
DreamEmperor | Joined since 2015-01-06

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2015-02-04 14:18 |

Post removed.Why?


2015-02-04 12:28 | Report Abuse

Maybe he's good at surfing ...

Body surfing ... LOL


2015-02-04 12:24 | Report Abuse

Posted by strategisst > Feb 4, 2015 10:48 AM | Report Abuse

See....sapa cakap you wait...you late?.... I won lorrr.... Suma still ding dong bell...huhu.... :)

Ai, kelam kabut lintang pukang juga nak masuk balik, gua dengar2 ... LOL


2015-02-04 12:11 | Report Abuse

Woi, budak bodoh kontuik dikkhead, HaaHaa @ Haan @ SourSop @ HoneyDew @ Watermelon @ JackFruit @ BitterGourd @ Pumpkin @ MangoSteen @ Oxygen @ Musashi69 @ 6969 @ 69_69 @ 69__69 @ 6969_ @ OptiMouth @ OptiMouse @ SureLaughDie @ LaughMeDie @ FartMeDie @ SureFartDie @ FartCryDie @ FartMeCry @ LaughMeFart @ LaughMeCry @ SapuMalaysia etc. etc. etc. ..

Now, off on your bike ...


2015-02-04 12:09 | Report Abuse

Bodh kontuik punya budak itu. Bikin kacau juga dia punya kerja.


2015-02-04 12:06 | Report Abuse

Sudah la, HaaHaa @ Haan @ SourSop @ HoneyDew @ Watermelon @ JackFruit @ BitterGourd @ Pumpkin @ MangoSteen @ Oxygen @ Musashi69 @ 6969 @ 69_69 @ 69__69 @ 6969_ @ OptiMouth @ OptiMouse @ SureLaughDie @ LaughMeDie @ FartMeDie @ SureFartDie @ FartCryDie @ FartMeCry @ LaughMeFart @ LaughMeCry @ SapuMalaysia etc. etc. etc. ...

All you could ever offer is hopelessness, pessimism, negativity, juvenile naivety & dikkhead stupidity ...

Po daaaaaahhhh ...


2015-02-04 11:58 | Report Abuse

Gi bank tukar duit RM50 yg koyak ka, Honeydew.


2015-02-04 11:57 | Report Abuse

That was @kakiSaham


2015-02-04 11:56 | Report Abuse

Berkecimpung dalam dunia saham ni kena banyak sabar, bro. Tak leh cepat marah, kena cool as ice, all da time.


2015-02-04 11:38 | Report Abuse

Posted by duitKWSPkita > Feb 4, 2015 08:54 AM | Report Abuse

Good morning abang Dream Konco-konco,

Ada apa high risk best warrant choice daripada keluarga minyak?


If minyak maintains uptrend, Suma WB would be a fairly worthwhile play, DuitKita.

Other than that, PDZ - which I believe now has a strong HS connection - is giving out an interesting RI with free warrants (I hope I'm not yet out of date on that).

Other than that, there's AsiaBio WA, which is still substantially cheaper than the Mother, therefore could be a good time to go in. While I also hear rumour of some HS connection in there somewhere. I just took some last week. Touch wood, hope can get some pocket money from there.

All just my two pence worth. Don't blame if any of it doesn't play out so good.


2015-02-04 11:19 | Report Abuse

Betul budak bodoh kontuik punya.


2015-02-04 11:18 | Report Abuse

Ha, tengok la tu, mula la dia main flag pulak.


2015-02-04 11:16 | Report Abuse

Dats gud 2 hear


2015-02-04 09:49 | Report Abuse

You can post it every minute of the day la, in every forum thread, budak bodoh kontuik, then see if it has any effect ...


2015-02-04 09:46 | Report Abuse

Ha ha. Itu budak kontuik, stupid, juvenile, perasan-pandai-tapi-tak-pandai, kiddy dikkhead satu ekor itu ...

Dia ingat ada orang ambik peduli sangat dia punya bulshhit portfolio yg dia buat letih-letih tu ...

Memang betul bodoh kontuik punya budak ...


2015-02-04 09:37 | Report Abuse

BangOnLuck, apparently it's moving faster than you can speak ...


2015-02-04 09:36 |

Post removed.Why?


2015-02-04 09:29 | Report Abuse

Tu la, lagak dia tu, dia punya perasan pandai, dia punya perasan hebat tu, macam dia tu cucu angkat Warren Buffet ...


2015-02-04 09:27 | Report Abuse

Ha, sudah bukak tinggi lor ...

Ha, tengok la itu, budak kontuik, stupid, juvenile, know-nothing, act-like-know-it-all, trouble stirring, forum heckling, hingus berlendir, kiddy dikkhead ...

6969 @ 69_69 @ 69__69 @ 6969_ @ Musashi69 @ Oxygen @ SourSop @ HoneyDew @ WaterMelon @ Pumpkin @ BitterGourd @ JackFruit @ LaughMeDie @ SureLaughDie @ FartMeCry @ FartMeDie @ SureFartCry @ TruthSeeker @ MusangFoxKing @ DoRaeMon @ OptiMouse @ OptiMouth @ countless other clone ID names of yours ...

Pigi daahhh lu ...

Po daaahhh ...


2015-02-04 09:17 | Report Abuse

Setahun dua ka, atau sebulan dua ...


2015-02-04 09:13 | Report Abuse

Hi Conn, I hv a hunch that ... AsiaBio could give me some stylo ...


2015-02-04 09:03 |

Post removed.Why?


2015-02-04 08:59 |

Post removed.Why?


2015-02-04 08:53 | Report Abuse

Kesian sama lu diri sendiri la, HoneyDew ...

Mana-mana forum room pun lu ada, semua pun kasi advise negative panggil org jangan beli juga ...

Sebab lu sendiri yg tak da wang, tak boleh main, kan ...

Masuk forum bikin kacau-kacau juga ... berapa banayak clone ID name yg lu sudah register ...


2015-02-04 08:48 | Report Abuse

Itu minyak sudah mari lor ...


2015-02-04 08:47 | Report Abuse

Morning morning


2015-02-04 08:42 | Report Abuse

Siapa yg belum beli itu hari ... klu ini hari baru ingat nak beli ... mungkin dah lewat sikit la kut ...


2015-02-04 08:38 | Report Abuse

Posted by honeydew > Feb 4, 2015 08:20 AM | Report Abuse

DreamEmperor, u just out from mental hospice????

Nope. But now I know, it must've been your home all this while.


2015-02-04 08:04 | Report Abuse

BTW, in case of any confusion, the pic in my avatar box is not one of myself.

But it's one of my beautiful beloved queen. Okay, my empress, if you insist.


2015-02-04 08:02 | Report Abuse

Posted by 6969_ > Feb 4, 2015 05:34 AM | Report Abuse

he he he

queen of douchebag of i3 investors forum

You seem to be really in love with the word 'douchebag'.

I wonder why.

Since you're not a girl, then maybe you like to imagine yourself being a girl, and using one.

Kind of like experiencing some form of gender confusion, perhaps ...


2015-02-04 07:55 |

Post removed.Why?


2015-02-04 07:52 |

Post removed.Why?


2015-02-04 07:47 | Report Abuse

Posted by ken2266 > Feb 4, 2015 05:40 AM | Report Abuse

Haha those oil analyst words can't be trusted. Kkk on the first day oil rally . Brent oil at 51. Got one skl in u s said oil will give back the rise in next few trading days. There is no fundamental to support the rally wor... this skl they all got position on crude oil . They short the oil..

Then one wonders what you're still doing in this room ... hangin around like a lost drunkard ... and laughin 'ha ha' non-stop like a crazy idiot gibbon ...


2015-02-04 05:04 | Report Abuse

What's the cool story on this one ...


2015-02-04 04:22 |

Post removed.Why?


2015-02-04 04:10 |

Post removed.Why?


2015-02-04 04:07 | Report Abuse

No, I'm Superman ...


2015-02-04 03:51 | Report Abuse

No, I don't hv insomnia. But this has become my habit for every first working day. Either a Monday or another day after a public holiday.

I sleep plenty the day before, then I don't sleep anymore in the night-time. I go out, walk around town, then leave for office really early.

Saves me the normal post-holiday stress & morning traffic snarl.


2015-02-04 03:41 | Report Abuse

Posted by honeydew > Feb 3, 2015 07:52 AM | Report Abuse

DreamCon, what is ur loss here n suma????

HoneyDew @ SourSop @ Pumpkin @ BitterGourd @ WaterMelon @ LemonGrass @ Oxygen @ LaughMeDie @ SureLaughDie @ FartMeCry @ FartMeDie @ Musashi69 @ 6969 @ 69_69 @ 69__69 @ 6969_ @ TruthSeeker @ MusangFoxKing @ DoRaeMon @ OptiMouse @ OptiMouth @ countless other clone ID names of yours ...

What is the one big profit that you hv ever made in all your short investing life, and in what span of time?


2015-02-04 03:19 | Report Abuse

Posted by Noraini Ismail > Feb 2, 2015 11:12 AM | Report Abuse

YK.....ask "Mr. Know all" 6969.......

Really? Mr. Know All? That stupid, juvenile, kiddy dikkhead? WHAT does HE know?

Now, I hv to borrow that one famous expression from that one infamous former pro tennis player, 'You cannot be serious'.

Mr. Know Nothing would be a more accurate description of him.

Just the same ONE kontuik, stupid, know-nothing, trouble stirring, forum heckling kiddy dikkhead masquerading as so many.


2015-02-04 03:07 | Report Abuse

Opening 25 at 9 am to day? Or maybe 26?

Ummm, ohhh, errr ...

Welll, one wouldn't discount that ...


2015-02-04 03:04 |

Post removed.Why?


2015-02-04 02:55 | Report Abuse

Posted by Noraini Ismail > Feb 2, 2015 11:12 AM | Report Abuse

YK.....ask "Mr. Know all" 6969.......

Really? Mr. Know All? That stupid, juvenile, kiddy dikkhead? WHAT does HE know?

Now, I hv to borrow that one famous expression from that one infamous former pro tennis player, 'You cannot be serious'.

Mr. Know Nothing would be a more accurate description of him.


2015-02-01 00:20 | Report Abuse

Derrick, you might wanna consider putting some of your special CNY bonus money into some AsiaBio WA ... I hear it could be going places ...


2015-02-01 00:18 | Report Abuse

Just back from gym and late supper.

300 kg again at leg extension machine, as usual.

Now, which stupid, juvenile, dikkhead kid can beat that, now then ... not even 20% of that, even on his best day ...


2015-02-01 00:09 | Report Abuse

Derrick, that is like telling Mr. LaughMeDie to not 'laugh me die'.

Siapa lagi itu HoneyDew.

Klu bukan the same one stupid dikkhead kid. That silly, irresponsible, kontuik, wimpy, weedy, diimwiit, naive, juvenile, nutty, kiddy, dikkhead twat, constantly stirring trouble and heckling forum everywhere all over I3.

Itu budak kontuik dikkhead Oxygen @ Musashi69 @ 6969 @ 69_69 @ 69__69 @ SourSop @ OptiMouth @ OptiMouse @ SureLaughDie @ LaughMeDie @ LaughMeCry @ FartMeCry @ FartMeDie @ FartLaughCry @ FartCryDie @ FartSureCry @ FartSureDie @ TruthSeeker @ CrapTree @ DoRaeMon @ MusangFoxKing @ PastiGelakMampus @ GelakAkuMampus @ CrossSymbol etc. etc. etc. ... tu

HoneyDew is his latest really, really, highly inspired clone ID name. The latest one before that one was SourSop.

Next latest one maybe Pumpkin, or BitterGourd, or Tomato, or LemonGrass, or JackFruit.


2015-01-31 23:58 | Report Abuse

Posted by musashi69 > Jan 31, 2015 12:55 AM | Report Abuse

mesti lah ada duit spare bukan macam ko dreamconek

Ini budak kontuik dikkhead satu ekor ni, suka nar sebut 'konek'. Tak tau pulak apa pasal. Mgkn dia suka konek kut ...


2015-01-31 23:53 | Report Abuse

What is the medium term TP.