
DreamConqueror | Joined since 2014-07-19

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2014-09-08 16:33 | Report Abuse

Posted by mastermarcus > Sep 8, 2014 04:28 PM | Report Abuse

keep dumping at price of 45cent

Some people do seem to hv a funny kind of wisdom. They like to sell when cheap, and they love to buy when high.


2014-09-08 16:30 | Report Abuse

Eric only says 'patient', 'patient'. But he's always the one who has the biggest impatience.


2014-09-08 16:26 | Report Abuse

Posted by speakup > Sep 8, 2014 04:03 PM | Report Abuse

after the RI, what price will WC be listed?

Who knows. But our experience with WA & WB has shown that all of them will eventually play catch up with Mother.


2014-09-08 16:23 | Report Abuse

Posted by slm7212 > Sep 8, 2014 04:09 PM | Report Abuse


Not only sweet and sour. Also got got pahit, got kelat, got pedas, etc. etc. One must taste them all.


2014-09-08 16:07 | Report Abuse

Once Thor hurls his thunderbolt, he does not waste time reflecting on whether he hit or missed, or why he hit or missed. He just moves on. Or he would not hv been Thor.


2014-09-08 16:05 | Report Abuse

Life does not work on regret. It only moves on decisive action. Once action has been decided, after much deliberation, judgement and consideration, just move on. No point looking back.


2014-09-08 16:01 | Report Abuse

Wei, ini Ayam Tua lu jangan main wor. Itu ular lidi pun dia makan wor.


2014-09-08 15:59 | Report Abuse

It will play catch up again, next time.


2014-09-08 15:53 | Report Abuse

Posted by speakup > Sep 8, 2014 03:49 PM | Report Abuse

slm7212, i got over 2000 lots, half a sen is nothing. maybe kenny88 got 10,000 lots, half a sen is a lot.

But still 0.5 sen out of 50 sen remains 1% in percentage terms. And if one is continually hung up or obsessed about that 1% difference, then one might sometimes lose out a much higher percentage of profit, like 10% or 20%.


2014-09-08 15:48 | Report Abuse

If I had listened to all those 'Be cautious, this stock is PN17, therefore extremely dangerous' advice given free by multitudes of self-styled stock pundits in the entire Bursa, I would not hv dared to take up Suma's previous RI in October 2013 AT ALL.

My capital would still hv remained stagnant at 200k.

But fortunately I threw such 'well meaning' advice to the 4 winds, and now my holdings are worth 350k when WB is 35. I even experienced 550k for a week or so when WB was playing around 55.5 se. And it will return to that level again one of these days.


2014-09-08 15:37 | Report Abuse

Novices and newbies should not attempt short term trading. It's no child's play, for sure.


2014-09-08 15:34 | Report Abuse

Haiyyaaa, apa ni. Klu ini macam, manyiak susah mau gelak mati lor.


2014-09-08 15:30 | Report Abuse

Shor term trading, klu ilmu cukup tinggi cukup power macam Nooraini, memang la boleh achieve 8 digits (10 M) cepat nar.

Tapi klu ilmu setakat half-past six punya grade aja, buat lebih letih aja, profit tak sampai ke mana pun. Gua punya profit main simple free-style long term pun tak tentu boleh lawan.


2014-09-08 15:13 | Report Abuse

Mau beli murah, cakap aja la mau beli murah. Pandai-pandai aja predict, 35 la, 25 la, macam la dia tu tuk nujum paling hebat dalam dunia.


2014-09-08 15:11 | Report Abuse

Betul ah? 35 only ah? Not 15 ah? Waaaahhh, manyiak dahsyat lor, ini maciam.


2014-09-08 07:37 | Report Abuse

Well, if ya wanna know, it was precisely becoz we were all talking frenziedly about a Limit Up that Monday holiday, that we actually averted a Limit Down on the Tuesday.


2014-09-08 07:31 |

Post removed.Why?


2014-09-08 07:08 |

Post removed.Why?


2014-09-08 07:07 | Report Abuse

Now, in case anyone is pining for some good, inspiring desert-influenced ethnic dancing, I'll just give ya five names this time.

Christina Grebenshchikova, Katerina Shereen, Cassandra Fox, Darya, and ... last but not least ... Anusch Alawerdian.

When one's gotta do something, one's just gotta do it. Well, ya know wot ta do.


2014-09-08 06:58 | Report Abuse

Was just giving honest, good-faith advice. If you don't need it, oh well, what can one say.


2014-09-08 04:10 | Report Abuse

No fear. There is gonna be several more rounds of spikes in Suma's price. At least. One could bet one's last ringgit on it.


2014-09-08 04:05 | Report Abuse

I do not and will not sell anything at a lousy price. If I hv to wait till months after next RI to get back to 55.5, and then 75, and then RM1.20, then I will.


2014-09-08 04:01 | Report Abuse

The big deal ... is ... the ... real ... VALUE.


2014-09-08 04:00 | Report Abuse

Just numbers on a screen. No big deal.


2014-09-08 03:50 | Report Abuse

Tell you what, young man. If you want to make Glotec's price rice, you don't need to waste your precious time hitting on other rival stocks.

Just focus on promoting Glotec itself. Spread as much positive info about it as you can gather. Talk it up all the time. And get your friends to to do the same. That is all you need to do.

Just my humble tuppence.


2014-09-08 03:45 | Report Abuse

Posted by musang_foxking > Sep 8, 2014 03:42 AM | Report Abuse

Ok bro... if u dont like... let us stop this discussion... sorry for my questions

Yes, good idea. I hate seeing someone torturing and giving pain to himself.


2014-09-08 03:42 | Report Abuse

Posted by musang_foxking > Sep 8, 2014 03:29 AM | Report Abuse

Think it over dude... it is good to have a dream... ok we will see what performance it will be for the next 2 quarters... then everything will be clearer...ok?

Yes, okay, you do that.

And by the time 'everything' becomes 'clear' enough for you, the stock would hv hit RM1.20, or better.

Well, maybe you're one of those dudes who like to go for expensive branded goods. So that would be all right for you, I guess.


2014-09-08 03:35 | Report Abuse

Who cares how? Whether HS sends a despatch dude to bring me a cheque for 350k, or his stock rises in value for me by 350k, what's the big bloomin difference.

I don't need to waste much my time to think the things that you seem to like to be cracking your head over.

I prefer to save my cerebral gray matter for much more important things, like building up my assets in the most efficient way.

If that means thinking in detail about wells, reserves, production figures and what not, then so be it. I can do that too, anytime, no sweat.

But most of the time that's not even necessary. If you have spent sufficient years dabbling in stock investing, that is.


2014-09-08 03:18 | Report Abuse

Just read my latest posting in Suma room, dude. I'm not going to spend so much of my time, precious or otherwise, to satisfy your doubts, scepticisms or jealousies.


2014-09-08 03:11 | Report Abuse

Untung pun lagi ada cukup banyak. Unlike the big losses that that MusangFoxKing dude likes to keep imagining and wishing for me.

Before playing Suma had only 200k. After first RI became 270k, including the first free WB Warrants. Then after converting everything to WB, became 550k when WB hit 55.5 sen.

Now still holding 345k at 34.5 sen. So what. Big deal. Just numbers on a screen, for now. When my TP comes around, which I don't know when, I'll just sell everything happily. Maybe 2018? Then maybe look for another diamond in the rough. Or perhaps start dabbling seriously in some serious property.

Sorry to disappoint you, MusangFoxKing. But I'm still the happy, cheerful old me.


2014-09-08 03:02 | Report Abuse

Gua tadi siang sudah tido banyak. Sekarang tak payah tido lagi lor. Sampai pagi lor.


2014-09-08 02:57 | Report Abuse

So, guys, we've got through our first pos-PN17-exit week relatively quite unscathed, haven't we? Even if we suffered a minor setback on the week's first trading day.

Well, well done to all. Tomorrow we go into our second week, with our first week's fighting record under our belt.

Yessssssss. Bring em on.


2014-09-08 02:36 | Report Abuse

Come on, guys. Stop the fighting. Your enemies are not each other, but those outsider gorilla dudes trying to bring Suma down. So, buckle up and team up, and give em everything you've got.


2014-09-08 02:32 | Report Abuse

Posted by musang_foxking > Sep 8, 2014 12:33 AM | Report Abuse

Believe me this is an excellent company... no way going to be pn17 or asking money repeatedly from shareholders to mske directors richer without using their own money.. iike sumatec... all their money are printed just by thin air... and glotec is different... goh is more honorable than hs

You're always putting down Sumatec. One just wonders why. Maybe you have a personal vendetta against it. An ancient axe to grind, perhaps.

What thin air? Oh yes, they asked for some from me. And I gave them all that I had at that time. But they hv paid me back. All of it. With some lucrative profit too.


2014-09-07 03:00 |

Post removed.Why?


2014-09-07 02:45 | Report Abuse

Posted by almufathal > Sep 7, 2014 02:26 AM | Report Abuse

keriau....sure org penang nj

'Keriau' is just the simplified spelling, Almu. But the correct phonetically accurate spelling would be closer to 'kghiau'. I'm not a Kedahan/Penangite, but I'm kind of like the easily adaptable type accent wise. Like, I can pronounce 'biaaq' (biar), 'besaaq' (besar), or 'ayaaq' (air) quite close to the way those dudes do it.


2014-09-07 02:40 | Report Abuse

I hv to admit, I'm a bit of a sleep merchant, Slick. So, if I'm forced to stay awake for for much longer than a day, well, I don't know.

I can even doze off while standing when I'm really knackered, like after a really heavy gym workout. So, from that POV of being able to fall asleep easily, I guess it's a kind of blessing health wise.


2014-09-07 02:11 | Report Abuse

Well, the longest that I have ever gone without sleep in my life was like 30 hours. From 11 a.m. on one day to 5 p.m. the next day. That was when the final deadline came for me to hand in the final report for my final year Industrial Project.

Phewwww. Yep, it was crazy. But it was also necessary. And Vital. So one just did what one had to do.


2014-09-07 02:04 | Report Abuse

If someone says that I can get 10 mil with the condition that I cannot go to sleep for 2 weeks, then I will not go to sleep for 2 weeks.

Then, after I hv got my 10 mil, I'll sleep non-stop for a week. What's so tough about that.

That was exactly what someone I knew did when he had to work hard to finish an urgent big project for his firm. I told him that he was tough. But he said, 'Nope. I'm not tough. I'm crazy'. Well then, there ya go.


2014-09-07 01:59 | Report Abuse

Becoz money never sleeps.


2014-09-07 01:35 | Report Abuse

Still holding. I'm not selling something for 34.5 that has hit 55.5 previously. I'll wait out for something better. No matter how long it takes.


2014-09-07 01:01 | Report Abuse

Posted by musang_foxking > Sep 6, 2014 07:39 PM | Report Abuse

I m betting on it... whatever congrat dreamhunter on your investment in suma

I'll convey your congratulations to him some time. Assuming that they are sincere. He was on good course to becoming Mr. M around end of year, until some stupid investment bank somewhere suddenly pulled the rug from under some margin facility, which sent the prices of some penny stocks including Suma into an awkward downward tailspin.


2014-09-07 00:55 | Report Abuse

Eh, syioknya gua layan desert-inspired ethnic dancing, sorang-sorang aja. Tapi tak boleh la nak kongsi sama kawan kat sini. Nanti ada pulak kutu sensitif yg report abuse, kena la flag merah pulak, kan?

Kan? Kan? Kan?


2014-09-07 00:35 | Report Abuse

Posted by musang_foxking > Sep 6, 2014 08:11 PM | Report Abuse

May be ... hahehihohu... who cares...

You ARE ANBZ. And CanLaughDie. And multitudes of other clones that you've set up. You've more or less confessed now, dude. Ya can't take it back now. Can't retract your confession now.


2014-09-07 00:31 | Report Abuse

Just popped in after 2 solid hours of heavy gym work and post-workout supper. Now, where's that LooiKS dude. I just whupped him again big time at the leg extension machine. Maxed at 240 kg total, 120 kg on each leg.

Sorry, KS. Couldn't give ya much quarter.

Now it just feels so goooooooddddd. Would feel even better when Suma returns to 62, and WB returns to 56.


2014-09-07 00:23 | Report Abuse

Posted by saadhalim > Sep 6, 2014 08:22 PM | Report Abuse

DC aka DH, you need to get a life mate.

On yeah? Well, I've been away since Sunday morning. I'm not worried at all, while you are. Now it's obvious, which one between us has the greater need to 'have a life'.


2014-09-06 20:08 | Report Abuse

Suma is just playing Rest and Relax for a bit. Just like dudes resting and relaxing at those R&R points on the Plus North-South Expressway.

Then, when it's ready, Suma will fly on the Bursa Highway again. Just like those dudes and their Ferraris, Mercs, BMWs, Lamborginis, Volvos, VWs, Renaults, Toyots, Hyundais, Kias, GMs, Fords, whatever, on the Plus Highway.


2014-09-06 20:00 | Report Abuse

Posted by musang_foxking > Sep 6, 2014 07:33 PM | Report Abuse

How come anbz is ambz when ambz defended sumatec from anbz attack before? Where do u see your confirmation that anbz, ambz and canlaughdie3 are same people? Where does anbz or ambz use the word nko or engkau??? U are rubbish dream conqueror... is that the way u confirm your accusation? But I knew u are dreamhunter... because u are replacing dreamhunter's place in sumatec's forum for so long while he is absent.

So now we know. That you're yet one more clone of ANBZ. Hix hix hix. Haka haka haka. :-I


2014-09-06 19:52 | Report Abuse

Huh, wots happened to WomanX's posts? Like, kejap ada, kejap tak da.


2014-09-06 19:51 | Report Abuse

No love making? Ooooohhh, nooooooo. Dear, oh dear. That would be torture for some. Tough, painful, bloomin torture.