
DreamConqueror | Joined since 2014-07-19

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2014-09-06 19:48 | Report Abuse

Posted by woman_x > Sep 6, 2014 07:39 PM | Report Abuse

Those who have been here a long time you have no idea how lucky you have been, the man was practically holding your puny little hands across the black seas! And if you have read his parting words last evening, you would be very happy if you are holding it that is.

Whose parting words are these that you're talking about, one is now beginning to wonder.


2014-09-06 19:43 | Report Abuse

Just one of the things, WomanX. Dreaming of some cosy creature comforts as a form of life motivation is not a crime, right?

While I also hv several other things, at least, that I would like to have in life. Some of which can be bought with money, some others money might help to get but might not be able to guarantee, and yet some others for which the availability of money might not be of much relevance.


2014-09-06 19:00 | Report Abuse

Some 'Tungguuuuu' motivation for die hard Suma loyalists and suppoters.

This is just one example of one of da good things in life that one could get by going all da way with Suma.



2014-09-06 18:50 | Report Abuse

So, now you know, Eric. Better don't eat sambal petai before going to B2B next time. The pedas will play havoc with your tummy, while the petai, somehow, actually lowers your stiffness power. Instead of enhancing it, like kambing panggang does.

So, get your goat next time. Hix hix hix :-I


2014-09-06 18:18 | Report Abuse

Bila orang dah bosan main index-linked stocks, dia drift ke mid caps. Pas tu drift la lagi ke penny stocks.

Sudah tau la, misti in macam punya. Time and time again.


2014-09-06 17:54 | Report Abuse

Eric, join Suma boleh conquer Kazakh punya amoi kat Almaty. Join Glotec boleh main geletek sama Indon punya amoi kat Jakarta. Can enjoy the best of the north and the south.


2014-09-06 17:49 | Report Abuse

Now it's officially confirmed.

CanLaughDie (+ all his 20+ similarly named clones) = ANBZ/AMBZ


2014-09-06 17:14 | Report Abuse

Eh, klu budak nakal cam dia tu, wat apa nak sunat-sunat lagi sama dia. Kasi sembelih potong habis, kasi masuk machine bikin minced meat sudah karat yg orang sudah buang, pas tu campak kat Mr. Lassie yg sudah puasa 3 hari.


2014-09-06 17:09 | Report Abuse

Klu bukak jugak kita kasi jahit simpul kunci sama dia. Ha, baru la dia tau, itu jam. Hix hix hix :-I


2014-09-06 17:02 | Report Abuse

What brand zipper are ya using, CT. Talon or YKK.


2014-09-06 16:59 | Report Abuse

Posted by RedEagle > Sep 6, 2014 04:44 PM | Report Abuse
wa sudah check sama lu canlaughdie3.. wakanabeb lah lu.. gud luck..
Posted by canlaughdie3 > Sep 6, 2014 03:00 PM | Report Abuse

Aik macam mana dari RM1.00 boleh drop to .80? Tadi nko kata dlm posting pagi RM2.50? Tak kan dlm tak sampai berapa jam dah downgrade harga? Csmne ni redeagle?

Me = CanLaughDie (and his 20+ clones)? You gotta be seriously kidding, dude. That's if such a thing is seriously possible.

ANBZ/AMBZ would be a much, much likelier candidate. Hint & suspect habit: Use of the word and spelling 'nko', by CanLaughDie, for 'engkau'.


2014-09-06 16:51 | Report Abuse

Pasal 1.40 tu, memang jadi punya. Cuma ada tergendala sikit aja dari segi penjadualannya. That is all.

Sekarang orang kasi chance harga murah. Ha, jangan la tunggu harga tinggi baru nak berair mulut pulak nanti.

Tapi klu orang high class shopper punya golongan, dia lagi suka harga tinggi punya barang kan? So, tak pa la, dia tinggu la harga naik tinggi dulu.

Kan? Kan? Kan?


2014-09-06 16:48 | Report Abuse

Mana ada hantam pulak ni. Ala, tak kan la sensitif nar sampai cam tu skali pulak. Usik sikit pun tak boleh. Stead la sikit, bro.


2014-09-06 16:44 | Report Abuse

So when is this glotec going to glo? Or maybe it's just going to geletek. Hix hix hix. :-I


2014-09-06 16:40 | Report Abuse

Unmistakeable indication of investors' and players' faith and confidence.


2014-09-06 16:39 | Report Abuse

High volume still keeping. Undeniable sign of investors' and players' interest.


2014-09-06 16:30 | Report Abuse

Derrick, you'd better belanja your remisier some nice mee goreng or roti canai somewhere, then get him to explain in detail and properly what happens before, during and after a RI exercise. So that you hv the knowledge and wisdom to make the best judgement for yourself on what to do when it comes time.

A 1-sentence or 2-sentence explanation on screen, I don't think that will suffice for you. We're dealing with some serious money now right? So why not invest some of your time effectively. I t would only take a few minutes.


2014-09-06 16:21 | Report Abuse

46 sudah strong ma. Mari la apa angin, apa ribut pun, sudah proven boleh lawan punya ma.


2014-09-06 16:19 | Report Abuse

From no,es than a master swinger herself = From no less than a master swinger herself.



2014-09-06 16:18 | Report Abuse

Posted by Noraini Ismail > Sep 6, 2014 01:39 PM | Report Abuse

Aiyo Dragonslayer.....shock but good to have you back here...........why you left us here so long....merajok eh..........ya lor last 1 month I swing like monkey .....luckily not stuck at any pokok.........now accumulation mode & start to position again........no more swing on Suma till RI .......my playground back to THH, KNM, DELEUM, PRESBHD.........

I think I'm now interested in some swinging lessons. From no,es than a master swinger herself.


2014-09-06 16:15 | Report Abuse

Posted by leslieroycarter > Sep 6, 2014 01:20 PM | Report Abuse

Chart wise is bullish, is it the actual picture or another false alarm like the previous one? Now , even the sharks were caught in the down trend and find difficulty to escape thru the only single exit point........

As usual. This is one dude that that one can always count on to say something bad about anything and everything.


2014-09-02 01:44 | Report Abuse

Now Ufis, what hv you done now. You've got me into poem writing mood too.

Suma baby show me some good money
Coz I need it for some nice honey
Talk about the birds and the bees
All I want is a lux condo in Kelang Valley


2014-09-02 01:10 | Report Abuse

Just came back from 2 hours at the gym. I likely won't be needing to sleep anymore now. Already slept plenty this afternoon. Hv to leave early for work anyway.m


2014-09-02 01:03 | Report Abuse

Posted by ufis > Sep 2, 2014 12:57 AM | Report Abuse

oooooooohhhhhhh ............
kok n dream bros in suma

i can watch only in pain
already put in at 62, 57, 52, and 47 sen!!!!
if it rebounds i be more sane
if otherwise i average some more at 40 sen????

For a while, I thought you were dismising us all as 'kokk and dream brothers' in Suma. 'Kokk' as in talking kokk, and 'dream' as in hopelessly dreaming. And then only I realised that you were referring to Kok Leong and DreamConqueror. LOL

Nice poetry, BTW.


2014-09-02 00:55 | Report Abuse

Black Wednesday tsunami 20 August tried to fell Suma, but could not. Black Friday typhoon 29 August tried to injure Suma, but could only manage to shake it, nothing more.

So, what's left to threaten Suma? Bring it on.


2014-09-02 00:46 | Report Abuse

Hmmmm. So, when is Glotec going to glo?


2014-09-02 00:43 | Report Abuse

PDZ petrol station selling Suma brand oil? Ummmm. Ohhhhh. Maybe. Why not.


2014-09-02 00:39 | Report Abuse

Really? Maybe PDZ = Petroleum DZ. Heh heh heh.


2014-09-02 00:32 | Report Abuse

If someone tells you, "Don't be greedy", just tell him/her, "It's my money, it's my investment, it's my risk. Let me manage all of that the way I think is most appropriate for me."


2014-09-02 00:29 | Report Abuse

Posted by skyland > Sep 1, 2014 11:34 PM | Report Abuse

Current price has price in the P17 exits...careful...dont greedy

Nothing wrong with wanting maximim ROI for one's investment. 'Greedy' is not the right word. It is GREAT AMBITION.


2014-09-02 00:26 | Report Abuse

Suma friends, just remember this. Tomorrow will be our first battle post-PN17-exit. We are all warriors for Suma. We will fight tooth and nail for Suma. Because Suma is US, and WE are Suma.

If we win tommorrow, all well and good, then we shall enjoy the spoils of battle. But if we lose, we will not wilt and succumb to despair. We will regroup and reorganise, and we will fight again. And again. And again. And again.

Until eventually we win. No foe will be able to stand forever against us. Because we are all strong, brave and proud Suma warriors.


2014-09-01 02:30 | Report Abuse

Ai, gua pun dah ngantuk ni. Okay lah. Besok pulak kita borak lagi.

Mimpi mani-manis, diri di ambang jaya, esok lusa menanti dengan lambaian bahagia.


2014-09-01 02:25 | Report Abuse

Tari gelek tu sebenarnya seni tau. Bukannya lucah tau. Tak tau pulak kenapa ada orang yg sensitif sangat, sampai tengok tari gelek pun tak boleh.


2014-09-01 02:16 | Report Abuse

Ai, bila la nak naik RM1 agaknya, gua punya WB ni. Baru la itu jam terasa lebih layak sikit gua nak pakai title baru gua ni.

Kalu naik RM5 pun apa salahnya, lagi la layak lagi rasanya. LOL


2014-09-01 02:09 | Report Abuse

Nooraini jangan la setakat tengok tari menora aja. Kena la ambik tau juga pasal kisah dan dongeng asal yang melahirkan tari menora tu pulak.

Nooraini pernah dengar tak kisah 'Manohra and Sudhana Kumara'?


2014-09-01 02:01 | Report Abuse

Orang yg datang buat kacau tak kena ban pun. Kita yg cuba nak control para pengacau pulak yg kena suspend tak pasal-pasal. Gua pun hairan benar, di mana logiknya.


2014-09-01 01:54 | Report Abuse

Lu cuba la post pulak, THLim. Tengok dapat flag ka tidak. LOL

Bukak ja you tube selalu-selalu, pas tu dapat la nama penari-penari yg cun-cun sikit tu. Heh heh heh.


2014-09-01 01:37 | Report Abuse

Gua nak layan video tari gelek gua sorang-sorang aja la. Nak post kat forum pun, nanti ada kutu yang buat abuse report la, apa la.

Kita nak kasi mood ceria sikit kat forum pun tak boleh, bukan saja tak dihargai, sebaliknya disalah tafsir pulak.


2014-09-01 01:31 | Report Abuse

Well, if one wants something badly, maybe one would consider paying a higher premium than otherwise. Especially when it involves something that would catapult one to numero uno ranking. in the land.


2014-09-01 01:26 | Report Abuse

Someone regularing in Suma room asked some time back if PDZ had any potential synergy with O&G, so that it could justify speculation about HS' involvement. It was going at 19 sen at the time.

I gave her my best smart sounding answer, saying that maybe HS could use PDZ's existing fleet of ships to ferry some of his oil or gas around. It turned out to not be so accurate an answer, as I found out later from my PETRONAS GM of a brother.

But she took my cue at face value and managed to get some, I don't know how many lots, at 18.5 sen. I think she would be smiling in her sleep every night now.


2014-09-01 01:15 | Report Abuse

Tuan Penasihat 25%? Eh, siapa pulak tu? Gua pun dah OOT pulak sejak akhir-akhir ni.


2014-09-01 01:12 | Report Abuse

Maybe next week got some movement.


2014-09-01 01:11 | Report Abuse

PhD? Tinggi nar punya baca tu. Eh, kau biar betul, 3Abdul.


2014-09-01 01:00 | Report Abuse

Looks like he's going to suffer massive constipation. Or maybe mega diarrhoea.


2014-09-01 00:57 | Report Abuse

Hey, I just saw a Lexus ES pop up on screen as I was typing. Could be a good omen. Heh heh heh.


2014-09-01 00:53 | Report Abuse

Penny stock fans will be leaving their favourite turfs temporarily and flocking to Suma all through next week.


2014-09-01 00:41 | Report Abuse

Ya all should know by now what that mosquito kid is suffering from. Attention Seeking Syndrome.

Ya give him attention, he will crave even more. Ya starve him of attention, he will fade away.


2014-09-01 00:28 | Report Abuse

Posted by Bazlee M.Noor > Sep 1, 2014 12:09 AM | Report Abuse

what should i do if i dont have enough funds to buy RI?

Easiest thing to do: Ask your remisier out for breakfast or lunch at his favourite warung, mamak stall or kopitiam. Then later get him to explain to you the calculations in detail.

It's not rocket science. You don't need a PhD in mathematics or physics to understand it.