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4 days ago | Report Abuse

Heavy indoctrination discourages independent thought, critical questioning, and intellectual exploration. Instead, it often promotes obedience, conformity, and rigid adherence to a prescribed set of beliefs. Without the mental exercise of questioning, analyzing, and integrating diverse information, the PFC can become underutilized, impairing its growth and development. This cognitive stagnation can cause individuals to rely more heavily on primitive, instinctual brain functions, often associated with the limbic system and what is colloquially called the "reptilian brain."


4 days ago | Report Abuse

Indoctrination, particularly when it is rigid and extreme, can significantly affect cognitive development, especially during formative years when the brain is most plastic. The prefrontal cortex (PFC), responsible for higher-order functions like critical thinking, decision-making, problem-solving, and regulating emotions, matures gradually and is susceptible to environmental influence. When indoctrination dominates an individual's environment, it may stifle the development of these essential functions, resulting in underdevelopment of the PFC.


4 days ago | Report Abuse

Oh yes - did you mention his brain is only functioning at reptilian level? Heavy indoctrination stifles the development of the prefrontal cortex, which governs critical thinking and decision-making, leading individuals to rely more on the brain's primitive "reptilian" instincts like fear and aggression. This underdevelopment impairs intellectual growth, encouraging blind obedience and impulsive reactions, ultimately hindering independent thought and adaptability in complex social environments.


4 days ago | Report Abuse

By Right, He Should Be Calling For The head of JAKIM (Department of Islamic Development Malaysia) and the Minister of Religious Affairs to face consequences for their failure to properly oversee and prevent the existence of GISHB's gruesome activities in Malaysia. The responsibility of these positions is not only to uphold Islamic principles and safeguard the moral compass of the country but also to ensure that any activities undermining public safety and societal ethics are promptly addressed.


4 days ago | Report Abuse

By having the Unity Ministry review initiatives, proposals, and legal drafts first, it provides a safeguard against potential conflicts. Policies that are well-intentioned but may inadvertently marginalize or offend a particular community can be adjusted or reconsidered before they are introduced.


4 days ago | Report Abuse

By having the Unity Ministry review initiatives, proposals, and legal drafts first, it provides a safeguard against potential conflicts. Policies that are well-intentioned but may inadvertently marginalize or offend a particular community can be adjusted or reconsidered before they are introduced.


4 days ago | Report Abuse

Or could he or any of his gang is involved?? Who funded him to reach current position? Need investigation

News & Blogs

4 days ago | Report Abuse

Exposing wolves in sheep's clothing: Vested Interests and Capitalism: The rise of halal certification can be argued to have economic motivations. As global trade expanded, particularly in the food and consumer goods sectors, the halal label became a powerful tool for businesses to access Muslim markets. Companies and certification bodies began to capitalize on the religious beliefs of consumers, turning halal into a profitable industry. This institutionalization of halal can be seen as part of unscrupulous capitalism, where businesses seek to maximize profit by creating the need for certification, often charging high fees for certification processes that might not have religious necessity.

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4 days ago | Report Abuse

Test him by asking one question- if he must fire one of the ministers, which will he choose- unity or religious affair?


4 days ago | Report Abuse

The focus has shifted from the spiritual essence of halal to a corporate-driven model of consumption -
Commercialization of Faith: The commercialization of halal certification extends beyond food, affecting industries like pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, and even finance. It has created a monopolistic environment where only certified products are deemed acceptable by many consumers, even when the actual production process might adhere to halal principles without certification. This suggests that halal certification benefits certain capitalist entities, rather than being a religious requirement.


4 days ago | Report Abuse

Exposing wolves in sheep's clothing: Vested Interests and Capitalism: The rise of halal certification can be argued to have economic motivations. As global trade expanded, particularly in the food and consumer goods sectors, the halal label became a powerful tool for businesses to access Muslim markets. Companies and certification bodies began to capitalize on the religious beliefs of consumers, turning halal into a profitable industry. This institutionalization of halal can be seen as part of unscrupulous capitalism, where businesses seek to maximize profit by creating the need for certification, often charging high fees for certification processes that might not have religious necessity.


4 days ago | Report Abuse

These religious texts define what is halal (permissible) and haram (forbidden), but they do not outline a bureaucratic system of certification. The emphasis is on individual responsibility and awareness of what is consumed. There is no mention of a third-party entity being required to validate halal status, indicating that halal certification as a formal institution is purely a man-play-g*d construct.


4 days ago | Report Abuse

Halal certification is not mentioned in Islamic scripture, which emphasizes personal responsibility in dietary laws. Its rise is linked to capitalist interests, turning religious compliance into a profitable industry. This commercialization exploits consumer trust, prioritizing profit over spiritual essence, and creates unnecessary reliance on certification bodies.

News & Blogs

4 days ago | Report Abuse

These religious texts define what is halal (permissible) and haram (forbidden), but they do not outline a bureaucratic system of certification. The emphasis is on individual responsibility and awareness of what is consumed. There is no mention of a third-party entity being required to validate halal status, indicating that halal certification as a formal institution is purely a man-play-g*d construct.

News & Blogs

4 days ago | Report Abuse

Semua tak halal. All the activities and certs. Halal certification is not mentioned in Islamic scripture, which emphasizes personal responsibility in dietary laws. Its rise is linked to capitalist interests, turning religious compliance into a profitable industry. Critics argue that this commercialization exploits consumer trust, prioritizing profit over spiritual essence, and creates unnecessary reliance on certification bodies.


4 days ago | Report Abuse

Sincerity and Purpose:
The sincerity behind following halal is as important as the practice itself. If a person follows halal rules for appearance's sake, without genuine belief in their ethical purpose, the practice loses its significance. Sincerity ensures that halal is not just an outward act but an expression of one's inner commitment to living a moral and upright life.


4 days ago | Report Abuse

Compassion and Ethical Treatment : Halal practices, such as halal slaughter, emphasize humane treatment of animals. However, without compassion, the technical adherence to halal procedures can become robotic, devoid of the ethical considerations that should accompany it. Compassion ensures that the purpose behind halal—such as reducing suffering—remains central to the practice. In the same way, a halal-certified business must show compassion to employees and customers, treating them with respect and dignity.


4 days ago | Report Abuse

Forced leaping before learning to walk? Integrity and Personal Accountability: The integrity of an individual or institution determines how meaningful halal practices truly are. A person who follows halal rules outwardly but lacks personal accountability or integrity undermines the very spirit of halal. Without integrity, halal becomes superficial—a set of rules one can bend or manipulate as long as they maintain a facade of compliance. Halal, when paired with integrity, ensures that a person is not only adhering to the letter of the law but also embodying its spirit, acting ethically even when no one is watching.


4 days ago | Report Abuse

Integrity and Personal Accountability: The integrity of an individual or institution determines how meaningful halal practices truly are. A person who follows halal rules outwardly but lacks personal accountability or integrity undermines the very spirit of halal. Without integrity, halal becomes superficial—a set of rules one can bend or manipulate as long as they maintain a facade of compliance. Halal, when paired with integrity, ensures that a person is not only adhering to the letter of the law but also embodying its spirit, acting ethically even when no one is watching.


4 days ago | Report Abuse

Justice and Fairness in Transactions: Halal in business transactions goes beyond avoiding *riba* (interest) and *gharar* (excessive uncertainty). The core value is fairness. Without a strong emphasis on justice, halal practices could easily be manipulated. For example, a transaction may technically follow halal guidelines but exploit workers or deceive buyers. Justice ensures that halal is not just about what is lawful but about treating others fairly and ensuring the rights of all parties involved.


4 days ago | Report Abuse

Setting Wrong Priority - Getting The Nation Nowhere: Mechanics vs. Morality: Halal, when reduced solely to following rules—such as ensuring food is slaughtered in a certain way or that financial transactions avoid interest—can become an act of compliance devoid of deeper meaning. Without honesty and integrity guiding these practices, people could exploit the technicalities of halal to commit unethical acts while still outwardly adhering to religious laws. For instance, a business may sell halal-certified products but deceive customers about their quality or origins, thereby violating the moral imperative of honesty.


4 days ago | Report Abuse

Halal without values like honesty, integrity, justice, and compassion becomes an empty shell—mere rule-following without substance. It is these values that enrich and give meaning to halal, ensuring it is not just about what is permissible, but about what is ethical, fair, and just. When halal practices are embedded in a value-driven framework, they contribute not only to personal piety but to the overall well-being and harmony of society. Without these values, halal risks becoming a rigid and mechanical process, d

News & Blogs

4 days ago | Report Abuse

Value tak buat. Sabotaj ada - shaking up the nons eateries....hehe


4 days ago | Report Abuse

Lesen to pecah-belah Rakyat or unite everyone. Unlike jakimm certification and its many exclusive, divisive and polarising agenda, JAKSIM will serve Malaysia better towards a united, prosperous and corruption-free nation for the 21st Century to nagivate IR 4.0 & beyond


4 days ago | Report Abuse

IN HYPERMODERN ERA, life and death should not be binary states. The idea that an organism is either fully alive or dead may be too simplistic. Life could be viewed as a continuum, where different degrees or levels of biological activity define the "aliveness" of an organism. If some cells or tissues within the organism continue functioning, it may suggest that the organism still retains some vestiges of life.


4 days ago | Report Abuse

Organism as a sum of parts: From a holistic perspective, the organism can be viewed as a collective of living cells and tissues. If some parts of the collective remain alive, then one could argue the organism as a whole is not completely dead. The continuity of life in some parts of the organism (e.g., skin, organs) may suggest that the organism is not dead in an absolute sense


4 days ago | Report Abuse

SYMBIOSIS: Interdependent life systems: It is possible to argue that death is not an event, but a process, where different parts of the organism fail at different rates. During this process, as long as some biological systems are functioning, even partially, the organism could still retain some degree of life.


4 days ago | Report Abuse

Cellular life as part of organismal life: If cells are considered the fundamental units of life, and many cells in the organism remain alive and capable of functioning, how can the organism be truly "dead"? The argument here is that as long as the foundational units of life (cells) persist, there remains an aspect of the organism that is still living.


4 days ago | Report Abuse

Cellular Memory & Consciousness Hypothesis: This theory proposes that memories, behaviors, or traits are stored in cells throughout the body, not just in the brain. Therefore, when an organ is transplanted, some of this cellular memory might be transferred to the recipient.


4 days ago | Report Abuse

George Walton Case (Kidney Transplant) : George Walton, who received a kidney transplant, reported that after the procedure, his sense of humor shifted, and he became more easygoing and humorous. He attributed these changes to his donor’s personality traits.


4 days ago | Report Abuse

William Sheridan Case (Heart Transplant)
- Story: William Sheridan, a man who received a heart transplant, noticed that after the surgery, his preferences changed dramatically. He developed a love for classical music, which he had previously disliked. He later discovered that his donor had been a fan of classical music.
- Outcome: Sheridan’s case is often cited as evidence of personality changes after an organ transplant


4 days ago | Report Abuse

Sonny Graham Case (Heart Transplant)
- Story: In 1995, Sonny Graham received the heart of Terry Cottle, who had died by suicide. After the transplant, Graham contacted Cottle’s widow to thank her and eventually fell in love with her. They married years later. However, in a tragic turn, Graham also died by suicide in a manner similar to Cottle.
- Outcome: This case added to the fascination with cellular memory and raised questions about emotional and psychological transfers via organs.


4 days ago | Report Abuse

Claire Sylvia Case (Heart and Lung Transplant)
- Story: Claire Sylvia received a heart and lung transplant in 1988 from an 18-year-old male donor who had died in a motorcycle accident. After the transplant, she began craving foods she had never liked before, such as beer, green peppers, and chicken nuggets, which were some of the donor’s favorites. She also noticed changes in her behavior and personality, feeling more masculine and adventurous.
- Outcome: Sylvia documented her experiences in her book 'A Change of Heart' (1997), which popularized the idea of organ transplants transferring traits or memories.


4 days ago | Report Abuse

Concept of Distributed Consciousness and Life: There are several anecdotal reports and case studies where organ recipients have experienced changes in personality, habits, or preferences after receiving an organ transplant. While these cases are intriguing, they remain controversial, and no definitive scientific explanation has been universally accepted. This phenomenon is sometimes referred to as "cellular memory theory," which suggests that memories, preferences, or traits can be stored in the cells of organs, such as the heart, lungs, or liver, and potentially transferred to the recipient.


4 days ago | Report Abuse

Cellular life as part of organismal life: If cells are considered the fundamental units of life, and many cells in the organism remain alive and capable of functioning, how can the organism be truly "dead"? The argument here is that as long as the foundational units of life (cells) persist, there remains an aspect of the organism that is still living.


4 days ago | Report Abuse

Distributed biological functions: If we move away from the anthropocentric and archaiec view of death being defined by the cessation of brain function, we can explore the idea that life may be more distributed. In this view, life isn't centralized in a particular organ (e.g., the brain) but rather distributed across many cells and tissues that contribute to the overall vitality of the organism.


4 days ago | Report Abuse

Organismal consciousness should no longer be the sole determinant of life: While the cessation of consciousness has been the dominant determinant of death in higher organisms (like humans) for ages, we should have learned by now that it is not the sole determinant of life. The life of an organism literally persists as long as its cells or organs continue their functions, even if the brain is no longer active.


4 days ago | Report Abuse

Life is a continuum rather than a binary state. The persistence of life in individual cells or tissues as a significant factor. If life is a collective, interdependent process of cellular and systemic activity, the survival of any part of the organism indicates that the entity is not entirely dead. Death is not as clear-cut as cessation of major systems, and the persistence of biological activity on any level may suggest ongoing life in some form.


4 days ago | Report Abuse

VETO POWER: Sarawak MUST be granted veto power to block any unilateral constitutional amendments by Peninsular Malaysia.


4 days ago | Report Abuse

Stop makan gaji buta. Diversity is both our strength and its vulnerability. Prioritizing interracial relationships by mandating that the Unity Ministry reviews all proposals, initiatives, and legal drafts before public discussion or cabinet deliberation is a proactive approach to ensuring national unity. It will help build a more integrated, peaceful, and prosperous Malaysia, where all races work together towards common goals. Happy Malaysia Day!


4 days ago | Report Abuse

Stop makan gaji buta. Diversity is both our strength and its vulnerability. Prioritizing interracial relationships by mandating that the Unity Ministry reviews all proposals, initiatives, and legal drafts before public discussion or cabinet deliberation is a proactive approach to ensuring national unity. It will help build a more integrated, peaceful, and prosperous Malaysia, where all races work together towards common goals.


4 days ago | Report Abuse

The head of JAKIM (Department of Islamic Development Malaysia) and the Minister of Religious Affairs must face consequences for their failure to properly oversee and prevent the existence of GISHB's gruesome activities in Malaysia. The responsibility of these positions is not only to uphold Islamic principles and safeguard the moral compass of the country but also to ensure that any activities undermining public safety and societal ethics are promptly addressed.


4 days ago | Report Abuse

Incitement to Hatred or Disharmony: If the claim is made publicly or in a way that could stir negative sentiments against non-Malay communities, it could be seen as violating laws related to incitement and public order.


4 days ago | Report Abuse

Advocating for the closure of vernacular schools is contempt of court, in light of the judiciary’s recent verdict affirming the legality of such schools. The courts, after due process, have upheld the constitutional right to vernacular education as part our education system, recognizing it as compliant with the Federal Constitution.

Contempt of court occurs when actions undermine the authority of the judiciary or disobey its rulings. After a court has made a definitive ruling on a matter, calling for the closure of vernacular schools, especially with the intent to disregard or challenge the legal status affirmed by the courts, would be deemed as an affront to the judiciary's authority. Such calls disregard the court’s legal interpretation of vernacular schools' constitutional standing, undermining the finality of its decision.

Moreover, promoting the idea of closing vernacular schools in defiance of the court’s decision would inevitably fuel societal discord, as it disregards the legal recognition of linguistic and cultural diversity in the educational system, further aggravating tensions. This type of advocacy not only disregards the legal framework set by the court but also risks polarizing the nation by ignoring the societal value of educational plurality.

Given that the courts have already decided the matter, continuing to push for vernacular schools' closure suggests disrespect for legal processes and outcomes, thereby opening the door for contempt proceedings to safeguard the integrity of the judiciary and uphold the rule of law. Kedaulatan undang-undang! Hidup Rukun Negara! Happy Malaysia Day!!


4 days ago | Report Abuse

COMPLETE EDUCATION FOR CHILDREN: Incorporating these gambling-related skills into children's education equips them with tools to navigate life's uncertainties with wisdom and confidence, fostering better decision-making and resilience in the face of adversity.


4 days ago | Report Abuse

ON BECOMING AN ALL-ROUNDER PERSON: Resource Management: In gambling, managing resources (money, time, energy) wisely is critical for long-term success. Similarly, in life, individuals need to learn how to manage their resources effectively, whether it's their finances, time, or personal energy. Teaching children to allocate resources wisely and avoid impulsive decisions benefits them in all areas of life.


4 days ago | Report Abuse

BUILDING EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE: Emotional Control and Patience: Gambling teaches patience, discipline, and emotional control. In life, we often face setbacks and disappointments, and maintaining composure is essential. Learning these skills helps children cope with failure and develop perseverance, ensuring that they stay motivated despite challenges.


4 days ago | Report Abuse

LET THEM MASTER THE MATH OF PROBABILITY: Probability and Odds: Understanding probability is a fundamental skill in both gambling and life. Whether it's predicting market trends, assessing the likelihood of success in a job application, or evaluating health risks, being able to calculate and understand the odds is vital for navigating the complexities of life.


4 days ago | Report Abuse

LET THEM HAVE STRENGTH TO FACE HARSH REALITY: Decision-Making Under Uncertainty: Just like in gambling, life often requires us to make decisions without having all the information. Learning to make decisions in the face of uncertainty, managing stress, and knowing when to take calculated risks helps children become more adaptable and resilient. This ability to balance caution with boldness is key to thriving in life.