bye bye...please dont response.... wa mati mau ketawa ...kakaka

Lu dah habis modal, dah tak mampu nak debate, lu tido aja la. Lu tido aja samapi tiga hari pun tak apa la. Apa gua nak peduli.


2014-10-12 02:54 | Report Abuse

Posted by moneygrabber > Oct 12, 2014 02:44 AM | Report Abuse

I am just wary but one never knows; it may defy all odds and run up.

That's why, like I said earlier, with Suma you'd beter be on the watch constantly. Especially if you had just sold. Coz you would not want to miss a sudden 1-day 10-sen run up. Like I almost did on Friday 12 July.


2014-10-12 02:46 | Report Abuse

Lu mau tido pun, RajaMusang, lu baik cari tempat yg selamat tau. Klu tidak, silaps-silap, kena tangkap dek pengusaha kopi musang (kopi luak).

Klu kena tangkap, habis la, kena kurung dalam sangkar, kena tonyoh dalam mulut dengan biji kopi luak sepanjang hari. Ha, baru la lu tau, itu jam.


2014-10-12 02:36 | Report Abuse

Yes. You were right just now, kid. You should run off to bed now. In all probability, you're simply not up to this level of serious adult conversation.

Now, off on your bike. Kid.


2014-10-12 02:30 | Report Abuse

And Russia does not even need to the dirty job itself, if it does not want to, or does not want to be seen as directly involved. Some proxy somewhere could easily be found and persuaded.


2014-10-12 02:25 | Report Abuse

RajaMusang, what do airhead kids like you know about military stuff. You think SA is that powerful to resist an angry Russia? And do you really think that US will fight Russia over SA, once an attack has been conducted?

How old were you when Russia mada a blatant attack on Georgia during the South Ossetian rebellion that time? And did you see or even hear about NATO doing anything there then? And do you see or hear NATO coming physically to Ukraine's aid now?

No, I did not say that Russia is vicous enough or ferocious enough, in the manner of America, to conduct a full scale invasion of SA. Even if they're powerful enough to do that if they want. You hv not read my post on that properly. Maybe you hv an attention deficit problem or something. I can't help you with that.

What I said was, if push comes to shove, Russia could easily arrange a missile attack on a few Saudi refineries, maybe with Iran voluntarily providing a land base. Or it could also be done by sea or air. Once that happens, the sudden global tensions could easily send oil price rocketing (pardon the pun) through the US$200 level.

Do you even know that in cruise missiles, at least, Russian technology could easily be better than America's, because they hv focused much research effort on this area, whereas US hv prefered to concentrate on something else, like fighter jets, for instance? Very probably you don't.

Don't get me wrong. It's not that I want or wish something like this to happen, God forbid. I'm just outlining an un-impossible scenario, to make the illustration that Russia is not as weak or as helpless against Western pressure as many Western-indctrinated dudes might believe it to be.


2014-10-12 01:45 | Report Abuse

Would be it be worth my while to respond to this one lame kiddy post? Naaaaahhh.


2014-10-12 01:39 | Report Abuse

I would agree to differ, NoManLand. With something like Suma, one would better be on the watch all the time. Especially after one had just sold out, becoz it could all of a sudden spike back up un some unexpected news flows.

I had sold out my (then) 1,250 big lots of WB around first week of July at around average 24.5, and was just hanging around for it to fall back to 20 - 21 to buy back, becoz it had been hovering around the 19.5 - 21 range for months previously.

On Thursday 11 July, my remisier called me to inform that it had risen to 25.5 sen. I just shrugged it off then, convinced that it was gonna be just a one day show like numerous times before.

On Friday morning 12 July it was still looking strong, with volume gaining. Still I thought was going to ignore that in the afternoon. Fortunately, my remisier called me again, saying that price had climbed up to 27.5 with sudden heavy volume. I had to decide fast. I went with the market flow and placed buy order with all available cap at 27.5, and luckily succeeded.

Because I had sold earlier at 24.5, my number of lots then slipped down a little, to about 1,100 lots. Well, so much for trying to play clever. By late Monday morning, 15 July, it had climbed up to 37.5, a 10 sen rise from the Friday closing.

There ya go. For me that time, a 100k+ profit over one trading day. It was unbelievable. My younger brother, whose maths is not as sharp as mine, insisted, 'Come on it can't be 100k+, it's only 10k+'. But in the end he had to concede to the truth.

But if I had just gone off for a complete break for just that one Friday, I would hv missed that one. There ya go.


2014-10-11 20:03 | Report Abuse

Posted by Fam Jenny > Oct 11, 2014 07:50 PM | Report Abuse

DreamConqueror,beauty can be created by plastic surgery,the most important is get a woman who loves you and not your money bcos she can cause a divorce and put you in financial shit.When it is a good woman marry her and you will very enjoyable sexual life according to married couple.

That is why I already said earlier that I won't let any gf mine own any money or asset belonging to me. But then, if I hv RM100 mil, I could afford to relax that rule a bit, to throw a little money around, right. Just a little.


2014-10-11 19:58 |

Post removed.Why?


2014-10-11 19:49 | Report Abuse

AyamTua, gua dah jumpa tempat di KL yg ada live belly dancer. Not local dancer, but exotic foreign dancer. Gua tengok dia dancing pun gua tak boleh tahan wor. Itu macam punya kaw kaw punya, dia punya body wor.

Sekarang gua setakat simpan angan-angan aja ala nak tackle dia. Nanti klu betul-betul dapat tackle, boleh la gua kasi cerita sama lu. Kasi motivation sikit sama lu.

Klu Suma naik balik power kaw kaw cam dulu, naik 75 sen ka cukup la, senang la sikit kerja gua. Gua kasi incentive kaw kaw sikit sama dia. LOL


2014-10-11 19:36 |

Post removed.Why?


2014-10-11 17:38 | Report Abuse

'WoamX' = 'WomanX'



2014-10-11 17:30 |

Post removed.Why?


2014-10-11 17:19 | Report Abuse

Oh well, if I hv built up a RM100 mil worth of wealth, I might consider buying her a 600k Merc for a gift. And maybe a RM3 mil condo.

But then that would be a long time away. And only if she looks like Anusch Alawerdian and has a body like Katerina Shereen.


2014-10-11 17:13 | Report Abuse

No, I will not let any gf own my money, Eric. I don't think that would be such a good idea. Or let her own a piece of property I bought either.

She can use my big Merc (when I do hv one), or live in my luxurious condo (when I hv one). But that's it. She can't own it. What is the point, anyway.

If she really, really loves me, then she will always remain with me. In which case, whether the Merc or luxury condo is in my name or hers is irrelevant.

But in case she falls for someone else, whether she falls in love or she falls in lust with him, at least I still hv my Merc or luxury condo with me when she's left me. Which I can then lend for use by another gf, the new one, for her pleasure. And mine too.


2014-10-11 17:04 | Report Abuse

Eric, 2017 is 3 years away. You do not need to be worrying about it now. If like that, how can anyone ever be investing with a fearless mind, since there is always gonna be a recession or crash many years away.

I was only stating something that someone else mentioned. I did not say that it will definitely happen.

Someone also said that a superbull happens once every 20 years. Since the last one was in 1994, then this year should be another superbull. But nothing of the sort has happened yet, other than a moderate rally up to late August.


2014-10-11 16:54 | Report Abuse

The thing about a 'cut loss' decision is that, one can't be really sure that one is really cutting one's losses, until well after the transaction has been done. The assumption is then made that the price will keep sliding down after one has performed that so called 'cut loss' transaction.

But in the event that the price suddenly goes up substantially after one's 'cut loss' transaction, then one has ended up NOT 'cutting loss', but instead 'cutting gain' or 'cutting profit', which is then the completely opposite objective of what one originally intended to achieve.

There ya go. So, especially for a long term investor, 'cut loss' may not always be such a good idea. Except in cases where an impending downslide is downright inevitable. Like the sudden, unexpected outbreak of a major globally-impacting war, for instance.


2014-10-11 16:25 | Report Abuse

Dia punya geng budak nakal cetek akal serupa dia pun semua dah habis cabut lari berkeliaran macam dia jugak dah.

Tak cukup stamina nak berlawan la tu. Lebih cakap, karut cakap juga.


2014-10-11 16:21 | Report Abuse

Dia punya nama pun DreamShhitter, i.e. the Shhitter of Dreams. Mana pulak boleh dia nak lawan sama DreamComnqueror, i.e the Conqueror of Dreams.

Confirm tak boleh lawan punya. Confirm tersungkur makan habuk punya. Abis tu, dia pun dah nak tukar nama pulak dah. Dia sendiri yang dah blurted out tadi.

Budak cetek akal, gitu aja lah.


2014-10-11 16:11 | Report Abuse

'enam wulah' = 'enam wulan'



2014-10-11 16:11 | Report Abuse

Ai, dia nak gi RM7.50 satu hari nanti. Usah kan enam wulah, setengah windu pun bisa ku tunggu, tega ku tunggu.


2014-10-11 16:05 | Report Abuse

The rule of thye game is simple. Dead simple. If one has some paper losses, it's only PAPER losses. Only IMAGINARY losses.

No sell, no real losses.


2014-10-11 15:58 | Report Abuse

It's not a trap, Eric. It's a nice, cosy, comfortable rocking chair that you can sit on, shaking your legs and rocking your body, while waiting for your money to come.

All you need to do is wait. You don't even need to expend any energy suck it out or pull it up to make it come to you. It will come to you by itself when it is ready. When the time is right and ripe.


2014-10-11 15:53 | Report Abuse

Ha, sudah cabut la semua, itu budak-budak nakal semua itu. Dia orang sudah kalah argument sama gua la tu. Dia orang gang up sampai lima enam orang, mau hantam gua, pun dia orang lagi kalah sama gua juga.


2014-10-11 15:46 | Report Abuse

86868, what you're doing is engaging in a kind of forced selling at loss. That is not the right way of investing.

One only invests with surplus money, i.e. money that one does not to take out suddenly in an emergency.

If your budget is adequate to pay for a monthly personal loan instalment, then a PL would also be okay to use for investment. That is exactly what I did, to top up on my existing own capital.

As long as you're not forced by any situation to sell out at a loss, becoz the aim of investing is to make more money, not to lose more money.


2014-10-11 15:38 | Report Abuse

Yup. At one glance, one might be forgiven thinking that they're just a bunch of harmless, naive, experience-challenged, constantly-trying-to-sound-clever kids. But the reality is that some new, unfamiliar investors DO fall for some of their fear-mongering, scare-mongering, anxiety-mongering tricks, and jump into a rash, high-impact financial decision.

But the, that is their decision, and they will hv to live with it. And they should not expect any of those kids to come to them offering moral support.

Far from it. Those kids might only turn up for a good laugh. With no serious money of their own to do some serious investing of their own, that is all they care about. Some cheap thrills at someone else's expense.