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2021-11-09 20:32 | Report Abuse
$4.00 is never going to be in the picture. Be realistic the high for Fgv is $2.18 in 2017 & 2018. If they are buying at $1.50 then that will be average price they are going to base their calculation (forget about sentimental true value) If it gets close to $2.50 you will be laughing. Anyway it is still at least a 3 months wait!
2021-11-09 14:35 | Report Abuse
The problem here is the 6 + 6 extension that has cause the loss of liquidity. That is why there is a 25% requirement for public holdings.
You are not going to see any movement until closed to GE15 or Jan 2022. Isn't there a provision of billions of $ in the budget to assist the settlers? Suggest they start using it or it won't be there if BN can't beat PAS & PN.
2021-11-08 14:44 | Report Abuse
Looks like Felda is going to either make another takeover offer or reduce their holding before GE15.
2021-11-08 11:49 | Report Abuse
My apologies. Looks like Bursa has granted them another 2nd extension until 2/02/2022.
"The Board of Directors of the Company wishes to announce the following Status Announcement in conjunction with the release of the Company’s quarterly results for the second quarter of the financial year ending 31 December 2021, pursuant to Paragraph 3.3 of PN 19 of the LR of Bursa Securities:
(i) As at the date of this announcement, the Company's public shareholding spread based on the Company’s Record of Depositors as at 25 August 2021 is 13.47%.
(ii) The Company has yet to formulate a rectification plan to address the shortfall in the Public Spread Requirement.
(iii) Bursa Securities, vide its letter dated 4 August 2021, has granted the Company an extension of time of six (6) months until 3 February 2022 to comply with the public shareholding spread requirement. "
ABSOLUTELY RIDICULOUS 6 mths + 6 mths. ( one year of loss liquidity in the FGV shares )
2021-11-08 11:16 | Report Abuse
"The Board of Directors of the Company wishes to announce that Bursa Securities, had vide its letter dated 23 March 2021, granted the Company an extension of time of six months until 3 August 2021 to comply with the Public Spread Requirement.
As at 19 March 2021, the Company's public shareholding spread was 13.99%. The shortfall in the public shareholding spread of the Company arose as a direct consequence of the unconditional mandatory takeover offer by Federal Land Development Authority (“FELDA”) which had closed on 15 March 2021.
The Company will use the extension of time granted by Bursa Securities to formulate a rectification plan to address the shortfall in its public shareholding spread and to allow sufficient time for FELDA to formulate a firm plan on FGV’s listing status.
FGV will make the necessary announcement in relation to the status of compliance of the Company’s public shareholding spread accordingly."
Dated :24/03/2021
Main Market Listing Requirements of Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad:
"This Chapter sets out the continuing listing obligations that must be complied with, amongst others, by a listed issuer, its directors or advisers in addition to other continuing listing obligations which have been set out in other Chapters of these Requirements.
8.02 Compliance with shareholding or unit holding spread requirement
(1) A listed issuer must ensure that at least 25% of its total listed shares (excluding treasury shares) or listed units are in the hands of public shareholders or unit holders. The Exchange may accept a percentage lower than 25% of the total number of listed shares (excluding treasury shares) or listed units if it is satisfied that such lower percentage is sufficient for a liquid market in such shares or units. FAQ 8.1"
2021-11-05 14:09 | Report Abuse
If Felda is buying again today @ 1.50 , then if there is revised offer, it will be at least 1.80 to 2.00
2021-11-05 06:19 | Report Abuse
I believe you have a serious attention disorder. You keep posting on Serba even at 2.26 am. What you can't sleep? Only excuse is if you are o'seas, I doubt.
2021-11-04 13:48 | Report Abuse
Seriously, do you have to keep posting these propoganda every week. Have you got nothing better to do?
2021-11-04 06:19 | Report Abuse
Bursa can't just turn a blind eye to this because it is a GLC. Trading should be suspended until they do something,
2021-11-04 05:56 | Report Abuse
According to records Felda bought
29/10 - 557,100 out of a turnover of 669,600, low 1.47, high 1.50
1/11 - 436,100 out of a turnover of 2,356,400, low 1.49, high 1.55
2/11 - 449,100 out of a turnover of 777,800, low 1.50, high 1.53
From these records we can see who is doing the majority of the buying.
2021-11-03 21:28 | Report Abuse
I am very sure Felda cannot be holding 79.60% of the total shares without making another formal bid, nor are they allowed to keep acquiring more shares on the market. Bursa should put a stop to this.
2021-11-02 15:32 | Report Abuse
Which companies need Khazanah's RM3 bil help?
2021-11-01 09:47 | Report Abuse
Bursa is definately turning a blind eye to what Felda is doing. They should be off-loading or compensate those who took the offer price for the difference.
2021-11-01 09:40 | Report Abuse
The lowest in Oct is on the 4/10 @1.35. They have been buying above the original offer price.
2021-10-29 16:30 | Report Abuse
Finally we begin to see the buyers committing to take out the sellers at 1.50 and in decent volumes in one go.
2021-10-29 15:47 | Report Abuse
Maybe left hand selling to the right hand creating a false interest. Trying to entice the sellers to off load.
2021-10-29 15:34 | Report Abuse
Those 2 buyers who have been playing around with the buying bids must have read my comments. They have finally disappear.
2021-10-29 15:28 | Report Abuse
The same 2 buyers keep adjusting their buy qty upwards, but the serious sellers are not prepared to take them out. What's that tell you.
2021-10-29 15:02 | Report Abuse
Bring it on. Serbadk is going to create some billionaires.
2021-10-29 14:59 | Report Abuse
SCIB & KPOWER both in the green zone!
2021-10-29 12:03 | Report Abuse
Forget about PH. Only person who cares about FGV is BOSS KU (the son of the architect of FGV). It will be another disgrace to his name after the 1MDB saga.
2021-10-29 11:51 | Report Abuse
When do they ever care about what you or we WANT. We have all be con from the IPO onwards.
2021-10-29 11:43 | Report Abuse
Somebody is playing around with the bid quantity every 30 seconds. It goes up or down by up to 50,000 qty, giving an impression there is interest in it.
2021-10-29 11:35 | Report Abuse
Can make any statement now and they will all believe you.
2021-10-28 14:35 | Report Abuse
Current high is now 0.785. Not much room to move, and Joh's stock does not normally take a run, slow moving.
2021-10-28 14:28 | Report Abuse
0.775 is the aug 2020 high. Where do you think it is going loading up at 0.72?
2021-10-27 18:33 | Report Abuse
Buy on the rumour, sell on the news or after budget.
2021-10-27 18:30 | Report Abuse
Will only move after the AGM. Sit back and wait.
2021-10-27 12:29 | Report Abuse
Notice it is always a sell off in the morning and then an afternoon buy in.
2021-10-25 08:16 | Report Abuse
"IF IT RUN UP TOMORROW" I would consider bringing my loss back to a level that I am confortable with. I seriously doubt it will get to 1.68 in the near future, but you might get a chance to buy in again after it retrace to further recover some of your loss.
2021-10-24 22:01 | Report Abuse
Not everyday you get a chance to ride a ROCKET, if it happens.
2021-10-24 21:57 | Report Abuse
Are you going to take the safer play by cashing out your profit at 0.65 first and wait to come back to fight another day?
2021-10-23 18:59 | Report Abuse
Imsider Trading
It's there and individuals including Directors have been charged, but I don't recall any individual bieng convicted and force to paid fine or jail sentence. This is Malaysia, anything is possible if you are willimg to compromise. With the $ figures floating around on these charges, anything is possible. Malaysia Boleh!
2021-10-23 18:37 | Report Abuse
If I am not mistaken, KPMG is not a foreigner. It is a partnership of local principals depending on which country they are operating in. When they get sued all partners a liable for a share of the damage, not like a company.
2021-10-23 07:20 | Report Abuse
It's a Gap Down on yesterday's trading. it needs to get above 0.37 to close off the small gap.
2021-10-23 07:05 | Report Abuse
I sincerely hope for your benefit, your analysis before suspension on Friday is spot on. It's a big gamble commiting to 8 million shares in one day (day trader or not). If you are right this will put a hell ofa lot of $ in your bank! Good luck, admire "walk the talk"
2021-10-22 09:58 | Report Abuse
Wrong news yesterday, a good auditor's report would have a different results. Maybe Karem's strategy is to release news on warrant which will trigger a drop in mother share for him to collect, then release good auditors report. Sell mother when price increase. Come to think of it I don't think he smart enough to come up with that strategy.
2021-10-22 07:22 | Report Abuse
That looks like a Patek watch on his hand. Maybe he can sell that first and then maybe his wife if he is still desperate.
2021-10-22 06:33 | Report Abuse
Correction, dispose of all the son (warrant) not mother!
"Abdul Karim disposes of entire warrant holdings in Serba Dinamik at near record low prices."
2021-10-18 13:02 | Report Abuse
It's Mukhriz not Mokzhani. Get your facts right! Mokzhani sold out a long time ago, at least 2 years earlier before all this action. Anyway does it matter why, it's in the past & gone. Look forward.
2021-10-15 15:29 | Report Abuse
This counter is useless since CBB pull out. He is the main key that manage to keep the interest in it's share price as well as supporting it when required. Honestly, what has Datasonic done since CBB pull out. It has been stagnant if not gone backwards. The good old days of CBB has gone.
2021-10-14 18:12 | Report Abuse
So, is there a reason for that abnormal increase in turnover volume, as well as unusual 0.05c increase in share price? A hugh white candle with a solid body. Can't seem to find any recent news release.
2021-10-14 14:41 | Report Abuse
Well done. Top turnover so far but for a RED result not GREEN!
2021-10-14 13:08 | Report Abuse
I don't see an inverse head and shoulder. I see a gap being created today between 1.66 and 1,61. This will closed off either today or tomorrow.
2021-10-14 13:01 | Report Abuse
FGV price will not move much if Felda is holding more than the legal threshold allowed. Not enough free shares to enable price movement. Need BURSA to act on it. That is why there is a threshold limit. Need to get it back to the legal limit then make another takeover offer.
2021-10-14 12:14 | Report Abuse
I say go play ONG's game. Dump when they dump and buy when the volume increase.
2021-10-14 08:28 | Report Abuse
They find that palm oil is too hard a business, so they are diversifying into rice farming. (fragrant rice!). Easier to divert more funds to the settlers, or more leakage.
2021-10-14 08:05 | Report Abuse
I wouldn't switch to any of those counters in the same sector. Non of them have a capable person like ONG to guide them. Also there is no one with a name like "ONG". By all means make your own judgement.
2021-10-14 07:44 | Report Abuse
There is no way this company is going to be delisted. It is just a matter of compromise and basically arriving at some satisfactory solutions to all parties to come back to a mutual agreement that is acceptable. Anything is possible if they want it.
2021-11-11 05:03 | Report Abuse
Here they go again. Felda now has 79.65%. This leaves only 20.35% available for public holding. It was at 20.4% before the latest update.