
DreamGladiator | Joined since 2015-09-16

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2015-09-30 13:01 | Report Abuse

Klu main 1 libu bijit, busat bijit, stengah sen pun sulah lapat 5k ...

1 minggu bikin 1 kali, 1 bulan sulah lapat 20k ... 3 bulan lapat 60k ... Ini maciam mau main lor ...

Tak mau ingat 1 kali main sulah mau untung 20k ini maciam leihhh ...


2015-09-30 12:54 | Report Abuse

Sulah likat 7 mil ...


2015-09-30 09:32 | Report Abuse

Waaahh, sulah 3 mil wor ...


2015-09-30 09:23 | Report Abuse

Waaah, volume nearly 1 mil oledy ...


2015-09-30 09:14 | Report Abuse

Ini hali watch out ... target 12.5


2015-09-30 08:37 | Report Abuse

Posted by derrickinvestor1 > Sep 29, 2015 08:27 PM | Report Abuse

sumatec may go down again tomorrow because tainted by suay already.... sigh....

AhLick1, lu sindili yg sulah bikin suay lor ... From constant, non-stop sighing, whining & moaning ... Itu pasat lu simalam sulah kina lotan sama itu Mods lor ... Malu manyiak busat wor ... ki ki ki

Gua sulah 300 libih post, lu lagi 6 post saja leihhh ... Malu busat leihhh ... ki ki ki


2015-09-30 08:34 | Report Abuse

Our good old flend AyamTua is like the phoenix la. Keeps fighting the fire breathing dragon & keeps getting burnt to destruction, but still keeps rising back from his own ashes ...


2015-09-30 08:32 | Report Abuse

Posted by jonbravo > Sep 30, 2015 08:30 AM | Report Abuse


You are right. And the most junk of them is YOU. Dude.


2015-09-30 08:27 | Report Abuse

Posted by leo218 > Sep 29, 2015 05:45 PM | Report Abuse

Orang jahat mana ata rizeki one. Dun hold suma la.. sell la... we want hing ont huat leh....selagi u pegang selagi ia tak naik...

Ini Ah Leo hati manyiak yahat pinya. Lia sindili butut ciakap. Itu pasat lia manyiak kolang lijiki pinya. Lia mau yuai dulu, balu ini Suma boleh naik leihhh ...


2015-09-29 17:54 | Report Abuse

Lu butut ciakap, Ah Leo ... Itu pasat lu talak lijiki lor ... Pasat lu hati manyiak yahat pinya leihhh ...


2015-09-29 17:36 | Report Abuse

Apa la lu, Ah Lick ... Ata account ID sulah likat 6 libu post pun, lagi sulah kina kantung ...

Malu la ... Where to hide face ah, ini maciam ah ... Aiyyyaaa, malu manyiak busat leihhh ... ki ki ki


2015-09-29 17:26 | Report Abuse

Gua talak bikin kaciau sama lu pinya posting leihh, Ah Lick ... Lu sindili yuga selalu kasi insult sama VVIP leihh ... Mana boleh ini maciam ... Mau lespek sikit leihh ...

Shikalang itu Mods sulah kasi ajat sama lu lor ... Next time misti mau control sikit lor ...


2015-09-29 17:22 | Report Abuse

Lia pinya account ID sulah kina kantung, lagi panggil olang 'loser' ...

Haiyyyaaa, ini butak ah, tak tau apa mau yadi leihh ...


2015-09-29 17:19 | Report Abuse

Haiyyyaaa, apa sulah mau yadi ah, itu Ah Lick ah .. tadi yam sulah likat 6 libu post wor ... Lgi shikalang sulah yadi 1 post wor ...

Haiyyyaaa ... Manyiak kishian sama lia wor ... Hor ...

Blapa manyiak points sulah lugi leihhh ...


2015-09-29 17:15 | Report Abuse

Aik! Ah Lick pinya ID name sulah ata lombot 1 ah ... Lagi balu ata 1 post only ah ...

Apa pasat ini maciam ah ... Wely wely funny lor ...


2015-09-29 15:42 | Report Abuse

Ah Lick only talk but no experience, becos no action ... Just like NATO ... No Action Talk Only ...


2015-09-29 14:47 | Report Abuse

Posted by jonbravo > Sep 29, 2015 02:09 PM | Report Abuse


Posted by jonbravo > Sep 29, 2015 02:09 PM | Report Abuse


You are absolutely, completely, totally correct, Monsieur JonBravo ... Merci bukou, sil vous plaise ...

It IS junk stock. It IS rubbish stock. But ONLY for a junk & rubbish investor. Like YOU.


2015-09-29 12:16 | Report Abuse

Posted by derrickinvestor > Sep 29, 2015 11:04 AM | Report Abuse

Yes...... when My ancestor were wearing armor and has an army, while your ancestor still stay in forest wearing a banana leaf to cover his arse carrying a bamboo stick hunting for wild boar...

Oh really ...

Kid, where did you read that banana leaf manga comic from ... You shud be progressing to more mature novels now ...

BTW, still their later descendants did not need to migrate anywhere else for a better life ...

And kid, do you know where your 11th century Song Dynasty ancestors learned their shipbuilding from? From my ancestors, who had been building ships one thousand years before them ...


2015-09-29 10:41 | Report Abuse

Ah Gon, a smart, wise investor is always thinking with a view to the future ... He is not interested in the past, other than as a source of experience for learning & analysis & strategy formulation ... While the present is only a temporary distraction to him ...


2015-09-29 10:35 | Report Abuse

Posted by andychucky28 > Sep 29, 2015 10:30 AM | Report Abuse

twist and turn again? Your currency is becoming toilet paper already lar. Don't tell me forever your people stays in a sh*thole and stays barbarians forever.
Wrong. In 40 years time, Indonesian economy will be 8 times bigger than Singapore economy. While Thailand, Malaysian, Philippine & Vietnam economies will be 4 times bigger than Singapore economy..

But China economy will take a rest break.


2015-09-29 10:33 | Report Abuse

Ah Lick, you shud study more of your people's real history more ...

Those dudes who were conquered & fukked by Shhit Huang Dikk were not SEA people ... They were all your ancient ancestors, many hundreds of tribes of them, who were all compeletely hybridised & mixed-bred by him, force-merged by him, and forced by him to use his one preferred writing style, and forced by him to change all their nation's names from Khitan, Jurrchen, Manchu, Tungus, Ruan Ruan, Yue Zhi, Xiong Nu etc etc. etc., all to one name, i.e. Chin ...


2015-09-29 09:31 | Report Abuse

Posted by mightymouses > Sep 28, 2015 06:49 PM | Report Abuse

Aiya why like that one


Wrong. In 40 years time, Indonesian economy will be 8 times bigger than Singapore economy. While Thailand, Malaysian, Philippine & Vietnam economies will be 4 times bigger than Singapore economy..

But China economy will take a rest break.


2015-09-29 09:27 | Report Abuse

One of these days, this US with their stinkin fake-phoney money-printing voodoo economics is gonna get fukked again ... Fukked big time, like in 2007 - 2008 ...


2015-09-29 09:14 | Report Abuse

YW anytime, Bro.


2015-09-29 09:11 | Report Abuse

Just my 2 sen worth, HarrySingh. If you hv more capital to spare, RI is definitely something you shud consider. But conduct your own due diligence properly & thoroughly, utilising the exepertise & experience of your own personal remisier.

I can share with you my RI experience from Sumatec RI in October - November 2013. I was initially holding 100 big lots at average price 73 se. That's right, 73 sen.

Close to RI offer acceptance deadline market price came down to stabilise at about 50 sen. RI offer price was 17.5 sen, with 10 existing shares entitling the subscriber to 41 Rights shares.

So, with 100 big lots of existing shares @73 sen, I subscribed for 410 big lots of new Rights shares @17.5 sen. Plus, I also applied for & successfully obtained additional 40 big lots of excess Rights shares. Post RI, my new overall average cost came down to about 24 sen. I also got about 133 big lots of free Sumatec WB warrants.

When Sumatec was re-traded again after temporary 2-week suspension to facilitate RI exercise, initial traded price was about 22.5 sen. While the new WB warrant started at about 14 sen.

Then I sold all my other stocks like MRCB, Sunway, Prestariang, MKLand, DRB-HICOM etc. etc. to plonk everything into Sumatec, becos I really believed in the Sumatec turnaround story. It was a good story, BTW, not a little influenced by the charisma, experience & corporate image of TSHS.

I ended up holding nearly 1,000 big lots of Sumatec Mother. The price picked up soon, and rose gradually. When the Mother price reached about 31 sen, I sold all Mother & bought Sumatec WB at 21 sen, becos it was moving up as fast as the Mother, while its price was cheaper by about 2/3.

Mother & WB reached their peak in mid-August 2014, at 62 sen & 55.5 sen, respectively.

Just one caution. Sumatec RI happened when oil price was about US$100. Today, it is a completely different scenario. So, one has to take that into account also, for sure.

Good luck to you, Harry Singh.


2015-09-29 08:41 | Report Abuse

SureWinz, just one caution. Cutting 'loss' too often wud also mean cutting money. If you 'cut loss' at 10% loss about 15 times in succession, there's all your capital completely gone up in smoke.


2015-09-29 08:37 | Report Abuse

Then you shud consider shifting your arse to somewhere currency is always rising lor ... Greener pastures waiting for you lor ...


2015-09-29 08:34 | Report Abuse

Another northward surge?


2015-09-28 17:25 | Report Abuse

Must pay for sins of pariah artyfarty la ...


2015-09-28 12:28 | Report Abuse

The trick is to keep monitoring & to keep in constant touch without emo or feeling ... Without fear or favour ... Without love or loathing ...

Just like a cyborg ... Believe me, this is the best way ...


2015-09-28 11:57 | Report Abuse

In the long term, one wud like to believe so ... But in the short term, a bit hard to say ...


2015-09-28 11:53 | Report Abuse

Don't get upset, mate ... Happens to even the best of us ...


2015-09-28 11:44 | Report Abuse

Stocks ain't like coconut trees ... They can't be going up every day ...


2015-09-28 11:43 | Report Abuse

Welcome to da real world ... Dude ...

News & Blogs

2015-09-28 10:40 | Report Abuse

Of course ... That is exactly what I hv been doing, my friend ...


2015-09-28 10:28 | Report Abuse

What, AirBatuCampurBusuk so powerful ah ... If like dat, he shud become multi-billionaire by New Year lor ...


2015-09-28 09:35 | Report Abuse

Haliga 12 lg takut mau bili ... Sulah naik 20 atas, itu yam balu mau blani bili ...

Ata manyiak lamai olang manyiak suka main ini maciam pinya ... Tak tau apa pasat yuga ...


2015-09-28 09:32 | Report Abuse

If crazy stock, why you so keypo, Mr. Air Batu Campur Busuk ...


2015-09-28 09:31 | Report Abuse

good volume


2015-09-28 09:29 | Report Abuse

strong volume


2015-09-28 08:55 | Report Abuse

Today up one sen


2015-09-27 16:50 | Report Abuse

You better watch out ah, Miss ItuDia ah ... Who knows, maybe I go & fam you in your dream tonite ... Fam you well & good ... ki ki ki


2015-09-27 16:30 | Report Abuse

I guess these dudes ain't very confident at writing in Malay or English la hor ...


2015-09-27 16:27 | Report Abuse

Waah, wely wely nice, wely wely pletty Chinese writing ...


2015-09-27 15:39 | Report Abuse

Why suddenly writing in Chinese? ... Got secret communication one ah? ...


2015-09-27 15:28 | Report Abuse

Muslim Malaysians are also worried about Han Chinese intimidation, oppression & discrimination on their co-Muslim brethren in Yunnan & Xinjiang-Uighur ... Can we go & interfere there on their behalf? ...


2015-09-27 15:25 | Report Abuse

Posted by 7up8up > Sep 27, 2015 02:28 PM | Report Abuse

Mr. Huang is worried about his own China ppl, that's his responsibilities. Since local chinese and China chinese are of same face, what has he done wrong?

What own China people ... Are you China people or Malaysia people? ...

No, you all are NOT of the 'same' one race ... The so called 'Chinese' race is a myth ...

You are a conglomerate of many hundreds of different tribes & ethnicities force-united by Chin Shi Huang Di, and forced to use a single writing system ... The real, original Chin kingdom was only a tiny one ...