
DreamEmperor | Joined since 2015-01-06

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2015-03-15 17:07 |

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2015-03-15 17:04 | Report Abuse

Tu la, YK. Itu hari 20, lu lg mau tunggu 15. Sekarang lu tengok la. apa sudah jadi.


2015-03-15 16:59 | Report Abuse

Friday oredy hit 25 ah, next week also cannot breach 25 ah.


2015-03-15 16:56 | Report Abuse

Now you'consulting LooiKS again. Then if his prediction doesn't materialise, you say he's misled you. That is not fair, dude.


2015-03-15 16:55 | Report Abuse

That means 40,000 big lots only la. Gus sudah kurang surf sana sini la sekarang ni. Busy sikit la.


2015-03-15 16:53 | Report Abuse

Well, lets put it this way. HS must be very confident in Suma. Becos, since he's an accountant, if he is not confident, then why would he be wasting time running it. Might as well buy & run another company.


2015-03-15 16:49 | Report Abuse

HS bought 40 mil units or 40 mil big lots?


2015-03-15 16:45 | Report Abuse

8 mil big lots ah? That is really the absolute stratosphere for kichit-kichit dudes like us.


2015-03-15 16:44 | Report Abuse

The overall market forces will decide, 6868. If the overall market is nett positive on Suma, then price will rise.


2015-03-15 16:41 | Report Abuse

Itu la, kawan. Itu hari sudah 20, lu lagi tunggu 15, kan?


2015-03-15 16:37 | Report Abuse

Klu price naik pun no prob, nanti boleh adjust upward balik la, itu RI price.

Itu hari pun kan sudah adjust downward, after price dropped so much.


2015-03-15 16:30 | Report Abuse

Strategisst pulak entah berapa mil big lots tu.


2015-03-15 16:29 | Report Abuse

1 mil big lots? OMG. Noraini Mak Datin kaya ni.


2015-03-15 16:23 |

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2015-03-15 16:09 | Report Abuse

6868, HS can be fair to you, no prob. But then, you also hv to be fair to him & Suma. You must hv strong, unshakeable, unbreakable faith in HS & Suma.


2015-03-15 16:05 | Report Abuse

Right on, OrgKaya.


2015-03-15 16:02 | Report Abuse

But then, to go against the tide of falling oil price is surely a remarkable achievement for Suma ...


2015-03-15 15:54 | Report Abuse

The RI, after I bought another 450 big lots @17.5 sen, brought my overall average for Suma Mother down to about 24 sen. Then I sold all my other stocks & bought some more Suma post-RI, to make my total about 930 big lots.

Then, around March last year, I sold all Mother & bought WB, cos it looked more dynamic. And the day after I sold Mother & bought WB, which I told others in forum, there was a funny reversal in the trading volumes, with WB volume passing Mother volume. I don't know, maybe many people copied my action, like I was their guidance or something. LOL.

Yup, I played the dangerous game, put all my eggs in one basket. Well, at least I hv experienced holding half-million plus worth of stocks at one time. LOL.


2015-03-15 15:43 | Report Abuse

No I was not misled by anyone. Like I said, nobody can read with absolutely certainty into the future. We all engage in guesswork. Based on info available to us.

At least I had the gung ho to buy 4 times more lots of Suma Mother, at first, than my geologist younger brother who works in PETRONAS. He was the one who first recommended Suma to him. But his first average cost was around 20, while mine was 73 sen for 100 big lots.

Luckily, the RI that became the game-changer for me.


2015-03-15 15:35 |

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2015-03-15 15:29 | Report Abuse

Look, 6868. Do you know anybody on this planet who can make a failsafe, surefire prophecy about what is going to happen to any stock in Bursa at any time in the future? Let alone to Suma.

No. There is nobody like that in this whole wide universe. If you trusted him, that does not make him responsible for your losses.


2015-03-15 15:26 | Report Abuse

6868 also got ask so many people to sell what. What if some people listened to 6868 and sold all their Suma at 20 Now they wud hv missed out on the upward reversal to 25.

They wud be hating 6868 for his stupid, kontuik, idiot dikkhead advice too. Even if 6868 never actually forced them to sell, only advised only what.


2015-03-15 15:20 | Report Abuse

Well, whhat is the difference between between LooiKS & 6868, if we may know?

LooiKS prefers to talk price up, like me, but 6868 always likes to talk price down. What is the essential difference?


2015-03-15 15:05 | Report Abuse

Who says HS got bad rep? As far as I know he has a good reputation as an honest businessmen. Problem is, too many people resort to listening to hearsay info, in the absence of factual information.


2015-03-15 15:03 | Report Abuse

Well, I for one hv roller-coasted from capital of about 200k when I first converted all Mother to WB, reached a high of about 565k when WB hit peak 56, then dropped back to present value.

But one has to decide for oneself, whether to keep for long haul, or to jump in & out. And I'm not good at jumping in & out, I hv to admit.

And when someone's good faith recommendation does not work out in one's favour, one just has to take it in one's stride. Can't blame the recommender, coz he never forced you to buy or sell, it was all your decision, ultimately.


2015-03-15 14:56 | Report Abuse

Well, schoolmates then. If not exactly classmates. I don't know their exact age. But I understand they graduated from the same school.

This was in MCKK, the residential secondary school in Taiping, Perak.

And this type of school wud also hv a strong, active alumni association, in MCKK's case being the Malay College Old Boys Association, i.e. MCOBA, whose headquarters used to be in their own building in the Jalan Syed Putra area in KL.

Don't know if they hv moved from there.


2015-03-15 14:45 |

Post removed.Why?


2015-03-15 14:43 | Report Abuse

HS got good contacts & cable in PETRONAS ma. Former CEO Hassan Merican was his ex-classmate & good friend in MCKK ma.


2015-03-15 14:24 | Report Abuse

If I build a house for someone, using my own construction company, I get paid for the building & related work that I do for the client. Irregardless of whether my client's company is making profit or making losses.


2015-03-15 14:21 | Report Abuse

When you work as contract operator & services provider, you are paid for the work that you do & deliver, irregardless of whether oil price rises or falls.


2015-03-15 14:17 | Report Abuse

Posted by Ring > Mar 15, 2015 12:10 PM | Report Abuse

@DreamEmperor....last Q based on oil pr from Oct-Dec what was d oil price...next Q price from Ja-Mar ask yourself got profit or not...if u think got profit very good but i will keep saying no profit..no heartfeeling.

And how many time do I hv to remind you, that Suma's main activity, and thereby its profit driver - right now - is NOT the selling & buying of oil. Not yet. But rather much more as a contract operator & services provider to associates Markmore Energy & Caspi Oil & Gas.


2015-03-15 11:21 | Report Abuse

Last time Suma started dancing strong, first Suma Warrants whupped SONA Warrants, then Suma Mother whupped Sona Mother.

This time, it might be whuppin TH-Heavy.


2015-03-15 11:18 | Report Abuse

Ring, for God knows how many quarters already you hv been saying that Suma profit wud be zero or negative.

But for the same number of quarters also we hv already seen it's proven to be the opposite to what you said.

I wonder why you keep doing that.


2015-03-15 05:57 | Report Abuse

Posted by SUMATECRM1 > Mar 14, 2015 11:33 PM | Report Abuse

Open 30 cents on monday, close at 40 cents. Tp 1.00 :)

If it really works out like what you say here, or better, won't be such a bad thing for me ...


2015-03-15 03:18 |

Post removed.Why?


2015-03-15 01:14 |

Post removed.Why?


2015-03-15 01:00 |

Post removed.Why?


2015-03-15 00:53 | Report Abuse

Posted by 688888 > Mar 15, 2015 12:48 AM | Report Abuse

Oil drop to usd 45.00 very dangerous

Next quarter not good just pure goreng only must be careful

0.205 halim acquire now 0.25 is time to swap to new owner

Better see first on Monday

Mr. 688888 @ 6868 @ 6969 @ OptiMouth @ OptiMouse @ SourSop @ BitterGourd @ HoneyDew @ WaterMelon @ JackFruit @ Musashi69 @ LaughMeDie @ SureLaughDie @ FartCryDie @ FartLaughCry @FartLaughDie @ DoRaeMon @ SapuMalaysia @ MusangFoxKing @ TruthSeeker et. etc. etc.

Can you explain, in more explicit detail, what your sage advice, 'Be careful' means?

'Be careful' = 'Don't buy any more Suma'?

'Be careful' = 'Sell all Suma already bought'?

Or what ...


2015-03-15 00:45 | Report Abuse

SumatecRM1, in all likelihood, is our resident kontuik chameleon kiddy idiot dikkhead 6868/6969 in his latest kontuik chameleon idiot dikkhead reincarnation.

@ OptiMouth @ OptiMouse @ SourSop @ BitterGourd @ HoneyDew @ WaterMelon @ JackFruit @ Musashi69 @ LaughMeDie @ SureLaughDie @ FartCryDie @ FartLaughCry @FartLaughDie @ DoRaeMon @ SapuMalaysia @ MusangFoxKing @ TruthSeeker et. etc. etc.


2015-03-15 00:31 | Report Abuse

And what is all this shhit about Suma merging with 1mdb? If you ask me, it's nothing but a big bad lump of stupid bollocks.


2015-03-15 00:03 | Report Abuse

Posted by beruang emas > Mar 14, 2015 06:59 PM | Report Abuse

Hope will not have the same fate with asiabio.it does seems good with halim purchase news but economy in kazakh and brent oil price will explain more.

However i will still believe in suma for them to get 1mdb soon

Oh yes. You can always be relied upon to spin & twist things around, no matter what, to make it seem like there is something sinister going on with Suma. To scare dudes away from it, to sell it, and to migrate to your Glotec.


2015-03-15 00:00 | Report Abuse

Not really bad experience, NancyTang. Just not-so-perfect timing. That is a very normal thing.

Nobody gets perfect timing all the blooming time. Or otherwise, there would be countless Warren Buffets around in the investing world.

Now, even WB gets his timing very far from perfect most of the time. But the thing is, once he's made his pick, he just sticks to his guns. No whining, no moaning, no groaning.


2015-02-24 18:16 | Report Abuse

Maybe Ring is having some fun. Running rings around his own mind.


2015-02-18 17:26 | Report Abuse

Would be 50 times better, at least, than betting on a stock. For someone as sure of future price movement as you.


2015-02-18 17:07 |

Post removed.Why?


2015-02-18 15:26 | Report Abuse

Posted by beruang emas > Feb 18, 2015 02:55 PM | Report Abuse

Oil to drop

And how much are you willing to bet on that?

How much money are you willing to put where your mouth is?


2015-02-18 15:25 | Report Abuse

Posted by ken2266 > Feb 18, 2015 02:50 PM | Report Abuse

Suma will post losses.

And how much are you willing to bet?

How much money are you willing to put where your mouth is?


2015-02-18 14:50 | Report Abuse

Another uptrend cycle in the pipeline. The oil pipeline.


2015-02-18 12:31 | Report Abuse

14 coming next week.