
DreamConqueror | Joined since 2014-07-19

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2014-09-21 02:21 | Report Abuse

You see what I mean, NoManLand. You've gotten your flags now. There just seems to be no place for some sense of humour in here.


2014-09-21 02:00 | Report Abuse

Posted by Noraini Ismail > Sep 20, 2014 11:11 PM | Report Abuse

As for now I'm not in the country & nothing concrete to contribute to Suma forum.... which now more like pasar ...... Pening! Pening! Pening!............

Ai, apa nak pening pulak, Nooraini. Dah swing atas, swing bawah, ratus ribu dah untung lagi pening juga ka.


2014-09-21 01:51 | Report Abuse

Sounds like another cuckolded husband. Poor dude. LOL


2014-09-21 01:48 | Report Abuse

Well, NoManLand, that's why I always feel that some cool, chillsome videos, like that of ethnic dancing, for example, or plus-sized girls parading on the catwalk, would do the forum the world of good every once in a while. I honestly do.

But the forum mods just don't seem to be capable of being laid back enough to let even such tame things pass. Well, what can one do.


2014-09-21 01:43 | Report Abuse

Should tell that to dudes lie BigFat, SureWinOne, HappyTradingz, and DickyMe, and their other multitudes of alter-ego clones.


2014-09-21 01:38 | Report Abuse

'ratger well knon' = 'rather well known'



2014-09-21 01:36 | Report Abuse

Well, I's just thinkin, the coconut is like ratger well knon in Malay traditional medicine as some kind of toxin neutraliser or diluter. So, if one sees alcohol as a toxin, at least in purely medical or bio-chemical terms, then there could be some kernel of truth in it, excuse the pun.


2014-09-21 01:31 |

Post removed.Why?


2014-09-21 01:27 | Report Abuse

NoManLand. ha ha. You seem to be specialist in these things. You should consider wrting a book. Perhaps to while away your time while waiting for Suma to recover.


2014-09-21 01:25 | Report Abuse

If one has missed out on selling at 61, that does not mean that one should be selling out at 42. That's now how it works. Not for a prudent investor, anyway.


2014-09-21 01:22 | Report Abuse

'ohe' = 'one'



2014-09-21 01:21 | Report Abuse

Coconut juice could also hv some mitigating effects on post-liquor stupour, ohe has heard someone say. Not sure how true that is.


2014-09-21 01:00 | Report Abuse

Posted by nomanland > Sep 21, 2014 12:43 AM | Report Abuse

Q: What are the three biggest tragedies in a man's life?

Posted by nomanland > Sep 21, 2014 12:43 AM | Report Abuse

A: Life sucks, job sucks, and the wife doesn't.

Posted by nomanland > Sep 21, 2014 12:44 AM | Report Abuse

There are three stages of sex in a man's life: Tri Weekly, Try Weekly, and Try Weakly.

Posted by nomanland > Sep 21, 2014 12:46 AM | Report Abuse

A wife is a sex object. Every time you ask for sex, she objects.

Heh heh heh. Sounds like a reasonable description of a well-settled, well-compromised average couple.


2014-09-21 00:55 | Report Abuse

Only your simple answer is very probably wrong, with all due respect, Kukuman.

Well, let's say we have two camps with two opinions now.

On one side is the pessismistic camp, represented by SureWinOne, HappyTradingz, BigFat and the sometimes-pessimistic-sometimes-optimistic, sometimes-pro-sometimes-con Chameleon DickyMe, who believe that Suma is going to go bankrupt pretty soon.

While on other side we have the optimistic camp, comprising LooiKS, SangJero, Strategisst, LuoLi, StoneNut, YKJohn and many other hardcore Suma loyalists-supporters, including yours truly, who believe that Suma has plenty of upside and potential, and that it is eventually going to break into the big league of independent Malaysian O&G players.

Like WomanX has been saying, only time will tell which side is going to win. For the neutrals, just wait and see, and have fun watching the final battle royale when it comes.


2014-09-21 00:42 | Report Abuse

Kukuman = finger nail in Maori language? Could be, becoz Maori language is very likely related to Malay in a wider Austro-Polynesian-Melanesian language group.

Perhaps 'kuku man' is an abbreviation of 'kuku manusia'. Just speculating.


2014-09-20 20:44 | Report Abuse

Yes. Be careful. Of course. Of someone with an irresistible penchant for scaring others by mention of his favourite catch-phrase: the veritable 'cindy cats'.


2014-09-20 20:34 | Report Abuse

Posted by bigFAT > Sep 20, 2014 04:17 PM | Report Abuse

Next level klci? 400 points... dont be surprised this december

Posted by bigFAT > Sep 20, 2014 04:28 PM | Report Abuse

Itu jam klci 400 points.... sumatec 1.5 cents only... better buy petronas gas RM0.60 hehe

Posted by bigFAT > Sep 20, 2014 04:34 PM | Report Abuse

December december december... that time not only sumatec people but almost all investors will be crying loud......i sold already my glotec..... now only cash ... hehehe... if u are still here by december... terjun twin towers lor.... yahooooo

Someone has now verified confirmed his own idiot-level intellect beyond all vestige of reasonable doubt.

And if KLCI does not dive to below 1,800 points by year end, then we might all see something else plummeting around that time. From Level 88 to Ground Zero. A big, miserable, ugly, perpetually whiny blob of FAT.


2014-09-17 21:42 | Report Abuse

It could give you sexy dreams, mind you. So you are advised to take extra precautions before hitting the sack.


2014-09-17 21:39 | Report Abuse

Posted by bigFAT > Sep 17, 2014 09:35 PM | Report Abuse

Sekejap guna nama dreamhunter... sekejap dreamconqueror.... both admit to already sold their mother shares and holding wb shares

same people ... people already knew ... he himself knows that

Dia olang dua olang twin blothers lor. Dia olang dua loang main shaham pun sama pattern lor.


2014-09-17 21:30 | Report Abuse

Posted by optimusprime > Sep 17, 2014 09:21 PM | Report Abuse

let the public be the judge.

Cool. Why not. The Suma public knows my investing record with Suma well enough.

I still hv 1,010 big lots of WB. When it flies back up to RM1, then I'll get my RM1+ mil.

Or if Imanage to make a few cool swings, I could be on 2,000 lots by then. And what hv you got that time?


2014-09-17 21:19 | Report Abuse

Posted by optimusprime > Sep 17, 2014 09:06 PM | Report Abuse

its amazing how a fool can see his 1000 lot wb at 55.5c melt to 29c and still upbeat and thinking of 1.00.

The fool is you, coz you just don't hv the depth of wisdom to understand.

It's about investing like Germany playing football. Sometimes they just blitz you 7-0 and send you out completely breathless at half-time.

While other times you score 3 goals first against them, thinking you've won your game. And then they come back at you in the last 15 minutes and score 5 goals against you.


2014-09-17 21:13 | Report Abuse

Posted by bigFAT > Sep 17, 2014 09:09 PM | Report Abuse

Lu tak peduli... mesti ada orang lain peduli... jangan tipooo lo kawan

It's not about tipu. It's about being bold, and brave, and fearless, and undaunted. And about sticking to one's guns.


2014-09-17 21:10 | Report Abuse

Posted by optimusprime > Sep 17, 2014 09:06 PM | Report Abuse

my prediction for next week.

i donno abt the share price, but i can assured only dreamcon, aka dreamhun is talking here.

everyone else gone. cut lost. no eye see.

its amazing how a fool can see his 1000 lot wb at 55.5c melt to 29c and still upbeat and thinking of 1.00.

as i have predicted to u few weeks ago, your wb will be 20c.

That's why, you see. Someone like you will never, ever understand the wise, judicious mind of a seasoned, long term investor. No matter how hard you try.


2014-09-17 21:07 | Report Abuse

Lu percaya ka, tak pecaya ka, lu ingat ada orang peduli ka.


2014-09-17 21:02 | Report Abuse

Posted by Nancy Tang > Sep 17, 2014 08:52 PM | Report Abuse

Yeah ... winnone ... you have said enough about Suma going down . Now let's say Suma go back to 60 sen again ... then what are you going to say or do ?!! Will you be man enough to apologise to all those people that you have been 'attacking' all these weeks ?!!

Why I should I care for his apology. If he's still nutty and shameless enough to still hang around when Suma hits RM1, whether he laughs or cries, whether he giggles or frowns, I'll just give him a tonne of big, stinkin farts for him to choke himself on.


2014-09-17 20:57 | Report Abuse

Posted by optimusprime > Sep 17, 2014 08:22 PM | Report Abuse

ok, everyday drop 1 cent. so in 2 months it drop to zero?

Ummmmm, ohhhhh, errrrrr, maybe. And then one could get it for free.

And then every day rise 2 sen. So, in another 10 months after that, RM6.

Oh yeah. So, you just wait for it to hit zero, all right.


2014-09-17 20:52 | Report Abuse

Posted by iPlay > Sep 17, 2014 08:32 PM | Report Abuse



Since you are expert. Just a simple question. What if. In Sumatec go back to 60sen in a month or two time. Then what you want to say then?

What expert. He expert? Naaaahhh, more like a chronic sufferer of what is called in US as Attention Seeking Syndrome (ASS), or in UK as Attention Requiring & Seeking Syndrome (ARSE).


2014-09-17 20:45 | Report Abuse

Posted by connie > Sep 17, 2014 08:20 PM | Report Abuse

DC .. u are like mirror-image of dreamhunter :) :) and u also call me conn !!!!

Well, what can one say. That's just what often happens to a protege. He tends to mirror his mentor's character and personality.


2014-09-17 20:40 | Report Abuse

Posted by surewinone > Sep 17, 2014 08:20 PM | Report Abuse

Dreamer - tired talking to retard - this week will tell you where it is heading. Don't forget you tissue papers. Better buy tonight - it might get sold out tomorrow - sob! Sob!

Nano! Nano!

See, everyone. He can't cope with me now. He's resorting to name calling and personal insults now. The Mods should consider a suspension for him.

He gets scared so easily now. Gets on his bike after just 3 posts from me. Sweet dreams, Mr. HopeWinButSureLose.


2014-09-17 20:28 | Report Abuse

Posted by surewinone > Sep 17, 2014 08:07 PM | Report Abuse

Today already drop 1 cent - watch in horror more to come!!!

What horror? You just don't understand a long term investor's mentality. He is not fazed AT ALL by short term price movements. Whether up or down.

I hv watched my WB move from 21 to 56, and today back down to 29.5

So? I should just wilt and wither away? Fat chance.

When the market is not good, it's all just numbers on a screen. But when the market is GOOOOODDDD, one just waits for one's TP to arrive. And then, pronto, one juat walks away with cool WEALTTTHHHHHHH.

As for you, what do you know. Coz you got nothin. Other than constant, unending, try-to-sound-clever crap talk.


2014-09-17 20:18 | Report Abuse

What bullocks dreamer!!! Market cap is price of share x no of shares issued. What has this got to do with the gearing of the company, the capability and capacity? Which world u come from again? Pluto?

And which universe was you accidentally farted out from? What gearing? Suma has zero gearing right now. It's previous debts hv all been paid up.

That's the problem with you. Always trying to sound smart and cool, pretending like you know everything, but not really knowing much in detail about anything of significance.


2014-09-17 20:14 | Report Abuse

Posted by surewinone > Sep 17, 2014 08:07 PM | Report Abuse

Dreamer - ask any oil and gas expert what it takes to get from 2,400 barrels to 30,000 barrels - don't just throw numbers in the air!!!

Did you bother to read that SunBiz article that I posted its link on that yesterday? Nope, you were already too knackered. Mentally exhausted. Had to go to sleep early. Info overload.

Now I have to spoon-feed you again, little child.


Before you go to sleep again.


2014-09-17 20:08 | Report Abuse

FYI, Suma's current market capitalisation, at Mother price 44 sen, is bigger than that of either Deleum, THHeavy, Cliq, Hibiscus, Scomi Energy, or even SKPetro. So, financially, Suma can handle 30,000 bpd production, no sweat.


2014-09-17 20:03 | Report Abuse

Posted by thunderbird > Sep 17, 2014 03:33 PM | Report Abuse

2018 profit 1 billion? haha, are you kidding?

You hv not even seen the calculations, and you simply and flippantly say someone is kidding. Yes, it's very easy to act and sound smart and cool, but not so easy to BE really smart and cool, and THINK really smart and cool.

Basis of projection:
30,000 barrels per day (5,000 bpd from Raku Shechnoye, 25,000 bpd from the two fields now owned by Borneo Energy), guesstimate oil price US$120 per barrel, guesstimate profit US$30 per barrel. Therefore, daily profit US$900,000 per day, or US$328.5 mil (RM1 bil) per year.

Now, can you cope with maths? Okay, just give it a try, at least.


2014-09-17 19:51 | Report Abuse

Oh, Conn. You are warned. That stuff might send you into waves of pleasure, especially if washed down with thick, sweet black kampung coffee, the one with coarse, crunchy, incompletely grounded bits.


2014-09-17 19:47 | Report Abuse

Posted by connie > Sep 17, 2014 08:30 AM | Report Abuse

hello dreamconqueror (DC) ... are u the protege of dreamhunter ?? :) have not tasted sira ubi kayu ... the description sounds yummy and gastronomic bliss ??? wow that's like top-of-the-chart kinda snack that one shud not miss:

Protege cum deputy, Conn. But he'd better watch out, coz if he slips up or slacks up, I might steal his job some time.

Yup, have fun experimenting it some time. Just make some sugar syrup, and slowly braise your cuts of ubi kayu in it on slow boil. It should be edible, even if you fail badly, in which caseyou could get some tuition from your nearest mak cik the next time.


2014-09-17 19:40 | Report Abuse

TraderR88 Hey godbless. I followed u here. Haha.

By the way, anyone knows bout Robert Tan's companies? Why is brokers cutting margin to 50%?
17/09/2014 19:03

Excessive speculation. Ditto some other penny stocks.


2014-09-16 21:39 |

Post removed.Why?


2014-09-16 20:45 |

Post removed.Why?


2014-09-16 20:43 |

Post removed.Why?


2014-09-16 20:25 | Report Abuse

For a long term investor, what happens tomorrow is not important. What happens in six months is more important.


2014-09-16 20:14 | Report Abuse

Posted by kvsy > Sep 16, 2014 08:09 PM | Report Abuse

Haha.... I rest my case.... DH/DC good luck with Sumatec... anyway you remind me of my company's ex CEO :-)

Thamby dei, you rest your case, or you don't, who cares.


2014-09-16 20:13 | Report Abuse

Posted by kvsy > Sep 16, 2014 08:09 PM | Report Abuse

Haha.... I rest my case.... DH/DC good luck with Sumatec... anyway you remind me of my company's ex CEO :-)

Thamby dei, you rest or case, or you don't, who cares.


2014-09-16 19:58 | Report Abuse

Posted by kvsy > Sep 16, 2014 07:49 PM | Report Abuse

Sorry DC.... disagree with you.... I speak Tamil so I know better.... If some guy suddenly calls me 'dei' .... I consider it rude.....

So do I. I speak some Tamil too. I hv alreday said it earlier. Whether 'dei' or 'hey', one uses it only with someone that one is familiar and comfortable with. And you don't need to agree with me on that.


2014-09-16 19:55 | Report Abuse

For me, coming into Suma forum is about chilling out, as well staying in touch with latest developments, and also gauging the current pulse and mood of the investing community, which to me I believe is something very important.

One's investment is to me a bit like a precious flower or vegetable plant. One does not just leave it to its own devices. But one waters it every day, defends it constantly from all the pests and the vermin, and sprinkles some suitable fertiliser around it every now and again.


2014-09-16 19:48 | Report Abuse

Posted by yong888 > Sep 16, 2014 07:39 PM | Report Abuse

Remember, if it looks like a bubble, walks like a bubble, and quacks like a bubble

That bad?


2014-09-16 19:46 | Report Abuse

Depends on how much passion one has for it, AMBZ, and how much time one is willing to spare for it.

For me, Suma especially has shown that I can obtain lucrative returns in a short time from stock investing. So I hv no problem dreaming hard and investing much time and effort into it. Without neglecting my full time day job, of course, coz as of now I still need that for security, as well as life balance.

But if I hv 10M in my account, like our good friend Nooraini already does, then at least I hv the option of retiring early if I want. As well as going on vacation anywhere in the world every so often that I feel like it.


2014-09-16 19:36 | Report Abuse

Posted by kvsy > Sep 16, 2014 07:32 PM | Report Abuse

DC.... If you say 'dei' to a fren, it is okay ..... but if you are saying to a stranger - it can mean rude, want to fight etc.... depending on the expression

Not much different from saying 'hey'. One also doesn't say 'hey' loudly and aggressively to someone one doesn't know very well then, does one? Regardless of whether or not you agree with Slick.


2014-09-16 19:33 | Report Abuse

Hold 2 or 4, or 6, half years if necessary.
